Baron Galdur Vendikon

Nezthalak's page

Organized Play Member. 282 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Sovereign Court

I'd say yes also. Multiple fire sources would create hotter flames, I think.

Sovereign Court

Ashiel wrote:
Nezthalak wrote:
I'm 3/4 through book 3 and it is a big stumbling block IMHO. books 1 & 2 were great and was a solid, coherent story. Now the PCs are in a dungeon with no perceivable purpose but to gather 2 keys so they can go somewhere else and probably do the exact same thing. The AP does have some spots where it poses some challenge to navigate, but I've enjoyed it up to this point.
You know, I think you're describing the exact point our party is in right now. I want to find those keys so I can flush them down a toilet.

Yes, the PCs are 9th level now and every room is combat, whether by design or bad diplomacy. They just don't understand the whys of what they are doing. I'm trying to follow the book as written. There is an NPC that may shed some light for them, but avenging one evil to put another in its place is a tough chore for neutral aligned PCs I think, and unconscionable for Good characters.

I'm going to use as much GM discretion as I can to get them through the story, because I would like to finish the AP. I haven't read ahead to book 4 yet, but it will probably need tailoring too. the party doesn't catch up to Elvanna and Baba Yaga until book 6 i think, and I'd really like them to get there.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
GM Reference thread for Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Dotted for future reference

Sovereign Court

I'm 3/4 through book 3 and it is a big stumbling block IMHO. books 1 & 2 were great and was a solid, coherent story. Now the PCs are in a dungeon with no perceivable purpose but to gather 2 keys so they can go somewhere else and probably do the exact same thing. The AP does have some spots where it poses some challenge to navigate, but I've enjoyed it up to this point.

Sovereign Court

The dungeon is pretty tough, but a lot of difficulty can often be attributed to a lack of player strategy and group cohesiveness. Gear doesn't make a character nearly as much as tactics. The GM can always pull back too if the encounters are proving too much.

The game i'm running has the party in the middle of the Mother and they are barely getting through encounters. It is dragging down gameplay and they are losing interest. I'm going to cut some fat and streamline what I can so that they don't lose the story (albeit a convoluted one).

Sovereign Court

I've made the mantle of the rider transferable to other PCs by the original group. As long as 1 member of the original party remains, I've allowed him to "induct" new riders. If we get a full TPW, which has nearly happened, I'll have to think up something new.

Sovereign Court

This has been asked 100 times I'm sure, but:

When a creature has DR, does the DR apply to every single hit made by every character throughout the entire round?

My group plays it to where the DR is like an minimum threshold that has to be met just once, then all damage rolls to the creature. I can't find anything in the core or PRD to back this up, though.

Sovereign Court


If you are reading this and don't already follow the thread and use this sheet.

Perception check. Roll it nao!!!

Sovereign Court

Any update for us on the next map?

Sovereign Court

the map for the pale tower is incredible. these maps have been a big help in my campaign.

Sovereign Court

Fantastic work. Just started this book in my campaign. The PCs really like the maps. You rock!. /paid

Sovereign Court

I was working on a sheet last night and tried to apply power attack to a 2 hander and had a little trouble.

Under the weapons tab, there are the two 'Use' drop down menus. I believe greatsword defaults as a two-hander, since the damage calculates properly without any special buffs or special use rule. However, when I changed the top drop down to Power Attack and left the other rule 'Auto' the damage doesn't change, but the hit modifier does.

If the top menu is left 'Auto' and the bottom is changed to power attack, it works fine. Is that intended or a bug with 'Auto'?

Sovereign Court

*dusts of his stamp*

My group has returned to the pathfinder universe. And this time it is my turn to GM :) mwuhahaha! I'm definitely directing them all to this sheet because it rocks!!

Sovereign Court

After the encounter the hunting lodge, events I, J, K, and L are describe without a map. Is there one for them that I am missing? I can make one easily enough, but was just curious.

Sovereign Court

My group has put pathfinder on the back burner so I'm out of the loop on the evolution of the sheet. Had 4.6 i think and now you're well past. Keep up the good work Blue!

Once we end our current game, I think I'm going to GM the next pathfinder campaign.

Sovereign Court

*digs around in box*
*locates ink pad and stamp*
*eyes Blue's latest sheet*
*strokes thin Human beard*

Fine oiled machine you've made, Blue.

Sovereign Court

thebluecanary wrote:
Nezthalak wrote:
In building a Samurai, it doesn't look like the sheet is getting his proficiency for the Wakazashi.
Sure you are using version 4.7? Version 4.6 had an issue with Samurai.

I was on 4.6

When I grabbed 4.7 it was a corrupted file. WinRAR couldn't open it, so I stepped it down.

Sovereign Court

In building a Samurai, it doesn't look like the sheet is getting his proficiency for the Wakazashi.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for all your hard work Blue. Hope the family gets better and kicks the cold! Happy Thanksgiving!

Sovereign Court

OO hates MS macros for some reason. save/load times are worse too. Still, MS is stupid expensive.

Sovereign Court

bump to a great thread.

4.0 blue? nice! cranking those updates out. new sheet loads quickly. A+++

Sovereign Court

mmmmmmm..sweet, delicious character nom nom. eggcellent work Blue!


Sovereign Court

/approved! This thing is going to be bigger than a Tarrasque when its done :)

Sovereign Court

need a free hand for spell casting. I have never liked the idea of taking one hand off the weapon, casting the spell, then putting the hand back on. In theory it would burn the move action, but I guess with quick draw you can cheese it out.

Sovereign Court

I saw that, but after putting spells known on that page, it doesn't fill into the Spell Sheet.

I'd be very willing to help work on it. I know a little excel code.

Sovereign Court

Blue, I had a question regarding the advance spell sheets. The ability to pick known spells is pretty straightforward, but I don't see how to select a spell to be "prepared" or "known" and get it to show up on the printable spell sheet at the end of the document?

Also, when I try to update the links when prompted by the sheet, it comes back as failing because it can't locate SpellForge_Pathfinder_0.9.3.xls

Is that sheet maintained someplace?

Sovereign Court

small criticism that may have been covered, but the guide doesn't note that the kensai loses spell recall, a very critical ability IMHO and should be given a mention.

can any kensai weigh in if the like the arch? I won't be stacking with blackblade.

Sovereign Court

A large light weapon would be a 1 handed one when wielding by a medium creature. It'd have higher damage dice too right? or am I mistaken?

Sovereign Court

shuckleberries :(

Sovereign Court

A blackblade can be any slashing weapon, and a punching Magus seems fun. However, knuckle axe impedes spell casting. If wore on just one hand tho, could i get away with it without the negative effect?

Sovereign Court

I think the idea of the kensai is fantastic, but you just lose too much. if they left spell recall in, might make it more attractive. still, I think i'm going to go regular magus.

Sovereign Court

Certainly at lower levels, the kensai is losing due to no armor, fewer spells, and no spell recall. Is the leveling of the kensai that much tougher until he makes it higher or does he fail as archetype overall? I'm making a new PC for my game and want this character. Multiclassing and min/max/opt-ing aside, is Kensai viable? I love the spellblending with melee combat, but don't want a weak character and losing what the kensai does, it seems like that arch doesn't have the tools needed to carry out a viable spellcombat/strike.

Sovereign Court

Open Office has longer load times and some of the formatting will likely change. However, the core mechanics of the sheet work on either platform.

I like seeing all the tickets up on the site. Although it means more work for Blue, it shows how much more traffic and use the document is getting now.

Appreciate everyone's hard work in using the sheet, and helping fine tune it to a point of becoming a truly invaluable tool for PF players. Spread the word.


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

This thread has a lot of dev attention, and I'm sure SKR is monitoring as well.

I like a lot of the proposed changes. The best way would be to playtest some of the varieties and work out balance issues. Its a timesink, but has to be done. As with the core monk, any new version is going to run into stumbling blocks, incompatibilities, errata, and so forth so getting things right the first time around (or the best that can be done) is critical and needs to be given its due time. Don't be in a hurry to rush something out, because the quality will suffer.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Monk with options for the win :)

Sovereign Court

It does need a complete rework. 3/4 caster would be fine using abilities pool like the magus and have WIS caster stat. throw some good combat abilities in there. keep 3 good saves and the d8 HD.

Sovereign Court

the tireless efforts much appreciated! yay!

Sovereign Court

too many things get left to DM discretion with the monk class. RAW, I'd say you can't use UAS with perfect strike. I use a ki focused monk weapon to get around the restrictions so heavily placed on the monks.

clearer rules and better adaptability would make for a much improved class.

Sovereign Court

With as many post deletions as have had to be done, would I be out of line in requesting this thread be locked? We have our legitimate posters for those really trying to work out the problems with the monk class and advocate different suggestions, but there are too many people detracting from the purpose of this discussion.

It was nice to hear from SKR and the other devs saying they are working on a solution, but until that point, this thread will have little growth in that direction. Suggestions for the class are probably best left suited for threads in that forum section. Big count threads are a magnet for post count fluffers and trolls.

I like the monk and like my fellow gamers that want to see them shine without living in a mire of constant clarifications and DM fiat. I relish that MA, Dabbler, and so many others are championing for the class, but I think this thread may have outlived its purpose. Sorry if any toes were stepped on.

Sovereign Court

humans are almost always the best pick. if people want to play something else for certain abilities or racial preference, then they have to take that hit in favor of playing what they want.

fun is not always = effective.

Sovereign Court

you can build an NPC character based on PC class levels and he'd be on par with their strength. only in PFS where you can't change scenarios are you really limited.

throw +200hp on your guys or fluff a few stats/saves. easy to tailor

Sovereign Court

you could call out any enemy dwarf and be guaranteed to be his target. may come in handy.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Franko a wrote:

I let them roll everything. They seem to enjoy the botches as much as the natural 20's.

I can definitely attest to this. We were playing Sage Ed. Star Wars campaign and I was aiding another person work on the air ventilation for the ship. We both crit failed and killed everyone on board.

cue slowly backing up and walking away.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

yay! Monks getting love!

Sovereign Court

Enchanter Tom wrote:

From the perspective of melee classes (and especially fighters):

Given that all the fighter does is damage (and even then, he does it poorly),

TLDR if someone else called him out. but still....

really? fighters don't do damage? your argument is invalid.

Sovereign Court

6 DC increase is 3 levels of spell caster difference (+1 skill rank concentration, +1 level caster). I'd say it makes a huge difference in them being able to cast defensively.

Sovereign Court

Every character has a weakness - be it touch, ranged attacks, spells, combat manuevers, disarm/sunder, explosive for a few fights then useless the rest of the day....find where the holes are in his build and exploit them.

If that fails, get a really creative dungeon/traps that challenge the actual players to think outside the realm of their abilities and dice and attack their minds!

Sovereign Court

1) If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

obviously modifies ->

2) Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action.

Which works the same as ->

3) This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands.

So if 1 applies to 2, and 2=3, then 1 applies 3. I don't see how it can be interpreted any other way.

Sovereign Court

from the PRD: section headings are bolded, sections are complete.

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon
Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item.

If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, or shuriken) is a free action.

Manipulate an Item
Moving or manipulating an item is usually a move action.

This includes retrieving or putting away a stored item, picking up an item, moving a heavy object, and opening a door. Examples of this kind of action, along with whether they incur an attack of opportunity, are given in Table: Actions in Combat.