Outsiders with no subtype?

Rules Questions

What if an Outsider has no subtype? Or are all Outsiders supposed to have a subtype in Pathfinder?

The Fiendish Template does not mention a creature type change at all. Does that mean, say, a dire wolf with the template still has the Animal type? (with Extraplanar attached to it, it seems) Or does it become an Outsider (Evil)? Or does it become Magical Beast as it did in 3rd Edition D&D?

Thanks to anyone that can help. This came up because we have a Ranger in the group with Outsider (Evil) favored enemy but came on a snag concerning fiendish creatures and whether the have the type/subtype or not.

This is a known issue regarding the fiendish etc. templates. By RAW no, there are not subtypes added. Someday it would be nice (for a variety of reasons) if they added alignment subtypes. My suggestion is houserule what many of us do, the fiendish etc. templates add the proper alignment subtypes.

- Gauss

Grand Lodge

Fiendish creatures in Pathfinder don't become outsiders or magical beasts. A fiendish dire wolf is an animal.

Grand Lodge

Fiendish animals are still animals.
Most things that need subtypes, have them.
Maybe one day, they will give the Changeling a subtype.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Fiendish animals are still animals.

Most things that need subtypes, have them.
Maybe one day, they will give the Changeling a subtype.

Changeling is a subtype of Humanoid in PF.

Grand Lodge

Belle Mythix wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Fiendish animals are still animals.

Most things that need subtypes, have them.
Maybe one day, they will give the Changeling a subtype.
Changeling is a subtype of Humanoid in PF.


When was it clarified?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Fiendish animals are still animals.

Most things that need subtypes, have them.
Maybe one day, they will give the Changeling a subtype.
Changeling is a subtype of Humanoid in PF.


When was it clarified?

Good question, but considering all Humanoids have subtype(s).

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Well, as of now, a Changeling has no subtype.

XP 200
CR 1/2
Changeling witch 1
LN Medium humanoid
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0

Source=Carrion Crown Book 1.

Grand Lodge

Humanoid is a type, not a subtype.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Humanoid: Changelings are humanoids with the changeling subtype.

Source = ARG.

Grand Lodge

Advanced Race Guide is not readily available yet. I am glad it was clarified.
Is the material available on the PRD yet?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hardcover books appear on PRD a month or two after publication. PFSRD will have them likely a bit earlier.

The PDF is just 10 bucks, you know ;)

Grand Lodge

PDF is unavailable now.

Grand Lodge


Check your email.

They might as well have the Shapeshifter sub-type

I just encountered this myself as well. There are actually a couple dozen outsiders whose only subtype is Extraplanar, which means nothing on their native plane. Enough that I'd think "no permanent subtype" should be allowable as a choice for rangers, bane weapons, etc. but unfortunately I can't find any official discussion of this issue.

Apologies if this thread's too old to post in - it's the only thing I could find, but it was exactly what I was looking up, and the FAQ didn't say anything about thread necromancy.

Silver Crusade

DracoDruid wrote:
They might as well have the Shapeshifter sub-type

Unless I completely missed something, changelings aren't shapeshifters. They're "changelings" in the traditional sense of the word: the child of a creature (in this case, hag) who leaves it with normal, unsuspecting parents. I don't recall if they steal a normal child in the process in PF, but that's the gist.


As for the topic, while I like the idea of untyped outsiders, it kinda screws with the rules.

Magrok, which outsiders are you talking about? The only ones that possibly spring to mind were the aeons, which have the aeon subtype.

Oh, I'm not counting small-subtypes like Aeons or Psychopomps, although that can certainly get annoying. Heck, Ice Mephit's the only creature that requires the Cold subtype instead of a more common one.

But in Outsider (extraplanar), counting just Pathfinder there's Caulborn, D'ziriak, Unfettered Eidolon, Gloomwing, human Petitioner, Jyoti, Mercane, Sceaduinar, Shae, Tenebrous Worm, and Valkyrie.

In the 3rd-party stuff that's listed (which seems to be only Frog God Games), there's also Astral Shark, Abyssal Basilisk (depending on whether it can still trigger off magical beast), Memory Child, Midnight Peddler, and Proscriber. Though if you include 3PP, they've a bunch of funky-subtyped elementals like gravity and time that basically force you to take the elemental subtype, when otherwise air/earth/fire/water would cover it. I digress.

I realize this isn't a huge issue in the grand scheme of things, and a lot of DMs would rule the above to be of one subtype or another. It's just irksome that if you really were trying to include every creature in your epic bane effect or something... you absolutely can't. Not within the rules right now. On the other hand, I have since my previous post looked through the humanoid subtypes and seen what a mess those are, so maybe I should be counting my blessings.

Well, you can take Outsider (extraplanar) as your Bane choice. Just fight them anywhere but their home plane and you're covered.

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