Vampire Hunter K


Looking into building a kineticist (no multiclass) that has many protections against energy drain (protections focused against shadows and vampires).

So far i'm thinking Force Ward for an Aether kineticist
possibly Dhampir but would rather human

For permanent magic items:
Black Soul Shard
Comfort's Cloak
Ring of Inner Fortitude (Blood Drain protection)

Is there any other potential options worth checking out ?

Are you set on the class? Off the top of my head, dirge singer bards get a bonus vs most negative energy effects, paladins get divine grace and other things, champions had orders that give bonuses to saves vs the challenge targets and orders specilizing vs undead (shroud).

Dhampir Kinslayer is a prime undead destoryer

class is set

The Void kineticist defense ability has negative energy resistance. But not much besides Death Ward or being undead really will save you from energy or level drain.

Your body becomes an empty husk, fueled by an internal void. You
gain negative energy resistance 2, a 5% chance to ignore critical hits
and sneak attacks, and a +1 bonus on Will saves against emotion effects.
By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase the resistance
to negative energy by 2, the chance to ignore critical hits and sneak
attacks by 5%, and the bonus on Will saves against emotion effects
by 1 until the next time your burn is removed. The chance of ignoring
critical hits and sneak attacks granted by this wild talent stacks with
the chance granted by elemental overflow to a maximum of 100%.
When you accept burn while using a void wild talent, your bonus on
Will saves applies against all mind-affecting effects for 1 round. You
can dismiss and restore this effect as an immediate action.

Hm, I would say look for feats and gear to boost your fortitude and will saves and find something to make you better at resisting grapples to reduce the likelyhood of the blood drain attack (i.e. defensive combat training).

I think there might have been a feat or trait boosting saves vs the abilities of a specific type or race, but I cannot remember it right now.

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