Laithoron |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Feegle |
I got a 2" binder and put each cardboard sheet into a plastic sheet protector. It makes browsing them really easy - they all stay where I want them - though I admit that it does take up a significant amount of space. My 2" binder holds the Bestiary Box and the Runelords pawn sheets, but there's no room for anything else.
Aaron Bitman |
I use Business Card Binder Pages for Medium and Large pawns. I haven't gotten any storage solution for my Huge ones.
By the way, there are other threads on this topic, such as this one:
DigitalMage |
I don't own any Paizo pawns but do have some printed paper minis and use Coin Collector binder pages to store them. See a sample here.
GeraintElberion |
I found a youtube video where someone had just used pieces of cards as runners in the box.
I've got the original pawns and the RotRL set in the original box and it works pretty neatly.
I've got the large pawns in one row, alphabetised.
Then three rows of of medium and large, all alphabetised.
Finally, the small minis are bagged together in little plastic bags which snap shut.
It's not that different to Laithoron's system but a bit more sturdy: I can turn my box upside down and give it a shake and the pawns will all stay in place.
I like that I get to use the cool box too.
Callous Jack |
I don't own any Paizo pawns but do have some printed paper minis and use Coin Collector binder pages to store them. See a sample here.
That's really cool, great idea!
DigitalMage |
DigitalMage wrote:I don't own any Paizo pawns but do have some printed paper minis and use Coin Collector binder pages to store them. See a sample here.That's really cool, great idea!
From the looks of the pawns the card is much thicker than for my paper minis (which were printed on photo card and folded in two) so small coin sheets may not be big enough even for small pawns, however the larger coin holders might be good enough.
Cavian |
After watching the video I ran out and snagged 3 of the Plano 3-28 boxes, I must say they work wonderfully. I fit the Bestiary and Beginner Boxes in with room to spare so I may go back through and do a bit of separation as going alphabetical leaves me plenty of space. I plan on picking up a 4th box over the weekend to store the Skull & Shackles and Rise of the Runelords pawn sets in, as it looks like I'll be able to fit those in their own box. Anyway, kudos!
Bergal Kazben |
After watching the video I ran out and snagged 3 of the Plano 3-28 boxes, I must say they work wonderfully. I fit the Bestiary and Beginner Boxes in with room to spare so I may go back through and do a bit of separation as going alphabetical leaves me plenty of space. I plan on picking up a 4th box over the weekend to store the Skull & Shackles and Rise of the Runelords pawn sets in, as it looks like I'll be able to fit those in their own box. Anyway, kudos!
Which specific model, if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking around online and pictures can't quite clarify the appropriate size for the pawns.
I'm hoping to do this with my box to satisfy my OCD (and make snagging the right pawns that much easier).
prosfilaes |
I tried the baseball card storage system, but they didn't work out for me. So I bought a plastic ArtBin box and balsa wood at my local art store and built a container.
There's about 300 medium size pawns in there, and 25 large pawns. I've decided to keep my bases separately, and I don't have a plan right now on what to do with Small or Huge pawns. Once I get them sorted, it should keep most of the pawns from the NPC Box easily available.
Blackflak |
There are some great bead storage boxes available at Michaels (and probably other craft stores) that fit Small, Medium and Large pawns in separate sections. If you cut out a small section of the horizontal plastic, you can make a space large enough for the Superbig pawns as well. I've found that you can fit a complete Bestiary box easily in one, and about three APs in one, with the exception of the Superbigs.
TheMetal1 |
I have bestiary boxes 1, 2 and 3 and I needed place to put them so i bought two three inch binders and filled them with trading card holders I then put the pawns in the holders and put a small pice of tape at the top so the pawns would not fall out while I was flipping through the binder.
I do pretty much the same thing. For the big boxes (Bestiaries and NPC Codex), I use a 4 or 5 Inch Binder and Trading Card Holders (9 slots or so from Ultra Pro, typically buy a pack of 100) for the Small and Medium Pawns. I keep one pawn in each slot, where there are duplicates or multiples, I'll put them in a card sleeves (I use the 99 cent pack of 100) then slide them into a Card slot. This keeps them tight and prevents them from falling out. I'll photo copy the box cover, back and side, and slide those into the binder cover for ease of reference.
For the Adventure Path Pawns 2 inch binder is sufficient using the same Card Holders. I simply cut up the cover of the set (Back, Side/Binder, and Front) instead of photo copying.
For the Large pawns, I fit one large pawn in the 9 Sleeve Ultra Pro, I don't double up those pawns.
For the Huge pawns, I went ahead and got the photo sleeves with 4 pockets and put one huge pawn per slot.
What I like about the binder and trading card holders is that I can keep them all in numerical order (all the pawns have numbers on them). It's a quick flip through the binder to see what I need for an adventure, and easy to know when I'm missing something.