Ultimate Equipment Errata

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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 299 Folding Boat - what type of boat does the ship and boat form of this item count as when using the vehicle rules from Ultimate Combat?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 299 Formula Alembic - is this a re-usable item, or can it only be used once? For the price of 200 gp, being usable more than once seems unintended, but the description doesn't say one way or another, suggesting that the item can be used repeatedly.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 300 Goblin Skull Bomb - the spell mage hand cannot affect magic items, so it should be removed as an example of moving the item with a spell. It could be replaced with unseen servant.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 302 Horn of Blasting, Greater - how much damage does it do if it explodes? I would assume that it would do more than a standard horn of blasting, since it's base damage is higher, but there's no mention, which suggests it would do the same damage on an explosion as a regular horn of blasting.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 304 Hybridization Funnel - similar to the formula alembic, is this supposed to be a one-use item, based on the 200 gp low price, or can it be used as often as desired?

Also, it mentions "using the vial requires 10 minutes", and it should be "using the funnel requires 10 minutes".

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 308 Lyre of Building - so the second effect of the lyre, actually building things, takes 30 minutes of playing, but later in the description, it mentions that "Each hour after the first, a character playing the lyre must make a DC 18 Perform (string instruments) check". So you can play for 2 30 minute increments with no problem, and then after 4 increments, you've played an hour after the first, and would need to make a check. What about when you've played for 90 minutes? Is that safe without a check also? It's very odd that the check is based on hours, when the effect is based on 30 minutes. Would it make sense for the effect to simply need an hour of playing, and then each hour after the first makes a lot more sense?

The Exchange

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crap, this is going to be a completely new book if there's ever a second printing.

Grand Lodge

JoelF847 wrote:
p. 298 Figurine of Wondrous Power (serpentine owl) - should the stats used for the giant owl form still use a giant eagle stats, now that giant owl stats are in Bestiary 3?

Logic would say yes but unfortunately it'll alter the price of the item since the giant owl is a CR 5 and the giant eagle is a CR 3.

Grand Lodge

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Pgs. 118, 120, 136, 137, 139, 141 - Various magic armor and weapon property tables

These tables are broken down into smaller tables, each one devoted to a different category of armor or weapon property (+1 bonus, +2 bonus, etc.).

Included in these, however, are those properties that don't list one of these bonuses as their base price, but rather have a specific gold piece value. For example, the benevolent armor property is listed in the +1 armor special ability table on page 118, but has a flat base price of +2,000 gp.

This could cause confusion, as it did for me, as I thought that an armor or weapon's max bonus was +10, but that these "non-bonus'd" enhancements could be slapped on regardless, since they didn't have a normal bonus price. Including them in these tables implies that they count as if they were that bonus type, meaning they get factored into whether an armor or weapon has a +10 bonus.

Gorgon Belt

-What kind of saving throw do you make against the paralyzing mist? I'm guessing Fortitude, but it's not stated.
-Is the paralyzing mist a poison effect? Considering it's described as "poisonous green gas," and the belt has poison as a construction requirement, I'm guessing yes. But then again, an actual gorgon's breath weapon isn't a poison effect, so I'm not sure.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 208 - Belt slot items

The very first sentence at the top of this page mentions that scabbard-type items are also belt slot items. This should be deleted, as all scabbard items are slot-less (SKR confirmed this). Fortunately all scabbard items in this book are indeed in the slot-less items section, so bully.

Sovereign Court

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Snapleaf (p.319) Should be edited to ensure it is a single use item (as I believe it was in RPG Superstar), instead of a 750gp infinite invisibility machine that the omission makes it.

For the rod that should not be, what are the construction requirements? Only a spell (summon monster III or V) is listed. I'm guessing Craft Rod is a prereq?

Also, am I right that the rod attacks on its own? Which is to say, it doesn't require an action from the wielder to attack? I'm fairly certain this is the case, but it could have been spelled out a bit more. A line like "as a free action, the rod attacks during the wielder's turn" would clear things up.

Generic Villain wrote:

For the rod that should not be, what are the construction requirements? Only a spell (summon monster III or V) is listed. I'm guessing Craft Rod is a prereq?

Also, am I right that the rod attacks on its own? Which is to say, it doesn't require an action from the wielder to attack? I'm fairly certain this is the case, but it could have been spelled out a bit more. A line like "as a free action, the rod attacks during the wielder's turn" would clear things up.

UE wrote:

On command, the tentacle attacks an adjacent creature as

a melee touch attack

by default, all magic items that are activated require a standard action unless otherwise stated in its description.

Yeah, that's CRB pg. 458. Under "Command Word".

Good point, I forgot the key word "command" there.

Just noticed and didn't see anyone mention it:

UC introduced the Stone Coat Heavy Armor. It isn't anywhere in UE.

Grand Lodge

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Just noticed and didn't see anyone mention it:

UC introduced the Stone Coat Heavy Armor. It isn't anywhere in UE.

Yes it is, it was renamed to stone lamellar.

Strife2002 wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Just noticed and didn't see anyone mention it:

UC introduced the Stone Coat Heavy Armor. It isn't anywhere in UE.

Yes it is, it was renamed to stone lamellar.

Ok then disregard my comment.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 324 Universal Solvent - how much can a single use dissolve?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 337 Codex of the Infinite Planes - It states that "any failure on either check indicates that a catastrophe befalls the user", however, it seems that there is only a single check being refered to (Spellcraft DC 40+ twice the spell level).

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 339 The Shadowstaff - should the summon nightshade power actually summon a nightshade from Bestiary instead of an advanced shadow demon?

Also, for the shadowform power, what is the duration? It states that it grants the movement powers granted by gasseous form, so I would assume the same duration of that spell at 20th caster level (40 minutes), but technically, it doesn't say.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 339 The Shield of the Sun - should the aura also list good?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 339 Skullsoul - should the aura also list evil?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 341 Table 6-2 Common Item Curses - what does completely different effect mean? It's not described on the nearby pages. Does it mean that the item detects as one item, but in fact functions as a completely different item, and otherwise functions as the second item normally?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 353 Senses and Communication - "the ability to communicate emphatically" should be "the ability to communicate empathically".

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 359 Singing Sword - the 8/day using bardic performance power - how long does each use last? Does the sword have a total number of rounds of performance like a bard, or does each use have a set duration?

Grand Lodge

Pg. 133 - Zombie skin shield

It says this thing has an aura of moderate abjuration. It's clearly necromancy at work here, not abjuration.

Grand Lodge

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JoelF847 wrote:
p. 337 Codex of the Infinite Planes - It states that "any failure on either check indicates that a catastrophe befalls the user", however, it seems that there is only a single check being refered to (Spellcraft DC 40+ twice the spell level).

Perhaps it's also referring to the Spellcraft check to initially learn the power, as described at the beginning of the description (Spellcraft check [DC 50])

p. 249 - The table for greater major items lists a 'headband of metal superiority', where it should probably read 'headband of mental superiority'

p. 159 - Screaming Bolt. What is the duration of this ability? It seems that the target(s) are shaken forever, otherwise

Grand Lodge

Pg. 139 - Table 3-10: Ranged Weapon Special Abilities

Designating, lesser has a superscript of "3" next to it, indicating that ranged weapons with this special ability bestow this power upon their ammunition. Designating, greater should also have this superscript, which it is missing.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 180 - Table 4-5: Metamagic Rods (+3 spell level)

At the bottom of this table is Widen Spell, which doesn't have a description in this section at all. Presumably it was cut by mistake, as metamagic rod descriptions end on page 191, and Widen Spell would have been alone on its own page.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 214 - Bodywrap of mighty strikes

Great item, by the way.

Maybe I'm missing something, here, but it seems like it's impossible to craft a +7 bonus bodywrap. The construction requirements state a creator must have a caster level at least 3 times as high as the bonus. A +7 bodywrap's creator would need to be level 21, and currently there are no rules for extending a class's level beyond 20.

Having never played in a campaign at these high of levels, I'm a little fuzzy on the rules but is it possible that through prestige classes a character could extend his effective caster level beyond 20? For example, a wizard 20/mystic theurge 1 would be able to craft one of these?

Strife2002 wrote:

Pg. 214 - Bodywrap of mighty strikes

Great item, by the way.

Maybe I'm missing something, here, but it seems like it's impossible to craft a +7 bonus bodywrap. The construction requirements state a creator must have a caster level at least 3 times as high as the bonus. A +7 bodywrap's creator would need to be level 21, and currently there are no rules for extending a class's level beyond 20.

Orange ioun stone?

Grand Lodge

Distant Scholar wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:

Pg. 214 - Bodywrap of mighty strikes

Great item, by the way.

Maybe I'm missing something, here, but it seems like it's impossible to craft a +7 bonus bodywrap. The construction requirements state a creator must have a caster level at least 3 times as high as the bonus. A +7 bodywrap's creator would need to be level 21, and currently there are no rules for extending a class's level beyond 20.

Orange ioun stone?

Right, good idea.

Pg. 278 - Table 5-13: If you roll a 79 on the greater minor slotless table, then get either a horn of goodness/evil or a naga-scale bindi.

And yes, if you're wondering about all the picayune differences I've been reporting, yeah, I am reading through all of the random item tables.

Grand Lodge

Pgs. 136 & 137 - Table 3-8: Melee Weapon Special Abilities

Since impact has its own superscript of "4" (after eventual errata) with a footnote all for itself in the table, deadly could use one, as well. Deadly on page 136 should have a new superscript of "5" next to it, with a footnote at the end of the table on 137 saying something like:

"5 Weapons that normally deal nonlethal damage only"

Grand Lodge

Everyone be sure to take note of this blog post where the monk gets some much needed loving, but also a huge update to the amulet of mighty fists.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 214 - Corset of the vishkanya

This item made its debut in Advanced Race Guide, where it was listed as a chest slot item. Here, it's been listed as a body slot item. With such close release dates between these two books, one of these is likely an error (as opposed to an actual intended change). If Ultimate Equipment's corset is in error, then that would mean all corset items should be chest slot items, which would also include the corset of dire witchcraft.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 230 - Daredevil boots

Technically not an error, but worth mentioning. This item is a variation on the daredevil softpaws item found in Advanced Race Guide and was meant to be a wearable-by-everyone update as opposed to the catfolk-only version as presented in the ARG. The two items are identical in function and price, except that the one from Advanced Race Guide is made from the softpaw item introduced there, which grants a catfolk a +1 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks and increases the DC to notice or follow tracks of a catfolk by +2.

Therefore, some GMs may wish to make a note that the UE item doesn't replace the ARG item, as the ARG item does something special for a particular race.

EDIT: Alternatively, as a house rule to simplify things, GMs could simply add an extra feature to the daredevil boots that says catfolk who wear the item get the benefits of the softpaws equipment, essentially letting it be wearable by everyone while keeping the added bonus for catfolk.

Strife2002 wrote:

Pg. 168 - Ring of continuation

For anybody that doesn't check the blog posts, Jason B. just made a post with a handful of FAQs in it. One of them was for the ring of continuation. Here it is below along with his response.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Does the ring of continuation (Ultimate Equipment, page 168) allow you to cast time stop with a duration of 24 hours?

This item has had some unintended consequences and needs a fix. Change the second sentence of the description to read as follows: "Whenever the wearer of the ring casts a spell with a range of personal and a duration of 10 minutes per level or greater, that spell remains in effect for 24 hours or until the wearer casts another spell with a range of personal (whichever comes first)."

It was overpowered, next should be a price drop imo.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 195 - Staff of cackling wrath

This staff has too low a caster level. Baleful polymorph is a 5th-level spell for everyone who can cast it, which means that this staff would need a minimum CL of 9th.

So using this new CL, the price and cost of making one of these would be 56,700 gp and 28,350 gp, respectively.

(Note: Originally the price of this staff didn't follow the construction formula, and even if you calculated it at CL 8th like it did originally, it didn't come to the right value. The values I listed above are mathematically accurate)

EDIT: This will also bump the staff up into the Greater Major staff category.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 195 - Staff of courage

The staff of courage's cost and price were calculated incorrectly. They were calculated as if either bless or remove fear took 2 charges to activate instead of 1. The correct price and cost are 20,800 gp and 10,400 gp, respectively.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 343 - Table 6-3: Specific Cursed Items

Change "eyes blindness" to "eyes of blindness".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 345 - Crown of blindness

A couple of things here. First, I know there's nothing really wrong with this, but I just wanted to point out that all "crown" magic items are on the head slot, not headband slot.

Two, one of the intended magic items listed for this item is the moon circlet, an item from the APG which didn't make it into this book. Perhaps a small reference in parenthesis next to this item is in order.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 339 - Shield of the Sun

This item's slot should say "SHIELD" instead of "NONE".

Grand Lodge

Pg. 343 - Table 6-3: Specific Cursed Items

This table is missing several items presented in this section including:

* The buffoon's sword, cannibal ring, and cloak of immolation from page 344.
* The crown of blindness from page 345.
* The girdle of opposite gender, gravesoul armor, and hat of hatreds from page 346.
* The one-way window from page 348.
* The planar invasion shield, ring of lifebleed, and ring of truth from page 349.
* The riot pipes and rod of arson from page 350.

EDIT: Just realized that every item mentioned above were the new sample cursed items introduced in the APG.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 199 - Staff of obstacles

Material components for arcane lock weren't factored in to the cost and price. Cost is 27,050 gp and Price is 52,850 gp.

Grand Lodge

Pgs. 199 & 202 - Staff of power and staff of the woodlands

Every staff in this book that functions as a magically enhanced quarterstaff mentions that both ends are magical (with the exception of the staff of dark flame which goes out of its way to specifically say only one end is magically enhanced). They say they function as a "+1/+1 quarterstaff" or "+2/+2". The only two that don't, however, that aren't the staff of dark flame are the staff of power and staff of the woodlands. Both of these staves were introduced in the Core Rulebook, which leads me to believe it's possible they were intended to have both ends magically enhanced and it was just an early oversight not noticed until now.

Could be this isn't an error, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 200 - Staff of shrieking

The only way this staff could be CL 8th is if either a bard or cleric teamed up with either a sorcerer or wizard to make it. If a single class were to be the creator of this staff, it'd have to be a 10th-level bard minimum, making it CL 10th at that point, altering the price and cost.

For any GMs who want to have a staff of shrieking in their game that was created by a lone bard, change the CL to 10th, the price to 36,000 gp, and the cost to 18,000 gp.

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