Kydeem de'Morcaine |

The big four everyone always mentions are:
grease (personal favorite)
color spray
create pit
Others that some people like are:
obscuring mist
ray of enfeeblement
reduce person
cause fear
touch of gracelessness (this is just fun)
glitter dust
web (personal favorite)
touch of idiocy (I love this for use on spell casters)
hypnotic pattern

Blackfell |
grease on an area is only a 10 foot sqaure. It should be fairly easy to place it somewhere to hamper the enemy and leave your party unharmed. and since it's a small area, it's also easy for your party to move around the edges to get adjacant to enemies and attack, trip or otherwise torment them.
At worse, make sure anyone likely to be caught in the area understands the need to have a few ranks in acrobatics :)

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I am a big fan of Bungle and Stumble Gap. As first level spells go they were really useful at early levels and remained useful well into later levels. But I think that Create Pit and its older cousin Spiked Pit are my favorite spells.
My list looks something like this:
1st Level:
-mage armor
-corrosive touch / shocking grasp (useful if you get the Reach Metamagic feat or delivered with Spectral Hand)
-stumble gap
-burning hands
-vanish / silent image
-ray of enfeeblement
-burning disarm
-feather fall
2nd Level:
-warding weapon
-create pit
-stone call
-frost fall
-mirror image
-minor image
-spectral hand
-false life
-ghoul touch (never actually used it, but i like it)

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for APG, etc: The COMPLETE Professor Q's Guide to Wizards
Basically the same old list plus the newcomers: Vanish, Create Pit and Stonecall.

Breiti |

Glitterdust is good, create pit is good. But everything depends on the party setup.
1. If you have some buddies that sneak attack. Glitter Dust becomes more useful even if you only manage to blind an enemy for 1-2 turns. This will most likly be enough time for your buddy to finish him off.
2. If you have someone with punishing kick/bullrush or similar abilities create pit becomes better. Even if you foe makes his save you buddy can push the enemy into the pit.
3. Ray of Enfeeblement becomes much stronger if you have a buddy that uses trip, grapple or similar abilities.