Just got an email, Cthulhu is funded.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Yeah, I just got an update saying we got it. and the #3 highest kickstarter.
Now when does Kickstarter take their money? I'm on my banking page and my account hasn't moved, doesn't even show a pending.
Tom Carpenter wrote: Looks like we got Cthulu! Project Update #56: C'THULHU ACHIEVED!
Posted by Reaper Miniatures
You guys have been absolutely AMAZING!! This has been the most incredible Ride!
Care to comment? View this update on Kickstarter →
Sadly, I will have to try and up my pledge via PayPal.
KS didn't let me change my pledge during the last 15 minutes.
$3,429,236 final total. Now I just wish they'd transfer the money out of my account so it doesn't accidentally get spent on something like bills or food and make the payment bounce.
Agreed! What a deal! I can't wait to select my add-ons! Bring on the red dragon!
Midnight_Angel wrote: Sadly, I will have to try and up my pledge via PayPal.
KS didn't let me change my pledge during the last 15 minutes.
You'll be able to up your amount when you can access the pledge manager for your addons.
Mine just went through Leo. Should be happening soon.
Can't wait to add a few add-ons through the pledge-manager myself. The Jabberwock, and Great Cthulhu are a start, maybe one of the Dragons and one of the Ravagers, though I am keeping my Sophie (though she might get the Urban Legend Upgrade)
Wow! Now I have to decide if I should get paints as planned, or just upgrade to another Vampire level. Or get extras. Or upgrade with paints and extras.. yikes! I can see that this is one Kickstarter that is going to continue being dangerous after it ends. :o
Can't wait to get that faerie dragon.
wow, now what i going to do with 200+ minis?! i have no idea how to paint them.
I feel like i need to buy some other mini to start practicing.
Meh, I'm gonna practice on the modern/SF ones, if I try painting at all. Might just stick with an ink wash to bring out details and call it a day.
Even unpainted these will be better than cardboard.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote: Okay I joined your weird cult. Do I get a robe and knife or something?
Nah, just paint all over your fingers and a sore neck.
So, I'm a little confused about when the survey will be emailed? Is that what is going to be a couple of weeks? Or is that the link they will post on the kickstarter page?
Pendin Fust wrote: So, I'm a little confused about when the survey will be emailed? Is that what is going to be a couple of weeks? Or is that the link they will post on the kickstarter page? Reaper has to design their surveys first, and individualize it for each pledge level. The past few big projects with optional stretch goals I've seen have taken a few days for them to get the survey together. Since Kickstarter only lets them send 1 survey, its better for them to take their time than to get something wrong.
Cool! Sounds good...and I am on the edge of my seat waiting for this!
Pendin Fust wrote: So, I'm a little confused about when the survey will be emailed? Is that what is going to be a couple of weeks? Or is that the link they will post on the kickstarter page? 3. Reaper's waiting on KS to send them backer data.
2. KS is waiting on Amazon for the finalized pledges.
1. Amazon is waiting on backers to cough up the money.
More KS details: http://www.nerdherderspodcast.com/
For people who want in after the action:
Project Update #62: Newbies Only!
Posted by Reaper Miniatures
OK, this link is for newbies only!!!
If you missed the Kickstarter and want to get involved, go enter in the e-mail you would like us to contact when the post KS Reaper pledge manager goes live.
If you've already pledge, this is not for you!
This is NOT a link to the Reaper Pledge Manager!
Still eagerly waiting these miniatures!!!
Red-Assassin wrote: Still eagerly waiting these miniatures!!!
Yup - today's update says that they still plan on shipping in March as originally planned....
Looks like within a week at this point.
Red-Assassin wrote: Looks like within a week at this point. They will begin within a week... supposedly it will take up to 4 weeks to process them all
Just a ressurection - anyone know how I can get the PDF downloads that go with the pledge. I am interested by the Swords and Sorcery download.
Links for the PDFs can be found at the Kickstarter pledge manager. If you don't have your link to it, go to https://www.reapermini.com/ks/. Enter the e-mail address you used with the Kickstarter and it should send you the proper link to use.
Anyone seen the brute that is going to be Kaladrax?
Found a picture on Dakka Dakka - Jumpin' Jimminy Cricket! The thing is huge!
I am thinking... Ancient Wyrm Red Dragon Ravener?
Or, for us Realms fan, a dracolich of some serious power. Red, Green, or Blue dragon, but that's because he's all bone!
That is just ridiculous Oo
Man I'm glad I grabbed one :D
Cylyria wrote: Man I'm glad I grabbed one :D Amen
I said the same thing when I opened the picture.
The kickstarter Vampire levels have begun shipping.
This made my day :)
I went with Nethyrmaul instead of Kaladrax (didn't think I needed two dracoliches). I hope he looks just as awesome.
Also, holy crap... I need to get painting soon so that I can clear my schedule for this incoming tidal wave of product!
There are several minis (including Nethyrmaul and the clockwork dragon) that I wish I had gotten now that I know how much of a price discount we were getting on the kickstarter.
Kaladrax looks amazing though, so I will probably be satisfied with that. Painting that thing is going to take forever!
Well if you are quick you can always get the Clockwork Dragon if you are in the first 500 to back Torn Armor at $75 or more. They've met their funding and got a ton of stretch goals already.
Darkmeer wrote: The kickstarter Vampire levels have begun shipping.
This made my day :)
You beat me to it - they have pictures on their facebook of the first order going out
That they do. Poor Bryan looks like he's exhausted. He's going to be completely fried from that much shipping along with the rest of the Reaper people.
And, just remember, they have a convention similar to Paizocon at Reaper HQ in the middle O_o
DSXMachina wrote: Well if you are quick you can always get the Clockwork Dragon if you are in the first 500 to back Torn Armor at $75 or more. They've met their funding and got a ton of stretch goals already. I was thinking about going for that, but I wasn't able to figure out when the expected ship date for the miniatures is. I'm wary of jumping in on the kickstarter if the minis might come later than the date I would want to use them on.
Well, they are active on the forum's so you should be able to ask them or contact them directly through the KS.
And the creators have been very good with feedback
So, they're shipping starting with the simplest orders. In that respect I guess I am lucky that I only got like 7-8 add ons.
Actually, they're starting with the pledge level only orders first (and the simplest of those first) ... so if you only got the single Vampire level, you are out the door before those who added additional items.
If you had add-ons, it is a first in, first out based on when you entered your info into their pledge manager. I think I filled that out within the first hour of receiving it, so I am hoping for a before the two week black hole for shipments around Reapercon ... though if it goes out afterwards, that's OK, 'cause I still get minis!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scrolls back up through the thread to see where he sits compared to everyone...
Now we just need the other 14,000 people to stop by and let me know what they ordered so I can get a better estimate. I'm guessing late April or maybe early May for me.
Oh man I had a whole bunch of addons. Christmas present?
I had add-ons AND I am Canadian, I get back to you guys in May with how awesome everything is. :(
Luckily for me, I only had a few addons.
Unluckily for me, I waited until near the end to purchase my Vampire box. D:
I don't know how much longer I can last, guys ....
Here is my info:
Became backer: July 27
-- Vampire x1 $100
-- Fire Giants x1 $10
-- Frost Giants x1 $10
-- Mind Your Manors x2 $20
-- Demons x1 $15
-- Mythos Monsters x1 $10
-- Fire Giant Warriors x2 $20
-- Forces Of Nature x1 $15
-- Deep Dwellers x1 $7
-- C'thulhu x1 $10
-- Orcapocalypse x1 $25
I honestly don't know if that is considered a simple order or a complicated order. Is just how many add-ons there are, or is the type of add-ons important (Orcapocalypse has 20 extra where C'thulhu only has 1, but the orcs are all medium and the Elder one is bigg'um).
I wonder if foreign orders will be made earlier or later?
I'm in the UK so I suppose I might get this in June if my order ships late in the line.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
GeraintElberion wrote: I wonder if foreign orders will be made earlier or later?
I'm in the UK so I suppose I might get this in June if my order ships late in the line.
Reaper have said they're going to do a day of us orders, a day of Canadian and then a day of international orders.