Chosen By The Gods Campaign - Building a High Stat Fighter (HELP!)


I am currently playing in a campaign (the first time i'm not DMing in a long time) and I need help designing a character. The DM based the campaign off the idea that we're "chosen" by the gods to act as their champions on this realm, so our stats are pretty high. It was a Dice Pool system, where we roll 22 dice and add them together as desired to get our stats (none over 20 before racial mod). So, building a 4th Level Human Fighter (no archetypes, but if anyone has a good suggestion i'm willing to listen) with the following stats after racial adjustments.
Str 22
Dex 18
Con 20
Int 13
Wis 12
Cha 14

I want to be relatively versatile, but close combat is already handled. any suggestions?

Depends. You're statted out like a melee monster,but it wouldn't be to hard to build a swich hitter character. The problem is that like every other aspect of the game it rewards specialization. If close combat is taken care of completely I'd go archer, not necassarily the archetype but that couldn't hurt. Carry a two hander for when they get close(take power attack with a fighter bonus feat if it happens a lot then retrain later) until you qualify for point blank master and snap shot.

1 point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot
2 power attack retrain later or pick up somoething else if your group is particully good
3 weapon focus
4 weapon spec.

Lot of damage very effective, but all you're ever gonna do is full attack, move evey now and then, You wont even get to do that if your wizard is worth a damn. The problem is that ou say you want to be versatile with the most unversatile class in the game. You either spec in melee(maybe manuevers or reach) or archery. Anything else usually leads to what I like to call monk syndrome. A character with great defenses (and in the fighters case lots of HP) that the villains ignore once they realize they cant kill him.

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I would put the 14 into wisdom, and the 12 into charisma.

If you are gonna go for snap shot, grab combat reflexes and combat patrol (unfortunately also requires mobility). It takes a round to set up combat patrol but it is useful if you are going up against enemy casters.

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I'd personally go with the Mobile Fighter Archetype and a reach weapon.

1. Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack
2. Mobility
3. Spring Attack
4. Iron Will

Probably not the strongest build, but with 20 Con and 22 Str, there's really not a whole lot else you'll need starting out. With 18 Dex, there's very little reason in my opinion to not get Combat Reflexes, as you move from 1 attack per round to the possibility of up to 5 with good positioning and tactics. Iron Will replaces bravery for your weak save, and the Spring Attack tree should get you wherever you'd like to go.

I especially like that when you aren't fighting creatures with reach, you get to make trip attacks without provoking an attack of opportunity, so you don't even really need the improved trip feat.

JasonKain wrote:

I'd personally go with the Mobile Fighter Archetype and a reach weapon.

1. Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack
2. Mobility
3. Spring Attack
4. Iron Will

Probably not the strongest build, but with 20 Con and 22 Str, there's really not a whole lot else you'll need starting out. With 18 Dex, there's very little reason in my opinion to not get Combat Reflexes, as you move from 1 attack per round to the possibility of up to 5 with good positioning and tactics. Iron Will replaces bravery for your weak save, and the Spring Attack tree should get you wherever you'd like to go.

I especially like that when you aren't fighting creatures with reach, you get to make trip attacks without provoking an attack of opportunity, so you don't even really need the improved trip feat.

This looks like it could be pretty fun. So far the team has a rediculously high amount of damage output, but little Crowd Control. And thanks to out higher stats, the DM has just informed us that he's gonna treat us as +2 CR (usually by addin another creature or two, not nastier creatures), so this might help keep the wizard from getting smeared as fast.

Why not a Ranger?
You can make a good bow fighter and mele figher. Besides that the good amount of skills is handy. Take a Reach weapong, if melee is not functional take your bow.

1: Power Attack, Dodge
2: Rapid Shot (style feat)
3: Combat Reflexes

When advancing i suggest:
5: Lunge
6: Many Shot (style feat

With amazing stats why not build a Zen Archer?

Lightbulb wrote:
With amazing stats why not build a Zen Archer?

Fighter is a way better use of these stats unless he can rearrange them. With the relatively low wisdom a ranger or fighter is better. Also, with a fighter, you can grab a couple of ranged feats and the polearm feats to be a nice switch-hitter archer/controller.

The Zen Archer ist the ultimate archer; not because of DPR - because he will survive everything. Switch your stats: Wis 22, Str 20, Dex 18, Con 14. Your AC (with a little bit of investment), your touch AC, your saves, your perception will be the best of the group. You will not need armor, so if you're surprised in your sleep (you'll seldom be surprised), no problems. You get tons of feats build in the class. You will be ahead of the fighter concerning feats till around level 18.
No need for switch hitting, always full attack with your bow (no AoO against you anymore when you hit third level). And still, your damage will be comparable to that of archer fighters and rangers.

There's an excellent guide (a lot to read, but well written)
Zen Archer by Porpentine.

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