Fiery Body

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

How does the spell fiery body work with regards to electricity, exactly? The spell's text says that you are immune to electricity in the fourth sentence of the spell, but the fifth sentence of the spell turns around and says you take half damage from it. So which is correct?

NeoSeraphi wrote:
How does the spell fiery body work with regards to electricity, exactly? The spell's text says that you are immune to electricity in the fourth sentence of the spell, but the fifth sentence of the spell turns around and says you take half damage from it. So which is correct?

Maybe the first sentence deals with normal electricity and the second line with magical electricity?

Or the creators just didn´t proofread.

This question has been brought up several times on the messageboards. Clearly an error. No official answer yet.

Liberty's Edge

AvalonXQ wrote:
This question has been brought up several times on the messageboards. Clearly an error. No official answer yet.

Sorry, I wasn't aware. I didn't mean to dredge up an old point.

Dark Archive

Don't worry, it's a good FAQ candidate though.

NeoSeraphi wrote:
How does the spell fiery body work with regards to electricity, exactly? The spell's text says that you are immune to electricity in the fourth sentence of the spell, but the fifth sentence of the spell turns around and says you take half damage from it. So which is correct?

Well if you want to be as technical as you can, you can't take half damage from something you are immune to. It says both, as it's written you're immune to it, you take half, but your immune to that half because you're immune. lol

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