Bard Archaeologist


Pardon if this has been asked/answered before, but my search-fu is weak.

The Bard Archaeologist gains Clever Explorer, adding to his Disable Device and Perception, and also gains Trap Sense, as per rogue.

Is there a change in skills associated with the archetype, ie. he gets Disable Device as a class skill? Does he get "trap finding" like a rogue does?

I do not have the UC PDF/book and am working strictly off the PRD / PFSRD so any answers would be appreciated.

-- david

nope you just get the bonus the original designer stated that you dont get disable device as a class skill.

Lobolusk is correct. It was intended that they do not receive disable device as a class skill.

He does not have the Trapfinding class feature, although he does get 2 or 3 trap related rogue talents for free, although not by their names.

Cheapy wrote:
Lobolusk is correct. It was intended that they do not receive disable device as a class skill.

first time ever! booyahh

As indicated.. you get some spiffy Rogue abilities at the cost of your Bardic Performance but no change in class skills.

Clever Explorer (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Disable Device and Perception checks. He can disable intricate and complex devices in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. At 6th level, an archaeologist can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps. This ability replaces the versatile performance ability.

This is pretty much Trap Finding right there.
Hmm re-reading.. it's BETTER.. perception bonus on ALL checks and not just to find traps...

Liberty's Edge

If using Traits, I highly reccomend Vagabond Child to all Archaeologists for precisely this reason. :)

Actually, the writer later admitted that it WASN'T designed that way... but that he was severely restricted on word count and he would have went over if he added Disable Device as a class skill (because it would have required a supposed reprint of their class skills, which take up a few lines). l

In my group, it's one of houserules that Archeologists get Disable Device as a class skill.

Ravennus wrote:

Actually, the writer later admitted that it WASN'T designed that way... but that he was severely restricted on word count and he would have went over if he added Disable Device as a class skill (because it would have required a supposed reprint of their class skills, which take up a few lines). l

In my group, it's one of houserules that Archeologists get Disable Device as a class skill.

Russ said that part of his intent for not including it was the wordcount issue. There were other factors that went into his intent being that they do not get it.

Cheapy wrote:

Lobolusk is correct. It was intended that they do not receive disable device as a class skill.

He does not have the Trapfinding class feature, although he does get 2 or 3 trap related rogue talents for free, although not by their names.

Ah, thank you. My search-fu is definitely weak, because I did not find that.

-- david

Deadmanwalking wrote:
If using Traits, I highly reccomend Vagabond Child to all Archaeologists for precisely this reason. :)

My first thought after reading Cheapy's post.. thanks.

-- david

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