The Dread Pirate Hurley |

I don't know if others are aware of this; upon discovering it, I did a search and found nothing on the blogs or forums about it, so I'm assuming it hasn't been well-publicized.
In any case, there appears to be some kind of 10th anniversary sale and some products. From my browsing, I saw that both Legacy of Fire and Second Darkness were available at $5.00 apiece for the print versions. The first half of CotCT were at the usual $20 but parts 4-6 were on sale for $8. I ordered all six parts of LoF, and in my order summary, it said that a special 10th anniversary sale promotion was applied. I clicked the link, but it led me here.
So yeah, $30 bucks for an AP, plus a bit over $10 for shipping. Just sayin'.
EDIT: Some more browsing shows that all of the 3.5 Gamemastery modules aside from Crown of the Kobold King are to be had for $3.00 apiece.

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.. it said that a special 10th anniversary sale promotion was applied. I clicked the link, but it led me here.
So yeah, $30 bucks for an AP, plus a bit over $10 for shipping. Just sayin'.
EDIT: Some more browsing shows that all of the 3.5 Gamemastery modules aside from Crown of the Kobold King are to be had for $3.00 apiece.
link is now restrcited...hmmmm

Liz Courts Contributor |

A wild Paizo Tenth Anniverary Sale appears! Enjoy folks...there's over 400 products on sale...
Moved thread.

macabre dragon |

Curse you Paizo!
Between the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter, Slumbering Tsar, Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and the minis and pawns and the Deluxe Edition, my monthly subs, and now a sale!
How am I supposed to eat? And I'm going to have to be moving in with one of you!
Curse you Paizo and all your awesomeness. If I find any money I'll just send it your way.

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I'm a bit puzzled by the mysterious "Promotions applied to this order" line that says something like "Paizo 10th anniversary sale - $5", but seems to have no effect (and to be a link to a 2011 promotion).
It showed up on both the orders I've placed (the first one for the Legacy of Fire AP, and a later one for a bunch of PDFs of rulebooks to load onto the tablet).
I do seem to be doing my best to give Paizo a goodly chunk of the extra surprise I got in my most recent paycheck (RotRL hardbacks, pre-orders for assorted pawn collections, and now these latest goodies). And that's without adding at least a small selection of the miniatures for RotRL, once the individual figures go on sale.

wolfman1911 |

I was surprised that the CRB wasn't included in the sale (that I noticed, anyway). I figure I can't be the only one that has it on pdf but would be glad to have it in print if it was cheaper.
Anyway, I think I'll look into getting one of the APs on sale, either second darkness or legacy of fire, any recommendations?

Wander Weir |

I love the idea of an anniversary sale. This is the ideal time for me to fill in the holes in my AP collection...
Except that it's really not. With two APs in July and two APs in August, not to mention the additional cost of the RotR Anniversary edition (which is just plain beautiful and I love to death) combined with the upcoming RotR Miniatures packs that I'm still trying to sell a kidney to afford, there couldn't be a worse time for a sale for me. Any other time of the year I'd be loading up on stuff but four AP issues in 2 months along with the RotR book has already killed my budget.
I love you guys, Paizo, but your timing sucks.

勝20100 |
I would have liked to be able to pre-order some PDF files who will be released on the 16th of August, on top of buying some items on sale. It would have allowed me to be charged only one time, reducing my banking fees. I’ll probably only buy the soon to be released items at a latter time because of it.