Klaus van der Kroft |
Puff Pastry filled with a stew from turkey meat, goat cheese and cottage cheese, with a ratatouille from tomatoes, zucchini, sweet pepper and onions.
Tomorrow will se a hotpot from scallions, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, turnip greens and ground pork, served with fresh Ciabatta and herb butter.
That sounds awesome. What's a puff pastry, though?
feytharn |
feytharn wrote:That sounds awesome. What's a puff pastry, though?Puff Pastry filled with a stew from turkey meat, goat cheese and cottage cheese, with a ratatouille from tomatoes, zucchini, sweet pepper and onions.
Tomorrow will se a hotpot from scallions, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, turnip greens and ground pork, served with fresh Ciabatta and herb butter.
This. I had to look it up. My native language is German and gastronomical terms are not really part of my active vocabulary.
The dough for puff pastry is also the only dough I do not bother to make myself, for reasons obvious in the article...
Lindisty |
Corn and black bean salad* and cottage cheese, with cherries and blueberries from the farm market for dessert.
1 medium onion, finely diced
1-3 jalapenos, finely chopped (optional-- adjust to your own heat preference)
salt, pepper, cumin to taste
1 can of black beans
1 red bell pepper
zest and juice of 1 lime
Saute the corn, onion, and jalapeno, seasoned with salt, pepper, and cumin, briefly in olive oil over medium-high, just until a few pieces of corn have brown flecks on them. Mix them with the black beans, red bell pepper, and lime zest/juice. Adjust seasonings.
You can eat this warm, but it's really best chilled for a day or so in the fridge and then brought back to room temperature before serving.
This is also good with the addition of chopped ripe tomatoes, but it doesn't hold as well in the fridge that way.
feytharn |
Not quite sure yet, probably a mix of leftovers and tomatoes/lettuce. I feel like crap and would prefer not to prepare any food today.
Tomorrow will probably see prime boiled beef in mustard sauce with potatoes and some lettuce based salad. (Yes, I am using a lot of lettuce since it is growing like crazy on my balcony...)
IceniQueen |
small bowl (yes bowl at work more like a cup) of Chicken Stew (Chicken, Carrots, Celery, Onions)and a cup of squash salad with a cheese biscuit
I work at a Hospital and our Cafe food is actually very very good for a hospital. Beats our other hospital in the system, their food sucks... accept the fruit bar and salad bar, it is better there
feytharn |
German Peas soup (much more delicious than it sounds, I vary the traditiona recipe by using leech instead of onions) - probably thursday as well, this needs to be cooked in a large pot ;-)
edit: and some freshly baked bread.
Tomorrow: Pizza (as long as I manage to get to some store and get some cheese, since I just found out I ran out of it...)
Klaus van der Kroft |
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Back from Venezuela, where among other things I had the chance to eat giant amazonian termites (taste like dirt, mandibles got stuck between my teeth and hurt pretty bad) and a variety of bugs with a name that literally translates into "big-ass ant" that tastes like lemon.
As for today, I'm getting a Barros Luco at the nearby Swiss Fountain, a local "schopperia" (a typical beer-&-sandwich type of restaurant here in Chile).
Todd Stewart Contributor |