Grizzly the Archer |
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That is awesome Grizzly! I had to stop laughing before I could type. lol
Thanks. Now my barbarian yells out "I AM SUMMONED!" before he goes. Scares the crap out of some of the enemies.
...... Another time my barbarian was just relaxing at the local brothel in some town for a while. He decided to speed things along, since the party ha only a few hours before going after the disappearing sailors, and have 3 women at once. Not only that, he decided to actually Rage during his entertainment. Needless to say, He ha to pay for a new bed, new wall, and cover medical expenses (healing) for 3 women.
Best 1k gp I ever spent. Now, I have my own personal room there (only I can stay in there), and now I have 3 informants when needed.

xanthemann |

Our group strolled into town and happened across a group of Magic Users. (The GM made a point of letting us know we were greatly out classed by these individuals.) They were casting high damage spells one after another and commenting in between. 'You call that a spell? This one does far more damage!' and the like.
I was playing a 1st level female barbarian. She walked up to them and cut off their posturing and casting by saying,'If you are trying to show how great you are, why don't you come up with your own spells instead of casting something someone else has created?'
At first they were dumbfound. The next thing you knew they were in awe and thanking her for her brilliant insight.
When the group went to buy supplies a magic user came in and told the shop keeper that whatever the barbarian wanted they would pay for it.
The GM called it a reward for cleverly shutting him down.

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We had a few of these in a home campaign that involved airships, dinosaurs, the world turning out to be a lich's phylactery, and crazy technology left forgotten.
We had to pay for our passage upon an airship by helping the captain get back a small cannon. The fight was pretty awesome, with everyone doing an awesome job. In the middle of the fight our barbarian struck down both the captain and the man she was trying to grab the cannon from. The guy ended up being the mayor of the town. With both bad guy leaders gone, the crew started to run off. My character outpaced them and with the barbarian not far behind we were able to convince the crew to either leave or join us. We then took over the airship and the mansion the mayor lived in.
Later, we had to run from another airship and discovered that it was too fast. Instead of just letting them catch up we turned around and faced them head on, sheering off prop engines and sails from both ships. The fight was pretty amazing, with the enemy wizard hitting our entire crew with a cone of cold and our healer bringing almost all of them back to full just a moment later. Our barbarian became involved in a duel with a monk and ended up dealing some huge damage to the monk. The monk was at the edge of the ship and instead of giving our barbarian the satisfaction of killing him, he spread his arms wide and feel backwards off the ship.
The barbarian had none of that and dove after him. He caught him, killed him and then used him to break his fall through the trees. We found him almost dead and were able to revive him before lashing the two ships together and speeding off to save the world. On the way, our dwarf warrior found a woman dwarf locked up in the enemy brig and she rewarded him for freeing her with some sexy alone time.
At the end of the campaign, it was revealed that a goddess of illusion had been half of the major NPCs, including the woman dwarf.

Terranigma |
I love it to observe player's behavior to find out how they think and well, my group usually thinks pretty straight-forward: first shoot, than ask. The first reaction of our group-wizard was to throw fireballs at everything that approached them in the dark because, in fact, so far it has always been some kind of threat. So when I DM'd, I let a group of starving children run towards them while it was raining and pitchdark - the group couldn't see anything, just a group of people running towards them. Well, the wizard did what he always does - fireball!
... when they realized that they've just killed a group of half-dead children who were in the run, one of them the son of the mayor in a city nearby, they were first confused, then pissed off and then confused again.
But it worked. Now it takes a few moments longer before the first fireballs hover through the air.

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Just posted this in another thread on another topic but I felt this story was one that needed to be shared here.
In my home campaign a few years ago my party found themselves in a tavern telling their life story of adventuring to the taverns patron, a brass dragon posing as a bard with a penchant for the written word. During this they told him of their most recent quest, to venture half way across the world to the frozen north to unlock the power of a sword the shifter scout (named Filtran) had found in their home town. He had convinced everyone in the party to go with him on this long and arduous quest including their jungle elf ranger (Fargoth), an agent of his cultures government on a mission to discover why whole villages of his already nearly extinct race were just up and disappearing from the world. Now on hearing this this epic writing dragon decided that their story had to be put to paper and shared with the masses especially the part about the passionate homoerotic love affair brewing between the male jungle elf and the male shifter (what other reason would the elf have to forsake his sacred duty to his people and his culture then the love of this charismatic individual?).
Now flash forward a few months later and they begin to hear of this book passing around the royal courts all over the nation about 2 gay adventurers and their companions adventures on the open road called "Far to Fil, Adventures on the Open Road". When they finally get a hold of one of these they find it to be an almost perfect retelling of all their adventures but with a huge romance plot mixed in between the "Rough and tumble solider" Filgoth and his "caring, beautiful, and shy" jungle elf compatriot Fartran. Suffice it to say the book is greatest selling story in all the kingdoms with every noble lady and many a lord reading and discussing the two's salacious exploits and waiting on bated breath to hear what happens next. It has gotten so popular in fact that many brothels have begun to search out shifter and jungle elf lookalikes so that customers "may live out their greatest fantasy's with their favorite adventurers".

Sethizar |

Someone accused the halfling of cheating... He worshiped the god of risk and cheating is forbidden. Soooo he summoned a shark 30 ft above his head and dropped it on him. Hahaha funny part is we all felt bad for the shark who was swimming around on his own plane then "poof" WTF?!?!
Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.
A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

Adamantine Dragon |

Master_Trip wrote:Someone accused the halfling of cheating... He worshiped the god of risk and cheating is forbidden. Soooo he summoned a shark 30 ft above his head and dropped it on him. Hahaha funny part is we all felt bad for the shark who was swimming around on his own plane then "poof" WTF?!?!Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.
A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.
But.. but.. but... but it's teh AWESOME dude! Quit harshing the vibe man!

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Master_Trip wrote:Someone accused the halfling of cheating... He worshiped the god of risk and cheating is forbidden. Soooo he summoned a shark 30 ft above his head and dropped it on him. Hahaha funny part is we all felt bad for the shark who was swimming around on his own plane then "poof" WTF?!?!Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them.
A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.
Sure they can, if the GM allows it.

xanthemann |

When our low level party was face to face with an ancient dragon most of the party froze and started talking among themselves about how we were going to deal with the situation. In the meantime I had a small conference with the GM. My ninja started off with, "You are most definitely the greatest of the greatest dragons in the land..., but if I may." With that I motioned for the dragon to come closer.
The GM said loudly for the rest of the crew to hear,"The dragon leans its head down to the ninja offering her it's ear." Everyone shut up and leaned in to find out what was going on.
With that I whispered to the GM, "We ran into another dragon earlier who said he was the greatest." Only the GM heard me and he sat back quickly and announced, "the dragon sits up bolt-right and says 'Stay here!' then he takes off out of the cave and out of sight."
The crew was slack jawed for a long moment until I said, "What are you waiting for? Let's move!"
And that is how we got past the ancient dragon....lol

xanthemann |
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Just today, we were faced with an army of servant wights commanded by an undisclosed being. He was a great distance away on top of a monolith. My Armored Fighter yelled for a catapult and loaded himself.
He knew he was being launched, he was hitting a soft target and he made his reflex check, so the damage to be done on landing was going to be 17d6 plus 2d6 non lethal. The GM ruled the damage would be the same for the target plus the damage from the strike.
I had made 4 different 'skill' checks 4 times each before the attack. The attack was a nat 20!
My 2nd level character had impacted for 26 points of damage to himself and 100 to the baddie. I had 1 point left and knocked him off the monolith, taking his place.
My character yelled 'King of the hill!' and laid down to rest.
The army could not be sustained with the BBAG dead and they turned to dust.
Mind you, we use a variation of the hero point rule and it cost me 3 points to survive with only 1 point.
Special note: I wasn't trying to steal thunder from the other players. The GM had to leave in a few minutes and if I didn't pull off the move people would have died.

Mark Hoover |
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Characters are 1st level, crossing a ruined bridge, and a section goes out under their feet. One guy tries jumping it and plummets, Neo-style, 50' into the river below. Here comes the amazing:
The monk has a rope tied to himself with the end tied to a sturdy section of rail that's still standing. Visibility is limited; it's nighttime and there's mist and spray rising off the river. He rolls a Peception to HEAR the situation, nails it, and springs into action.
Acrobatics to dive over the side downriver in an arc that will bring him back upriver against the current - succeeds, barely. Perception check to spot the body as it flows w/the current - even better success. Grapple check to grab his friend and yank him out of the drink - Natural 20, confirmed crit!
So Spider Man here dives blind into the fog, circles back, snags the dude and then using the momentum of the the arc hurls his friend to shore (barely made that one but I gave it to him) and the best is he's got the Sacred Touch trait so as he follows behind and makes it to the shoreline on a move he burns his Standard on the touch and blam; his buddy's stable. High fives all around.

Fredrik |
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...... Another time my barbarian was just relaxing at the local brothel in some town for a while. He decided to speed things along, since the party ha only a few hours before going after the disappearing sailors, and have 3 women at once. Not only that, he decided to actually Rage during his entertainment. Needless to say, He ha to pay for a new bed, new wall, and cover medical expenses (healing) for 3 women.
Best 1k gp I ever spent. Now, I have my own personal room there (only I can stay in there), and now I have 3 informants when needed.
I find it appalling that the best 1k gp you ever spent was for your character to get away with violence against helpless women. I find it appalling that xanthemann favorited that post. I find it appalling that no one else said anything. I'm generally tolerant of alternative playstyles, and I dislike tangents; but I can't let this pass without comment. That would be a bridge too far. It's important to me to let you know how I feel.

xanthemann |

I find it appalling that the best 1k gp you ever spent was for your character to get away with violence against helpless women. I find it appalling that xanthemann favorited that post. I find it appalling that no one else said anything. I'm generally tolerant of alternative playstyles, and I dislike tangents; but I can't let this pass without comment. That would be a bridge too far. It's important to me to let you know how I feel.
Just because I 'favorited' the post does not mean I agree with the entire post. I had found it amusing the barbarian would use rage for something other than combat.
Grizzly should have used the spoiler hide option for some of the story though.
Fredrik |
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That is true; favoriting a post doesn't mean that you agree with everything in it. I was something of a comedian in college, so I was told "The Aristocrats" (before it was a documentary that I still need to watch), and I found myself laughing hysterically at a joke that horrified me.
Also, roleplaying is like writing, in that a character takes on a life of his own. Just because your character would do something, doesn't mean that you would. But Grizzly's story wasn't just squick that should be spoilered.
Violence against women is a very real problem in the real world, that ordinary men commit in bedrooms, brothels and motel rooms every day. There is very little that I can do to combat it, except to express disapproval when someone makes it sound cool. "Not cool, bro." That's what I'm saying.

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Well, there was the time we fought Segata Sanshiro, but that was far too epic to recount. Our broken bodies will never forget...
There was the time my barbarian criticaled while attempting to shatter a portcullis, she not only broke the gate but collapsed the entire surrounding structure, scattering the kobolds that were on the ramparts.
Another fun time was when my monk and the party's fighter decided to have a sparring match on sea journey, which resulted in so much accidental collateral damage that we nearly sank the ship.

xanthemann |

In 3.5 our party was made up of custom classes (mostly). Most all of the characters were pinned down by crossbow men who had repeating crossbows. My elven archer was able to run up the stairs on the side of the tower leading to the top where these crossbowmen were firing from.
While my character was trading shots with them he was being attacked from behind by a poison using archer in a tree. My archer paid him no mind knowing he had to take out the crossbowmen to save his friends. He had taken out all 4 crossbowmen my archer was able to take a couple of shots at the one in the tree. He had hit the branch his opponent was firing from and broke it. The poisoner ran off and my character died from the toxins. Still pretty epic.

Laruuk |

It was a 3.5 campaign and the party needed a distraction to get into the goblin lair. My rogue rigged up a bunch of containers to our only horse. The containers were leaking oil. He slapped the horse on the rear, sending it racing toward the goblin entrance, then lit the oil on fire. The horse raced along the path, entered the cavern, then plunged into the chasm we didn't know was there - trailing fire.

scrmwrtr42 |

Our party finally made their way to the final boss in the campaign. The Boss was enormous and there was a fear check that had to be passed just to stay in his presence. Everyone passed. The party Goblin made an intimidate check by laughing...he rolled a Nat 20. The boss failed to resist.
Note: We use critical hit and critical miss decks for almost any crits made, combat or otherwise. The effects are up to the GM interpretation.
In this case the Boss fumbled his weapons, cutting off a finger and a toe, and he exuded some sort of ooze that entangled him (Which was fitting seeing as how the 'boss' was Iuz from the old Greyhawk campaigns)
Iuz fumbled a Strength check to free himself and got tangled further in his equipment.
This gave the party time to complete a ritual to destroy this half-demon being (we had destroyed his phylactery earlier in the campaign).
Afterwards, we all kept commenting about how it was all because the Goblin was so intimidating! What! lol
This had me laughing out loud.

scrmwrtr42 |

This wasn't one of our most classic moments, but definitely one we remembered:
Our party was brought before the Queen to receive our reward for a job well done. The wizard, a pompous Drow, steps forward and offers a grand bow before her regal Majesty. As he lowers himself, he spreads his arms and grandly says "Allow me to prostate myself before your highness."
No roleplay was possible for the next several minutes, and needless to say, the pompous Drow never lived it down.

ub3r_n3rd |

Happened on Saturday's game night.
The party's Oracle of Flames decides that he wants my character to open a door because we heard some guttural sounds emanating from behind it. We were in a large dungeon and we knew giants were lurking around in various places. My character opens the door, the oracle tosses in the fireball and my character immediately shuts the door.
*BAMB* the door comes flying off the hinges and blasts my character back 20 feet to slam against the wall. Inside are 2 dead bugbears and a bunch of dead humanoids along with one living (but barely breathing) Elven female. The oracle feels terrible for killing innocents and ends up spending some healing charges from his wand to bring the Elf stable.

xanthemann |

My primary character had saved a female drow from death and had retrieved an amulet which prevented her from turning into a drider, but that is another story. This drow had shifted alignment closer to his (EBB) due to everything he had done for her thus far. Little did any of us know she was being hunted by an extremely fast assassin who could take on our entire party alone.
We did catch glimpses of him now and then. One such 'glimpse' had him on the roof tops in town, and the GM thought he was out of reach of EBB (he was always concerned about getting too close to EBB). Looking around he found a rain barrel and threw it at the assassin scoring a hit. He still managed a get away.
Later in the campaign we found him again. EBB's drow girlfriend came running in and warned us to get away. When she explained why she was running EBB took matters into his own hands. The rest of the team decided to take part as well (including 2 paladins).
During the fight Drow gf was knocked out, but she was revived by out healer, just in time for her to see EBB cut her would be assassin in half.
With that he told her he would always protect her and she never again doubted it.

Mark Hoover |
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Old 1e campaign mixing oriental adventures and standard D&D; my brother is playing a ninja masquerading as a bushi (standard fighter in OA). Party gets to a room w/the ninja and their NPC contact on one side, other PCs entering from the other 30' away. They'd been sent to rescue this wizard-merchant and the guy knows who the ninja is. My brother has to cover his tracks.
My brother and I had worked up a system whereby he would don a pair of sunglasses when trying an assination roll: a percentage check where lower is better. Well he leans back at the table while I'm taking initiatives and drops his shades; I quietly roll...01.
"You enter the room and find it's too late; your enemies have already gotten to the wizard."
They were actually SAD for the ninja since he'd played it up like this dude was a friend from the old country. Best was I didn't even explain HOW he was killed; he was simply dead and that was enough.
We changed from the shades to a ring and then to a green die but I'll never forget THAT move. They never did figure out he was a ninja...

Haladir |
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Changing pace here a bit...
In my Rise of the Runelords game, my group had spent four sessions in the haunted house in Book 2 The Skinsaw Murders, which got pretty intense and pretty grisly.
In the next session, they followed clues to go to the city of Magnimar. And the rest of the session was role-playing sightseeing in Magnimar, the highlight being a trip to the zoo!
No combat, no maps, no plot-related encounters, the PCs weren't even wearing their combat gear. I ad-libbed a group of PCs walking around a zoo, buying souvenirs and food from vendors, talking with NPCs, and getting a feel for the city. The PCs had a great time, and, surprisingly, the players and I had a whole lot of lighthearted fun role-playing a visit to the zoo.
Now, whenever something disturbing happens, one of the PCs says, "Um-- can we go back to the zoo now?"

Poldaran |

"I throw the rock at the floating eyeball." Words spoken by the player of the Ifrit Sorcerer as he flings the unidentified magic stone he'd just been given at an Evil Eye.
A few moments earlier, the party(which consisted of the main party's cohorts) had encountered a mothman, who the Ifrit had misidentified as an immolation devil with coincidental goals to the party, since they were trying to bring down a rogue devil he was hunting to bring back to hell for punishment. How did he make such a misidentification? Poor rolls, only one point in knowledge skills, never having met the immolation devil in person, a 7 in wisdom and a fairly low int(8, iirc).
That part was tangential, but I wanted to illustrate the way this character's mind works. The mothman then gives the two of them gifts, one gets a magical chakram, the other gets a runestone of power. The mothman tells them that these objects will help them against the next foe, then flies off. Once again, neither manages to do well on rolls to identify the objects. So the player plays his low wisdom and int scores and decides that the magic rock is supposed to be thrown at the giant eyeball to bring down its shield or something so that his companion could hit it with the chakram.
Hence, "I throw the rock at the floating eyeball."

xanthemann |

I introduced my CN gunfighter (not gunslinger. A fighter who uses guns) into a good party. He knew my other character (an Armored fighter). The gunfighter (Ash) went into the enemy camp and convinced the BBEG he was there to help and was told to guard the slaves.
The good party thought he turned traitor, but the armored fighter (Steve) said he trusted him (the party was like, 'yeah, right.')
When we attacked Steve threw one of his shields at Ash. At the same time Ash shot Steve's other shield. What everyone saw was the thrown shield knock out Ash as his bullet bounced off Steve's other shield.
What actually happened was Ash caught the shield and laid down after he shot at Steve's other shield.
When the BBEG stepped out and rendered the party useless for combat Ash stealthed up behind him and delivered a crit shot through BBEG's shoulder and into his gut (the crit card said x2 damage and sicken for 1D6 rounds).
Awesome play!

wxcougar |

Our party in a homebrew game headed out into the plains - an area none of us had ever been to before. That being said, none of us had ever seen dinosaurs before. While the inquisitor, paladin, cleric, rogue and sorceress jumped out of the way of 4 stampeding triceratops, the rogue/assassin (who spends his entire time invisible with his ring of invisibility) decided it would be great to try and ride one of them. The rest of us quickly discovered the sabor cats chasing the triceratops and ended up having to fight them off without our assassin. He tried 3 times to get up on the triceratops and failed. He's lucky he didn't get knocked unconscious or we would have never found him!

Oladon |
We were sent by the mayor of Magnimar to arrest some nobles who had a smuggling ring going. They were having a meeting in one of their noble houses that evening, so we headed over there, snuck in by way of a servant's alley to the kitchen, and then the party bard and I (the rogue) went sneaking around the house on reconnaissance. The rest of the party waited in the kitchen.
The two of us had made it upstairs and were listening at the third-floor door when we hear this commotion from downstairs. As it happened, the rest of the party was so bad at being quiet that the guards in the feasting hall adjacent to the kitchen had heard them and come to investigate. After slamming open the swinging kitchen doors, they were greeted by our halfling cavalier saying, very reasonably, "Hello. May we help you?"
His Diplomacy roll was good enough that two of the three guards stopped short and got very puzzled looks on their faces, while the third one sortof confusedly looked at the party, then his comrades.
It's still a running joke in our group.

xanthemann |

We had a player who was using a Centaur. There were some creatures coming after us in the cave we were currently occupying. Everyone save for the centaur was able to climb into a small passageway, so he waited...
Someone had cast darkness around him and started creating noises to disorient the critters and it worked...for a while.
No one saw the intellect devourer. The centaur failed his save and thought he saw clowns and unicorns with rainbows coming out of the horn on their head. He went to pet a unicorn and it felt like a warm bowl of oatmeal. He then saw a clown gesturing for him to follow. As he approached the cavern seemed to be made of clown heads and he was walking through the mouths.
The clowns turned into demons and he was running for his life...in the process he ran over the intellect devourer.
A fairly trippy campaign.

xanthemann |

The Axe of Sharpness aka Smart Axe
This axe acts as a great axe as well as a weapon of sharpness (rolls of 18-19 take off a random limb and a roll of 20 takes off the head)
This axe was modified by a wish spell and gained Intelligence as well as slight animation in the form of a mouth.
The mouth can bite for half the damage of the normal axe damage and talk. It is capable of making a 'god call' in the case it's wielder is otherwise unable to or not smart enough to. (The same 5% rule for god calls remains in effect for the axe as the wielder).
If the wielder does not heed the wisdom of the axe then said axe will be forced to take action itself.
Example of actions when ignored:
A half-orc character had started banging the axe against a wall due to a dispute. The axe cast fascinate on the wielder and he failed. Until he was able to make the save vs the spell he stayed in place banging the axe against the wall. The party went ahead, leaving him there. When the half-orc made his save he say the party there looking at him (they were dopples) He went ahead and lead the 'party' through the maze to a dead end. When said half-orc tried to walk past the party to go the other way they attacked. The half-orc put up a fierce fight, but eventually lost.

Orthos |

"What is the range on a thrown stingray?" - Zhandouji (AKA John Dogy) the Monk
Not only did he hit, the stingray also hit with its tail and the crab failed its save versus the poison.

Ender_rpm |

"What is the range on a thrown stingray?" - Zhandouji (AKA John Dogy) the Monk
Not only did he hit, the stingray also hit with its tail and the crab failed its save versus the poison.
haha, thats awesome.
I once had an enlarged Dragon Sorceror Orc use an unconscious hyena to beat a small group of gnolls to death. It was one of the better "you do WHAT?!?!" moments in that campaign :)

Orthos |

In that vein... in an evil game I played in for a short time several years ago, my half-fiend winter cleric Alu'Vien Darkstar chucked goblin corpses at a locked/trapped door until the trap disarmed and the door broke open. The other party members were a kobold and an uldra (a 3.5 halfling-like winter fey race) so she was the only one strong enough.

QXL99 |

A group was trying to bait the monsters out of the Caves of Chaos. Threats and jeers got no response, so they tried lighting a wagon on fire. I (the DM) ruled that the hitch was stuck, and since no one specified that the horses were unhitched, they panicked and would soon burn to death as they ran, pulling the burning wagon behind them. Acrobatic checks were needed to leap onto the careening wagon and free the horses.
By the time this was done, the PCs were surprised no monsters had attacked in the confusion. Then they saw a fiery glow in the distance and realized that a band of monsters had used the back way out of the caves and were attacking the nearby town while the PCs were otherwise engaged.
Good times...

xanthemann |

Our characters had just arrived in Absalom and we were looking for work (naturally). We were instructed by Peg-eyed Pete (yes, that was his name) to go to the Pathfinder satellite building at the docks.
Inside the building they were greeted by Mrs. Copperpiece and given a clipboard and a quill to fill out their 'character sheet' before they were awarded the job. Filling out a character sheet in game was fairly entertaining.

Robert Jordan |

I was playing an Elven Ranger in RotRL back when it first came out and we were in the second book. We'd just dealt with the Mansion and were trying to get out we'd left our horses out by the well and we climbed up. Only to see that swarm of evil looking birds.
My character had been acting as a general loner as the game I was playing in was an hour away from where I lived at the time so I wasn't supposed to make every session. After the first 3 sessions I'd gotten a new job in the area and moved so my character who had been designed around being "unavailable" when I personally wasn't around was suddenly VERY available the character just liked trees more than people.
The team was debating how best to handle the Swarm situation my Ranger who had been a general ass through the campaign so far looked at them and simply said. "Give me the healing wand" (cure light wounds). He crept out of the well mounted the racing horse they had *cough*recovered*cough* from Thistletop. Turned fired an arrow at the swarm to get their attention and rode away. At first the entire team was like "HOLY CRAP HE DITCHED US!" Then they took a second realized I'd just pulled the swarm away and this was their chance to run for it they escaped to Sandpoint. I had to burn 3 charges as I basically rode the horse into the ground using the wand to keep it going. If it had died on him he was dead as the swarm chased for a good long time.

Robert Jordan |
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Another good one that happened. I'm typically the GM for my group so when I get to play it's a rare treat. For my birthday a buddy of mine ran Master of the Fallen Fortress. I played a Cavalier with a decent str and con, but I took toughness and dropped my favorite class into hp so I had about 23 hp or so (we use the racial hp at level 1 optional rule). The hook we used was we were part of a military unit. I played the character very Space Marines referring to everyone else as Brother and acting very brave and stalwart. I went full tower shield and armor.
Well things went well till we got up to the top of the tower and the floor fell out from under me... and I plummeted 4 stories or something. I survived and by the time I reached the top everyone was dead... so I went back to base. Reported our failure and requested reinforcements. So everyone rerolled or changed their names and our DM was like "Well that was harder than I expected. You lived so hit level 2 and win this round."
We got back the next day a few more enemies have arrived from patrol so there was a little bit to reclear. We get back to the top the fight goes on my teammates are dropping like flies to the croc companion. At which point I get to the edge of the tower between the croc and my last surviving companion. I succeed at a grapple check vs the croc turn to my companion and say "Tell our Brothers of our deeds!" and jumped from the tower to my "death". The dm rolled relatively poorly for damage and reduced it by a die as I broke my fall with the croc. The croc died and the boss descended right after killing my buddy and tossing him from the tower.
I turned to fight whistling for my horse. My horse and I re engage the enemy leader with my whopping 5 hp left and 3 rounds later he dies as I hit -1 hp for taking a standard action at 0 hp. My faithful steed stood by as I slowly regained consciousness and took me back to base to report.

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Another good one that happened. I'm typically the GM for my group so when I get to play it's a rare treat. For my birthday a buddy of mine ran Master of the Fallen Fortress. I played a Cavalier with a decent str and con, but I took toughness and dropped my favorite class into hp so I had about 23 hp or so (we use the racial hp at level 1 optional rule). The hook we used was we were part of a military unit. I played the character very Space Marines referring to everyone else as Brother and acting very brave and stalwart. I went full tower shield and armor.
Well things went well till we got up to the top of the tower and the floor fell out from under me... and I plummeted 4 stories or something. I survived and by the time I reached the top everyone was dead... so I went back to base. Reported our failure and requested reinforcements. So everyone rerolled or changed their names and our DM was like "Well that was harder than I expected. You lived so hit level 2 and win this round."
We got back the next day a few more enemies have arrived from patrol so there was a little bit to reclear. We get back to the top the fight goes on my teammates are dropping like flies to the croc companion. At which point I get to the edge of the tower between the croc and my last surviving companion. I succeed at a grapple check vs the croc turn to my companion and say "Tell our Brothers of our deeds!" and jumped from the tower to my "death". The dm rolled relatively poorly for damage and reduced it by a die as I broke my fall with the croc. The croc died and the boss descended right after killing my buddy and tossing him from the tower.
I turned to fight whistling for my horse. My horse and I re engage the enemy leader with my whopping 5 hp left and 3 rounds later he dies as I hit -1 hp for taking a standard action at 0 hp. My faithful steed stood by as I slowly regained consciousness and took me back to base to report.
For the Emperor!

Haladir |
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In my current RotRL group last fall, I was running a homebrew encounter during the events of Burnt Offerings. The party plus Shalelu were attacking a smaller goblin tribe southeast of Sandpoint. Anyway, the level-2 party had gone for the frontal assault approach, and goblins started streaming out of their ruined temple stronghold like ants out of a kicked-over anthill.
Anyway, the battle is starting to go poorly for the PCs, so I decided to give them an out. The goblin chief says in broken Common, "You longshanks no good! We goblins beat you! But we not bad guys! You give us all your gold, we let you live!" The goblins have the party at swordpoint, and everyone held action. I figured that they'd pay the extortion, leave, then come back and attack later using better tactics.
The player of the paladin, remembering the darkly-comic-yet-still-deadly goblin antics at the Swallowtail festival, says, "Gold? You want our gold? Here!" She then took a large handful of gold coins from her purse and threw them in a wide arc, scattering the coins around the goblins.
Well, I figured that these were goblins-- i.e. greedy, easily distracted, and incapable of thinking through their actions. So I had each of the regular goblins make a DC15 Will save or drop to the ground to pick up coins. (I figured that the warchief and witchdoctor wouldn't fall for that.) ALL of the goblin warriors fall for it, and that was the break the party needed to turn the tide of battle. Once half of the goblins were dead, the rest fled.
Probably the best thinking-outside-of-the-box moment of the campaign so far!

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I've got two for you, both in 3.5 Now I generally play more open ended games, most 3.5 stuff seems stifling to me ie: needing a feat to disarm and such. Anyway, I was glad I could pull these off.
Wheel of Time game. Playing in a party FULL of channellers (sorcerors). They sling fireballs and lightning in every darn fight, to the point that if I want to actually have a single turn of combat, I needed to get in the way of the blast. Being a watered down rogue, this wasn't always smart. Anyway. Fighting one of the Forsaken (evil archmage)...she was on the third landing of a big spiral staircase. My first 3 turns were nothing but running. The party was throwing every spell they had, and it was just doing no good, she had some sort of ward against magic. Anyway, I get up to the top, having gotten my grappling hook out. I threw to catch her with it, missed, used my reroll feat, and hit. The GM said I caught her about the neck, and it latched. So I jumped. Right off the third story, using acrobatics to cushion the fall, and pulled that lady right over the edge, effectively hanging her. The end
3.5 standard game. Playing a Paladin not too loosely based off of Sophitia from Soul Calibur. Even had a nemesis based off of Nightmare. She had encountered him before several times in her backstory, trashing her easily in each fight, but yet leaving her alive. She also had dreams of fire, a martyr's death, which didn't come into play until she went on a rebuild quest (Book of 9 Swords came out, I wanted in). In the vision quest, she was nearly killed again by Nightmare, his evil sword Souledge exploding in fiery doom. Without any real clues from my GM, I took that as a sign of my destiny. Fast Forward 6 levels. I took Combat Expertise, I took Rolibar's Gambit. I was ready to surprise my entire group. We fought Lord Hawthorne (Nightmare) and I had a feat I used...Divine Retribution, I think? It lets you do damage to an opponent for the same amount he did to you. Anyway, having cleared it all with my GM over a period of 3 months, we stood toe to toe. Finally he turns to me, after knocking down everyone else...he went for the Power Attack. I took the hit, well over 120 damage. And it was on that day, that my paladin channeled that 120 points of damage into a Rolibar's Gambit that shattered the very blade he wielded, sundering it as it pierced my paladin's body.
And that...is how I reenacted the end of Soul Calibur 1 without anyone knowing until it was already over.

xanthemann |

Pin the tail on the ship.
A bronze dragon landed on our ship of evil characters and my fighter/archer said let's play pin the tail on the ship and did so with a nat 20. When the dragon tried to pull it's tail free it failed with a nat 1 and wound up being stuck even longer.
I love it when a plan comes together.

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We had a really cool moment last night in the campaign - we're playing Kingmaker but are on a sidequest which involves trying to steal an artifact from the Chelaxian government in order to stop the Red Mantis from assassinating my character - the party is seventh level. We determine that the artifact is located in a tower in a university, but that the only door to the tower is a portal that you have to enter through the royal palace a mile away, and further the artifact is protected by all kinds of magic and a group of Hellknights.
At the end of the previous session where we made our battle plan, we joked that we should just go in and Bluff them into giving us the artifact. The DM jokingly noted that with a Bluff roll around 50, that would be possible. I laughed it off, but later that night I got to thinking...
Fast forward to this session, where we announce the entry plan. I had my character cast Heroism and Eagle's Splendor on myself (as well as Alter Self to appear as a Hellknight), donned a Circlet of Persuasion, drank a Potion of Glibness, got Moment of Greatness cast on me, and then got a fortune hex placed on me which would give me a second die on my next roll. The druid used stone shape to put a hole in the tower, and I staggered in, telling the Hellknights that Cheliax was under attack and that I had been sent to bring the artifact to safety. I explained why I'd had to make a hole in the wall (the castle was under attack and the other side of the portal was being hidden from the attackers by an illusion) and why the Hellknights needed to go up and get the artifact without letting any of the alarms go off (that was the signal that I needed reinforcements from the queen, which could cost her life if they were sent needlessly). The DM gave me a +5 on my roll due to the elaborate lie, and I announced that my roll would be at +49 - the final result was a glorious 66. So the Hellknights went up, disarmed the magical protection, and handed me the artifact. The DM later told us that the artifact had been protected by a power word stun effect that would have taken a bunch of us out for 2d4 rounds and would have alerted the entire palace to our position.
Before I could get out the door, an erinyes popped through the portal on patrol and shot me a few times, but I made it out and the druid used a readied action to close the wall up. Since the tower was dimensionally locked, they couldn't follow us out immediately, and my character and a few other party members teleported out of the city using a scroll of teleport. The rest of the party was kind of left in the lurch and were forced to retreat to a safehouse, then crawl out a sewer and kill a Hellknight and an erinyes in their escape.
And that's how we stole an artifact with an epic lie.

ANebulousMistress |
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Been nostalgic for my Carrion Crown campaign so I thought I'd share something from it. (not really spoiler-y for the plot so not tagged)
Halloran Idriss was a Paladin of Iomedae until the fateful night he was ambushed by a vampire and forcibly turned against his will. Long months spent without control over his actions, hunting and killing, drinking the blood of the innocent wreaked havoc on his alignment, rendering him LE. However...
The PCs destroyed his master before finding him alone and ashamed in the basement of a ruined, perverted abbey. He reluctantly raises his sword and demands their intentions.
Upon hearing his story the PCs make a decision. They are unable to redeem him (Calistra takes a dim view on paladins anyway) but they do promise that they will inform his old Order that he exists and of his horrible fate if he helps them out with clearing out this old abbey.
Later, adventure completed, the PCs are finally able to seek out the Church of Iomedae. At first the head priest is unimpressed. After all, if a paladin of "such skill" were to fall to a mere vampire then he wasn't exactly skilled now was he? So one of the PCs, Lauren, an Inquisitor of Calistra, stands on one of the pews and dares to shame these so-called "paladins" for abandoning one of their own, for daring to allow one of their own to suffer through no fault of his own when they alone have the power to forgive him. When he alone was the only representative of his goddess brave enough to retake the perverted abbey in the name of its sainted founder.
Thanks to impressive roleplaying (and a really nice diplomacy roll) the Church sent a cleric out with the PCs to the abbey. Halloran was brought back to Caliphas under cover of night. He told the tale of his capture, his death, his perversion, his enslavement. He confessed to his crimes and his shame, his actions and what was required of him. He spoke of his freedom and the retaking of the abbey, of his role in campaign-specific things involving the destruction of a couple of ultimate evils. The entire Church shut down for the night, the next day, and the next night as paladins and acolytes, as clerics and inquisitors heard tale of his deeds and took part in his atonement.
With dawn approaching the newly reinstated paladin walked past rows upon rows of Iomedae's faithful, their swords raised in salute for a fallen comrade. He stood on the steps of the cathedral and saw the sun rise one last time.
There wasn't a dry eye in the house.