Any 3.5e DMs out there?


The Exchange

I know there's not a lot of 3.5 on this board, but I figured it's worth a shot. I didn't play much 3.5 with my group, but there were systems I had characters thought up for, mostly incarnum and psionics. I think it would be interesting to play some 3.5, possibly even some of the early Paizo APs as written. Any GMs/Players who are interested, come on down and give some input.

The Exchange

Well, it was worth a shot.

I am in a newer 3.5 Eberron Shackled city by DM Shadowwalker.

Psionics would work fine with Pathfinder via Dreamscarred...they've done a very fine job of converting the whole system.

Your issue with Incarnum won't be with finding a 3.5 DM, is my guess...I've never met a DM who runs it. On boards or tables. It just never caught, unfortunately, but there were several neat ideas there.

The Exchange

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I saw that recruitment back when it was up, but wasn't interested in playing 3.5 at the time, for whatever reason.

Yeah, I use the DSP Psionics with Pathfinder, they're fantastic. I just have a hankering for 3.5 in general.

I certainly found the idea interesting, but you are correct. I've only found 2 DMs who allow it at all.

i also wanted to give incarnum a shot.

alas, i am not a DM

Im willing to Dm for you it would be an Eberron game also would need source reference to check it out. PM me to geta comfirm.

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