I Be Goblin You Be Food!

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Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....


;-; Gee, I hope no one I know received that boon.

I'd just burst into sad tears, and then move on because I really just don't have any ideas for a PFS-Legal Goblin that hasn't been done somewhere else.

That, or I hope this is a joke.

Sczarni 2/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

No joke. There is now a goblin boon. You had to survive a very deadly special and have the highest result in your tier, but they do exist.

Dark Archive 3/5

As much as this irritates me, if I were to get a goblin boon I'd use it.

Actually, that's how I feel - and have acted - with all the monster race boons.

"waah waah, ruining the game! Oh, I can make a Nagaji - sweet!"

Silver Crusade 3/5


I've never seen an entire organised play campaign jump the shark before but that's just done it.

Silver Crusade 2/5

That....is a bit much for me. Goblins? Really? What is next, we start letting in some drow? I'm disappointed in this move, and sincerely hope the campaign does not continue down this path.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Although I am happy for the players who won the boon, I have to ask if this is really such a good idea considering the recent unpleasantness.

We just had some archetypes dropped partly due to their flavor not meshing with the ideals of the campaign, and now you are allowing players to play a race that is flavored as wholly evil and destructive. Not to mention that they despise the idea of writing, which Pathfinders are expected to do quite a bit of.

Once again, I'm happy for the players, but I'm confused and sad that both of these things have happened together.

Grand Lodge 4/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There a 30 goblin PCs in all of PFS among tens of thousands of players. I'm not sure how less than one half of one percent of the playerbase is going to ruin all of organized play. This was a one time reward.

The don't be a jerk and the evil restrictions still apply. If it happens, they lose their character. We won't be letting in any Drow, gnolls, trolls, or any other of the "evil" races.

Grand Lodge 4/5

FallofCamelot wrote:


I've never seen an entire organised play campaign jump the shark before but that's just done it.

So, a grand total of 30 goblin PCs is enough to kill PFS? Really?


As to jumping the shark, there was nothing like the announcement for LG that the campaign was ending in a year, shooting TUs in the foot, and the utter and total insanity that were the final year's Core modules. Now, THAT, my friend, was jumping an octopus, with arms to grab you in mid-air, rather than the sedate jumping the shark, where it can only get you if you fall...


Congrats to all the new Goblin boon getters.

I'm going to go cry knowing I'll never get to play a goblin in PFS now...

Sczarni 2/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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Jeffrey Fox wrote:

Congrats to all the new Goblin boon getters.

I'm going to go cry knowing I'll never get to play a goblin in PFS now...

I wouldn't say never. You might get lucky on e-bay.


CalebTGordan wrote:
Jeffrey Fox wrote:

Congrats to all the new Goblin boon getters.

I'm going to go cry knowing I'll never get to play a goblin in PFS now...

I wouldn't say never. You might get lucky on e-bay.

I don't think that Mark and Mike would appreciate that. And with only 30 boons I'm sure they know who actually earned them. I think trading is ok, but outright selling is not.

Dark Archive 3/5

Michael Brock wrote:

There a 30 goblin PCs in all of PFS among tens of thousands of players. I'm not sure how less than one half of one percent of the playerbase is going to ruin all of organized play. This was a one time reward.

The don't be a jerk and the evil restrictions still apply. If it happens, they lose their character. We won't be letting in any Drow, gnolls, trolls, or any other of the "evil" races.

Yay for severely limiting the monster-race PCs, and another yay for not letting drow PCs.

No, I am still not over Driz'zt clones. No, it doesn't bother me if the apostrophe is in the wrong place.

Grand Lodge 4/5

How do you 'win' part 2 of the special? Is it the person who can't be killed, or the person who dealt a new record in damage, or the person who wrote a 15 page genealogical back story for his Taldan adventurer?

Whenever someone uses the word 'win' in Pathfinder, I get suspicious.

Having said that, I, for one, welcome our new Goblin Overlords. I would like to remind them that I am very good at rounding up other Pathfinders to burn in their bonfire fields.

Grand Lodge 5/5

KestlerGunner wrote:

How do you 'win' part 2 of the special? Is it the person who can't be killed, or the person who dealt a new record in damage, or the person who wrote a 15 page genealogical back story for his Taldan adventurer?

Whenever someone uses the word 'win' in Pathfinder, I get suspicious.

Having said that, I, for one, welcome our new Goblin Overlords. I would like to remind them that I am very good at rounding up other Pathfinders to burn in their bonfire fields.

This is speculation but I have to assume they had some sort of Victory Point system for the event.

2/5 *

Considering the release of Advanced Races, the goblin as one of Paizo's iconic creatures, and the extremely limited nature of this boon, I think it's great.

It makes sense that you would be able to find extremely special goblins that can fit into the PFS society, especially given that goblins are an intelligent race that can get class levels. I'm fine with it as long as they're rare.

5/5 5/55/5 * Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Columbus

where else would a wizard goblin who "wanted" to read go? he can't stay with his tribe. Pathfinder society would be a god send for him. an adoptive tribe per se

Shadow Lodge 4/5

kinevon wrote:
FallofCamelot wrote:


I've never seen an entire organised play campaign jump the shark before but that's just done it.

So, a grand total of 30 goblin PCs is enough to kill PFS? Really?


As to jumping the shark, there was nothing like the announcement for LG that the campaign was ending in a year, shooting TUs in the foot, and the utter and total insanity that were the final year's Core modules. Now, THAT, my friend, was jumping an octopus, with arms to grab you in mid-air, rather than the sedate jumping the shark, where it can only get you if you fall...

I'd take it one level further and say that moment in LG was when it 'nuked the fridge'.


Shadow Lodge 4/5

KestlerGunner wrote:

How do you 'win' part 2 of the special? Is it the person who can't be killed, or the person who dealt a new record in damage, or the person who wrote a 15 page genealogical back story for his Taldan adventurer?

Whenever someone uses the word 'win' in Pathfinder, I get suspicious.

Having said that, I, for one, welcome our new Goblin Overlords. I would like to remind them that I am very good at rounding up other Pathfinders to burn in their bonfire fields.

It was a timed, survival and point scoring event. If the team at the table did not survive then they received no points.

The event had 2 parts.

In the first part 75+ tables competed to vain entry into part 2. A select number (I think 2) of the highest scoring tables for each tier advanced to part 2.

Part 2 had multiple complete table deaths, mostly from not completing the mission in the allotted time. There were no winners in the tier 10-11 bracket since there were no tables with a score.

It was an amazing and unique event and I believe the best special to date. Part 1 will be released for play shortly. Play it if you can.

Part 2 was a GenCon 2012 exclusive and will not be run again.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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3 tables from each subtier advanced. I also pulled 6 random tracking sheets from the first round Gms do we had 19 total tables for round

I do acknowledge there were some problems with Mustering but already have some ideas to improve it next year. We seated 650 Gms and players so it was definitely a learning experience.

Please keep the comments coming so we can make next year better.

Silver Crusade 5/5

The one thing that was truly special about this special. The pure raw energy in the room, just walking past the players who were extremely tense and engaged and having a blast was an experience all of it's own. The cheers of victory when in a sheer moment of panic you see the last player succeed in their getaway. I simply will never forget this years gencon, congrats part 2 winners, and farewell to those who didn't make it out alive (and didn't have 29 spare prestige).

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Having the mustering banners taller / more visible would help with getting people to the right place.

Maybe some type of signage over the 'big board' explaining how things work. Something like, "Looking for a Pathfinder Society game? Then read this". It would have brief explanation of how to find your muster point, that talking to people and getting a table together is a good thing, that tables with X number of people will be mustered and any other general info to get pele moving to their GMs.

Having the draw happen at a consistent time in the slot would serve as a marker to the running GMs that they only have X time left.

Conditioning people that if they are not playing in a game, getting a boon, bidding on something then they should leave the room might make it easier to clear the room after the last slot.

Have runners assigned to HQ and the muster judges so that they don't need to leave their stations to get info.

Put thngs like the special part 2 in a separate room or mark off a special area in the main room.

Put down colored tape to indicate the muster areas.

Have a consistent GM sign in 20 minutes before the slot starts and ensure that there are overflow GMs stadnding by.

If someone shows up a half hour after muster has completed, turn them away. It is disruptive to the already in progress tables.

Dark Archive 2/5

Kyle Baird wrote:

Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....

** spoiler omitted **

The real trick is trying to get a full goblin party together...

Goblin paladins anybody?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Bruce Chung wrote:
Goblin paladins anybody?

Sadly, this book hasn't made it into Additional Resources yet.

Silver Crusade 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've said before that I'm not fond of the flanderization of goblins from what they were originally intended to be. They were scary little psychos now they are cuddly bundles of fun. Worse than that they are now officially Pathfinders. Really?

Maybe jumping the shark was a little excessive of a comment but I do think this is a misstep. Goblins are seen as dangerous vermin throughout the inner sea area. Now unless said goblin is going to exclusively play mods set in Katapesh there's a serious issue of verisimilitude here. I've played mods where you attend high class dinners and address nobles. Hell I have been into the heart of government for one of the major powers of Golarion and addressed their head of state. Now we have playable goblins in PFS who will be able to do the exact same thing. It would be like the Queen of England inviting a rabid wolverine to a state dinner.

Plus how exactly do Goblins become Pathfinders? They have a social phobia of writing, love to set things on fire and live in disgusting squalor. What pathfinder in his right mind thinks that Goblins would make any contribution to the society? What possible benefit does the Decimverate get from allowing illiterate, baby eating pyromaniacs into the ranks?None that I can see. Worse it turns the position of Pathfinder into a laughing stock. So easy a Goblin could do it.

I know that it's only a few characters worldwide but for me that doesn't matter. In my opinion the fact that Goblin Pathfinders even exist lessens the campaign as a whole. As always I'm glad that people will have fun with these boons but I hope that I never sit at a table with a Goblin PC so I can pretend that this never happened.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Kyle Baird wrote:

Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....

** spoiler omitted **

This seems like the appropriate place to ask, is there any specific goblin trait/feat/archtype that is not legal for society play? I kind of need to know.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Bruce Chung wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....

** spoiler omitted **

The real trick is trying to get a full goblin party together...

Goblin paladins anybody?

That will be easy to do here in northwest Indiana. My wife and 4 of our friends came out on top at sub tier 8-9 and got goblin boons. I am going to run the first session for their goblins.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Altus Lucrim wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....

** spoiler omitted **

This seems like the appropriate place to ask, is there any specific goblin trait/feat/archtype that is not legal for society play? I kind of need to know.

The ARG and Goblins of Golarion will be evaluated and added to Additioal Resources in September. Until that time, the section in ARG and Goblins of Golarion are not legal.

Grand Lodge

Congrats on a very special boon! If you are ever over for PaizoconUK bring your goblins!

@FOC I am sure that the Decemvirate know what they are doing. I doubt that the Goblins that became pathfinders were baby eaters. Well at least they would be very sorry they ever did and atoned. Some of them may be pawns of the old evil Shadow Lodge now the new good Shadow Lodge. Many may be well educated and may even be Wizards trained in the halls of Skyreach. Many evil creatures walk the streets of towns in the Inner Sea there are Trolls in Kaer Maga, Minotaurs in Absalom, and Sahuagin in Outsea (OK they swim). And these Goblins are not even evil! I hope you can learn to love the little Gobbos, they are just misunderstood.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Me not evul!

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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Fallof Camelot
Those are good points. Do they apply equally well to half-orcs?

I see those as issues that need to be addressed, rather than real problems. The stereotypical goblin is more likely to burn down the Grand Lodge library than perform research; why is your PC different? Maybe you're playing a reincarnated human. (in backstory; the reincarnate spell being forbidden during PFS play.) Maybe you're playing Scribbleface's sister. Maybe you were rescued by a paladin of Iomedae. Thee are lots of good answers, that promote cooperation and make for a great role-playing opportunity with the other players at your table. But you're right: there needs to be some sort of answer.

The Flanderization point is well taken.

Sczarni 2/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The special needed a muster area for those with generic tickets. There were plenty of generic ticket holders that kept interupting the people mustering to ask questions. You could also have them line up or take names down so you knew who was there first and late comers who were just louder wouldn't be able to gain a seat in front of someone who had arrived early.

It was chaos in the mustering area, but I was impressed with how the people mustering handled it and organized things enough to seat as many as they did.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

FallofCamelot wrote:
Plus how exactly do Goblins become Pathfinders? They have a social phobia of writing, love to set things on fire and live in disgusting squalor. What pathfinder in his right mind thinks that Goblins would make any contribution to the society? What possible benefit does the Decimverate get from allowing illiterate, baby eating pyromaniacs into the ranks? None that I can see. Worse it turns the position of Pathfinder into a laughing stock. So easy a Goblin could do it.

Maybe they're all from the Frostfur tribe?

Silver Crusade 3/5

Crispy3ed wrote:

Congrats on a very special boon! If you are ever over for PaizoconUK bring your goblins!

@FOC I am sure that the Decemvirate know what they are doing. I doubt that the Goblins that became pathfinders were baby eaters. Well at least they would be very sorry they ever did and atoned. Some of them may be pawns of the old evil Shadow Lodge now the new good Shadow Lodge. Many may be well educated and may even be Wizards trained in the halls of Skyreach. Many evil creatures walk the streets of towns in the Inner Sea there are Trolls in Kaer Maga, Minotaurs in Absalom, and Sahuagin in Outsea (OK they swim). And these Goblins are not even evil! I hope you can learn to love the little Gobbos, they are just misunderstood.

Oh I used to love goblins when they were evil little scumbags but now they are just a tiresome comedy race. I found We Be Goblins to be irritating and ever since then goblins have become less and less evil and more and more goofy.

Goblins are the Drow of Pathfinder, overexposed and a major irritant. The fact that these Goblins are not evil just completes their journey from menace to annoyance.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Chris Mortika wrote:

Fallof Camelot

Those are good points. Do they apply equally well to half-orcs?

I see those as issues that need to be addressed, rather than real problems. The stereotypical goblin is more likely to burn down the Grand Lodge library than perform research; why is your PC different? Maybe you're playing a reincarnated human. (in backstory; the reincarnate spell being forbidden during PFS play.) Maybe you're playing Scribbleface's sister. Maybe you were rescued by a paladin of Iomedae. Thee are lots of good answers, that promote cooperation and make for a great role-playing opportunity with the other players at your table. But you're right: there needs to be some sort of answer.

The Flanderization point is well taken.

Absolutely Chris. If someone turns up at my table with a well rounded, well reasoned Goblin character that addresses these points then fair enough. That said I see Goblin Pathfinders to have such colossal issues to overcome that if they were to overcome them they wouldn't be Goblins anymore...

5/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Me have friendly longshank that give me horse meat and not punish me when I try to steal the longshanks shinnies. Me help him when he asks and he gives me fire and glass. Me make home in Magnimar now and have all the horse meat that the longshanks don't want.

This is from a year 4 module that I played and had an amazing time with at GenCon. When I befriended the Goblin, my table mates all thought I was crazy.
Good times... Good times...

I did not get the Goblin boon, though if I would have, I would have definitely remade this character.



5 people marked this as a favorite.

It says something that all the players to receive the goblin boon had all advanced through to the first part of the special, then completed the second as well. Those 30 goblins in play now are most likely to be in hands of exceptional players that will not have an issue fitting them into PFS play. Give the winners some credit that they will be able to make a goblin work in the context of of the game.

The Exchange 5/5

Asiamora wrote:
It says something that all the players to receive the goblin boon had all advanced through to the first part of the special, then completed the second as well. Those 30 goblins in play now are most likely to be in hands of exceptional players that will not have an issue fitting them into PFS play. Give the winners some credit that they will be able to make a goblin work in the context of of the game.

I feel bad that many of them will be in the hands of people that have already played most of the older scenarios. I'd hate to think that the Goblin characters get advanced with GM credits... it would be such a waste.

Silver Crusade 2/5

People really need to stop complaining about this. Kudos to the people who got them, the die were in your favor and you had some great GMs.

Silver Crusade 3/5

I'm not objecting that people got a boon, I'm objecting that this particular boon exists.

Anyway my point is made. Moving on.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Bruce Chung wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....

** spoiler omitted **

The real trick is trying to get a full goblin party together...

Goblin paladins anybody?

I get the impression that most of the groups awarded top honors after the special part II were groups of players that already played together. I'd imagine there will be a couple-few goblin adventuring clans running about during the next year.

Beware them @ Gencon 2013.

Sovereign Court

Michael Brock wrote:
There a 30 goblin PCs in all of PFS among tens of thousands of players. I'm not sure how less than one half of one percent of the playerbase is going to ruin all of organized play. This was a one time reward.

6 of us are going to try though! [insert cheezy grin] Thanks for running us at the last minute on no sleep for 42 hours... it was above and beyond the call of duty.

Is there anyone else at paizo management that would like to kill one of my characters?

Jason Buhlman check
Mike Brock check

Sovereign Court

VanceMadrox wrote:
Bruce Chung wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Wanted to break the news that those who won part 2 of the Special got a boon to play a....

** spoiler omitted **

The real trick is trying to get a full goblin party together...

Goblin paladins anybody?

That will be easy to do here in northwest Indiana. My wife and 4 of our friends came out on top at sub tier 8-9 and got goblin boons. I am going to run the first session for their goblins.

We were the Tier 1-2 winners, we have two in Baltimore, 3 in Wisconsin, 1 in California... but are all planning on playing at GC2013... and planning on receiving no PP for the mods... yeah plot tangents!

Grand Lodge 1/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ekkie wrote:

Me have friendly longshank that give me horse meat and not punish me when I try to steal the longshanks shinnies. Me help him when he asks and he gives me fire and glass. Me make home in Magnimar now and have all the horse meat that the longshanks don't want.

** spoiler omitted **

Regarding Ekkie . . .

My paladin had the same experience. After our party half-orc cut Ekkie's finger off to get her to talk, my paladin took charge of her. Gave her some food, a handful of shinies, and generally watched over her remaining nine fingers. The half-orc kept saying the paladin should check her for evil, but the paladin wasn't having it at that point. Ekkie took a liking to him, gave him the scoop, and led them to the gobbo lair. He was carrying her around over his shoulder in his backpack, throwing food in every once in a while, and occasionally asking her questions. Once the party headed into the gobbo lair, she was cut loose.

After leaving the lair, the party found her waiting for the paladin. She expressed an interest in coming along. "Sure thing. Hop in the bag, Ekkie." On further consideration, before she did so, the paladin did check her for evil, which she obviously was. "Baby steps, Ekkie. Let me tell you about my friend Sarenrae . . . "

Great GM from Franklin, Indiana made a very memorable gobbie experience. And yes, I did buy the plush and leave it's head poking out of the top of the backpack for the rest of the con.

Sczarni 2/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I had a blast running Ekkie as a GM. She kept getting caught following the party and stealing things like Alchemist's fire. One party gave her an ever burning torch, which made things really funny later when she tried to use it to set stuff on fire. One party handed her Alchemist's fire to help deal with a couple encounters.

Good times.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Akeela keep in mind that unless a humanoid has levels in a class that grants an aura they won't show up as evil under detect evil until 6 hit dice and up

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Akeela Valerian, the Wolf wrote:
Ekkie wrote:

Me have friendly longshank that give me horse meat and not punish me when I try to steal the longshanks shinnies. Me help him when he asks and he gives me fire and glass. Me make home in Magnimar now and have all the horse meat that the longshanks don't want.

** spoiler omitted **

Regarding Ekkie . . .

** spoiler omitted **

Great GM from Franklin, Indiana made a very memorable gobbie experience. And yes, I did buy the plush and leave it's head poking out of the top of the backpack for the rest of the con.

Now that was some good roleplaying. most PCs want to mow down anything that is deemed as evil. never treating it as a living creature. Even if they are normally the "bad guy" we had a run in with a Otyugth (poop monster that we ended up talking to. They happen to be extremely intelligent. We gave it something more tastey to snack on and we got to rumage thorugh its left overs. :D he even agreed to help us take care of bodies hehehehehe.

Scarab Sages 4/5

VanceMadrox wrote:
Akeela keep in mind that unless a humanoid has levels in a class that grants an aura they won't show up as evil under detect evil until 6 hit dice and up

5 hit dice - see stealth errata

I was also in the tier 1-2 group that got the Goblin. I'm excited about this. I was never really into goblins, but the challenge this presents is really exciting to me! I picked up some Goblin stuff after the event and look forward to giving this a go.

I am going to have trouble talking Goblin. Then again, you could likely take some pointers from LoL Cats.

I can has horse burgers?

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Can Has TPKS?? lol It could work.

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