RidTrouble |

Captain America
Human Torch
It all depends on who's writing them really. Even the most under-rated superhero can be awesome with a great writer. A lot of faves were earler Marvel (80's and 90's) but I am now reading DC 52 and getting into all those iconic superheroes.

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10. Green Lantern (Sinestro) -- Not really redeemed from his evil, he just has the capability of being a hero again. The diatribe between him and Hal Jordan is just -- priceless. They are the best hero/villain team up.
9. Cable (Nathan Summers). He's my favorite X-Man. I can't explain it why, but Cable is probably what best defines the X-Man. He's less of a Jerk than the rest of them.
8. Spider-Man. Spider-Man is probably the best known of all. Peter-Parker represents Joe Schmoe.
7. Arkillo (lone Yellow Lantern). After reading the New Guardians in the new #52, the Yellow Lantern is growing from a fear mongering psychopath to someone who is taking responsibility. His time with Rayner and Saint Walker has really grown on him and he takes his friendship with the other lanterns seriously. Seeing Fear being used for the good of your Companions is quite the turn around.
6. Doctor Strange. I don't like him as an Avenger, but I do like him as the ultimate mysterious guy in the Marvel Universe. Ally to Spider-Man, if he and Spider-Man were to do a permanent team-up I can see some possibilities there.
5. Batman (Bruce Wayne). I now wonder how a comic would fly if the Batman and Spider-Man did a team up.
4. Rorschach and Deadpool. Better than Cable and Deadpool is Rorschach and Deadpool. Sadly, the team up can only come from RandomGuy on Youtube.
3. The Savage Dragon. Number 3 right up until he endorsed our current president for President. So the new number 3 has to be --> Captain America!
2. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). Okay, I like Hal. Alright? I like him a lot better in his team up with Sinestro. Geoff Johns is getting around to finally getting the hang of his character.
1. My top Superhero has to be . . . this Man.

princeimrahil |

Batman - All others bow before him.
Spider-Man - The best wisecracker in comics.
Superman - The greatest hero of all.
Captain America - He punched out Hitler.
Incredible Hulk - The best superpower description ever: "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets."
The Flash (Wally West) - You can't beat that costume.
Wolverine - The ultimate anti-hero
Batgirl/Oracle - So awesome, she kept being a hero even when she was paralyzed from the waist down.
Wonder Woman - The banner-carrier for female heroes.
Zatanna - ehs sah eht tselooc yaw fo gnisu cigam.

Aranna |

Hmmmm... ten heroes no villains in my list:
Iron man
Wonder Woman
Invisible Woman
Agent Paper (from Read or Die)
The Bowler (from Mystery Men): I am sorry what is cooler than having a superweapon (bowling ball) that contains the skull of your father (the original Bowler). And the final scene where her ball is on fire making it looking like a flying flaming skull is awesome.
These are in no particular order.

QXL99 |

10. Green Lantern (Sinestro) -- Not really redeemed from his evil, he just has the capability of being a hero again. The diatribe between him and Hal Jordan is just -- priceless. They are the best hero/villain team up.
9. Cable (Nathan Summers). He's my favorite X-Man. I can't explain it why, but Cable is probably what best defines the X-Man. He's less of a Jerk than the rest of them.
8. Spider-Man. Spider-Man is probably the best known of all. Peter-Parker represents Joe Schmoe.
7. Arkillo (lone Yellow Lantern). After reading the New Guardians in the new #52, the Yellow Lantern is growing from a fear mongering psychopath to someone who is taking responsibility. His time with Rayner and Saint Walker has really grown on him and he takes his friendship with the other lanterns seriously. Seeing Fear being used for the good of your Companions is quite the turn around.
6. Doctor Strange. I don't like him as an Avenger, but I do like him as the ultimate mysterious guy in the Marvel Universe. Ally to Spider-Man, if he and Spider-Man were to do a permanent team-up I can see some possibilities there.
5. Batman (Bruce Wayne). I now wonder how a comic would fly if the Batman and Spider-Man did a team up.
4. Rorschach and Deadpool. Better than Cable and Deadpool is Rorschach and Deadpool. Sadly, the team up can only come from RandomGuy on Youtube.
3. The Savage Dragon. Number 3 right up until he endorsed our current president for President. So the new number 3 has to be --> Captain America!
2. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). Okay, I like Hal. Alright? I like him a lot better in his team up with Sinestro. Geoff Johns is getting around to finally getting the hang of his character.
1. My top Superhero has to be . . . this Man.
Great choice for #1

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Any DC character listed is pre-New 52:
1. Wonder Woman
2. Oracle
3. Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
4. Rogue
5. Artemis
6. Black Canary
7. Nightwing
8. Charles Xavier
9. The Question (Vic Sage. I like Renee Montoya too but I don't know her in that role as well)
10. The Tick. :)
If I get to include non Western comic books, then pop in Maggie Mui of the Paper Sisters in at #2, and then the rest of the heroic Paper Masters -- Yomiko Readman (Aranna glad to see you're a fan too!), Michelle Cheung, and Anita King -- down under Huntress, before Rogue.
I'm sure I'm forgetting people too.

Blue_Hill |

Not in particular order. This was bit hard list to do..
-Batman (duh of course, maybe the only comic I a)read b)enjoy reading)
-Nightwing (haven't read much about him but Grayson is my fav Batman -character)
-Robin (Drake or Grayson)
-Green Lantern (just saying the Oath aloud makes me shiver)
-Ironman (Tony Stark is just a human with a suit, it appeals to me)
-Hawkeye (Ultimates version is cool and I like how Renner played him in the Avengers-movie)
-Spider-Man (was my first contact to superheroes)
-Hellboy (I really enjoy the comics)
-Quicksilver (Ultimates-version)
-Captain America (the superhero of all time but still as human as superhero can be (compared to Superman he is still just human))
1. My top Superhero has to be . . . this Man.[/spoiler]
Nice choice bro. +1

Leo_Negri |

10.) Squirrel-Girl
09.) Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
08.) Mighty Samson
07.) Magnus Robot Fighter
06.) Knight (the British Batman)
05.) Batman
04.) Starlord
03.) Nova (Richard Rider)
02.) Captain America
01.) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Not a big fan of Superman. Spider-Man is too angsty. Wolverine, Punisher, Deadpool, Deathstroke, Ravager - these are not heroes; vigilantes, yes, anti-heroes absolutely, but heroes, No. X-Men, never cared for them in any incarnation either, but then again the only team books that have ever made sense to me were Fantastic Four/FF/Power Pack (Families), Alpha Flight/MI13/Freedom Force/Thunderbolts (Government sponsered), THUNDER Agents (the UN), and the Green Lantern Corps/Nova Corps (paramilitary galactic police forces).

Sissyl |

Sissyl wrote:Wait--when did Marrow become 'cute'?All heroes have been written very awkwardly at times. Still:
Marrow (pre-cute)
When in space, and Gambit found her inside a glass tube, then pressed lots of buttons on the control panel to get her out, which just happened to fix her powers so they did not hurt anymore, and gave her tiny delicate horns instead of her earlier gross-out growths. She was no longer in constant pain, and did not need to be angry anymore.

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I base my list of the top 10 super heroes on three criteria.
1. How much I like the character.
2. How well they work in a group dynamic.
3. Versatility of story telling available.
10. No-Man {Agents of T.H.U.N.D.E.R.}
9. Animal Man (Buddy Baker)
8. Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
7. Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
6. Batman (Bruce Wayne)
5. Booster Gold (John Michael Carter)
4. Robotman (Cliff Steele)
3. Iron Man (Tony Stark)
2. Thing (Ben Grimm)
1. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

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Just what the title says, name your top ten comic book super heroes. I have seen several lists and they tend to be all over the place. Superman, Batman, Spawn, and Spider-man all seem to make the list each time. Others seem to vary. Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Captain America, Silver Surfer, and the Punisher tend to be on most lists. Whats your top ten?
Captain America and Green Lantern both for me. Boy - sure wish I were without fear. Also liked the "mysticals" - Dr. Fate, Moon Knight, Ghost, Zatanna. And I love strong women, so Wonder Woman, Ms. Marvel, and Jean Grey/Phoenix. While I would be the last person on the planet to state that I don't like Power Girl's enormous "attributes", for me it really is about strong women more than boobs. Don't know why I love them so, but I do. Never been a fan of the mousy girl/damsel in distress.

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Oh yeah, agreed there. :)
But I meant the ideas evoked by the typo itself too. The idea of Doug learning the language of the gods or the code of reality and somehow winding up some sort of god-king being....just reminded me of old back issues where the X-Teams would go to other worlds/dimensions with a fantasy/planetary romance-feel to them. Man those were always fun...

magnuskn |

1.) Kitty Pryde ( Shadowcat )
2.) Nathan Summers ( Cable )
3.) Erik Magnus Lehnsherr ( Magneto )
4.) Rachel Grey ( Phoenix )
5.) Illyana Rasputin ( Magik )
6.) Kid Loki ( from the sadly discontinued Journey into Mystery run by Kieron Gillen )
7.) Peter Parker ( Ultimate Universe version Spiderman )
8.) Samuel Guthrie ( Cannonball )
9.) James Madrox ( Multiple Man )
10.) Doug Ramsey ( Cypher )

Greg Wasson |

My own personal top 10?
Martain Manhunter
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
The Shadow
The Thing
Mr. Terrific (pre-reboot version)
Hawkman (pre-reboot Carter Hall version)
Horatio Hellpop Nexus? If so, he DEFINITELY on my list too.
Phantom (Ghost Who Walks),
Judge Dredd (not really a hero, but well...),
Power Girl,
Jonah Hex( not certain he really qualifies as hero either),
Mr. Miracle.
Lots of others I have enjoyed for a time, but these folk I always seem to like.

CylonDorado |

1.) Wonder Woman- not just because of the feminism thing, she's a bonefied badass. A bruiser with a lot of fighting skill and finesse, and nonconventional weapons/accessories that I've seen used in interesting ways (unless you've done something to warrent a simple battleaxe in your face). Also, love the backstory, and she's often portrayed as being very thoughtful and passionate at the same time. Can't fathom why they havn't made a movie already...
2.) Deadshot- Not a super hero, but whatever, he's still my second favorite character ever. BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM.
3.) Superman/Batman tie- Nostalgia from the Saturday morning cartoons, along with some really good stories they've been in. (no particular order after this point).
4.) Thor- I do like mythically inclined super heroes, and (like Wonder Woman) I love his powers, attitude, and backstory.
5.) The Phantom Stranger- Hard to place my finger on exactly why, but I just think he's really cool whenever he pops up.
6.) Rorschach- Like a lot of characters in Watchmen, he was really deep and interesting. The whole meaning behind his name was one of my favorite social commentaries in the book.
7.) Marv- Ya know, from Sin City? Dude... This guy.
8.) King Shark- See Deadshot, but substitute CHOMPCHOMPCHOMPCHOMP
9.) Hulk/She-Hulk tie- I love how She-Hulk acts just like a normal person (with above average wit) whose job just happens to be to beat up bad guys. Also,she's my favorite character in Mavel Vs. Capcom 3. And with Hulk, you just have to cheer for the nerd rage incarnate.
10.) Power Girl- I just like her for the plots, honest... Seriously though, I think her misplaced Crisis surviver backstory is interesting. And your heart goes out to her in Infinite Crisis, and when that comes back to haunt her in Blackest Night. And I love all her interactions when she had cameos in Wonder Woman books, and her own comic is pretty solid too.

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8: Xi'an Chi Xan
Awesome to see one of the X-Men 2099 crew here!
I was more partial to Krystalin and Meanstreak (and La Lunatica, but she was only tangentally a 'hero'). But 'the Desert Ghost' was a very cool character. I kind of like the 2099 crew better than most of the 'real' X-Men at that stage.
My 'top 10' changes on a daily basis. I could make a list, but it would be all scandalous lies tomorrow...
1. Snowbird (Alpha Flight)
2. Multiple Man/Madrox (X-Factor)
3. Douglock (New Mutants)
4. Nightcrawler (X-Men)
5. Vixen (Justice League / Global Guardians)
6. Booster Gold (Justice League)
7. Moondragon (Avengers / Guardians of the Galaxy)
8. Ultra Boy (Legion of Super-Heroes)
9. Giant-Man/Ant-Man/Hank Pym (Avengers)
10. Superboy/Conner Kent (pre-DCnu, obviously, although the Young Justice cartoon version is also cool!)

Ivan Rûski |

1. Spider-Man
2. Batman
3. Gambit
4. Wolverine
5. Daredevil
6. Deadpool
7. The Punisher
8. Iron Man
9. Captain America
10. The Sentry
Almost exclusively Marvel, 'cause that's what I usually read. It should be noted that I more or less stopped reading new stuff after Ultimatum and the Skrull Invasion.

Backfromthedeadguy |

1. Spider-Man
2. Batman
3. Gambit
4. Wolverine
5. Daredevil
6. Deadpool
7. The Punisher
8. Iron Man
9. Captain America
10. The SentryAlmost exclusively Marvel, 'cause that's what I usually read. It should be noted that I more or less stopped reading new stuff after Ultimatum and the Skrull Invasion.
I see you put Sentry on your list...at least he's at the bottom. Not trying to start anything but Sentry is the only comic book character that I truly hate with every fiber of my being. That's just me and is in no way a judgement of your personal taste. I'm just compelled to express my hatred whenever I hear or see his name. Apologies.

Ivan Rûski |

Ivan Rûski wrote:I see you put Sentry on your list...at least he's at the bottom. Not trying to start anything but Sentry is the only comic book character that I truly hate with every fiber of my being. That's just me and is in no way a judgement of your personal taste. I'm just compelled to express my hatred whenever I hear or see his name. Apologies.1. Spider-Man
2. Batman
3. Gambit
4. Wolverine
5. Daredevil
6. Deadpool
7. The Punisher
8. Iron Man
9. Captain America
10. The SentryAlmost exclusively Marvel, 'cause that's what I usually read. It should be noted that I more or less stopped reading new stuff after Ultimatum and the Skrull Invasion.
To each their own. His powers were kinda meh, but I liked his backstory. It was gimmicky to be sure, but I really liked it. If it weren't for that I likely wouldn't even remember him. There are plenty of other heroes I could have put in that slot, but none of them, The Sentry included, were ones I read very often.