"Master Tinker: Gnomes experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial Traits."
Is it just me or does this make it possible for a gnome to be proficient with any exotic weapon without taking the feat, provided they personal can craft it?
That is exactly what it makes possible, yes.
Possibly siege weapons too.
As has been mentioned elsewhere, if you build a house, you are proficient with its use as a weapon. Good, clean fun, right?
Serisan wrote: As has been mentioned elsewhere, if you build a house, you are proficient with its use as a weapon. Good, clean fun, right? That works only so long as anyone else can use a house as a weapon, just with a -4 penalty.
Some weapons have a higher penalty than -4. Double crossbow for example.
And as the first person to point out the ability to be proficient with a house, it's my duty to also point out that gnomes weaponized ladders. It's only a short leap to weaponized houses, really.
That's actually one of the fun parts of gnomes; they can take the Gunsmithing feat and use guns without the EWP. The problem is finding sufficient exotic weapons that are useful to a small character such as yourself. Also keep in mind that you can't take feats such as weapon focus for those weapons because you're not proficient with them as a group.
Falcatas are always nice :D
I was just happy I could go from a 1d4 light weapon to a 1d8 two handed weapon and keep weapon finess going.
This ability alone is making me want to roll up a lore warden fighter who uses only exotic weapons. Endless stories about his travels to distant lands, and weird things that happend there. Starts almost every sentance with, "That reminds me of the time . . ."
Cheapy wrote: Some weapons have a higher penalty than -4. Double crossbow for example.
And as the first person to point out the ability to be proficient with a house, it's my duty to also point out that gnomes weaponized ladders. It's only a short leap to weaponized houses, really.
I kind of want to make a Gnome Rogue with a grip of Craft skills for this.
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So now the obvious question is: can Gnomes use their children as weapons, without the improvisation penalty?
Only if they craft them through the use of craft skills other wise then need to spend the feat to become proficient. So a natural born child no however a clone yes.
Golems are undoubtedly weapons of war....
Gnomezrule wrote: Only if they craft them through the use of craft skills other wise then need to spend the feat to become proficient. So a natural born child no however a clone yes. Unless of course they put ranks in Craft: (Sweet, Sweet Lovin')
"That's a pretty...sweet...lookin' thing...I guess. What does it do?"
Now here is a scary building a mithrial golem and using him like a club. I dare you to disarm him, double dare you. Lol
I once played a gnome with this alternate trait. He build a gypsy wagon with a small ballista on the top in a crows nest. It was really fun to be able to use that. He also built a repeating crossbow and I was going to have him make a few other weapons.
Maybe next time I create a character like that I will have him build firearms and cannons.
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