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Guy St-Amant wrote:

Off on new adventures?


snickersimba wrote:
Feiya,What happens if someone hugs your fox? Does he get mad?

Depends on the context. I recommend against a stranger trying to hug him. Generally it's a good idea to let animals approach you rather than the other way around.

snickersimba wrote:
Also, how do you react to being placed in a situation were fire doesn't work?

I'd make a pretty crappy adventurer if I didn't have more than one trick

snickersimba wrote:
Have you ever considered the fact daji could be used as a weapon?

A weapon is a tool. And if you're looking for a tool, you'll want Alain. Zing!

snickersimba wrote:
How mad would you be if I stole him?


Belle Mythix wrote:

More little foxes on the way?

I'm sure daji has literally dozens of fox babies all over Golarion. Animals like foxes aren't as attached to keeping in touch with their young as humans often are.

equinoxmaster wrote:
what do you think of fetchlings?

Daji likes playing it when we have extended down time, but I get bored with the repetition.

Haladir wrote:
I think Feiya is still off roaming the mutiverse in a strange hut with chicken legs...

That was totally worth the experience but I am never doing that again!

John Kretzer wrote:
Feiya wrote:
The time Seelah, Ezren, Seltyiel and I discussed the nature of good and evil around a campfire after a horrific fight with a herd of wild goblins.
Are there civilized goblins?

Sure, of a sort. They have a leader, and if properly motivated can act in accord with one another in pursuits of a single goal.

John Kretzer wrote:
Also it is good to see you are back. You are my favorite iconic.

It's good to be back.

Feiya wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Are there civilized goblins?
Sure, of a sort. They have a leader, and if properly motivated can act in accord with one another in pursuits of a single goal.

Never mind, Alain just informed me of the definition of "civilization" and goblins do not fit under it. At all.

Feiya wrote:
Never mind, Alain just informed me of the definition of "civilization" and goblins do not fit under it. At all.

Ezren just perked up when Alain told me that.

They are now getting into what appears will be an extended discussion of the definition of "civilization".

Oh wow, apparently Alain's definition did not sit well with Amiri.

I have to say, though, he fully deserves what he is about to get.

Ok, Alain is off to go heal his wounded prides (and to see if Kyra can heal his broken nose and if that includes making it straight again or if that costs extra) and Amiri is off to go see if Kyra will heal her broken nose, but leave it crooked.

And I am off to bed.

*nasal muttered curses regarding Amiri's parentage*

Feiya nos Wanderer,

If you encountered a woman who was slowly transmuting herself into a construct, admittedly a free willed one mind you, what would your reaction to her be and would you try to talk her out of her course of action?

So I'm curious: what was it like being brought up by hags?

Do you have any advice for a novice practitioner of witchcraft?

The NPC wrote:

Feiya nos Wanderer,

If you encountered a woman who was slowly transmuting herself into a construct, admittedly a free willed one mind you, what would your reaction to her be and would you try to talk her out of her course of action?

Depends, is she the mastermind at the end of an investigation of a series of gruesome murders or is she just a casual acquaintance I meet at a completely innocent tavern?

Crayon wrote:
So I'm curious: what was it like being brought up by hags?

Not recommended.

Wolf_Shay wrote:
Do you have any advice for a novice practitioner of witchcraft?

Don't give up, keep trying, learn your limits and then push them.

Feiya wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Feiya nos Wanderer,

If you encountered a woman who was slowly transmuting herself into a construct, admittedly a free willed one mind you, what would your reaction to her be and would you try to talk her out of her course of action?

Depends, is she the mastermind at the end of an investigation of a series of gruesome murders or is she just a casual acquaintance I meet at a completely innocent tavern?

In between but more towards the latter.

Alain Germande wrote:
*nasal muttered curses regarding Amiri's parentage*

We shall smite you for that one. Then give your remains to the poor starving Goblins.

So what is it like communing with your patron via your familiar?

John Kretzer wrote:
So what is it like communing with your patron via your familiar?

I want to know that one too.

Liberty's Edge

You are the best iconic, better than merishiel.
Also, I asked merishiel this, but what would you do if you found a diamond the size of alains ego?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

How was your stint as Baba Yaga's White Rider? How'd you, Valeros and Imrijka get out of your century of service to her early?

Shadow Lodge

snickersimba wrote:

You are the best iconic, better than merishiel.

Also, I asked merishiel this, but what would you do if you found a diamond the size of alains ego?

I would imagine she would name it "Diamond Mountain".

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Did you get to have your own dancing hut? If so then what design/style did you decorate it as? If not what did you get instead?

Grand Lodge

Oh. This is fun.

Feiya (love the hair by the way),
If you could meet one historical/mythological/fantasy witch then who would that be?

Follow up. Would you start your own coven?

Customer Service Manager

Feiya wrote:
The Drunken Dragon wrote:


What's it like communicating with Daji? I've heard certain spellcasters can speak with their familiars as if they had a common language. Do the two of you, and if so, what is it like?

I assume is different for each individual. For me it's like standing in an old growth forest, silent except for wind rustling through the leaves and someone whispering behind me but no matter how I try I never see anyone or anything but Daji and the trees.

There is a language with no words between us.

Miss Feiya, what do you think of kineticists ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
How was your stint as Baba Yaga's White Rider?

Like riding a rollercoaster. Its exhilarating and yet you kind of just want to puke. Also there's lots of screaming.

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
How'd you, Valeros and Imrijka get out of your century of service to her early?

Some secrets are best left untold for everyone's safety.

zergtitan wrote:
Did you get to have your own dancing hut? If so then what design/style did you decorate it as? If not what did you get instead?

Not to keep, and the landlord was not inclined to be fooled by toothpaste to cover up holes in the walls.

My dream would be a sleek, well curated collection of interesting things from across golarion, but in all honesty, it would probably just be precarious piles of knick knacks jammed into every possible nook and cranny.

Larina Nix wrote:

Oh. This is fun.

Feiya (love the hair by the way),

Thank you!

Larina Nix wrote:
If you could meet one historical/mythological/fantasy witch then who would that be?

Myself in about 20 years from now. I presume I will have built up enough mythos and infamy that I will want to have a chat with myself now.

Larina Nix wrote:
Follow up. Would you start your own coven?

If the right set of circumstances and people presented themselves.

Customer Service Manager

Shadow_Charlatan wrote:
Miss Feiya, what do you think of kineticists ?

I'm going to reserve judgement until I meet one in person.

Grand Lodge

Feiya wrote:

Larina Nix wrote:
If you could meet one historical/mythological/fantasy witch then who would that be?

Myself in about 20 years from now. I presume I will have built up enough mythos and infamy that I will want to have a chat with myself now.

Fair enough!

Feiya wrote:

Larina Nix wrote:
Follow up. Would you start your own coven?
If the right set of circumstances and people presented themselves.

If you send out a recruitment drive I'll sign on!

So new question.
Sorcerers. What do you think of them? They seem a bit like cheaters to me; all that power and they never have to work for it.

Larina Nix wrote:

So new question.
Sorcerers. What do you think of them? They seem a bit like cheaters to me; all that power and they never have to work for it.

I have learned that power never comes without a price. Having known a few sorcerers, I'm not sure on average they're coming out ahead on the power vs personal cost scale.

Dear Feiya, cutest and nicest of all witches,

have you ever wrapped up a child in your prehensile hair to keep it from freezing to death?

How was your time as Empress Ameiko's Advisor and feel wearing the robes of Minkai's Nobility. Daji looks so adorable with that crown on his head.

So now that you've made it through to the second edition, which new iconic is your most and least favorite?

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