What would you do?


What would buy/make if you had a 11th lvl cleric/ 1st lvl pally, and around 150,000 gold plus the craft arms armor, rods, wonderous items feats.

With that build, it looks like you're headed for combat. With that in mind:

Headband of wisdom +6, 18000 -- boost your most important stat
Belt of Str+2 and Con +2, 5000
Armor, +1 with heavy fortification (and then cast magic vestment on it), 18000
Shield, +1 with reflecting (and the cast magic vestment on it), 18000
Rods, two of lesser extend, there are lots of cleric spells that will last all day then, 3000
+1 weapon with whatever other +2 enchantment seems most handy, cast greater magic weapon on it, 9000
Cloak of resistance +5, 12500

An organs prism ioun stone for +1 caster level , 20000

That leaves you about 50,000 gold for whatever else you think you might need.

Does magic vestment stack from armour and shield. I think I rember our dm say once before it did not.

Magic vestment boosts the enchantment on the item it's on. MV on the armor increases the armor's armor bonus; MV on the shield increases the shield's shield bonus. And armor bonuses stack with shield bonuses.

At least that's how I've always understood it.

Magic Vestment gives enhancement bonuses, which is the same bonus as magic armor and shields. Enhancement bonuses do not stack. You take the highest one.

A +1 buckler has a +1 enhancement bonus to the buckler's shield bonus.

A +1 breastplate has a +1 enhancement bonus to the breastplate's armor bonus.

If those bonuses stack (so a +1 armor and shield give you a +2 bonus to AC total), why wouldn't the same thing happen with magic vestment?

Lantern Lodge

tonyz wrote:

A +1 buckler has a +1 enhancement bonus to the buckler's shield bonus.

A +1 breastplate has a +1 enhancement bonus to the breastplate's armor bonus.

If those bonuses stack (so a +1 armor and shield give you a +2 bonus to AC total), why wouldn't the same thing happen with magic vestment?

You already stated it clearly. One is a SHIELD Bonus, the other is a ARMOR bonus. The fact that they both affect AC does not matter.

AC is made up of numbers from different sources, Dex, Natural Armor...etc.
Each of which is a different bonus type.

What spells would you use extend on?

Secane: My last sentence was what is known in the trade as a "rhetorical question". :)

Joegoat: Depends on the situation. Usually things like hour/level spells to make them all-day spells as part of my early morning prep.

If, say, we were attacking an enemy camp and expected to be done within 15 minutes or so (i.e., succeed or get out of there by then), I might extend minute/level spells, more likely I might extend some 10 min/level spells just before a dungeon crawl. Very unlikely to use extend on round/level spells unless we were in a really intense long-drawn-out fight.

And I'd probably use a lesser metamagic rod of extend on magic vestment (twice) in the morning for starters. Even at 8th level, 16 hours takes you through most of the day.

One other trick, once you get to high enough level (say 10+), is to cast the spells with extend the night before, so they're still on the next morning and most of the rest of the day. That lets you fill your slots with other spells. Of course, you can't do it so easily the next day...

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