Banesfinger RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

Thinking ahead for a moment:
I think it will be great if someone from the community could duo-stat this Adventure Path for the upcoming D&D Next (5e).
While 5e is still (probably) a year away, I hope Fire Mountain Games will bless us with two rpg choices for future adventures.
(...and please, this was not meant to be an edition-war troll, but an edition 'choice' option...)

Tobias |

TriOmegaZero wrote:No doubt. While I think it's silly to expect him to report to another company's website, he has already established that pattern of behavior.The forum link on FMG site leads to this site. So officially this is his forum. Just thought you might want to know.
Its his preferred forum, not official forum. It isn't "his" forum either and he doesn't make any claim to that anywhere on his site.

Jam412 |

So, I'm way out of the loop and am just now reading about what this is. It sounds awesome. Is there any way I can still jump in on this? (I don't really care if it gets delayed, I waited four years or whatever for Razor Coast, I'm not in a hurry.)

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So, I'm way out of the loop and am just now reading about what this is. It sounds awesome. Is there any way I can still jump in on this? (I don't really care if it gets delayed, I waited four years or whatever for Razor Coast, I'm not in a hurry.)
It's unfortunately over, so you'd have to wait until it's officially released.

Jam412 |

Jam412 wrote:So, I'm way out of the loop and am just now reading about what this is. It sounds awesome. Is there any way I can still jump in on this? (I don't really care if it gets delayed, I waited four years or whatever for Razor Coast, I'm not in a hurry.)It's unfortunately over, so you'd have to wait until it's officially released.
Gotcha, thanks Kevin!

Major Longhorn |

For the record, I do know Gary, and if he's running behind, it's not malicious. You all know what a great job he does...life happens. I'm glad to see cooler heads prevailing.
Eldon... I do completely agree. Nevertheless communication is key. And I understand perfectly it's not malicious. Hell yeah my project is 2 years behind schedule but well ... I have to report the whys and whens and hows....
I'm ok to wait no prob.

SnowHeart |

Glad I didn't hold my breath last week. Oh well.
On one hand, folks can complain that FMG/Gary has their money but they don't have the product. On the other, Gary is depriving himself of more money from new sales once the final product is released. I'm sure he'd like to see it out the door as well.
Here's hoping we get it sooner rather than later, and that all is well with Gary.

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Woot! I just got my email with code.
Except... I have no idea how to actually get it. I think there might be a missing link...
Just updated this on KS. If it's anything like what happened with the WotW subscription, we have to wait for the site itself to update. This means, likely tomorrow late afternoon Central time.
EDIT: Check that. Looks like DriveThru updated one last time. It's now available.

SnowHeart |

With the release of Book 1, I hope Gary is able to emerge from seclusion and come back to the forum. Anyway, the book is awesome and well worth the wait. Definitely not a rehash of WotW. Fire Mountain Games may well have struck gold twice in a row. Wish I had time to run it (or knew someone else running it).

Arnwyn |

Holy crap, I got it, and it looks even better than what I was expecting. Loads of places to go, lots of different terrains and areas (even though it's all underground!), lots of NPCs to deal with and/or whack...
This really looks like it'll be an AP to remember.
As others have said - 'happy to wait if this is the result'.

mikeawmids |

I'm staggered by the amount of content. I know I've been particularly vocal during the delays, but I'm surprised to now find myself admitting I was wrong and the long wait was totally worth it. The Explorer and Overlord campaigns are completely different, you really are getting two APs for the price of one. Now that I've got my paws on it, I'm more excited about playing this one than Wrath of the Righteous. :o
Really well done Gary and Michael. :D

Aristin76 |

Very nice options to use for the campaign. I am looking forward to presenting this to my group. I liked how Gary added some optional rules to run the campaign from his "House Rules" so-to-speak.
I like how there are 2 sides of the coin to run this AP. I wouldn't recommend running 2 APs using both sides with 2 different groups. Perhaps take each group's PC and turn them into Npcs to be used against the PCs on the either the Explorers or Overlords version of the campaign.
I also enjoyed the underground fluff for different versions of mobs that have been trapped underground. Also, how certain resources were substituted by using things from the underground areas.
Just my quick and dirty 2 cp worth. Glad I spent the money to support.

John Malueg |
Just read a bit of the book, haven't even really touched the adventure itself yet, but already the wheels are spinning. I think my game group will likely go with drow for this one. One thing that has already popped into my head:
Granted, I won't get to run this for a while. Have to finish WoW (1/2 way there!) and they want me to run my homebrew game for a bit as well. But I'm hoping that by the time other things are wrapped up that all the books for this path will be out.
And another thing popped into my head: tying WoW and a villain victory into the Explorer storyline could work really well.

mikeawmids |

Perhaps I'm missing something, but what is the incentive for the PCs to explore the huge fungal jungle that dominates most of the map? Drow players in the Overlord campaign will already know about the secret passage between the gnome enclave and the drow outpost and the heroic characters in the Explorer campaign can find out about it by interrogating captured drow soldiers after the attack on the enclave. My players went with the 'dwarven nobility' angle and are keen to reclaim Dammerhall, so I can't imagine why they would want to wander the fungal jungle when they could take the secret road to Vothys and the Great Jumping Off Point...?

Mattia Giardini |
I have a problem...I have supported the kickstarter but via Paypal (at that time I wrote a PM to Gary on kickstarter and he agreed in doing that). However, for kickstarter I was not considered a "backer" (because of the "backdoor" we used). I've now discovered that the official supporters have received the email for the download. I didn't. My fear is that I was forgotten by Gary (he is really busy). I tried to email him, also through the kickstarter, but I guess that he stopped checking the mails about thorne of night.
I'm not blaming him, really. I'm sure he simply forgot.
I nevertheless need to get the message to him...can anybody help?

Mattia Giardini |
Make sure to check your Junk folder thats where I found my email
Yeah, That is what I thought as well...but no mail..not even in the junk... :( I soo much want to get my copy...maybe I should calm down I little bit, as apparently also many other did not get the email..but I was freaking out...