Mnemonic Vestment

Rules Questions

5,000 GP
AURA strong transmutation CL 17th WEIGHT 1 lb.
The surface of this delicate-looking blue silk robe is adorned with tiny embossed runes across its entire surface. If the wearer is a spontaneous caster, once per day she may use a spell slot to cast a spell from a written source (such as a scroll or spellbook) as if she knew that spell. The spell must be on her spell list, the same spell level or lower than the expended spell slot, and the same type of spell (arcane or divine) as the spell slot expended. The caster must also understand the written source (such as using Decipher Script or read magic) and be carrying it. Activating the robe is not an action, but casting the spell otherwise works as normal, including casting time, providing components or foci, and so on. Using a mnemonic vestment’s properties does not consume the written source.

1 Can you make mnemonic gloves or a ring.

2. If you can make gloves as well as a vestment, can you wear both and use the ability twice per day?

3 Can you just double the price to do it 2x per day or triple for 3x...

Basically I really like this item but want to see how far I can take it....

1.The only way to create a version of an item not in the book is by GM Fiat. The rules don't forbid any magic item though.

2. If the GM were to allow it then it should work that way.

3. That is up to the GM. There is no rule for it.

PS:The pricing of any item not specifically in the book is always up to the GM. The formulas in the book are guidelines for the most part.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1) Talk to your GM.
2) Talk to your GM.
3) Talk to your GM.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

My favorite part is that it requires Mnemonic Enhancer (wizard only), but you have to be a spontaneous caster to make it :)

Do you use your CL or the scrolls CL when casting the spell from the scroll?
Because I can see the argument for both.

You use the scroll's caster level. You are not casting the spell. Tou are only releasing the magic. That is why scrolls are priced depending upon the caster level. The way they work is that the magic is imprinted into the scroll, and you complete the spell releasing the magic.

Zerzura wrote:

My favorite part is that it requires Mnemonic Enhancer (wizard only), but you have to be a spontaneous caster to make it :)

That may be intentional. A sorcerer can craft it, while a wizard buddy contributes the spell to fill the prerequisite.

Sovereign Court

Zerzura wrote:

My favorite part is that it requires Mnemonic Enhancer (wizard only), but you have to be a spontaneous caster to make it :)

"Requires" is a very funny word for crafting. Not having the spell just increases your super easy Spellcraft DC by 5.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Zerzura wrote:
My favorite part is that it requires Mnemonic Enhancer (wizard only), but you have to be a spontaneous caster to make it :)

I was wondering if anyone would notice that.

Did you write the item?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16


In that case, I'm guessing the intent for it is to require a teamup to make it (or a higher spellcraft on the sorcerer's part).

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

To be honest, I was more of the mindset to leave it a mystery.

There are a couple ways and some don't require a wizard.

The other ways I can think of are more expensive than crafting a +5 spellcraft item to overcome the penalty. ;)

So can a Oracle use the robes to cast from a scroll of raise dead, or other costly scroll due to the component cost in its making, without expending GP? If so... happy day. One free resurrection a day ladies and gentlemen!

You still have to pay any material costs of the spell.

Ahh, I see it now. Glazed right over it. Don't mind me, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Sorry, I can't find this item, could anyone help please?

Tandriniel wrote:
Sorry, I can't find this item, could anyone help please?

It is in ultimate equipment.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
concerro wrote:
You use the scroll's caster level. You are not casting the spell. Tou are only releasing the magic. That is why scrolls are priced depending upon the caster level. The way they work is that the magic is imprinted into the scroll, and you complete the spell releasing the magic.

This does not seem accurate based on the language of the item. Read the item, consider your answer, let me know if you still think that.

Further... what is the CL of a spell cast from a spellbook?

TetsujinOni wrote:
concerro wrote:
You use the scroll's caster level. You are not casting the spell. Tou are only releasing the magic. That is why scrolls are priced depending upon the caster level. The way they work is that the magic is imprinted into the scroll, and you complete the spell releasing the magic.

This does not seem accurate based on the language of the item. Read the item, consider your answer, let me know if you still think that.

Further... what is the CL of a spell cast from a spellbook?

I have to agree with this - the item allows casting of the spell "as if the she knew that spell", ie. using her caster level, her stat bonus, and any metamagic feats she may wish to apply (if applicable); that is, things she does with spells she knows.

I did misread it. I did not see the spellbook part, and I did not know the scroll was not expended.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

If the scroll is not expended, you're using your spell slot to power it, so you use your variables (caster level, etc.). If you DO expend the scroll, you're reading the scroll per the scroll use rules and use the caster level of the scroll.

My bard is going to have to start keeping the spellbooks of any mages we encounter.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Keeping spellbooks is fine, but your bard can only cast the spells in it that are on the bard spell list.

Liberty's Edge

Dennis Baker wrote:
Zerzura wrote:
My favorite part is that it requires Mnemonic Enhancer (wizard only), but you have to be a spontaneous caster to make it :)
I was wondering if anyone would notice that.

The first 30 seconds after reading it, but I dismissed it as practically non-influential, it is simply a +5 in the DC of making the item. Not a problem.

concerro wrote:
I did misread it. I did not see the spellbook part, and I did not know the scroll was not expended.

Not at 100% any more? ;-)

[It is friendly teasing, concerro]

It is true that any custom magic item needs to be approved by your GM, but I might be able to at least suggest a price range for you:

Back in 3.5 there was a side bar for Body Slot Affinities which suggested increasing the base price by 50% for an unusual body slot. You can find it here: ies

Pathfinder did away with this, for whatever reason, but I think it's a good guide in this case since you're stacking a unique ability that offsets one of the main drawbacks of being a spontaneous caster. I'd probably rule this isn't even possible, except there are already several ways to offset limited spells known (being a human sorcerer, taking feats, etc), so I think the 50% increase would be fair way to use gold to do it.

Again, this doesn't appear in the Pathfinder RAW, but it might help your GM set a price.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Dennis Baker wrote:
Keeping spellbooks is fine, but your bard can only cast the spells in it that are on the bard spell list.

That's understood. But since the bard him/herself can't write a spellbook, how else does the bard obtain one ?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A multi-classed wizard/spontaneous caster could make it as well.

Just want to necro this long enough to put down a few insights for future perusers and put in a neat summary and a couple observations of the thread.

You can cast from a spellbook, not just a scroll, "as if she knew that spell." This means that you use your own caster-level.

Read magic is only needed to be cast once. Read Magic states: "Furthermore, once the spell is cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of read magic."
This means: cast RM, read the spellbook once, never need to cast RM again to use any spell in the spellbook with a mnemonic vestment.

Item creation rules give the price modifier for items with charges/day. Mnemonic Vestment has 1 charge/day. Base Price/(5/charges per day.) Thus, Mnemonic Vestment could arguably be priced at 5k per charge/day. (This is of course subject to GM approval.)

In addition, you do not need to be a spontaneous caster to craft it. It is simply another prerequisite. "The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory."
I would like to call attention to the part where it says that the ONLY exception is the requisite crafting feat. As such, the DC to create the Vestment without the spell, while being a wizard is 27.

Keiger wrote:

I would like to call attention to the part where it says that the ONLY exception is the requisite crafting feat. As such, the DC to create the Vestment without the spell, while being a wizard is 27.

and dc 27 is a meh.

level 1 wizard with 20 int, 1 rank in spell craft, a valet familiar, any of the traits that add +1 to spellcraft(and there are some i believe that add 2 not 1), taking crafter's fortune spell as one of his spell known and masterwork tools (spellcraft,item creation?) can push the 29 dc by taking 10.
+5 int
+1 skill rank
+3 fev skill
+1 trait
+5 spell
+2 familiar feat
+2 masterwork tools
= 29.
as u said, hardest thing for him to fit in is the crafting feat...

Crafter's Fortune doesn't apply to spellcraft checks, AFAIK.

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