Magus + Spell Strike / Casting / Combat + Knuckle Axe + Blackblade

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

A blackblade can be any slashing weapon, and a punching Magus seems fun. However, knuckle axe impedes spell casting. If wore on just one hand tho, could i get away with it without the negative effect?

Nezthalak wrote:
A blackblade can be any slashing weapon, and a punching Magus seems fun. However, knuckle axe impedes spell casting. If wore on just one hand tho, could i get away with it without the negative effect?

You can't make somatic gestures with a hand wearing the knuckle axe.

You could make such gestures with your other hand, if it's free.

Black Blades: "A black blade is always a one-handed slashing weapon, a rapier, or a sword cane."

The knuckle axe is a light weapon, not one-handed, so it cannot be a black blade.

Sovereign Court

shuckleberries :(

Grick wrote:

The knuckle axe is a light weapon, not one-handed, so it cannot be a black blade.

Hmmm... Maybe a Large Knuckle Axe is the solution?

Sovereign Court

A large light weapon would be a 1 handed one when wielding by a medium creature. It'd have higher damage dice too right? or am I mistaken?

If you want to take a -2 penalty to hit, perhaps.

Grand Lodge

The Klar is a one-handed slashing weapon. A musket axe is too.

Liberty's Edge

I'd be inclined to believe that here the writers meant one handed as in not two handed rather than as in light, one handed and two handed. As a DM I wouldn't have a problem allowing it, though it wouldn't be RAW.

Grand Lodge

You know a Musket Axe is an awesome BlackBlade.

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