J-Spee Lovecraft |

I've been a huge fan of TMNT (for the record, not the 2007 film) since I was a wee lad and I just recently discovered that there was an rpg based on the comics that came out in the 80's. I found a link that contained a scribd page that featured the entire core rulebook and I almost peed with excitement...that is, until I realized how archaic and annoying the system was. Don't get me wrong. I love the way characters are generated in this game. I love the levels of mutation you can choose. I love the character backgrounds. I love the possibilities for character customization. It's just unfortunate that almost every other aspect of the system sucks. I would really like to go through the lengthy task of converting this to more of a Pathfinder-style setting (but something more akin to d20 Modern) but I could really use some help. Below is a link to the core rulebook in case you aren't familiar with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness. I'd really like to hear your thoughts and opinions on my current obsession. Thanks!
- Spee

Mojorat |

It was the first non dnd game i got into, though i liked the first version before they tried to unify all the rules. Its a shame as i got older i realized how bad the palladium mechanics were. Tge core concepts for tmnt were good but i liked the roadhogs future stuff better.
I always wonered why palladium never got into the d20 bandwagon, it probably would have sold and solved te good story background bad mechanics issue.

Sannos |

It was the first non dnd game i got into, though i liked the first version before they tried to unify all the rules. Its a shame as i got older i realized how bad the palladium mechanics were. Tge core concepts for tmnt were good but i liked the roadhogs future stuff better.
I always wonered why palladium never got into the d20 bandwagon, it probably would have sold and solved te good story background bad mechanics issue.
I am guessing that Kevin Siembieda does not think they are bad mechanics.
I love the background story Palladium Fantasy world, but I have not played it for over 15 years now...

darkwarriorkarg |
It was the first non dnd game i got into, though i liked the first version before they tried to unify all the rules. Its a shame as i got older i realized how bad the palladium mechanics were. Tge core concepts for tmnt were good but i liked the roadhogs future stuff better.
I always wonered why palladium never got into the d20 bandwagon, it probably would have sold and solved te good story background bad mechanics issue.
Agreed, they should have stuck to making backgrounds. It's what they do best.

Donovan Lynch |

Mojorat wrote:It was the first non dnd game i got into, though i liked the first version before they tried to unify all the rules. Its a shame as i got older i realized how bad the palladium mechanics were. Tge core concepts for tmnt were good but i liked the roadhogs future stuff better.
I always wonered why palladium never got into the d20 bandwagon, it probably would have sold and solved te good story background bad mechanics issue.
I am guessing that Kevin Siembieda does not think they are bad mechanics.
Yeah, unfortunately, Kevin Siembieda's thought do not control reality. :)
I loved TMNT (particularly when combined with Ninjas & Superspies, my fave palladium game), but the mechanics were...not good. Seriously.

Son of the Veterinarian |

Palladium Books has since lost the TMNT licence, so you'd have to dig through the used books section of your FLGS to get a hold of copies of the TMNT RPG sourcebooks. However, Palladium is still selling the After the Bomb supplements (chock full of 80's post-nuclear direct-to-video goodness) and you can pick up downloadable versions for a fairly decent price at DriveThru RPG.
It's still Siembieda's problematic Palladium system, but most people just get his stuff for the setting information anyway.

Mark Hoover |

Dotted to track progress. I know nothing of updating whole systems; once had to add a thread for advice on converting a 1e module to PF. Still I'll watch here and offer any advice I can.
Dotting and offering because I'm a rabid TMNT fan and have been since issue 1 when eastman and laird ripped off daredevil's origin for their black-and-white opus.
Because we are ninja. Whe strike hard! Then fade away, into the night.
I've actually run whole homebrew campaigns out of that old dinosaur too. One was all avian mutants...called Fowl Force! Another was all farm animals.
My fave moment was when the battle-axe wielding chicken mutant of Fowl Force; Camilla the Barbarian, decided she would enter a convenience store in full view of many humans, to purchase a twinkie. 1) she was a 5 and a half foot tall chicken with ridiculous strength and the axe, and 2) she had no money. The ensuing blood bath was so funny I almost wet my pants...

clff rice |

Here is some races i came up with for d20 modern they arent pathfinderized but are a starting point. would not take much to pull it off IMO.
In a poast Apocalyptic game mutated anthro animals are a Halmark of the Genere. Below are species modifiers for mutant animals. These were Made a little on the weak side So they would be more balanced Against humans Each has a level adjustment of +0. To make your mutant animal more like the animal it is modeled after Select mutation which Reflect the creatures natural abilities. Or dont they are mutants after all.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: -2 to spot and search checks.
Low Light Vision: Aardvark hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
APE (Monkie)
Ability Modifiers: +2 dexterity, -2 Wisdome, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Ape hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Clumb, +2 jump, +2 Tumble
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
APE (Gorilla)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Wisdome, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Gorilla hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
APE (Chimp/Orangatan/Baboon)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Intelegence,-2 Charisma, +2 dexterity, -2 Wisdome
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Chimp hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Clumb
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Armadillo hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution -2 Charisma, +2 Devterity -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Low Light Vision: Wolverine/Badger hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Bonus Feat: Toughness
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdome, +2 Intelegence, -2 Charisma
Base Speed: 20 feet. Overt Beaver hybridse have a Swim speed of 20 ft.
Low Light Vision: Beaver hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Swim checks.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers:
Moderate +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdome, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Light Sensitivity: Chiroptera hybrids siffer a -1 on all skill and attack rolls in bright light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Listen checks.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers:
Moderate +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: -2 Spot And search.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers:
Moderate +2 Constitution, - 2 Intelegence +2 Wisdome, -2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers:
Moderate +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelegence, -2 Wisdome
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Swim
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers:
Moderate +2 Dexterity, - 2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdome
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Swim checks, +2 Spot checks
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Spot Checks
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdome, +2 Strength, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Bird Of Prey hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 search, +2 Spot
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity,-2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdome
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Wild Bird hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Spot
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence, +2 Strength, -2 Devterity
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: +2 search, +2 Spot
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Charsima, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence, +2 Strength, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Survival
Bonus Feat: Endurance
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdome, +2 Strength, -2 Intelegence
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Low Light Vision: Deer hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 listen, +2 Spot
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Low Light Vision: Pachederm hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelegence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdome
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Low Light Vision: Big Cat hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Search, +2 Spot, +2 Climb
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence, +2 Wisdome, -2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelegence, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Skill Bonuses: -2 search, -2 Spot, Hippo hybrids enjoy a +2 on Swim checks.
Stability: Rhino hybrids gain a +4 species bonus on ability checks to resist bull rush and trip attempts when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, - 2 Strength, +2 Intelegence, -2 Charisma
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Use The statistics for Rodent Hybrids for the folowing rodents except where noted.
Special Qualities:
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Light Blindness: -1 to attack and skill rolls while in bright light.
Skills: -2 to spot and search checks.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
MARTIN/MINK/FERRIT: +2 to Spot and search checks, Low Light Vision
Base Speed: 30 feet..
Low Light Vision: Mink hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skills: +2 search, +2 Spot
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
RABBIT: +4 to jump checks
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Low Light Vision: Rabbit hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skills: +2 Spot and Listen checks.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
RACCOON: +4 Climb Checks,
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Racoon hybrids can see Three times as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skills: +2 Spot and Listen checks.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
SQUIRREL: +4 Climb, +2 Jump
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Skills: +2 Spot, Climb and Jump checks.
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
WEASEL: Scent, Low Light Vision
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Low Light Vision: Weasel hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Scent: Weasem hybrids have the scent special quality at the range of 10'
Skills: +2 Spot
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Low Light Vision: Mongoose hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skills: +2 Spot
Bonus Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Improved Inishitive
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
PACK RAT: +2 to sligh of hand checks, +2 to move silently checks
Base Speed: 40 feet.
Low Light Vision: Pack rat hybrids can see twice as far as a normal person in dim light.
Skills: +2 Spot, +2 Slight of hand, +2 move silently
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdome, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence
Skills: +2 Climb, +2 Hide
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Intelegence, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Skills: +2 Swim Checks (Aligators, Crocs, Pythons)
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Intelegence,-2 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
Skills: +2 Swim, +2 Hide, +2 escape artist
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdome, -2 Charisma
Skills: +2 Swim Checks
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, +2 Intelegence, -2 Dexterity
Skills: +2 Swim
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelegence
Feats: Endurance
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity,-2 Intelegence, +2 Strength, -2 Charisma
Low Light Vision: Vermin Hybrids can see twice as far as a creature in
Skills: Pick two of the skill modifers to flesh out your moreau. +2 Spotm +2 Climb, +2 Jump, +2 Hide
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution,-2 Charisma, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Skills: +2 Swim
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution,-2 Charisma, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Skills: +2 Survival
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution,-2 Intelegence, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Skills: +2 Survival
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution,-2 Intelegence, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
Skills: +2 Survival
Free Language Skills: Read/Write Common (or local language), , Speak Common (or local language), .
Other Languages: Human languages

cranewings |
Palladium Books has since lost the TMNT licence, so you'd have to dig through the used books section of your FLGS to get a hold of copies of the TMNT RPG sourcebooks. However, Palladium is still selling the After the Bomb supplements (chock full of 80's post-nuclear direct-to-video goodness) and you can pick up downloadable versions for a fairly decent price at DriveThru RPG.
It's still Siembieda's problematic Palladium system, but most people just get his stuff for the setting information anyway.
There is a newish edition of After the Bomb which I highly recommend. It is basically just TMNT with the TMNT scraped off. It is really good. Mix that up with some Ninja's and Superspies and you have a really fun game.
I really love Palladium's games even if it is hard to like Palladium. I wonder if they get how much piracy of their stuff goes on just because their fans hate them.

Darkon Slayer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dont worry someday Palladium will buckle and Paizo (Or someone) will buy them out and make something cool but use a different system.
Palladium Books is going strong and their true fans don't change a thing.
Its about the original abstract gaming the RPG's started out with and they decided that doing a conversion for D20 was a waste of their time. I believe the D20 system is so over simplified, and that for the way TMNT and RIFTS are designed the system is perfect any other system would limit if not remove a lot of the options available.
I'm not posting this to start a flame war, and will not post anything further on this thread, but The palladium system is made for people that don't need miniatures to play their games.
Don't get me wrong I like Pathfinder I play the game and buy the books, but there is nothing in the D20 system that simulates the feel of the TMNT and other Palladium Games then the way the system was written.
Someone above said the system was archaic, I disagree. It has just as much use this day as it did the day it was first created.

Bwang |

Someone above said the system was archaic, I disagree. It has just as much use this day as it did the day it was first created.
Agreed, I have know exactly one person at any given time that actually ran a Pal. game of any type. I have known about 13 over the years, everything from Heroes Unlimited (great creation system when wedded to HERO) to Mecha (painful) and never saw a game (17+) go more than 5 sessions (TMNT). That one lasted over 20 sessions, but we had to pull a better system in to actual play.
As a proud owner of at least 5 Palladium books, I love the work Kevin puts into his backgrounds, but the system still bites.

Son of the Veterinarian |

To be fair, I have a certain amount of respect for a company sticking with the same system, with only minor tweaks, for 31 years (yes, 31 years. Palladium's first game was published in 1981) and not making fans buy all new editions every five years or so. [cough]Games Workshop[cough]
But there is a huge difference between gouging your fans under the guise of "improving" the game and making needed improvements to address well known, decades old flaws.

Bob of Westgate |
Oh man I frakking loved Palladium. Yes the D20 system is easier. Almost to the point where a lot of fantastic RPG's are ignored because the rules aren't simple enough and people can't be bothered. Remember when gaming required some intelligence. How many of the new generation would have been scared away dealing with Thaco.

Mojorat |

Ultimately i found palladiums rules issues seemed to turn up more in certain genre. I gmed several heroes unlimited games without alot of problems but when we did palladium rpg about six years ago so many rules issues turned up we converted it to 3.5.
I really like his bakground material though always enjoyed reading the books.
Its funny i cannot remember enough of the fine details of the rulesto actually name any of tge issues.

cranewings |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Oh man I frakking loved Palladium. Yes the D20 system is easier. Almost to the point where a lot of fantastic RPG's are ignored because the rules aren't simple enough and people can't be bothered. Remember when gaming required some intelligence. How many of the new generation would have been scared away dealing with Thaco.
I honestly think Palladium is the best system. It is the only one that I completely enjoy. The only house rules I use are a modified skill system and some specifications on when a character takes damage directly to HP. Sometimes I change the damage on a power here or there. It is nothing like trying to run PF where I feel like I need 8 pages of house rules prewritten to GM effectively.
Even if character creation is detailed in Palladium, running it is a snap and their is so much internal consistency and logic that if you don't know something off hand, making a call in the spirit of the rules or the spirit of the genera is a snap and no one ever, EVER has a problem understanding it. You talk to PF players about adding two skill points per level to the fighter and they think you are deprotagonizing the rogue to the point where it can't be played anymore. You triple the damage of a power in palladium, double hit points, make damage go straight to hit points, double a skill bonus, ignore a skill bonus, use a skill with a different bonus, give an extra skill program, take one away, and everyone just say: nothing at all, because they get that it isn't a big deal.

Brian E. Harris |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'd be far more amenable to Palladium/Rifts if someone could take layout duties away from Siembieda and put together a book that doesn't drive me insane trying to figure out where stuff is.
Great material, the system isn't completely horrible, but the books just suck hind-end due to the useless layout, nonfunctional ToC and nonexistent index.

Son of the Veterinarian |

Let us not Dweel on our dislike of kevin but on our love of ninja turtles.
Fair enough.
I've played TMNTs a few times and enjoyed it. Sadly, the last time I played it was with a GM that I'd gone a bit sour on. He's a great guy, and far from the worst GM I've ever had, but he never really created adventures of his own, relying on the scenarios in the back of the TMNTs book. All of which I'd already played during my previous group's forays into TMNTs.
Also, I hated Doc Feral. He was such a unpleasant, cliche-ridden character that I'd disliked the first two times I'd seen him. So when my then group was ramping up for what would be my third start of a TMNTs game I made it clear to the GM that I would find enjoying the game difficult if Doc Feral was included in the campaign. Unfortunately, I was informed that since Doc Feral was the main NPC villain in the back of the book, he was part of the game.
I'm sorry to say I took this badly and became something of a jerk. I happened to role the "Publicly Known" background, meaning my character's status as a mutant animal was known to the public at large and he actually had a high-paying job at the company that created him. So I created a Tai-Chi using (we were using the Ninjas & Superspies combat rules) pacifist turtle who had a medical degree.
My GM didn't know how to deal with this. In his mind TMNTs characters are supposed to be hunted figures "sworn to protect a world that fears and hates them" kind of thing, and a bipedal turtle that shows up a crime scene demanding lawyers and the ACLU didn't fit into his worldview. I also rolled on my characters medical knowledge, and used my own, to mess with his portrayal of Doc Feral, rudely pointing out his pseudo-scientific gobbledygook at every opportunity. Fortunately, the campaign ended and we switched games because of a turnover in players before things could get out of hand.
(and if you're reading this Scott, I apologize. I'm still kind of ashamed of how much of an ass I was being at the time.)

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

To my recollection TMNT&oS was my gateway into RPG's other than TSR games. I adored it. It got me picking up every Palladium RPG I could get my grubby little teenaged hands on.
Digression ahead, spoilered for your protection.
Palladium lost me with Rifts. More accurately with All the Rifts sourcebooks, which usually didn't mesh well together & brought on 'power creep' like you wouldn't believe. If you think 3.5 had it bad, check out the early & mid Rifts sourcebooks. I can't speak to it now because I haven't picked up a Palladium book & actually read it thoroughly in over a decade.

Audrin_Noreys |

I hope posting a self-promoting link doesn't violate any decorum for the Paizo boards. Aren't I supposed to sacrifice a goat to Lisa Stevens or something like that first?
Anyway, I have an alpha version of some RPG rules I've been working on on my website complete with typos and editing errors. Part of my early inspiration was to see if I could create a storytelling rules set for something like TMNT&oS. It has rules for ninjas and a couple of anthropomorphic animals, plus a lot of other things. I would be honored if some of you want to check it out.
Sorry, I don't know how to do the link thingy.

Chuck Wright Frog God Games |

I loved TMNT and Other Strangeness. I was a fan of the original comic book and cherished the hell out of that book, creating hundreds of characters just to create them.
The rules are still, basically, the house rules for Kevin Simbieda's company, Palladium. Many portions of his books (like modern weaponry) are simply cut-and-paste from earlier books. It's not the best system, but it is a fun system (if you think TMNT&OS is bad, you should check out the Rifts stuff... *shudder*).
Palladium books are pretty much good for plundering ideas from. I say plunder away!

Brian E. Harris |

I only played Palladium using the Robotech(TM) rules. I thought they worked great. Game moved at a good pace and even large battles didn't take a million years to resolve.
See, weirdly, Robotech WORKS. TMNT or After the Bomb WORKS.
It's the giant mash-up of Rifts that is what will fall down, if anything.

Audrin_Noreys |

The character I played the most was a mutant t-rex, samurai named Liz. Other than that, I made a lot of cat and dog mutants based on my pets. Then there's all the random characters and npcs I made just for the fun of it.
One thing I liked about TMNT&oS was that almost anything could be lifted from the movies, and it would fit with little to no modification. C.H.U.D., The Terminator, Lionheart, Split Second, Big Trouble in Little China, or Predator 1&2, could fit in a TMNT game with no problem.

Jerry Wright 307 |
I had a midget bear named Alphonse who lived with the scientist who "discovered" him--one of the bear's skills was mimic, and he used to phone-order butt loads of groceries whenever the scientist wasn't home, so he and his ruffian friends could pig out and watch old chopsaki flicks when they weren't acting as an assasination/extraction team for the NSA. His best friend was a budgie assassin named Roderick.

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To be fair, I have a certain amount of respect for a company sticking with the same system, with only minor tweaks, for 31 years (yes, 31 years. Palladium's first game was published in 1981) and not making fans buy all new editions every five years or so. [cough]Games Workshop[cough]
But there is a huge difference between gouging your fans under the guise of "improving" the game and making needed improvements to address well known, decades old flaws.
cough cough Basic Roleplaying System cough cough
Very little change to the BRP system between the original RuneQuest and Cubicle 7's recent The Laundry.

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I always wonered why palladium never got into the d20 bandwagon, it probably would have sold and solved te good story background bad mechanics issue.
The d20 system is not the end-all and be-all of roleplaying. Especially when you take a look at RPGs that used other systems and then put out a d20 edition....I can't think of a single one where the d20 edition was even as good as the original, much less better.