Cain... |

One or two self-motivated, results-oriented individuals dedicated to planting a boot firmly between the cheeks of the Crown and Church of Talingarde. Close combat experience is a plus. Healing capacity is a plus. Collaboration and team-work are musts. We set our own hours, and we set our own pay. It's dangerous work, but the good guys aren't gonna kill themselves.
The Low-down:
We are three players in the first leg of the Way of the Wicked AP by Fire Mountain Games looking to replace two players who have dropped out. HERE is the game thread, run by the very dedicated DM Xzaral (aka King Markadian V). We're in the middle of a prison escape and have so far had a strong focus on good scouting, effective subterfuge, strong intel-based planning, and guerrilla combat -- which has served us well despite being out-numbered and out-gunned (at least in the beginning). We love us some fighting, but we like to fight on our terms, always keeping our long-term goals in mind.
What we're looking for:
We want players looking to play evil characters who are three-dimensional, interesting, and gritty. We're not looking for 'mustache-twirlers', grand-standers, or monologuers. Our lost members were a two-weapon Fighter and a two-weapon Rogue, and we've been playing so far with only an Inquisitor for healing (lucky for us we've had a combination of good strategies and good luck and haven't had any problems… though more than a few close scrapes).
We don't have a true close-combat specialist (tank/meatshield/whatever). We don't have someone with the ability to pump out heals on demand (though we're not asking someone play a "healbot"). We don't have a traditional skill-monkey (though our team covers many of those abilities through archetype and skill selection).
We all try to post at least once or twice a day (with the understanding that life happens). Weekends are a crap-shoot.
Here is the original recruitment thread (for a brief overview plus the creation guidelines).
Xanos -- Man of mystery. Man of magic. Man who needs no introduction and has yet to use a question mark. Tall, dark, and wickedly-wizardly. He demands your cooperation, though honestly you're just as useful to him dead. (Just don't get on his list.) Necromancer Wizard.
Price -- Seamstress by day. Clinically-calculating, murderous, heartless, inquisitor of the Dark Lord by night. She fights, she heals, and she's manipulating you into surrendering your soul even as she makes you tea and fits you for some evening-wear. Inquisitor of Asmodeus.
Cain -- A hunter with the body of a man, the heart (and blood) of a wolf, and the soul of a killer. A patient, powerful predator. Good with a bow. Good with a blade. And absolutely itching to reclaim his urban hunting grounds. Just don't ask him to solve math problems. Switch-hitting Urban Ranger with some splashed-in lycan traits.

Narkari Evergreen |

I would like to submit Narkari Evergreen. She is a young Elven Rogue hoping to work her way up to being a world-renowned assassin. I can add more about her background if it's wished since she was originally created for another campaign. She is going to focus on using feinting for sneak attack damage until she can learn some of the assassin arts.
EDIT: Also, have to add some of your character guidelines but this is the base build.

Tilnar |

I'm thinking an NE fiend-totem urban barbarian convicted of desecration -- because of actions taken in dedication to the fiendish totem that powers his rage.
[Obviously, to fill the bag'o'hit-points/meatshield role]
Focus is Str, Foible is Wis, and rolling other stats:
Dex: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Con: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Int: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Cha: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
[edit: Changed to an Urban barbarian based on those stats]
Will flesh out and post a character in the morning, if that's ok?

Cain... |

I should have mentioned in my initial post. Yes, there is a bit of time to get your character 'just right'. The DM would prefer to tie in the additional character(s) in after the prison break. If things go well, that should be pretty soon. I"m not sure if we're talking days or a week or what.
So feel free to get a full concept together. And we're happy to help with any questions you guys have.

Mr. Swagger |

SuperUberGeek |

Thinking a Sythasist. Lets see what happens here.
Focus Cha 18
Foible Str 8
Dex 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Con 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Int 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Wis 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Edit I think that would make a good synthasist. And nothing makes a better meat shield than a synthasist. I will work on a build and post it tonight or tomorrow morning.

Lady Vorannia Krellin |

This was my original sanguine (undead) sorceress/human-hunting ranger idea. I need to look over the creation rules but I'd like to submit her here as well. As for healing, if you allow for some of the stranger necromancy spells from the Book of Ultimate Evil (or whatever it's called, from 3.5), that could be right up her alley.
Race: Dhampir, if permitted.
There is a campaign trait in her profile, that would likely be replaced by Sedition, and otherwise her history and background needs to be modified. If we are limited to 1st level, she'll go with sanguine sorceress.
She is built with 25 points, so that should be okay.
As for melee combat specialties, she intends to go the full feral claw attack route as a ranger, which could be absolutely delicious with touch attack spells.

Hassan Ahmed |

How does multi-classing work? Do we just pick when we level up... or are there RP requirements?
If a non-fighter is chosen, can we assume being in the prison allows to multi-class into fighter for level 2?
And, just liking the art... I'd be glad to play back to back with Narkari! I think I'm smitten from across the yard! Wizard, Inquisitor, Ranger, Rogue... Monk?
I think you need a Monk. Lawful Neutral, but hellbent on vengeance. The Lawful is discipline, control, patience, economy of motion. Good and Evil are constructs that speak to morality, which is a subjective.
What concerns him is ethics, what's proper, how one aught conduct themselves.
His immigrant family is dead, butchered in their store by hate-mongers reacting to political meneuvering. A charismatic goverment official says the right thing, at the right time... The cult of personality. Irresponsible.
That right thing made very bad people to the wrong thing in the name of nationalism. These bad people were monsters, or they thought they were. Now, he will show them what a monster can do... he'll show them all from the highest to the lowest.
Eye for an eye... ancient wisdom, the code, the origin of just about every law known in the realms of man. No one is above it.
Human or Half-Orc, Monk - Master of Many Styles (Archetype)
Stats - 13, 18, 15, 12, 15, 7 (not ugly, scar, recluse, lost faith)

Xanos |

Your characters will be linking up with the party after they break out of prison, so they will likely have gear. Please include an equipment list with your submission.
In addition, if you get picked we'll need to facilitate ease of merging your character with the party, please include a "hook" that links your character with one of ours.
Here's some ideas to help you brainstorm. Feel free to make things up or ask questions to get the character ties solid-
Price is an Inquisitor of Asmodeus, and a rare one at that given her heritage. She has a knack for making deals and getting people in her debt. You might be one of those people. "I got you out of a jam, you get to return the favor" is just the sort of deal Price might be inclined to make. Failing that, you might be another devotee she happens to trust enough to go to after a prison break.
Cain is a pack hunter who has had a few different packs over the years. If you are an outdoorsy type you might be someone he trusts to hide him when he needs hidden.
Xanos was (until recently) the spiritual leader of a nation of anti-religious cultists obsessed with elongating their life spans and freeing themselves from the the various shackles of mortality. He was very powerful and had been waging a quiet was against Talingarde for years (he's had a bit of a set-back). He still has followers out there, however, some of whom might be crazy enough to try to free him.

Fargo Drinog |

I present to you Fargo Drinog. Tired of being picked on for being skinny and weak and for his mixed parentage, Fargo sought power. And he found it. Fargo found a being just as willing to lash out as he was. But before Fargo could finish bringing his new friend into the world, he was interrupted by the authorities. Fargo, not being the sharpest arrow in the quiver, had not been nearly circumspect enough in his researches as he should have been to avoid notice. Now, captured, condemned and without hope of reprieve, Fargo has a new set of bullies to turn his hatred against, if only he has the chance.

Hassan Ahmed |

Price, Cain and Xanos were associates/acquaintances of my father's... he had a big heart and a soft-spot for lost causes.
He probably owed Price a favor, she may feel she can exact it from his son. Cain was probably welcome in his home... and Xanos, well maybe they had business together.
My father sent me away to a monestary to study, that was for a reason... the distance, the insulation. I don't know what he'd gotten himself into, if anything.
I came back to a dangerous political scene, my family paid the ultimate price. I'm here to pick up the pieces and make people pay. Prison or otherwise.
Narkari (if I may continue to weave the background) might also have been welcome in his family's home... perhaps they knew eachother before he'd been exiled (sent off) to train at the monestary. She'd also started as a child of the streets.
Now, time has passed... they're each older. Circumstances have changed each of them. But, there is still that remnant of familiarity that engender's what some may call... trust, a trust that is tenuous at best.

Narkari |

Offical Character submission:
Narkari Evergreen - Female Elf Rogue
Narkari Evergreen - Female Elf Rogue 2
Lawful Evil - Age 124
Medium Length Black Hair braided back, Green eyes
Height 5' 10" tall, Weight 108lbs. (Medium)
Campaign Way of Wicked
Strength 11 (+0)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Acrobatics + 9
Bluff +7
Climb + 5
Diplomacy +7
Disable Device +10
Disguise +7
Escape Artist +9
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7
Knowledge (local) +7
Perception +12 (+2 from race and feat)
Sense Motive +9 (+2 from feat)
Sleight of Hand +9
Stealth +9
HP 16
Initiative +4
Base Speed [ 30 (6 sq.) ] In armor 30’
AC [16] = 10 + 2 [Leather] +4 [Dex] Touch AC [14] Flat-Footed [12]
Base Attack Bonus +1 Basic Melee Attack +1 Basic Ranged Attack +5
Curve Blade, Elven +5 / 18-20 x2 Slash 1d10+0
Longbow +5 / 20 x3 Pierce 1d6
Fortitude Save +1 = 0 [base] +1
Reflex Save +7 = 3 [base] +4
Will Save +2 = 0 [base] +2
CMB +1 = 1 [BAB] +0 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +15 = 1 [BAB] +0 [Str] +4 [Dex] +0 [size] + 10
Languages: Common, Elven, Abyssal, Sylvan
Weapon Finesse
Race Trait: Forlorn (+1 Fort save )
Combat Trait: Anatomist (+1 to confirm Critical hits)
Under Construction
Under Construction
Weapons: Elven Curve Blade, Dagger (2), Longbow
Ammunition: 20 Arrows
Armour: Leather Armour
Tools and Skill Kits: disguise kit, MW Thieves Tool
Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Belt Pouch, Map case, waterskin, rations (7 days), whetstone, compass, flint & steel, Rope (Hemp) 50ft.
Clothing: Explorer's outfit
Magical Gear: None
Potions: None
Scrolls: None
Gold: 671gp 6sp
Thanks for the opportunity. This is the improved Narkari for this campaign, let me know if you need anything else. If selected, I will make a alias for the character.

King Markadian V |

Hello everyone, King Markadian here popping in to answer a few questions/comments/concerns.
First off, posting character creation information for ease. To modify a few things. New recruits will be level 2 (shh, don't tell my current players). You have 1000gp for starting gear (ignore the part below about starting with nothing). I will still be requiring new recruits to have taken a crime as one of their traits.
New recruits will be coming in shortly after the prison break. I will be working with whomever is accepted to ensure their background works with the story.
I cannot yet say how long recruitment will last as I cannot yet say how long until the prison break portion is completed. A notice of 24 hours will be given prior to closing recruitment.
Submissions will be reviewed and feedback/questions/concerns/comments/etc. will be delivered as time permits.
One further requirement (that came up during play) is the ability to access Google Docs. I use Google Drawing for the maps for combat, and the ability to view/manipulate these is beneficial. I'd recommend trying out This Test Map and seeing if able to manipulate the icons on it and view the map.
And finally, thank you for taking the time to apply.
First a note. I plan to set this in Golarion. How much Golarion will play into is should be minor. This is mostly to have a fully fleshed out pantheon available to use, as well as additional resources and flavor to be had. I will be changing references to Mitra as appropriate (mostly Iomadae or Sarenrae).
Ability Scores: Ability Scores will be determined by either the Focus/Foible system or 25 point buy. Under the Focus/Foible system, each player will choose one stat to be an 18 (the Focus), and another to be an 8 (the Foible). Afterwards, each stat will be rolled in order by a 1d10+7 roll. If you would rather use the point buy (or just don't like your rolls), please go ahead.
Races: All races from the Core Rulebook will be allowed. Races from other sources may be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
Classes: All classes from the PHB, APG, UC, UM will be allowed, as well as all Archtypes. If playing something unusual to Talingarde (such as a Ninja or Samurai), a good backstory should be presented.
All classes are permitted except the Paladin. Paladins do not walk the Way of the Wicked. A few classes require some special consideration below.
- The Anti-paladin from the Advanced Player’s Guide is well suited themetically for this campaign. Alas, the class requires a chaotic evil alignment which is not permitted. Thus it is recommended that your GM allow the house rule “The anti-paladin may be of any evil alignment”. Further, the anti-paladin may have cohorts, followers and henchmen who are of any evil alignment instead of the usual “chaotic evil” requirement. Also, a lawful evil anti-paladin may not use their fiendish boon to add the ‘anarchic’ property to a weapon. Instead, they may add the ‘axiomatic’ property.
- Assassins are a great choice for this campaign. Subtle killing can potentially be useful again and again. Yes, this is a prestige class not a core class. But it’s a great prestige class to be working towards at level one.
- Barbarians can be a good choice, but since chaoticalignments are not allowed (see below), neutral evil or neutral are the only two possible alignment choices. Barbarians have the challenge of coming up with a good reason why a class as chaotic and rebellious as this one would cooperate with a group of lawful evil followers of Asmodeus. Perhaps a cleric of Asmodeus (another PC?) saved your life and now you owe that priest your service.
- Cavaliers are a fine choice for a PC but must be careful about their Order selection. Orders that defend the common folk (The Order of the Shield) or pledge allegiance to the king of Talingarde (The Order of the Lion) are probably not appropriate. Self-serving orders (for example the Order of the Cockatrice) are very appropriate
indeed. - Clerics and inquisitors are allowed but must worship a god who approves of the villainous path ahead of you. Worshipping the lawful evil god Asmodeus is strongly encouraged. At the GM’s discretion it may be required for divine classes.
- Druids are permitted though neutral good druids are not. Evil druids are a perfectly valid choice but you must decide why such a character would ever join an organization that honors a lawful evil god.
- Gunslingers are permitted but this adventure path assumes by default that firearms do not exist. There are no guns found in the treasure or adversaries who use firearms. If you want to play a gunslinger, you should talk to the Game Master about this. If they approve this choice, then they will need to modify the campaign accordingly to accommodate your character.
- Monks may not be lawful good and are recommended to be lawful evil. A lawful neutral monk is technically allowed but would be a difficult choice. Why would such a law abiding character seek to destroy Talingarde?
- Ninja and Samurai are permitted but the campaign as written makes no special allowances for them. Thus there are no eastern weapons or armor in the treasure (katana, wakizashi or naginata, for example). Further you must explain how your villainous ninja or samurai ended up in the western nation of Talingarde. Much like the gunslinger above, talk to the Game Master and work out these special needs.
- Rangers will find that Humanoid (Human) and Outsider (Good) are solid choices for their favored enemy.
- Sorcerers of any bloodline are permitted. Infernal blooded sorcerers are a particularly good choice.
Skills: Each character will receive two additional Skill Points at each level.
Feats: Each character will receive an additional non-combat feat at first level. Approval of such feats are subject to GM approval.
Equipment: The characters begin with nothing. They have no money, no weapons or armor, no gear, no animal companions of any sort and no material possessions besides tattered, dirty prison clothes. Equipment will be acquired in game.
- Alchemists begin without their formulae book, extracts, bombs or mutagens. They must have access to an alchemical lab or chemicals to have any of these abilities restored.
- Bards begin without their instruments.
- Cavaliers have lost their mount. Presumably their mount was slain or given to another during their capture. It can be presumed that their week of mourning is already in the past.
- Clerics begin having chosen all their spells for the day. They do not have their holy symbol or any material components however.
- Druids also begin having chosen all their spells for the day. They do not, however, have their animal companion with them. Presumably such a companion was slain during their capture or escaped and awaits them outside. Regardless, such beasts would never be allowed inside
the prison. Only if they escape from Branderscar prison will they have a chance to reunite with their companion or conduct the ceremony to acquire another. - Inquisitors and Oracles lack their holy symbol if they need one.
- Summoners begin the game with their Eidolon unsummoned. They begin the game shackled so they are unable to perform the necessary ritual until they are free.
- Witches, Wizards and Magi do not have their spell books, material components, familiars or bonded objects. They do however begin with a full selection of memorized spells from before their incarceration.
HP: Max to start. At each level you roll 1/2 your classes HD, and add the other half. So a 1d6 will roll 1d3+3, a 1d10 will roll 1d5+5.
Finishing Details: As normal except that good and chaotic alignments are not allowed. Every character must be lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral or neutral evil. Of those four alignments, lawful evil is definitely the preferred choice. At the Game Master’s discretion, lawful evil may be the required alignment.
Further, every character must choose a crime that landed in them in Branderscar. They were not wrongly imprisoned -- they are guilty of their charge. If you are using the trait system in the Advanced Player’s Guide, choosing this crime counts as one of your traits.
There is a further requirement and it is something of an intangible quality. At some point in this adventure path every character is going to have the chance to join an evil organization and swear allegiance to the master of that organization and its patron – the lawful evil god Asmodeus. The adventure path assumes you say yes to this chance. Therefore, you should make a character who can say yes.
Each character chooses one heinous crime that has earned them a place in Branderscar Prison. Each crime grants a different benefit, similar to a trait. You may have committed many crimes during your lifetime, but this is the crime that finally got you branded and condemned.
This list of twenty crimes is not intended to be comprehensive. Feel free to invent your own crime, punishment and benefit (with the GM’s approval of course). Besides simplying choosing a crime, you should also consider how the crime was done. Was this a wellplanned criminal enterprise or a crime of passion? Did you do it alone or did you have accomplices? Was this the first time you did this crime or are you a repeat offender? Answering these questions will help flesh out
your character’s background.
This has been said before, but it bears repeating. Your character actually perpetrated this crime. You may have done it for what seemed like noble reasons. You may have gotten entangled in this criminal enterprise unwillingly. But there is no doubt that you are
guilty. You have not been sentenced to the worse prison in Talingarde unjustly.
You are here because you deserve to be.
Arson: You have willfully started a fire that destroyed property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t start just a minor little trash fire. Your act of arson threatened a major town, city, church or castle and likely cost someone their life. You’ll be punished for your crime by facing the fire yourself.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll. This bonus is a trait bonus.
Attempted Murder: You tried to kill someone and botched the job. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you did not try to kill just anyone. You likely assaulted someone of great importance and prominence.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
Blasphemy: Either you have defamed the great god Mitra or you have been found guilty of worshipping one of the forbidden deities (who preeminent among them is Asmodeus).
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (religion) is always a class skill for you.
Consorting with the Dark Powers (Witchcraft): You have been found guilty of summoning an evil outsider. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was, “May Mitra have mercy upon your wretched, damned soul.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (arcana) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Desecration: You have violated one of the churchs, cathedrals or holy shrines of the great god Mitra. To be sent to Branderscar this was no minor act of vandalism. Instead you have done something flagrant and spectacular to dishonor the Shining Lord.
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: You receive +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.
Desertion: You have deserted from the Talirean military and been recaptured. To get sent to Branderscar this was not some minor or routine dereliction of duty. Instead, you abandoned your post during a time of crisis -- perhaps battle or while defending the Watch Wall. Regardless of the exact circumstances, your laziness and cowardness must have caused loss of life.
Punishment: Death by hanging
Benefit: You receive one bonus skill point per level that must be spent on the Profession (Soldier) skill. Profession (Soldier) is always a class skill for you.
Dueling unto Death: You have engaged in a duel to the death and mortally wounded an opponent. The opponent was honorable enough to say nothing before he expired. Alas that his family or companions was nowhere near so honorable. Dueling was once common in Talingarde before the House of Darius came to power. The House of Barca all but encouraged duels of honor. Now, dueling of any sort is punished severely. Dueling to the death is a sure way to be sent to Branderscar Prison.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude saves
Extortion: You have defrauded money from someone by holding information of their wrongdoing over their heads. To end up in Branderscar, this was no minor act of merely threatening to expose someone. Instead you ave attempted extortion against someone of great prominence and for exorbitant stakes.
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
Forgery: You have forged documents issued either by the crown or by the Church of Mitra. Alas, that your forgery while competent was not entirely undetectable. To be sent to Branderscar, this was no minor finagling of paperwork. This forged document could have cost lives, undermined the reputation of the Church or endangered the security of the realm.
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You gain a +3 trait bonus to Linguistics skill checks to commit forgery and Linguistics is always a class skill for you.
Fraud: You tried to bilk someone out of their cash. To end up in Brandescar Prison, this was no petty con job or penny ante racket. Instead, you brazenly tried to defraud someone important of a huge sum of money. And it almost worked too!
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class kill for you.
Grave Robbery: It is forbidden by sacred law to dishonor a corpse after it is been sealed in its tomb by a clergy of the Mitran faith. Some may not honor this ban: necromancers, golem crafters, self-styled scientists, and alchemists delving into the forbidden secrets of life and death. These ghouls can expect no mercy from the Talirean Magistrates. And by sending you to Branderscar Prison, you have received none.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to confirm critical hits
Heresy: You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!
Punishment: Death by burning.
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.
High Theft: You had a foolproof plan to steal some great treasure. Alas, the scheme had a fatal flaw and went horribly awry. To be sent to Branderscar prison, this was no ordinary robbery attempt. You tried to steal something of great value or religious significance.
Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Reflex saves.
High Treason: You have willfully worked to bring down the current Monarch of Talingarde -- the beloved King Markadian V called the Brave of House Darius. To be successfully tried for High Treason you have done more than merely dislike the king, you did something tangible to undermine his rule. Alas, that you failed at your plot and are now headed to Branderscar Prison. Treason is the only crime that is still punished by the gruesome ritual of being drawn and quartered. Your stay at Branderscar will be brief.
Punishment: Death by drawing and quartering
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Will saves.
Kidnapping: You have abducted someone perhaps to ransom them or do unspeakable things to them. Unfortunately, you were caught and your victim was rescued (if they weren’t rescued -- you would be guilty of murder instead). To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you must have abducted someone of great importance or in a particularly gruesome manner.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.
Murder: You have killed without just cause and been condemned for it. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, this was no typical killing but a particularly savage and unforgiveable act. You may also have killed someone with powerful friends.
Note: You are not allowed to have killed someone in the royal family of Talingarde. You may have tried (his would instead be High Treason -- see above) but ultimately they are too well protected.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You deal 1 additional point of damage when flanking a foe. This additional damage is a trait bonus.
Piracy: You have been caught in the act of piracy on the high seas. This is a rare crime these days since Markadian I called the Victorious burned the last major pirate fleet to threaten these isles. Still the crime is punished harshly. Likely you are the sole survivor of your ship.
Punishment: Death by hanging
Benefit: You may select either Bluff or Intimidate. The selected skill receives a +2 trait bonus and is always a class skill for you.
Sedition: You have attempted to covertly stir up rebellion against your rightful sovereign. This differs from high treason in that you attempted to convince others to make war against Talingarde instead of taking direct action yourself. A subtle difference to be sure. But it is the difference between receiving the swift justice of the axe instead of the slow suffering upon the rack.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class skill for you. Further if you ever take the Leadership feat, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score.
Slave-Taking: Slavery is illegal in Talingarde and a very rare crime. Still, once in a great while, slavers from the mainland will foolishly make an incursion into Talirean protected territories. When they are captured alive they are always made an example of.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.
Slave Trading: Slavery is legal in other parts of the world and it can be tempting to the most decadent of Talingarde’s nobility to acquire a “souvenir” when traveling abroad or to purchase the object of their desire from a less reputable merchant. However you ended up trading slaves in Talingarde, you were caught red handed and now you will lose more than simply your freedom.
Punishment: Death by beheading
Benefit: You receive one bonus skill point per level that must be spent on the Appraise skill. The Appraise skill is always a class skill for you.
Each submission should include the following.
1) Tell me who you are. Race/class at a minimum, but more is always better. How you came about the path of evil helps.
2) What crime did you commit, and how did you get caught?
3) What do you look like?
4) Why do you want revenge against Talingarde?

Price |

Hi folks,
Don't tell Mark that I read his post about being Level 2. :)
We'll be looking at your entries from a variety of perspectives. Personally, I'm a believer in the player being as important a fit as the character. So with that in mind, I'd appreciate if you'd throw in some answers to the following questions...
1-ish - How do you intend to play your character? You can use a few words to describe him or her or give us a short paragraph.
2-ish - Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go?
3-ish - Why are you interested in this game in particular?

Fargo Drinog |

Heading to bed now, I will update my character for level two and gear his up tomorrow.
1stish I intend to portray a character that could have been a force for good, except for two things. One, his treatment by others causing resentment of anybody he perceives as slighting him and secondly his own poor choices. He continually chooses power and revenge over redemption
And given a future chance at redemption, he will still choose the more selfish path.
2ndish I have played in an evil campaign once before, with my RL gaming group. It was fun, but the GM who was running it was our more combat heavy GM. The campaign ended before we were able to get to any of his planned social interactions on a night when there were only two of us there to play. The other guy died (house rule 3 20s kills what ever that roles them is trying to hit) and I died fleeing from the battle. We end a campaign after a TPK even if the whole party is not there.
3rdish I want to try anther evil campaign, as well as a module (my RL group uses home brew settings). It seems like you guys are having fun and I would like to be a part of that. The game world looks like it should be fun.

Narkari Rue Evergreen |

1) Tell me who you are. Race/class at a minimum, but more is always better. How you came about the path of evil helps.
Elven Rogue. Will add more in the backstory.
2) What crime did you commit, and how did you get caught?
Sedition was Narkari's crime for attempting to hire men to free allies in a Talingarde prison. Sadly one of the men she was trying to conscipt to be part of the group to free Cain and Price decided to grow a conscious on her and ratted out her group of men and herself for trying to start it.
3) What do you look like?
Narkari is a very pretty woman with long wavy brunette hair which she ties in a braid when on the road. She has large round green eyes and a shapely body. Her body posture is relaxed even when she is tense but her eyes tend to dart quickly.
Explorer's outfit:
She wears tight leather black pants with wide stitching on the sides. On her feet she wears tall thigh high leather boots. She wears a simple wool shirt with short sleeves on her torso. on her hands she has fingerless leather gloves.
Leather armour:
Her armour is tight and form fitting with large criss crossed strips of leather woven together. She has leather bracers that cover both forearms and elbows.
4) Why do you want revenge against Talingarde?
Will add more in the backstory.
Price's Questions:
1-ish - How do you intend to play your character? You can use a few words to describe him or her or give us a short paragraph.
Typically, Narkari is in a businesswoman mode, where things have to get done and will be done according to her guidelines. When something has to be done, she will not stop for anything until that something is complete in a sufficient manner. Most of the time she tries remain calm and collected when dealing with many things. Sometimes, she can come off as an arrogant woman, who is rude and cares for nothing other than herself. However, this is not true. It is simply out of habit that Narkari acts this way. Also, she wants to have fun and be in love as much as the next person, but trying to become a assassin has prevented much of her developing her outgoing and entertaining characteristics. Organization is imperative to her as well; she likes to be informed on details that might be important at a later time. Sometimes, she can even be rather paranoid about certain things, and will not relax until she is proved wrong and given reason not to be. For the few she trusts with information about herself she can become sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor.
2-ish - Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go?
Yes. I actually have played the begining of the Way of the Wicked campaign with some friends. It went quite well and we played a few sessions. Due to real life issues with two of the players, one being the DM we had to quit playing. I had a similar character concept to my current character.
3-ish - Why are you interested in this game in particular?
As I stated above, I have played the begining of the adventure path and did not get to play it as much as I would have liked. I would like to find out what happens without buying the books myself. We started the aventure path because we had wanted to play in a evil capmgain with intigue and lots of roleplaying. This being a PbP game I think it even better then a live game because I can roleplay my character in a greater extent with words.

Xanos |

Fargo:, you're looking like the most finished so far. I have some questions for you.
Have you given any thought to the differences in how the two forms might act? When you wear the Outsider as armor, does it effect your psyche? Can you describe your personality and your relationship with your Eidelon (since it is a separate entity even if you're normally fused).
Nakari, a few for you as well

Narkari Rue Evergreen |

This caused her to want to create her own "guild" of assassin that owe loyalties to her alone. Narkari wishes to free Price and Cain because 1) She is paranoid that if tortured they may give information about her activities and having known them for a bit she wouldn't have minded them having owed her a favor. She might have grown somewhat attached to them too. In her mind, they were "hers" and having them trapped under her watch is just a insult to her information skills.

Kaddoc the Grey |

Here a sketch of my Druid. Some details in profile. I'll fill in the rest of the crunch as time allows or if I am short listed (from Fanguar's rolls)
Part 1;
Fitch Huntsbane is a NE Human Druid who has embraced the most fundamental principle of nature: Survival of the Fittest. The sick and injured animals of the wilds know not to beseech Fitch for aid, for he has no sympathy for the weak. He believes in the preservation of the natural order and that most races are a disruption to that order. He abhors the wanton waste of civilization, but admires the Elves for their ability to live in harmony with nature.
He does not believe in good or evil, as it is all a matter of perspective. To a mouse a cat is evil, but to a cat, a mouse is simply food.
He feels a kinship to those that respect nature and had been know to shelter those that have run afoul of the forces of civilization. (Probably the best connection would be through Cain.)
Murder most foul and more than once. Woodcutters and hunters tend to have unfortunate accidents when they cross Fitch's path. Caught you say? None have yet slowed Huntsbane's progress, let alone caught him. Evidence of his crimes tends to be mostly eaten by the time it is found.(I assume our characters are not prisoners, since we are joining up after the breakout)
Fitch is a large muscular man, well over 6 feet tall and broad shouldered. He has long unkempt dark hair and a rough short cropped beard. He speaks in a intense, soft voice and has intense deep-set dark eyes. For such a large man, he moves quickly and quietly. When concentrating on a task, he has a habit of humming tunelessly to himself.
Fitch desires the destruction of Talingarde not out of revenge or any sense of malice against its inhabitants. He just desires its obliteration so that nature may reclaim the region. Anything that weakens the strength of the nation furthers this goal and is a cause that has Fitch's support.
Part 2
Fitch is a man who wants the strong to survive and nature to reclaim the world. While he does what he can on his own, his main tactic is to sow disent and chaos. Riots, revolts, revolution and the grandest of them all, war, from their flames only the strong and lucky preserver and many a town and city laid waste is never resettled. Fitch prefers to watch and listen, but when he acts he does so with sudden violence. Contemplative, works well with others.
Have played some of the 'we be goblins' module and that was a hoot. It's pretty fun to play a character whose main motivations are fire and stabbing things.
It sounds interesting and it would be refreshing to play for the 'bad guys' for a change. I am assuming this more of evil with an agenda type of campaign, not a lets murder women and children for fun campaign (if it is then I definitely am not interested). Really it all boils down to 'Heros have morals, Villains have work ethic', scheming against the odds seems like a terribly fun way to play an RPG.

Xanos |

Fitch I can see you being a very strong candidate, or really hard sell.
See, your concept is very similar to Cain's (you even picked the same avatar pic). If Cain is willing to work with you and share his niche, you could have a fun "pack mentality" thing going on. If Cain would rather be lone wolf, you might be SOL.
A few suggestions-
Change your Avatar, unless you are playing Cain's twin brother, that's going to be a no-go.
We are very adaptable as a group. You seem to have a strong anti- civilization angle that might be problematic when we need to spend time in cities. You might want to figure out a way to be a little less of a stand out survivalist.
The motivation of "destroy civilization, let nature return" is a little grandiose and seems almost worthy of bond-villain-dom. I can see it working if played right, but it's a bit of a hard sell for us. Cain and Price have very focused, realistic goals. Xanos is a very grandiose thinker, but he's also a pragmatist and plays his plans really close to the chest so it doesn't come up much. Can you think of some realistic goals and motivations that might help keep you focused in the same direction as the rest of us?

flykiller RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
Hello, I'm interested in applying, however I have a question before submitting: If Xanos was an anti-religious leader, how is he going to work under the leadership of a church of Asmodeus? How does he feel about cooperating with a cleric of Asmodeus in the party? Does it basically restrict the healing role in your group to an Oracle or Druid?

Lady Vorannia Krellin |

Part 1;
1) Tell me who you are. Race/class at a minimum, but more is always better. How you came about the path of evil helps.
2) What crime did you commit, and how did you get caught?:
3) What do you look like?
4) Why do you want revenge against Talingarde?:
Part 2
1-ish - How do you intend to play your character? You can use a few words to describe him or her or give us a short paragraph.:
2-ish - Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go?:
3-ish - Why are you interested in this game in particular?:
I still need to modify Vorannia's stats to reflect 2nd level, instead of 3rd... but I will do that tomorrow.

Mr. Swagger |

My character will be changing his stats if we get two additional skill points. That allows me to do exactly what I want to do which is play more like I wanted to without changing anything mechanically.
The interview. :)
Some of your question are answered in my rather long background story, but this allows you to not have to read it, and it allows me to go into details on certain things.
1-ish - How do you intend to play your character? You can use a few words to describe him or her or give us a short paragraph.
My character is to be a party face if not “the” party face. As it was said in the background story he grew up poor, but having grown up around Rythor(deceased best friend) he grew accustomed to the ways of wealthy people. Even though he is evil he still has a sense of honor, and does not like bullying people(using the intimdate skill). He thinks it is uncivilized, and it creates enemies. Being diplomatic can often get you the same results without you having any new enemies. Lying on the other hand is perfectly acceptable. He is a pretty big person, and athletic which makes him good in a fight also. He plans to avoid every fight he can. He is no coward, but bloodshed draws attention, and a dead person is a useless person. If you can bring someone to your side you not only have possible gotten rid of a threat, but now you have an ally or pawn depending on the exact circumstances.
In combat he will either buff the party or himself. I will probably handle getting rid of debuffs with scrolls. I will most likely pick up the restoration line of spells though.
Outside of combat and social encounters he is a student of knowledge(planes, history, religion). He also has the heal skill, and spellcraft.
2-ish - Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go?
No, I have never had the chance. I have run one before though as a GM. It went well. I think the only reason there was no in-game pvp was because they knew the last guy was strong enough that everyone would be needed, and he was tracking them down instead of hanging out in enemy HQ so they had no exact idea of when he would attack.
3-ish - Why are you interested in this game in particular?
The chance to play in an evil game is hard to come by. There is another GM I know, but he would want to play also. It is also hard to find someone that plays evil characters in an intelligent manner instead of only being greedy doublecrossers with no real motivation.

Mr. Swagger |

Introductions are in order. My name is Ka'sar which roughly translates to seeker of the dragons. No, I am no dragon hunter, but I often found myself in trouble in my younger days so people often joked that I was seeking the dragon. Well considering my current situation I guess I am in trouble now.
If you are reading this you are curious as to how I came to be in this predicament. I would like to start from the beginning because my childhood is where this all began. I grew up poor. I was an only child, whose parents barely made enough money to send me to school. I was well liked, and I was a good student, but I never liked being a member of the lower caste. Yes I said caste. You see there are those who are meant to rule, those who are enforce the rules, and those that are ruled. I had no desire to be in that 3rd category. Luckily I was able to make friends with a young human male named Rythor who had grown tired of "being kept captive", as he called it by his overbearing father. His words, not mine. When I went on my mini adventures pretending to be a criminal, while committing real but petty crimes such as stealing loaves of bread, and coins he was right there with me. I was only a young lad of about 10 at the time, and the importance of that friendship would not be realized until much later. It was however these adventures that forged our friendship.
Later on as people are apt to do we grew out of such things. People are less forgiving of you when you get older, and it really was not worth the trouble. I got a job at a the local library after graduating from school. The pay was not bad, but for me I did it because I got free access to books, and I would be allowed to come in early, and stay late. The topics of history, and the planes was always intriguing to me. I heard enough about Iomadea, that the topic would start to irritate me. Iomedae, Iomedae, Iomedae, if I never heard the name again I would be all to happy. Oh yes, back to the topic at hand. After about 2 years at the library I got promoted. I now had keys to the library, and I often spent as much time there as I did at home. My father was so proud. I can still hear his voice. "Oh son you have done so well.....". I drowned him out after that because I knew he was saying that should be my career. I was just as capable, if not more so than many people born into a more advantageous position, and the thought of being a librarian, catering to the common folk annoyed me to no end. I had to find a way out.
Well here is where my friendship with Rythor becomes a stepping stone. He enlisted as a member of the army. Within two years he was a sergeant, and a banquet was held at his father's residence in honor of the promotion. As a childhood friend I was invited. I often wonder how that would have went had he known his son and I were once little hoodlums. Well anyway, I got to talking to the old man about life and other topics. He asked why a capable man such as myself did not join the military. It paid better than my current job, and I could gain some manner of prestige if I did well. After thinking on it I went to visit him again, and after much talking, and a few drinks he said he could get me in his son's unit by pulling some strings. All I had to do was pass the training course. I agreed and graduated 3rd in my class overall.
I was further trained as a medic since I was to have a specialty as well, which for some reason included the study of religion. I did get to study less acceptable religions as well however, so that I may know the enemy. That led to me becoming acquainted with the denizens of Hell. I did not look badly upon the place as other did. It was a place where one could rise and fall by his own merit, as long as he could avoid being stabbed in the back that is, but since being vigilant is often a requirement for success I figured it was not all that bad.
We now get to fast forward two more years. My buddy Rythor is getting promoted again. He is about to pick up the rank of lieutenant, and guess who they chose to step into his old sergeant position? Me. The jealousy withing the unit was more powerful than anything I had ever felt. While I did receive perks from bring Rythor's friend I did out perform everyone in the group in most task. I was never late, never got into trouble. I was basically a model soldier. Well I could have gotten better with my actual combat skills, but I was a medic. Fighting is not my focus. It seems others made it their focus to correct what was wrong.
We had a training mission that involved us staying out in the field. On the way home we were ambushed. Rythor was the first to fall. Our assailants were masked so other than the ones we killed there was no clue. Well almost no clue. As the assailant were leaving one of them shouted "Let's see if you can help Rythor as much as he has helped you." I knew right then what had happened.
Over the next few days I mourned heavily. For the first time in my life I lost someone who was close to me. As much as it hurt me Rythor's father was affected even more so. He seemingly lost the will to live, and died about 3 months later. To add insult to injury I was demoted for not protecting my commanding officer. After many months of investigations those involved, even though I am sure it was not all of them were tried and convicted. My rank was not returned however. It seems that the letter of the law had been manipulated, and manipulated well. Allowing a commander to fall is a serious offense, even when it is not your fault.
It goes without saying that I became a bitter individual. I found out who had caused the death of my friend by investigating on my own. I could not strike directly though. The perpetrator was a high ranking member of the government Bhevon Dumar, whose son was in my unit. I wanted to kill him, but that was not good enough. I decided that he should feel my pain. To make a long story short I had his son meet the same fate my friend did. Much like I had tracked him down he began to uncover clues as to what happened to his son. I figured he had to be "taken care of" also. The “how” eluded me for several days, until a prostitute offered to entertain me. No I did not accept, but I did consider the offer. It is hard to tell attractive women no.
I hired a fairly attractive woman to get to know Mr. Dumar. The following event took place while I was on leave, or vacation as you civilians would call it. While on vacation I pretended to have an interest in learning how to cook at a specific restaurant, and told the owner that I would work for free. Free help is often hard to come by convincing him to give me the job was not difficult. I told the lady to convince him to take her to the restaurant where I was employed at a specific time, and date. I made sure to place no small amount of poison in the wine that was ordered by my intended victim. As we all know if something can go wrong the it will go wrong at the worst possible time. It seems that the waiter mixed the drinks up, and due to that error, and my bad decision to stick around to watch him die, that I could not leave the building before the authorities arrive. Upon seeing me the look in his eyes let me know he had put all the pieces together.
Having no proof of his involvement in my friend's death, nor the money to pay a good lawyer I knew I was in trouble. All my money had went to the woman who was to keep his attention, and to the poison of course. The trial if you want to call it that was a foregone conclusion, and I knew it. Most likely I would die, and as much as I tried to face the thought with courage I could not accept it. I lost my temper in the courtroom, and I cursed the nation, everyone it, and worst of all, at least to the judge I cursed Iomedae. I spoke of terrible things and wished them upon everyone in the courtroom. In return I was cursed, really cursed. Every time I tried to speak my words came out garbled so that I may never utter such things again.
The longer I sat in my cell the more my hatred grew. I would do anything to gain vengeance not just against Bhevon Dumar, but against this corrupt nation. It seemed as though my thoughts were heard. A strange creature appeared in my cell. It offered me the chance to become powerful enough to possibly escape. I would only have to help it at a future date. I knew the creature was a devil of some sort, and deals rarely ended in one's favor when dealing with them. Seeing my alternative, and my desire to bring the entire nation down I readily agreed anyway. I didn't really have much to lose. In return for my agreement to grant some unknown favor the curse was partially removed, and divine powers were granted to me. At the moment though I am still in the cell wondering if I will escape to even get a chance to use my new gifts.
Appearance: Ka'sar is about 6'3 feet tall 230 pounds. He has dark skin, and black curly hair with brown eyes. He is considered to be somewhat attractive to most females. Across his right eyebrow is a permanent scar from the attack that killed Rythor.
Personality: He is devious, manipulative, and proud, and that was before Rythor was killed. He does however believe in a system of order and loyalty. He is not quick to anger, but when angered he does hold grudges. He holds those in high esteem who are willing to do the work that is needed in order to excel, and he looks down on those who are lazy, but an occasional shortcut here and there is fine. He looks upon Iaozrael the Archduke as his source of inspiration.
Crimes :He has spoken out against the church in public, killed someone, and is guilty of attempted murder. I am happy with whatever crime you choose to give the most weight to.
Ka'sar is not out to rule the world or a nation, not that he won't take it if the chance opens up, but he wants a decent position with nice perks. His goal before his friend's death was to get to a decent position in the 2nd caste* or maybe even a low position in the high caste*.Now these are still his goals, but they are now on the backburner.
In his eyes this corrupt nation and its leaders have taken everything he has worked for out of jealousy, and spite, and then punished him for it. He is a man on a mission. He is not so filled with rage that he will make bad decisions. He knows his opponents are wily. After all they have made him into a scapegoat for crimes that are not even his fault.
Caste 1: This can be anyone in a position to make the rules. This commonly includes governors and leaders of nations. You get to make the rules, and you don't normally have to get your hands dirty to make sure they get enforced. You normally get the best of everything with little physical danger to yourself. Even if the people decide to rally against you the chances of you being wealthy are high so you can just leave. You may even be able to setup somewhere else if you actually feel like trying to again.
Caste 2: These are normally the enforcers of the rules. It is best to be in a leadership in this caste because you don't really get blamed too much when unpopular laws are passed. You get to wield your power when needed, and if you can get setup well you live a luxurious life. Yeah you might be in danger at times when ordered to fight, but anything worth having is worth fighting for.
Caste 3: These are the common folk, and unless you have connections or have a power base such as being a lawyer or owning a type of business which makes you influential to anyone in the first 2 caste you are pretty much at their mercy. More than likely you are left to your own devices, but why take the chance, and why accept such a station if you can do better.
I basically fixed spelling errors and changed his height and weight. The story is still the same.

Kaddoc the Grey |

Fitch I can see you being a very strong candidate, or really hard sell.
See, your concept is very similar to Cain's (you even picked the same avatar pic). If Cain is willing to work with you and share his niche, you could have a fun "pack mentality" thing going on. If Cain would rather be lone wolf, you might be SOL.
A few suggestions-
Change your Avatar, unless you are playing Cain's twin brother, that's going to be a no-go.
We are very adaptable as a group. You seem to have a strong anti- civilization angle that might be problematic when we need to spend time in cities. You might want to figure out a way to be a little less of a stand out survivalist.
The motivation of "destroy civilization, let nature return" is a little grandiose and seems almost worthy of bond-villain-dom. I can see it working if played right, but it's a bit of a hard sell for us. Cain and Price have very focused, realistic goals. Xanos is a very grandiose thinker, but he's also a pragmatist and plays his plans really close to the chest so it doesn't come up much. Can you think of some realistic goals and motivations that might help keep you focused in the same direction as the rest of us?
I guess it might easier if I knew what knew what the other characters motivations were ;)
Anyways, the avatar thing isn't an issue done and done.
Rereading what I wrote, it does feel a little too grandiose. I actually see him more as an ecoterrorist than bond villain and the dominance of nature being more an idealized dream than a reachable goal. Elvan society is what he would force the world to adopt if he could. I don't see him as being anymore of a hinderance in an urban environment than any druid, though he might be more tempted to set fire to some of the more polluting industries in a city.
He is also a strong proponent of survival of the fittest, so he would be willing to join any cause that challenges the status quo. If the leadership of Talingarde is worthy of rule, then they must be strong, so he is more than willing to join a cause to subvert that rule. Though he would be less invested in who the actual winner of the struggle is.
Anywho, I understand you guys will pick the best fit for the group and my feelings wont be hurt if Fitch doesn't make the cut.

Zarina Malora |

Level Two hit points 1d3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
This is Gerald's anti-paladin, sorcerer, dragon disciple character.
Most of the info is in my character profile, but I'll look at the questions specifically. I'd be happy to provide any other information or answer any questions anyone has. Thanks for the consideration.
As far as a character hook goes, I'm sure Price and I have met paths at some function as we both follow Asmodeus. We could have gotten our assignments from the same people.
1) Tell me who you are. Race/class at a minimum, but more is always better. How you came about the path of evil helps.
2) What crime did you commit, and how did you get caught?:
Desecration. Zarina, never the smartest, took her 'collections' mission too far, and destroyed a temple, rather than just roughing it up a bit. She was caught watching the aftermath.
3) What do you look like?
There's a description and image linked on Zarina's profile.
4) Why do you want revenge against Talingarde?:
Zarina has attributed her current problems to the Dawnflower, and all other good dieties. She is not introspective, and to her, she hasn't done anything wrong. When she gets out, all good clerics, oracles, paladins, etc., will bear her brunt.
5) How do you intend to play your character? You can use a few words to describe him or her or give us a short paragraph.:
Zarina isn't particularly clever, but she does have a certain way about her. She knows that most males find her attractive,a nd she shamelessly uses that to her advantage. She is also a mauler, so if her feminine wiles fail her, she will, without hesitation, rip that person's face off. She uses her magic to increase her marital prowess.
6) Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go?:
I haven't played an evil campaign before. That's part of the reason I really want in this game. I understand the dynamics of interacting wtih a team as opposed to the person who kills everyone for no reason. I'm not a fan of party members attacking each other, so that is a line I do not intend to ever cross. I've played a ton of games here on the site, and I have never dropped out of a game. The ones that have ended were when the other member(s) dropped, not myself. I take a bit of pride in that.
7) Why are you interested in this game in particular?:

Fargo Drinog |

The difference in Fargo between when he is wearing his eidelon and when he is not is

Price |

Anywho, I understand you guys will pick the best fit for the group and my feelings wont be hurt if Fitch doesn't make the cut.
Don't be too quick to worry. There are three players plus the DM contributing to the selection process and we all have our own opinions. :) I can't speak for the others but I haven't even remotely started making a short-list.
As for our character motivations... feel free to check out our character sheets, we've spelled out a good deal in those. Though you may also have to do some reading between the lines.

Xanos |

Hello, I'm interested in applying, however I have a question before submitting: If Xanos was an anti-religious leader, how is he going to work under the leadership of a church of Asmodeus? How does he feel about cooperating with a cleric of Asmodeus in the party? Does it basically restrict the healing role in your group to an Oracle or Druid?
Party leadership has not been an issue yet. So far, Price and Xanos simply cooperate and are developing a mutual respect.
Price doesn't prosthetize and Xanos isn't trying to destroy every church he comes across. Their motivations are more complicated than that, more about personal goals than spiritual missions. Anyone playing a religious character (or someone following Xanos' Philosophy) should keep that in mind.

Coriat |

All right, here is a character using the above rolls.
I took the liberty of working another PC, Price, into the backstory, hopefully in a non-intrusive manner. Such a thing is of course open to change.
Likewise I have been pretty free with the background in general, and would be willing to change things which might not work.
It was not entirely clear to me whether a crime replaces traits or is in addition. I have gone with traits for now.
Male Human (Osirian) Oracle of the Dark Tapestry 2
NE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init: +6
Senses: Perception +1; darkvision 60 ft
Languages: Common, Ancient Osirian, Aklo
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16; CMD 17
(+2 Dex, +6 armor)
HP to be rolled (2d8 + 6)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
Resist: +1 vs confusion, insanity, madness, or Wisdom damage/drain
Speed 30ft (20ft armored)
Melee masterwork longspear +5 (1d8+4/x3), or
Melee heavy mace +4 (1d8+4/x2), or
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2), or
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3 nonlethal/x2), or
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Base Atk +1; CMB +4
Combat Gear: Crossbow bolts x10
Oracle Spells Known (Caster Level 2nd, Concentration +7)
1st (6/day) - cause fear (DC 16), cure light wounds, divine favor, entropic shield*
Cantrips (at will) - create water, detect magic, mending, purify food and drink, read magic
Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 20
SQ Mystery (Dark Tapestry), Oracle's Curse (Tongues: Aklo), Revelation (Pierce the Veil)
Feats: Iron Will, Improved Initiative
Traits Eastern Mysteries, Defy Madness
Crime: Witchcraft
Skills: Intimidate +10, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +1, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +7*
*ACP -3 when appropriate
Possessions (1000 gp): masterwork longspear (305), heavy mace (12), dagger (2), light crossbow (35), crossbow bolts x10 (1), masterwork breastplate (350), backpack (2), waterskin (1), trail rations x10 (1), 100ft of hemp rope (2), scrolls of cure light wounds x4 (100), protection from good (25), protection from chaos (25), obscuring mist (25), shield of faith (25).
99 gp.
In time, the pursuit caught up with them; grim warriors breached the walls of the temple-fortress, and the fresh blood of the cultists mingled with older stains on the patterned temple floors. Retreating once more, the sorcerer took his most faithful disciples deep into the caves beneath the temple, sealing the exit with potent wards, and in a foul ritual bound himself into a timeless slumber, to awaken when the civilizations which had driven him away crumbled and the world once more slid towards chaos. His disciples he bound into stasis with him, intending when he awoke to slake his hunger and renew his life-force - dull from millenia of lethargy - with theirs.
Things did not go as he had hoped. For centuries later, when a local fisherman plumbed the ruins of the forgotten temple, crossed the fading wards, and accidentally awoke one of the sleepers, that disciple proved less loyal than the sorcerer had believed. As the fisherman fled in terror, Shulme-Silule turned his knife on each of the cultists in turn, and ended by slitting his master's throat as he lay unmoving in his stony tomb.
Yet Shulme was unprepared for the world he found outside. With no understanding of the Common tongue, and no knowledge of the nation found himself in, he stalked into a small village, wielding fear-inducing necromancies and demanding answers in archaic languages his listeners could not understand - and found himself completely unprepared for the counterstrike by the witch-hunters of Talingarde. Sir Balin of Karfeld shrugged off his magic with contemptuous ease, and when his captor dragged him before a magistrate, curses and dire threats in Aklo - the only language he knew that was still understood by some among the witch-hunters - failed spectacularly to win him an acquittal.
That would have been the end, had the strange trial not come to the ear of a certain aasimar as he was led off for imprisonment and execution. That night, Price and her Asmodeans spirited him out of his prison, and for the next several months he lived in hiding, slowly learning of the Common tongue and of the world he found himself in in return for sharing his knowledge of ancient secrets and arcane mysteries. As for his rescue, Price only told him with a smile that he would be called on to repay the favor... eventually.
Shulme was not present the night that Price and her fellows were ambushed by the Iomedaeans - a worshiper of no god, he had no place in the rites to Asmodeus - but he learned of her capture and sentencing quikly enough. What followed was indecision - whether to dare a rescue as he had been rescued, or leave his former benefactor to her fate - but the idea of leaving the favor unrepaid rankled, and besides, who else in this country ruled by close-minded holy men could he trust? Taking advantage of lax security after the 'end' of the Asmodean threat, Shulme broke into the Iomedaean temple armory, stole what gear he could, and set out for Branderscar Prison to repay his debt.
Little did he know that an escape was already underway!
Shulme is distinctive in appearance - tall, bronze-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed with high cheeks and a high forehead, he might be called handsome if his expression betrayed any hint of a compassionate nature. Lacking such a hint, many would skip handsome and turn straight to "unsettling."
He is thin in build and wiry, though possessed of a frighteningly strong grip for his frame - some of the Asmodeans used to mutter that his strength came from sorcery as much as from muscle. For preference, he wears black robes and little in the way of jewelry. He carries a spear and mace marked with the symbols of Iomedae, and a dagger etched with far older and less holy markings.
Shulme is unapologetically proud, and not given to showing unearned respect. Years as the servant of a more powerful magician has left him determined not to repeat that humiliating experience - but confident in the dark magics he learned.
Shulme has seen many other devotees of his strange cult go mad over the years - their minds overwhelmed by plumbing secrets men was not meant to learn - but he is starkly confident in his own ability to defy such a fate. He does not venerate the strange and evil powers from which he gains his magic, as his fellow-cultists did. To Shulme, their secrets are a road to power, a mystery to be mastered, not things to be feared and worshiped.
GM's questions:
1) through 3) should be answered above.
4) Why do you want revenge against Talingarde?
For their small-minded fear and hatred of one who dares to plumb the secrets they do not!
Player questions:
-ish - How do you intend to play your character? You can use a few words to describe him or her or give us a short paragraph.
I generally like team play even with an evil character, and dislike pvp, which I hope will not be a problem. A mix of casting (including some significant healing ability) and melee capability is my aim mechanically.
2-ish - Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go?
I have not played in a dedicated "evil campaign" but I have both played and GMed for evil characters. Generally it has gone well. I tend to think that evil campaigns mostly go poorly when they go either childishly evulz, or else when players use evil as a justification to oppose each other instead of acting as a team.
3-ish - Why are you interested in this game in particular?
I'm pretty interested to see where an evil-oriented campaign might go, and when I skimmed through the IC thread it seemed like a good game so far.

Serendipity Willowweep |

This character didn't make it in another game, so there will need to be some tweaking on the profile, here are the major changes (assuming a corrupted aasimar fits your liking):
Str to 9, Dex to 14, cha to 14 making the build 25 pts
1) Tell me who you are. Race/class at a minimum, but more is always better. How you came about the path of evil helps.
From a young age, the expectations of her racial heritage have plagued Serendipity, from the name her mother cursed her with, to the sheen of her hair and her beauty. As she grew into a young adult, she found that she was able to turn these curses to assets as she learned to manipulate people into providing her with the things she needed to fulfill her lifestyle. Though not greedy, per se, she does feel that she is entitled to what she wants because if they think she's angelic, then they can pay for it.
2) What crime did you commit, and how did you get caught?
Serendipity was caught in one of her ponzy schemes when a nobleman found out that he wasn't going to be paid back the rate of return he had expected, unfortunately for Serendipity, she was unable to vacate the area before she was apprehended, tried, convicted, and sentenced to Branderscar.
3) What do you look like?
Serendipity is a tall slender woman in her early 20's. Her hair betrays her aasimar heritage with it's coppery sheen. She prefers to stay out of the limelight as much as she can and frequently keeps her hair and features covered with a cloak.
4) Why do you want revenge against Talingarde?
Revenge? well, that's a rather strong word. Serendipity simply knows that she deserves what they have. The riches, the servants, the power.
5) Anything else you feel like saying.
Serendipity does not hold allegiance to any one deity, and instead follows a path of her own choosing. While her alignment would best be stated as chaotic evil, she knows that she must work with others and will work with any group provided that her needs are met. She is not inclined to idly cause trouble for others that are undeserving, nor will she betray a comrade without cause.
Have you ever played in an Evil campaign before? If 'yes', how did it go? Nope, this would be the first. I don't go for PVP, though I will on occasion make amusing trouble for another character, (practical jokes).

Xrezth the Discordant |

I previously submitted this character for the initial recruitment and would love to get into this campaign. Here is Xrezth, human witch. Probably not the front line fighter, but I can easily take the Healing Hex and work it into my background. Will try to get responses to other questions later today or tonight US time.