Starship Fantasies Interest Check: Pathfinder in space


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Liberty's Edge


Looks good, lets change the background to ran away and joined the military. You wouldn't be able to sneak aboard the ship.

Feat wise, you can take quicken spell, but it won't be useful for you until tenth level. (Quicken Spell Feat) wrote:

Level Increase: +4 (a quickened spell uses up a spell slot four levels higher than the spell's actual level.)

In other words, a quickened magic missle is a 5th level spell. You also don't need to select a specific spell when you take a metamagic feat. You can apply them any spell you can cast as long as you have the spell slots.

Just added the FEF (Federation Exploratory Fleet) Excelsior's stats to the google page. That ship will be your characters' new home. I also updated the equipment chapter with a few explosives and shipboard weapons. Next I'm gonna flesh out the ship description with some fluff, and write up a brief overview of the Federation.

Ok, switched that, and took Arcane strike, is she done? If so, cool, she was a very in depth character, hope I get picked...

New question: I've seen craft (explosives), craft (chemistry), and craft (alchemy) referenced at various points in the google document and on here; are they all separate skills that need to be taken, or are they interchangeable? If they are different, what are the differences?

Edit: I also have a few questions about the ship.
1) How are you going to rule an acceleration of 150 meters when each square is 100 meters?
2) For the DR, is it bypassed by bludgeoning or piercing or slashing; or by bludgeoning and piercing and slashing?

Liberty's Edge

@Syarha - Looks good now.

@Kimefe -
Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Chemistry) are identical, in fact I meant to remove craft chemistry. They allow you to make alchemical items and other chemicals. Craft (Explosives) lets you craft explosives only (grenades, plastic explosive, etc).

1)Good point, I'll change it. I just realized that only works out to like 540 Km an hour or something, way too low for a spaceship. But then again if ships are going at realistic speeds then the 100m scale would never work. (would need a max speed of 820,833.333m to cross the solar system in two days but that won't work with pathfinder rules)

Because of that I don't know how exact ship on ship combat is actually going to be. I'll probably do it in a more narrative style with the rules as guidelines. I mean in wide open space the distance is not gonna matter that much.

2)It's bypassed by any of them. Ie. shields work against lasers and blasters but not projectiles.



I added a brief write up of the Vega Federation and how interstellar travel works to the campaign info tab. Feel free to alter backgrounds, or create planets/places to make your characters fit into Illuria better. I will work anything reasonable in.

If you feel like your character is well suited to any of the officer positions listed on the ship's description then chime in and I'll consider it. Otherwise everyone would just be an enlisted crewman.

I've decided to close recruitment Sunday the 10th, if you want to be considered have an alias ready by that time, with approved stats and a background that shows me you've at least read whatever campaign material I put up. Feel free to make changes up until I close recruitment. Then we will spend a few days hammering out details in discussion thread (traits, tweaking backgrounds) and getting some roleplaying started before we really get into the game.

You could rule that all ships are equipped with a device that jams the capability for relativistic speeds when near another ship or a large mineral mass to avoid collisions and such. That would go well with your rule for leaving combat when you reach the edge of the map.

Jelani wrote:

@Cilda - HP is still 10 instead of 11, you didn't add your ability modifiers to your saving throws. I'm assuming you took your favored class bonus as a skill point.

Rural life varies widely from planet to planet, but even the most rural planets in the Federation have a sci-fi level of technology. Anything from Tattoine-like desert planets, to temperate farm planets. If you are still using animal labor you're probably part of some Amish-like religious group. Feel free to be a creative, it's a big galaxy there's probably room for whatever you come up with.

Ok, that SHOULD be all the changes I need to make!

HP is fixed, modifiers added, and yes I did take my favored class bonus as a skill point.

Furthermore, I've updated the backstory/class skills on Cilda. She's worked on tech on the farm, but they still raised some animals for consumption and to sell.

That should be everything!

Leo Gotrum, FEF Marine checking in

Liberty's Edge

Leo looks good.

Cilda looks fine, but the armor stats are slightly off (my fault not yours). Electricity also bypasses the DR of mirrored armor.


For the ship combat speed thing, I just upped the acceleration and removed the maximum speed. Any ship capable of interplanetary travel is going to have a max speed that's way too fast for battlemats, however that doesn't mean you need to go that fast when fighting. Ships drawn by a dragon or small orbital craft or something might have a max speed.

I'm trying to create a fully formed set of rules, but since we're going to be playing them PBP probably without maps it's not going to be as exact as a tabletop game could be.

Keep in mind a lot of these rules are being played for the first time and may need to be altered on the fly based on what works and what doesn't.

Liberty's Edge

I added some more info to the Campaign Info tab and fleshed out the FEF Excelsior document more.

Im liking all this extra info ;)

Liberty's Edge

Okay, moved the recruitment thread here, and made it more explicit. Finishing up the campaign info tab tonight. Upped the starting level to 3. Hope to see you all over there.

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