Amulet of fists


i am creating a amulet of mighty fists for my druid, as +1 weapon (low on gold). i am lvl 5 druid.
i was thinking that the best is the energy boosters and not the +1 magic i get from greater magic fang any how.
which is the best you think ?
acid ? lighting? fire? cold? merciful ?
or... anything elsE?

If your Wisdom score is a lot higher than your Strength, you might consider the guided weapon quality.

no... its the same score.

Just use Greater Magic Fang, level 3 spell. 5 hours (hour/level) that will scale with you. And it's free. +1 attack/damage. Somebody wrote a guide to AoMF as a buffing item which you can find [url=""here.[/url]

Don't know what you're trying to do with your druid, I'm guessing wildshape. I'm a fan of Menacing, personally.

i am trying to boost my melle...
Menacing IS the best - but wince we house ruled that creater need to be the min item's CL - its only at lvl 10 ...

was thinking that extra 1d6 damage to all attacks, can add 10.5 average as tiger / wolverine.
that's not bad at all for 2K.

what element is least resistant ?
acid / cold / fire / lighting ?

666bender wrote:

what element is least resistant ?

acid / cold / fire / lighting ?

Resist acid is usually rarest for monsters.

Grand Lodge

Save for Holy.

That will deal with just about every DR you come across.

no reson to save, i can enchant now (2K) and in the fututre upgrade to 10K-2K to replace the ability ...
right ?

so, as i can see: its:
Menacing at lvl 10, for my companion
me, go acid now and upgrade to holy when / if i'll ever get the gold.

Grand Lodge

Your DM would allow that?

the cpre phb rules allow it...
p.553 :

Adding New Abilities
Sometimes, lack of funds or time make it impossible for a
magic item crafter to create the desired item from scratch.
Fortunately, it is possible to enhance or build upon an existing
magic item. Only time, gold, and the various prerequisites
required of the new ability to be added to the magic item
restrict the type of additional powers one can place.
The cost to add additional abilities to an item is the same as
if the item was not magical, less the value of the original item.
Thus, a +1 longsword can be made into a +2 vorpal longsword,
with the cost to create it being equal to that of a +2 vorpal sword
minus the cost of a +1 longsword.

Grand Lodge

No, the replacing of abilities, not adding additional abilities.

There is no RAW for replacing old enchantments with new ones.

Does your DM have a houserule for this?

but what am i missing ...
build upon an existing magic item... aint that mean cancel the +1d6 fire and replacing it with holy?

Grand Lodge

Okay, I am not sure what you are saying any more.

Holy should be the first enchantment you get.

You don't replace abilities, you add to them. If you have a flaming amulet of mighty fists (+1 equivalent; 2000 gold) and want to give it holy, you either have to make a new holy amulet of mighty fists (+2 equivalent; 8000 gold) OR you add it to the flaming amulet to make a new flaming holy amulet (+3 equivalent; 18000 gold). The cost to upgrade to the flaming holy amulet is 18000 - 2000 = 16000 gold (+3 cost - +1 cost).

Sovereign Court

MurphysParadox wrote:

You don't replace abilities, you add to them. If you have a flaming amulet of mighty fists (+1 equivalent; 2000 gold) and want to give it holy, you either have to make a new holy amulet of mighty fists (+2 equivalent; 8000 gold) OR you add it to the flaming amulet to make a new flaming holy amulet (+3 equivalent; 18000 gold). The cost to upgrade to the flaming holy amulet is 18000 - 2000 = 16000 gold (+3 cost - +1 cost).

This post made me let out a wistful, wistful sigh. +1 AoMFs are not, in fact, 2k; they are 5k. And +3 AoMFs are 45k, not 18k.

Welcome to the world of the Druid. And Monk.

Oh right, that problem, because they aren't weapons, sorry about that.

flaming amulet = 5000g
holy amulet = 20000g
holy flaming amulet = 45000g

Adding holy to a flaming amulet = 45000 - 5000 = 40000 gold.

Divide above values by two if you are crafting them. So if you have a flaming amulet and want to upgrade it by adding holy, you have to pay 20000 gold.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

When I saw the title of this thread, I was thinking it was going to result in a home brew amulet that improved unarmed strikes, but not natural attacks, at a lower cost.

Guess not...

ne... trying to boost my druid with the low magic / low gold world we play in :)

Like others said, use GMF spell for enhancement. Use the amulet for properties, and sparingly. It's hella expensive.

Ravingdork wrote:

When I saw the title of this thread, I was thinking it was going to result in a home brew amulet that improved unarmed strikes, but not natural attacks, at a lower cost.

Guess not...

Me too, actually.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Like others said, use GMF spell for enhancement. Use the amulet for properties, and sparingly. It's hella expensive.

Ravingdork wrote:

When I saw the title of this thread, I was thinking it was going to result in a home brew amulet that improved unarmed strikes, but not natural attacks, at a lower cost.

Guess not...

Me too, actually.

well...sorry :) my english is so-so ...

No, this thread is about the REAL beneficiary for the AoMF - the druid and his menagerie.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Like others said, use GMF spell for enhancement. Use the amulet for properties, and sparingly. It's hella expensive.

i agree... will do.

Scarab Sages

deliquiescent gloves, UE pg 234, 8k gp
Adds corrosive weapon quality irregardless of AoMF. Reshapes with whatever limb you change to. And leaves you immune to hitting creatures with acidic bodies. And keeps oozes from splitting when you do hit them.
That way you can save your gp for the next bonus to AoMF for something other than extra damage dice.

I usually carry a few AoMF's and swap out as needed. This saves money till you can afford to start upgrading

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