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So I was looking through the new player companion Varisia: Birthplace of Legends and I came across one of the two new feats. I thought it was a pretty cool idea and wanted to come up with a character that could use it. The feat is as follows:
You have mastered the ancient Shoanti Thunder and Fang fighting style, allowing you to fight with increased effectiveness when wielding an earth breaker and klar.
Prerequisites: Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Focus (klar)
Benefit: You can use an earth breaker as though it were a one-handed weapon. When using an earth breaker in one hand and a klar in your off hand, you retain the shield bonus your klar grants to your Armor Class even when you use it to attack. Treat your klar as a light weapon for the purposes of determining your two-weapon fighting penalty.
Normal: An earth breaker is a two-handed weapon, preventing the use of a klar in one hand without imposing penalties for using the earth breaker one-handed. A klar can be used either as a one-handed weapon or a shield; it does not grant a bonus to AC during rounds in which it is used as a weapon.
Special: This is a combat feat, and may be selected with class features that grant bonus combat feats.
I was thinking maybe Ranger 2/Barbarian x to get TWF without the Dex prereq and then being able to capitalize on the TWF with a nice rage bonus. Any better ideas? I thought it was a pretty interesting feat concept.

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I thought lead blades would be nice too but I'm not sure if those 3 extra levels of Ranger are worth it. I was also thinking that maybe some levels in Rouge would be nice as well. Then you can get some sneak attack, have a shield, and a nice big hammer that you wield in one hand... with no penalty besides the normal -2 for TWF with a normal and light weapon. Not sure what else might work well though.

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This is either going to be a character I use in my next new scenario (which I have no idea when that will be) or a replacement for a Kingmaker campaign I'm in. I'm expecting to die eventually and want to be prepared because there have already been a couple of close calls.
So for simplicity lets go by the Kingmaker campaign rules: everything Piazo with the exception of races and Eastern classes/weapons. We can only use the core races and races that we have befriend during our campaign (which is just Kobolds at this point).
Edit: We are also lvl 2 right now.

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Well if you go human it could look like:
1 Ranger: power attack; weapon focus (earthbreaker)
2 Fighter: weapon focus (klar)
3 Ranger: TWF; thunder and fang
4-20 Barbarian
You lose out on some skill points at level 2, but you can max out your key skills again at level 3, and keep them maxed from there on. Quickest route you can go for this, and you only lose three barbarian levels overall, and gain a favored enemy and a couple feats, so it isn't a bad trade really.
*Edit: I should say quickest you can go with PA at level 1, which is kinda important for anyone interested in wielding an earthbreaker, no?

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Ranger, then Two-Weapon Warrior fighter is an option.
Human is the best option amongst what's available.
Yeah, I was definitely leaning towards human as well. If I could swing it I was going to try and see if I couldn't take Racial Heritage (Goblin), go two Ranger 2/Feral Gnasher x so I an chomp down on people and then beat them with my fun weapon combo... while impractical it did seem interesting. But I think the Two Weapon Warrior route is probably one of the better options.

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If you really want a bite, a trait is all you need.
It is not necessarily the bite that I want, I would just like something that doesn't make me a one trick pony. If I took that Barbarian Archetype I could be a good damage dealer and the king of grappling (in the party anyways). And I just like the image of this short ugly human (that thinks he is a goblin) chomping down on people and not letting go.