[Dreamscarred Press] First Dreamscarred Kickstarter Coming Soon

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I backed this kickstarter, also dotted.

Dreamscarred Press

Thanks for the support, folks! Every backer is appreciated - and we are getting closer and closer to the 250-backer bonus adventure for NeoExodus!

We have been tweaking the forgeborn race and will be posting a preview of them this month - to give folks a chance to see what they're getting before the project finishes! We have 19 days left and we're heading toward our goal of more archetypes for the psionic base classes!

And since we're on a new page - Get in on the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter today!

Dreamscarred Press

For those of you interested in getting a GM screen, but who aren't pledging at the $200 reward tier (or if you want more than one), we have made the GM screen available as an add-in for $10.

Ultimate Psionics!

Grand Lodge

Jeremy, what will the GM screen have on the GM side? Do you know yet?

Dreamscarred Press

We're still working through the specifics.

But it's likely going to have a fair bit of the same info as on the standard GM screen (because you likely don't want to have two screens out, and you'll still want much that information), as well as psionic related information like the power point cost for different power levels, skill check DCs for the psionic skills, and the like.

Wow, $28,000!


Very pleased to see how this is going. Again, grats Jeremy and Andreas!

Jeremy Smith wrote:

Ballpark estimate? 600 pages?

What would page count of the regular version be then?

I haven't quite decided what to pledge yet. I'm probably in for $50 but the color book is looking mighty tempting. But, I am one of those rare weirdos who doesn't like a book to be too big. Ultimate Psionics the size of say Ultimate Equipment = Awesome. Ultimate Psionics the size of Tome of Horrors Complete = Not so much awesome.

Jeremy Smith wrote:

For those of you interested in getting a GM screen, but who aren't pledging at the $200 reward tier (or if you want more than one), we have made the GM screen available as an add-in for $10.

Ultimate Psionics!

Will this screen be cardstock or something heavier?

An estimation would be approx 500 pages for Ultimate Psionics regular edition - which means smaller than the Core book.

We are looking at using cardstock, the heavier builds rocket the costs insanely high.

Dreamscarred Press

It's a laminated cardstock. The size of the printing makes heavier than cardstock difficult to find, but the lamination gives it additional thickness to help it stand on its own.

It's going to be similar to the GM Screen, in terms of materials, produced for the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter.

We have 250 backers so we get the bonus adventure for NeoExodus.

Liberty's Edge

Well glad I did not buy psionics expanded. As I want to get the combined edition. So Feb 2013 for those who kickstarted the project. Any idea when we will be able to buy it in stores?

memorax wrote:
Well glad I did not buy psionics expanded. As I want to get the combined edition. So Feb 2013 for those who kickstarted the project. Any idea when we will be able to buy it in stores?

Initially estimated the date was February 2013, but with all the added content it'll likely be pushed back to March or April. I should note that through the kickstarter is the only guaranteed way to get a color copy of the book as Jeremy said the print run for color is expensive and thus will be limited (not to be confused with the limited edition run).

Dreamscarred Press

Indeed, we are over 250 backers and so will be including a bonus adventure set in the NeoExodus campaign setting, compliments of LPJ Design!

As for street date for the books - we'll be doing one big print run, so they should be in stores within a few weeks of the book being printed.

Liberty's Edge

Thnaks for the answer gentlemen. As much as I want color I'm satisifed with getting the black and white version. Color is great yet with rent going up somewhat on a budget. As long as I can get the book I'm happy. May give the psionics unleashed I have to the DM as a gift once I get the book.

Jeremy Smith wrote:
Indeed, we are over 250 backers and so will be including a bonus adventure set in the NeoExodus campaign setting, compliments of LPJ Design!

All I can say about this adventure is you are going to get a great sampling of NeoExodus, while at the same time seeing how the psionic rules work in a amazing setting that was built with psionic in mind. Thanks to the guys at Dreamscarred Press for letting us offer this incredible adventure to their donors.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
memorax wrote:
Well glad I did not buy psionics expanded.

Actually, I'm keeping my order for this, for a couple reasons. One, to support Dreamscarred. Two, because PU and PE in the same format will work out good for players at the table while I'll use my special-edition ultra-F-ing-awesome version that I paid for.

Anguish wrote:
memorax wrote:
Well glad I did not buy psionics expanded.
Actually, I'm keeping my order for this, for a couple reasons. One, to support Dreamscarred. Two, because PU and PE in the same format will work out good for players at the table while I'll use my special-edition ultra-F-ing-awesome version that I paid for.

+1. I'm very happy I bought my PsiUn and PsiEx (and PsiBestiary sub) PDFs. Now I just need to scare up some moolah for the hardcover.

Couple more backers today puts us just a little over $500 away from the next stretch goal (more archetypes)!

Dreamscarred Press

Indeed, we are almost to the $30,000 stretch goal!

Guess we need to get on figuring out those future stretch goals. :)

Psionic archetypes for non-core classes?

Jackissocool wrote:
Psionic archetypes for non-core classes?

That was reached back at the $18,000 stretch goal. The $30,000 stretch goal is for all of the psionic classes to get an additional archetype.

MaverickWolf wrote:
Jackissocool wrote:
Psionic archetypes for non-core classes?
That was reached back at the $18,000 stretch goal. The $30,000 stretch goal is for all of the psionic classes to get an additional archetype.

No no no, the NON-core classes. Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Gunslinger, Magus, Oracle, Summoner, and Witch.

Dreamscarred Press

Any other requests for material to be included?

Despite having a bunch of stretch goals planned, we have exceeded even our highest expectations, so are coming up a bit short in new stretch goals.

Which is a good problem to have!

Jackissocool wrote:
MaverickWolf wrote:
Jackissocool wrote:
Psionic archetypes for non-core classes?
That was reached back at the $18,000 stretch goal. The $30,000 stretch goal is for all of the psionic classes to get an additional archetype.
No no no, the NON-core classes. Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Gunslinger, Magus, Oracle, Summoner, and Witch.

Right. Brain froze for a minute I guess. Andreas has stated that he has ideas for everything but the witch, but that doesn't mean any guarantees.

Off the top of my head, a short section on psionic enhancement for non-psionic classes. There was "Hidden Talent" in 3.5 which was awesome because you could take a Fighter or a Barbarian or a Wizard even, and give them a tiny power-point pool plus a known power. Something like that always struck me as really, really cool. I know that archetypes may bridge that gap, but they tend to sacrifice so much core functionality that my groups shy away from them.

So perhaps a couple feats that could unlock very minor manifesting for non-manifesters. Also great for soulknives who want to do flavorful things like use inertial armor without having to multiclass to do it.

Maybe, like the arcane permanency spell, provide a table of specific powers that are available for this ability if there's concern regarding broken combinations.

stretch goals- figure out an amount that would let you include an extra B&W copy for the game table. (or some of the other bonus add-ons)

The book itself looks like it will contain a rather large amount of material. I want to agree with Anguish on seeing the Hidden Talent type stuff included.

Also, a 'variant' monk base class. Check out the thread Ashiel posted on this, it looks pretty good. Maybe you could continue to improve it and have it included.

MaverickWolf wrote:
Jackissocool wrote:
MaverickWolf wrote:
Jackissocool wrote:
Psionic archetypes for non-core classes?
That was reached back at the $18,000 stretch goal. The $30,000 stretch goal is for all of the psionic classes to get an additional archetype.
No no no, the NON-core classes. Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Gunslinger, Magus, Oracle, Summoner, and Witch.
Right. Brain froze for a minute I guess. Andreas has stated that he has ideas for everything but the witch, but that doesn't mean any guarantees.

Really? I was not aware of that. I have an obvious part of an idea for a witch, although there would need to be more. They'd get a psicrystal instead of a familiar. And there'd definitely be some psionic hexes, like one to steal a creature's power points or somesuch.

I would like that the old 3.5 gem dragons be included if you have not already. This book is going with its brothers in my bookshelf. Its going to be fun sitting down a weekend afternoon to read the AD&D, 3rd, 3.5 and pathfinder versions of psionics.


Now that I looked in the 3.0 and 3.5 Psionic books and failed to find the gem dragons, were those ever converted to 3rd edition? If not it would doubly awesome if they were included in the book.

Perhaps some pregenerated NPCs similar to the chapter in the Gamemastery Guide or the upcoming NPC codex? Things that can be easily dropped in. I also agree on the gem dragon front as those are awesome.

And this is more of a "hey does this work" thing but some clarification on if <i>Fold Space</i> (and the Elocator class feature that emulates it) is intended to allow you to qualify for the Dimension Agility chain from Ultimate Combat. It just strikes me as something Elocators would excel at as a combat style.

Ladies and gentlemen, $30k!!! Woohoo!!!!

Arslanxelan wrote:

I would like that the old 3.5 gem dragons be included if you have not already. This book is going with its brothers in my bookshelf. Its going to be fun sitting down a weekend afternoon to read the AD&D, 3rd, 3.5 and pathfinder versions of psionics.


Now that I looked in the 3.0 and 3.5 Psionic books and failed to find the gem dragons, were those ever converted to 3rd edition? If not it would doubly awesome if they were included in the book.

ooooohhhh yes!

I'm not 100% certain, but I don't believe gem dragons are OGL, meaning they can't be converted to this. At best, they'd be included in the Classic Psionic Monsters Revisited thing, but I think they'd be a little more difficult to rebuild while maintaining flavor than some of the others.

MaverickWolf wrote:
I'm not 100% certain, but I don't believe gem dragons are OGL, meaning they can't be converted to this. At best, they'd be included in the Classic Psionic Monsters Revisited thing, but I think they'd be a little more difficult to rebuild while maintaining flavor than some of the others.

Well, they don't have to be gem dragons. Just true psionic dragons. And preferably a selection of five, but just one would be dandy enough.

Dreamscarred Press

Cavian wrote:
And this is more of a "hey does this work" thing but some clarification on if <i>Fold Space</i> (and the Elocator class feature that emulates it) is intended to allow you to qualify for the Dimension Agility chain from Ultimate Combat. It just strikes me as something Elocators would excel at as a combat style.

Yes. Fold Space is the psionic equivalent to dimension door, ergo it should work as meeting the prerequisite.

If you're still taking suggestions for Stretch Goals, I've got one:

If you meet a certain $ amount, you could commit to a future project of converting your Campaign Setting to be completely Pathfinder/Ultimate Psionics compatible.

It should include how all the races and classes fit into the Setting, Regional Traits, etc.

You might even want to do that as another Kickstarter next year!


Dreamscarred Press

Converting Third Dawn is definitely going to remain separate from Ultimate Psionics. They're very different audiences and goals. :)

Dreamscarred Press

We have reached our $30,000 stretch goal and have announced our new stretch goals!

At $36,000, we will include an additional 10 pages of psionic items in all copies of Ultimate Psionics. This will include new universal items, psionic weapons, psicrowns, psionic armor, and the like!

At $40,000, we will produce the Seventh Path supplement we have long discussed. This supplement will deal with the Medium-style character - paranormal activity, speaking with the dead, channeling spiritual energy, and the like. This will be a separate PDF and all backers at $100 and up will get it once it is available. Our projection on when it is available is mid-to-late 2013.

Don't miss out on the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to see a stretch goal like Monte Cook did with his new setting, where x number of books go to either libraries or military bases, free of charge.

A question: How is the UltPsi PDF Bestiary different than the current Psionics Bestiary subscription? (I've already purchased the latter.)

Edit: And not a stretch goal option, but as an Add-In, could you also offer a set of 2 d10s with one in a different color (for those d100 rolls)?

Edit 2: Maybe even a full 7 die set?

The Psionic Bestiary is the same as the current subscription. It has not been officially confirmed yet, but Jeremy stated in one of the comments on the kickstarter that they were looking at giving a credit of $5, $10, or $15 to go towards add-ons for people who have already ordered the Psionic Items of Legend, the Psionic Bestiary, or both.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
MaverickWolf wrote:
I'd like to see a stretch goal like Monte Cook did with his new setting, where x number of books go to either libraries or military bases, free of charge.

You know, I'd love that but really, look at the numbers involved. You're looking at about 200 books being printed, and that's B&W and colour combined. There just isn't a large enough run to give away a percentage that would be meaningful.

Now... how about printing a copy or two extra and "accidentally" shipping them to Paizo so their staff have them laying around as resources?

I feel the need to point out that there are still all 4 open slots for getting a character of your design drawn and put on the GM screen (and somewhere inside the book). And 4 open slots for the design a character just for inside the book. Just saying.....

Dreamscarred Press

Just a couple quick updates - we are still gaining ground and moving toward the $33,000 stretch goal of a section in the book detailing how to alter the theme of psionics to fit your campaign.

In addition, the $40,000 stretch goal has been expanded to also include a B&W printed copy of the Psionic Bestiary for all backers of $100 and up.

11 days to go and still making progress!

Arg, I'm still trying to get some money put together. That $200 is just too tempting to pass up!

Just backed by 224 baby! Time to mindblast some aboleths!

Thank you Jeremy for answering my questions in my private message about the lord of fire.

Dreamscarred Press

MaxBarton wrote:
Arg, I'm still trying to get some money put together. That $200 is just too tempting to pass up!

We've got 9 days left - so here's to hoping you can get the reward you have in mind! We're trying to keep it so that the different rewards get enough for the cost. It's certainly a tough balancing act with trying to make sure we don't spread ourselves too thin, as well.

And to be honest, we didn't expect quite so many limited edition backers. Not that we're complaining! I'll just have to spread out the signatures to avoid cramps, lol.

We are also now over $32,000 and closing in on the $33,000 stretch goal of "a section in the book detailing how to alter the theme of psionics to fit your campaign."

This project has far surpassed our expectations and still gaining ground - thank you to everyone who has backed it, pitched ideas, given feedback, spread the word, and posted. It's been a community effort and the success, I think, shows that.

Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter!

Well, folks, just over one week left and less than $1k from the section for GMs on converting flavor. Also only 26 more backers to 300, which would just be cool to see. Also still a total of 9 different slots for custom illustrations - 4 for the GM screen and 5 just for inside te book. Let's see if we can't keep pushing and get that $40k stretch goal, because I know there are plenty of fans who have wanted a Medium-style Psionics character for quite a long time (hell, I believe I remember discussion of such a thing in 3.5).

Dreamscarred Press

One week left! We are under $500 away from the altering the theme of psionics section!

Let's do a quick review of what this project gets so far and who gets what:

Psionics Unleashed and Psionics Expanded combined into a single book, integrating the rules of Psionics Expanded into Unleashed (talents, etc.) (for everyone $20 and up)

The new Forgeborn and Dreamscarred psionic races (for everyone $20 and up).

The (estimated) 100+ page Psionic Bestiary (for those $30 and up)

Power cards for the 100+ psionic powers (for everyone $20 and up)

Psionic Items of Legend integrated into the book (for everyone $20 and up).

An introductory psionic adventure (for everyone $20 and up).

Character sheets with psionic support (for everyone $20 and up).

All artwork in the book upgraded to full color, additional artwork budget, full-page graphics to start each chapter, and Wayne Reynolds commissioned to do the cover art (for everyone $20 and up with the characters of $1000 backers on the cover)!

Advanced race options for all 10 races (for everyone $20 and up).

PCGen AND HeroLab files (for everyone $20 and up).

A Game Mastering section (for everyone $20 and up).

Psionic Item Cards (for everyone $20 and up).

Psionic archetypes for every core class and another psionic archetype for each psionic class (for everyone $20 and up).

A 4-panel GM screen (for everyone $200 and up, available as an add-on to all other backers, with 4 slots remaining to get YOUR character on the screen).

Twenty additional psionic monsters and printable minis for the entire Bestiary (for everyone $30 and up).

A full-color Ultimate Psionics poster (for everyone $200 and up, available as an add-on to all other backers).

Classic Psionic Monsters Revisited (for everyone $200 and up, not available as an add-in, not available outside of this project)

The psionic adventure in the NeoExodus campaign setting (for everyone $30 and up).

And we still have a week left! We have stretch goals left for the altering psionics to fit your game, 10 additional pages of psionic items, and to produce the Seventh Path supplement dealing with speaking with the dead and the Medium base class!

Thanks to everyone who has supported this kickstarter thus far, make sure to tell everyone you know to get the word out, and let's make this book truly Ultimate!

Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter

Dreamscarred Press

We have just broken $33,000!

And I've posted an update which includes information about the 32-page introductory adventure!

We are also only 20 backers away from 300!

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