Quatar |

There's no rule governing the rarity of weapons and armor, so by RAW you can buy it everywhere.
However if you're the GM and you think it makes sense you can say that they don't have those weapons in stock and need to place a special order with the smith which may take a day or two.
Same for MW weapons (in general) and Eastern Weapons (also all of them), just for MW it may take maybe a week till they're done.
If this is PFS though, I have no clue. :)

Talonhawke |

However if you're the GM and you think it makes sense you can say that they don't have those weapons in stock and need to place a special order with the smith which may take a day or two.
Unless thats one good blacksmith we could be looking at at least a couple a of weeks since the lowest total check to even make it in a week using the accelerated DC is a 29.
Just pointing this out so that if you tell the player that it has to be crafted that you understand the time constrants on doing so.

Talonhawke |

You can do it by the day you divide your check by 7 though.
But that really doesn't do much for high priced items in the case of the above sword you would need 196 total on the check to make the sword in one day. 98 on the check for 2 days. or a 49 for 4 days.
Of those numbers only a 49 is going to be reachable even by a level 20 blacksmith barring some really heavy GM allowance of massive numbers of people aiding the check.
I mean if we assume the blacksmith will take 10 to make sure he can't fail. then at level 20 assuming a 16 starting int and all upgrades and tomes for int and a +6 item and every feat he can apply and a Magic tool for a +5, he can hit around a 55-60 with take 10. So a level 20 blacksmith needs 3 days to make this sword. or you could pay a bit more and a wizard can have it ready and MW by the next day at worst.

Jaatu Bronzescale |

Quatar wrote:
However if you're the GM and you think it makes sense you can say that they don't have those weapons in stock and need to place a special order with the smith which may take a day or two.Unless thats one good blacksmith we could be looking at at least a couple a of weeks since the lowest total check to even make it in a week using the accelerated DC is a 29.
Just pointing this out so that if you tell the player that it has to be crafted that you understand the time constrants on doing so.
Sandpoint isn't that far from Magnimar, and proper diplomacy with the smith might convince him to send off for a special order, rather than trying to recreate the Elven craftsmanship himself.
I think it was 2 days ride at the time we did it in RotRL, though I'd add a pickup/delivery fee for doing so if the player wanted it Rushed rather than at the next scheduled trip.

Dawsjax |

You can do it by the day you divide your check by 7 though.
But that really doesn't do much for high priced items in the case of the above sword you would need 196 total on the check to make the sword in one day. 98 on the check for 2 days. or a 49 for 4 days.
Of those numbers only a 49 is going to be reachable even by a level 20 blacksmith barring some really heavy GM allowance of massive numbers of people aiding the check.
I mean if we assume the blacksmith will take 10 to make sure he can't fail. then at level 20 assuming a 16 starting int and all upgrades and tomes for int and a +6 item and every feat he can apply and a Magic tool for a +5, he can hit around a 55-60 with take 10. So a level 20 blacksmith needs 3 days to make this sword. or you could pay a bit more and a wizard can have it ready and MW by the next day at worst.
Ah yes. Crafting. The bane of any player actually trying to use it. What we've adopted in my game is this: Items take one minute per sp value. It works for most things, and is a little more believable.

Adamantine Dragon |
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Heh... here's how this would probably play out in one of my campaigns...
PC: "Ho good merchant, I seek a rare and powerful sword, favored by the elves, curved and deadly keen."
Armorer: "Ah, yes. You seek an elven curved blade, truly a deadly weapon in skilled hands. Alas, I have no such blade available, there is little demand for such an exotic weapon. In fact the only one I have ever seen is in Medrod the Mad's collection."
PC: "Is there some way to acquire such a weapon?"
Armorer: "Biff, the swordsmith, could surely create such a weapon if you have the gold to pay him."
PC: "Please then, advise me on the location of this 'Biff' and I shall make it worth your while." [dangles a gold piece in front of the merchant]
PC: "Ho, good smith, are you he who is known as 'Biff, the swordsmith'?"
Biff: "Aye, my good lad. Such as I am indeed." [returns to pounding a glowing steel bar on his anvil]
PC: "I have good tidings for you, good sir. I seek the services of a master swordsmith to craft a curved elven blade of exceeding quality."
Biff: [stops for a moment, his sweaty face red and heaving with effort, regards the PC steadily, particularly the bulging coin sack at the PC's waist] "Och, and I ken ye has sufficient gold for the task, but I canna take the task anow, I have a blade in ma forge, as ye can plainly see."
PC: [Jingles his coin purse] "Well, now... I can help you rearrange your priorities..."
Biff: "Waste not ma time braggart, I dinna break ma word for no man. Dinna come round again til' yon moon is new."
PC: "Surely you will reconsider if the price is right?"
Biff: [raising glowing steel rod threateningly] "Go now mon! Ye kinna see ma steel is wasting? Medrod's gold ha' a'ready been spent! I kinna waste another minute with th' likes of ye." [returns to the forge, plainly ignoring the PCs]
PC: "Well, perhaps we can convince Medrod to change your priorities then."
[Later, upon being invited to meet with Medrod]
Medrod: "Yes, Biff is working on a... special project of mine. I collect fine weapons you see, and Biff is among the finest swordsmiths I've ever found."
PC: "We would ask if there is some way we could persuade you to allow Biff to hold off on your order while he finishes one for us."
Medrod: "I understand you seek an elven curved blade?"
PC: "Well, yes, that is what we seek."
Medrod: "Perhaps we can reach an agreement. I have an exquisite elven curved blade in my collection, and I might be persuaded to loan it to you for a time, until Biff can make your own, if you will but do me a small favor...."

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This is another example of why real life should not influence gaming. I understand that it makes since that a smithy not carry every weapon in every size. But when this comes up you can pretty much guarantee one of two things.
Irritated pc who just wants to buy a sword.
The party pays the money and says we go to the inn and sleep for the next 2 weeks.
Why instead not just give them the sword if the town is bigger than a village. Or if the blacksmith is specifically a sword smith. Consider his racks full of custom masterwork blades made to fit the hand of every pc perfectly. This avoids the issue of wasting real time and game time. We ran into a similar issue when I played with a druid in 3.5 his animal companion died and he wanted another tiger or whatever the heck it was. So the dm told us sorry can’t do it. we ended up special ordering the cat to be delivered to us in the city we were in the dm said it would take 2 months so our characters made profession and job checks to make money in that town while we stayed in the inn. It was a waste of time. In favor of game play and not "supply economics" or "exotic commodities availability"

deuxhero |
deuxhero wrote:Another reason why "mundane" smiths are illogical. Clearly the best smiths are Wizards who can not only Fabricate a sword in 6 seconds, but enchant it as well.Because said Wizards will do it for free?
No, but he will do it QUICK, and an extra 450 surcharge on a 3000+ weapon is something adventures are willing to afford.