[Reaper Miniatures] Bones Kickstarter


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Liberty's Edge

Philip Dhollander wrote:

however, I think you need to pledge vampire now and upgrade in the questionnaire app later. Pledging 1 USD now won't let you get Vampire or better thereafter, outside the scope of the Kickstarter.

See below:

admiral.ironbombs wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:

Reaper has also announced that after the KS ends there will be a Pledge Manager app of some sort. This will allow you to allocate your pledge dollars and, more importantly, add additional money to you pledge. While this won't count towards getting new stretch goals unlocked it will allow you to defer some of the cost to a little bit later (they plan to have all pledges allocated within 30 days of the KS close).

In other words if you can afford $1 right now in a couple of weeks you can up your pledge to $100 (or whatever) and still get all of the minis at the Vampire level + whatever bonus minis you want as well. While Reaper has stated they would much rather people pledge now they are perfectly willing to accept these additional add-ons.

Really???? Is this true? If so, that's awesome!!!!

I just want to be sure this is 100% accurate before I do it and get my hopes up (I'm emotionally fragile :)

Pretty much confirmed on Reaper's forum. So, yep, you can pledge $1 now and up to Vampire later. (I'd like to hope people pledge more than a buck to help hit those stretch goals, but I realize not everyone has a stack of cash laying around this soon after GenCon.)

Also, the Reaper Pledge Manager is supposed to accept alternate payment options like PayPal, which makes me wonder if I can use PayPal's Bill Me Later to amass an army of fire giants, hydras, etc.

Looks like you CAN pledge as little as $1 now and then upgrade to Vampire after the Kickstarter is over (although, as you point out, doing so does not help in unlocking new goals during the Kickstarter drive)

I thought this was said:

you can up your pledge after the KS closes to pay for additional extra or adjust if you've made a mistake (for example when calculating shipping costs) but you won't be able to upgrade on your original pledge level so those pledging at skeleton level will be stuck just with the options open to every level

Check out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1513061270/reaper-miniatures-bones-an-e volution-of-gaming-min

Scroll down a little bit to the video which shows FAQ in red and listen to the message.

pres man wrote:
You paint the eyes before the face (now I have Billy Idol going through my mind, LOL). You then paint the face around the eyes, so you don't have to be as precise when you do it in that order.

Exactly. Just google "painting miniatures eyes" for various tutorials.

Reaper mini's has its The Craft tutorials, including for eyes:

I *think* the Storm Giant miniature would be a good place to start with eyes, since her face is so large, compared to the regular sized mini's?

DeathQuaker wrote:

Yeah, I think I'm not gonna need to buy a lot of minis after this, save for specific character needs and more Chronoscope figs (if they'd stop putting guns in the Chronoscope figs' hands in ways that make them pains in the ass to convert, I'd probably have already bought a good chunk of the line).

Anyone wanna trade the goblins for something else? *DeathQuaker is about to admit a very unpopular opinion* I really hate the Golarion goblins and don't want any.

I as well would like the gobos, but march is along time to wait on a trade.


Sorry for the caps...I just can't contain my excitement over the 4 freakin' golems!!!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Red-Assassin wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

Yeah, I think I'm not gonna need to buy a lot of minis after this, save for specific character needs and more Chronoscope figs (if they'd stop putting guns in the Chronoscope figs' hands in ways that make them pains in the ass to convert, I'd probably have already bought a good chunk of the line).

Anyone wanna trade the goblins for something else? *DeathQuaker is about to admit a very unpopular opinion* I really hate the Golarion goblins and don't want any.

I as well would like the gobos, but march is along time to wait on a trade.

Fair point. I think I'll hold off trying to make any trades until they actually come in. (And BigKilla I did see your message so I will keep it in mind.)

Update on pledges after KS

reaperbryan wrote:

If you pledged Vampire/Undertaker: all prices in the PM will be exactly what is shown on the Kickstarter project page.

If your pledge does not include a Vampire or Undertaker pledge (say, you're a Skeleton, or a Liche that did not also get Vampire) then you will be allowed some of the Options, but at a higher price than the Vampire Backers were given. This is to incentivise Vampirism, not to punish you for splitting payments.

Just so everyone knows where they will stand after Saturday.

I finally caved by the weight of the vampire pledge. Eventhough i have several of the miniatures all ready (and a hoard of miniatures i still have to paint) that deal is just to hard to resist.

Reaper, shut up and take my money.

Liberty's Edge

I'll agree with DeathQuaker on not being overly fond of the goblins, but I feel the same about almost all the modern and sci-fi ones.

I am so keeping one of them though. I'm going to paint him up to look like the Shadow and give him to my mother as a present as she is a fan of the Shadow. I also plan to see what I can do with the witch to just make it look like she has an odd broom. Otherwise all the sci-fi, modern and western ones will have to wait until I have nothing but time on my hands to paint them or trade them at my game store.

The owner of the store where I run my weekly game just offered to host a painting party and let me use his paints! It helps he pledged as well at the Undertaker level.

Wowzers!! Those Golems make me happy. And the dark wizards will be a nice addition, but I just don't know if we can hit 400k in the next 23 hours.

I'm sad no Monk mini...but damn you Reaper, I'm going to be buying one off your site!

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Just watched it climb 5,000 dollars in less than 3 min. and 30 some odd pledges. I suspect that we'll hit the 2,840,000 dollars in the next 22 hours (and then some, I'm thinking we'll hit 3 mil + now before its all over). Id like it if the next stretch after the Necros (which we WILL hit, I am speaking it into being now) was the last of the Iconics for Pathfinder (yep, all 11 of 'em but I'm greedy), though if they had to do only 4 it really should be Sajan, Harsk, Imrijka, and Leni (with her Dragoomi as a bonus, 5th piece). This would cover the last of the remaining core Iconics and the only (shame for that really) Half-Orc Iconic, and the only Dwarf Iconic, and one of the two Gnomes. The only downside is that it couldn't include Lirianne the Gunslinger then.

Leo_Negri wrote:

Staggering the amount of mini's they are going to have to produce for this though if we're just talking Vampire Pledge with no extras and ignoring everyone else who gets mini's both below and above. as of right now that's 217 x 10,037 = 21,708,029. And that's just the base for Vampire level pledges.

I think you added in an extra digit there, just calculated myself based on some recent numbers:

223 figures x 12040 Vampire levels = 2,684,920 miniatures Reaper needs to make to support the Vampire pledges alone. Not to count the tons and tons of options everyone is going after, the other reward levels, or if people are opting Sophie out for multiple figures.

Which is a bit higher than their current pledge level of $2,492,795.

So, I can see why the stretch goals have been creeping up and up and up.

admiral.ironbombs wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:

Staggering the amount of mini's they are going to have to produce for this though if we're just talking Vampire Pledge with no extras and ignoring everyone else who gets mini's both below and above. as of right now that's 217 x 10,037 = 21,708,029. And that's just the base for Vampire level pledges.

I think you added in an extra digit there, just calculated myself based on some recent numbers:

Yep re-checked the 0 between the 7+8 shouldn't be there, it should be 2,178,029. Still an obscene number of minis to produce.

And a base vampire pledge is at less than $0.44 / mini and falling (and it's even better if you trade out Sophie, though for the life of me I can't think why you'd want to ;-), for say two of the Undead Horde and the Townsfolk I set (25$ value for 25 additional mini's, but really, any combination so long as they are human sized or smaller and are not of coloured plastic works, since the human sized or less seem to all work out to a buck a piece extra when bought as an add on.)

No option and $400k for the next stretch goal.....OUCH!!..too much Reaper.Doubt we will make it. That may have killed a strong finish, but still a good deal :)

I don't doubt it will reach the 2.84mil stretch goal before the time is up. :)

Does anybody know the current number of miniatures included in the vampire level and the price per unit?

Currently 225 minis, including Sophie, at 44cents each ish.

Thanks, Vyne!

I don't think I've ever seen as sweet a deal.

11 hours and less than 300K to 3 mil. Think it can be done?

EDIT - . . . and only 70K to the next stretch goal.

Interesting, so the $3 MILLION goal is a Book pdf. That's quite interesting and different, a bonus creature option (add-on) would have been nice but they seem to have put most of them out.

"At set times today (and we won't tell you when!) we'll be revealing all new Goals! Today is going to be crazy, and full of surprises!"

Silver Crusade

Okay I joined your weird cult. Do I get a robe and knife or something?

Kickstartin', y u so addictive?


I know ced, What does that mean?

No, Mikaze you get to lose all control of your wallet....in exchange for infinite goodies.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Only 7 hours left. And just 130k from the 3M mark.

Liberty's Edge

$3M hit!


Come on everyone, we might just be able to hit it....

So, no surprises yet?

A day of surprises...?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32


Familiars achieved, another undead dragon option up next.

And we now have our first surprise, a Skeletal Dragon add-on , if 200K is hit from the time of the post.

And it appears that Reaper has dropped the requirement on the familiars and added them to the vampire & undertaker levels. It says achieved on the tomb map, it shows in the Vampire listing which has been updated to 241 minis, and the cash goal has been removed from the stretch where it just says achieved thank you.

Holy we might just be able to do it? Wonder if they'l be another tiny stretch?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm guessing we'll get a 100k stretch at 1 hour out for the final run. Only 30k off the dragon

Dark Archive

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DeathQuaker wrote:
Anyone wanna trade the goblins for something else? *DeathQuaker is about to admit a very unpopular opinion* I really hate the Golarion goblins and don't want any.

I really hate me too posts, but... Me too, can't stand the little bu**ers and can't see what all the fuss is about.

I'd trade any of the non-fantasy minis (IMEF, NOVA, etc.) for goblins...

I'm thinking the trading thread over at Reaper might be of interest to folks...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

23k and 26 mins to get Cthulhu. looks achievable to me.

14K and 16 min, we are so close to Great Cthulhu


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All those people hitting F5 are making the site inaccessible, I think they're going to stop people pledging :-(

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

This is more entertaining than the baseball game I'm watching.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

5 mins and 3.5k, still doable. Despite the doom and gloom from me.

1600 and 3 min

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reaper: The miniatures that broke Kickstarter.

Pretty solid new tagline. Has a ring to it.

Yes, yes it does at that.

Dark Archive

CHOKE! 10 minutes to go, and both KS and Reaper websites crash. Coincidence? We were just inches away from getting an enormous C'thulhu!

The last view I had was at $3,414,676...so all goals achieved!

Dark Archive

Looks like we got Cthulu!

Final total - $3, 414, 243. We got Cthulhu! and we broke Kicktraq's estimated max.

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