Let's Talk About Anime


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I really didn't like GItS 2045. To start with, the art is appalling and an insult to the series, and I hated protagonist-chan who felt like she came from a different genre entirely. The basic plot was fine, perfectly in line with much of the rest of SAC, but the execution was not good.

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Power Rangers RomCom, Love after World Domination has turned out to be so much more fun than I was expecting. Fudo and Desumi are a pretty adorable couple and all the characters around them are just icing on the cake. It has become one of my must watch shows for the season.

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That's a good one.

Just tried A couple of cuckoos, another harem. Nothing much to write home about but it's a harem that isn't also a crappy isekai, so I'm giving it a shot.
Also watching Diebuster, which is good.

Silver Crusade

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Watched Spriggan on Netflix. 6 episodes, with the second one being what the 1998 OVA was based on.

Thoroughly enjoyed what I saw, especially the animation quality. Not surprised though, considering that David Production, the folks behind Cells at Work, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Fire Force, worked on this.

Now I'm just waiting for Bastard! to drop...

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I've watched the two first episodes of Spriggan and will watch the rest in short order.

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Blayde MacRonan wrote:

Watched Spriggan on Netflix. 6 episodes, with the second one being what the 1998 OVA was based on.

Thoroughly enjoyed what I saw, especially the animation quality. Not surprised though, considering that David Production, the folks behind Cells at Work, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Fire Force, worked on this.

Now I'm just waiting for Bastard! to drop...

Now I GOTTA check out Spriggan.

And Bastard!.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

That's a good one.

Just tried A couple of cuckoos, another harem. Nothing much to write home about but it's a harem that isn't also a crappy isekai, so I'm giving it a shot.
Also watching Diebuster, which is good.


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2 Episodes into Bastard and it is everything I remember it being when I saw the OVAs decades ago, and then some.

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Greylurker wrote:
2 Episodes into Bastard and it is everything I remember it being when I saw the OVAs decades ago, and then some.

F!~* YEAH!!!

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Think the second season of Rising of the Shield Hero is done. Which is good as it really lost a lot of what I felt made it work so well from season one in the quest to jam in new characters. We don't see the bonds between Naofumi and his party really grow and develop in any major way, for example. I'd heard that a 3rd season was okayed; hopefully they can adapt things better.

OTOH, I'm enjoying Skeleton Knight in Another World. Is the main character from another world and OP? Yes. Is he fun? Yes. The world-building is also interesting and nuanced (such as elf names). I'm going to want a new season of this quickly.

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Skeleton in another world was a surprise, I enjoyed it a lot.

Did get a chuckle out of the Town of Maple in the Great Canada forest being the Elf homeland

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Absolutely loving nu BASTARD!!! Right up there with Emo Guyver, a worthy successor.

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What is with the revival of older shows these days. TRIGGER just announced a new Panty & Stocking project

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Chasing that 'guaranteed' money.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Absolutely loving nu BASTARD!!! Right up there with Emo Guyver, a worthy successor.

oh god it is pure fantasy schlock, it's almost painful, yet I can't stop watching it.

He's a nice sweet 14 year old boy who always dose what he's told, but REALLY he's an unstoppable bad ass evil wizard with 8-pack abs, Pecs for days and all the ladies love him cause he's such a bad boy. Every spell seems to be named after a Heavy Metal band and there is a Vampire who looks like a member of KISS, with an army of Fist of the North Star henchmen

I can't stop laughing and I can't stop watching this.

Silver Crusade

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Greylurker wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Absolutely loving nu BASTARD!!! Right up there with Emo Guyver, a worthy successor.

oh god it is pure fantasy schlock, it's almost painful, yet I can't stop watching it.

He's a nice sweet 14 year old boy who always dose what he's told, but REALLY he's an unstoppable bad ass evil wizard with 8-pack abs, Pecs for days and all the ladies love him cause he's such a bad boy. Every spell seems to be named after a Heavy Metal band and there is a Vampire who looks like a member of KISS, with an army of Fist of the North Star henchmen

I can't stop laughing and I can't stop watching this.

Not a member of KISS... Di-Amon is actually a reference to King Diamond, the musician. I mean, the manga's author, Kazushi Hagiwara, is both a heavy metal and Dungeons and Dragons fan after all.

I love how characters keeps reminding both the viewer and those around that it's a shonen manga when things start to get a bit... raunchy at times. I'm loving how fun this series is and I'm hoping that the next 11 episodes that are coming later this year are just as fun.

Greylurker wrote:
What is with the revival of older shows these days. TRIGGER just announced a new Panty & Stocking project

We were promised a new season ages ago.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Greylurker wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Absolutely loving nu BASTARD!!! Right up there with Emo Guyver, a worthy successor.

oh god it is pure fantasy schlock, it's almost painful, yet I can't stop watching it.

He's a nice sweet 14 year old boy who always dose what he's told, but REALLY he's an unstoppable bad ass evil wizard with 8-pack abs, Pecs for days and all the ladies love him cause he's such a bad boy. Every spell seems to be named after a Heavy Metal band and there is a Vampire who looks like a member of KISS, with an army of Fist of the North Star henchmen

I can't stop laughing and I can't stop watching this.

Did you not watch the original? It's exactly the same, nothing changed.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Greylurker wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Absolutely loving nu BASTARD!!! Right up there with Emo Guyver, a worthy successor.

oh god it is pure fantasy schlock, it's almost painful, yet I can't stop watching it.

He's a nice sweet 14 year old boy who always dose what he's told, but REALLY he's an unstoppable bad ass evil wizard with 8-pack abs, Pecs for days and all the ladies love him cause he's such a bad boy. Every spell seems to be named after a Heavy Metal band and there is a Vampire who looks like a member of KISS, with an army of Fist of the North Star henchmen

I can't stop laughing and I can't stop watching this.

Did you not watch the original? It's exactly the same, nothing changed.

I did a LONG LONG time ago. I loved it, but OMG it feels so corny now

That's Age for ya

I am still loving this, just differently

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Greylurker wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Greylurker wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Absolutely loving nu BASTARD!!! Right up there with Emo Guyver, a worthy successor.

oh god it is pure fantasy schlock, it's almost painful, yet I can't stop watching it.

He's a nice sweet 14 year old boy who always dose what he's told, but REALLY he's an unstoppable bad ass evil wizard with 8-pack abs, Pecs for days and all the ladies love him cause he's such a bad boy. Every spell seems to be named after a Heavy Metal band and there is a Vampire who looks like a member of KISS, with an army of Fist of the North Star henchmen

I can't stop laughing and I can't stop watching this.

Did you not watch the original? It's exactly the same, nothing changed.

I did a LONG LONG time ago. I loved it, but OMG it feels so corny now

That's Age for ya

I am still loving this, just differently

From what little I know, the OVA was trying to be a LITTLE bit serious, and then people were upset that it didn't start with the first issue of the manga and other minor inaccuracies after the first episode and so they put in some 4th wall breaking comedy so it would be more like the manga, which was a looooot more comedic. It was indeed rumored to be Hagiwara-sensei's game with his friends.

Greylurker wrote:
What is with the revival of older shows these days. TRIGGER just announced a new Panty & Stocking project

I wonder if they will pick up from the ginsu ending of the original.

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I tried the first episode of Bastard and my immediate impression was Inuyasha in Berserk drag. Not that I'm particularly knowledgeable of any of the franchises so I'm probably way off.

Anyway, new season, new shows.

The first show I need to mention is the second season of Made in Abyss, which is awesome. We collect the manga and it'ss wonderfully drawn, but the immense amount of pencils and black and white and gray can sometimes make action hard to follow. A full color animation really works for the series.

Call of the Night is by the same guy who did Dagashi Kashi, about a school kid who meets a vampire and wants to drop out of life and become a vampire too. I may or may not finish this one.

When will Ayumu Make His Move is yet another anime of a work by the author of Teasing Master Takagi. He is immensely productive, and as I've mentioned before, I like almost everything he's done. A low-key high school romcom. Nothing you haven't seen before but a pleasant little diversion from everyday life.

Summer Time Rendering started last season and is a moderately interesting show about time loops and shadow monsters replacing humans. The good is that the time loop and events are interesting. The bad is that the characters are rather stock and not interesting. Definitely a show that is carried by the events rather than the cast.

Lycoris Recoil is teen girls assassinating people and stuff. Very by the numbers. I probably won't finish it.

Uncle from Another World is a re-isekai, where an isekai'd protag wakes up back in our world after many years 'abroad' and tries to learn how to live here again. It has a few good jokes but I can see it getting old quickly. I'll definitely watch a few more episodes.

Shadows House has a second season too, which is good.

My recently hired maid is suspicious is about a young boy who gets a maid and she seems a bit too interested in him. Probably not going to watch more than the first episode. I always wonder if people would find these sorts of situations equally funny with an older guy and a young girl.

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer is a sort of twist on the good old magical knight story. I had to push myself to get through the manga, so I won't be bothering with this one. It has a few chuckles to begin with but isn't really that interesting. "Spirit Circle" by the same author is really good, however.

Prima Doll basically WWI tech world can somehow make perfect gynoids with perfect AI. Don't ask why the soldier bots all look like hot chicks and young girls, now why the genius dude who opened a home to rehabilitate them looks like he isn't even 20 yet. Skip.

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Fuuto P.I. delivering some great Kamen Rider goodness. If you were a fan of Kamen Rider W back in 2009, they are doing a really nice job with the series

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This is my first foray into the Kamen Rider stuff, and it's ok. I'll probably keep watching it.
Lycoris Recoil is growing on me.

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Freehold will watch much that which was deemed skippable.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Call of the Night is definitely my kind of show.

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Huh. Maybe I'll check that out too. I only know Dagashi Kashi from the H.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We expect a lot of H from it as well.

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Mm. Freehold will push this up the list.

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News just hit
Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeons) is getting animated by Studio Trigger.

To recover their Cleric before she is fully digested by the Dragon that ate her, a group of broke adventurers sets out for the deepest levels of the dungeon. To save money they decide that they are going to Eat the monsters they kill, instead of buying Rations.

So AMC+ is doing a show called Pantheon. American animated series but is apparently going to be on HiDive's streaming service.

actually looks pretty neat and certainly anime inspired. Always glad to see US animation for older audience that isn't a SitCom.

Uncle From Another World continues to be good. Not too much variation on the main joke but still entertaining. The best isekai story since Konosuba.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Uncle From Another World continues to be good. Not too much variation on the main joke but still entertaining. The best isekai story since Konosuba.

That is a heavy claim, friend.

Took my Nephew to see the Dragon Ball Super Hero movie. It was lots of fun and some nice Piccolo and Gohan development. Goten and Trunks hit their growth spurt, Pan is adorable little muntchkin and even an Android 21 easter egg.

PIccolo is best Grandpa

Greylurker wrote:

Took my Nephew to see the Dragon Ball Super Hero movie. It was lots of fun and some nice Piccolo and Gohan development. Goten and Trunks hit their growth spurt, Pan is adorable little muntchkin and even an Android 21 easter egg.

PIccolo is best Grandpa

Is that the one where Piccolo utterly schools Chichi/Goku on how to take care of a kid? "Snacks are in the fridge. She likes the Magic School Bus as a story."

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Phillip Gastone wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

Took my Nephew to see the Dragon Ball Super Hero movie. It was lots of fun and some nice Piccolo and Gohan development. Goten and Trunks hit their growth spurt, Pan is adorable little muntchkin and even an Android 21 easter egg.

PIccolo is best Grandpa

Is that the one where Piccolo utterly schools Chichi/Goku on how to take care of a kid? "Snacks are in the fridge. She likes the Magic School Bus as a story."

Piccolo has mellowed a lot since he raised Gohan.

He's teaching Pan how to fight, little softer on her than he was on Gohan but she really enjoys it. For a three year old she's pretty tough. Babysitting, picking her up from preschool, beating up terrorist organizations. Real family stuff.

Videl keeps paying him in Plushies. He has a huge pile of them in his house, and a cute kitty cat cover for his cellphone.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Uncle From Another World continues to be good. Not too much variation on the main joke but still entertaining. The best isekai story since Konosuba.
That is a heavy claim, friend.

True, but if you can name something better than UFAW that has come after Konosuba I'm willing to be convinced. Note: I am not saying UFAW is better than Konosuba - it isn't - just that I haven't seen anything new since Konosuba that is as good as UFAW.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Uncle From Another World continues to be good. Not too much variation on the main joke but still entertaining. The best isekai story since Konosuba.
That is a heavy claim, friend.
True, but if you can name something better than UFAW that has come after Konosuba I'm willing to be convinced. Note: I am not saying UFAW is better than Konosuba - it isn't - just that I haven't seen anything new since Konosuba that is as good as UFAW.

Dose "Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun" count as an Isekai?

Dunno, haven't seen it.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We talked about that tonight while watching anime. Depends on if you think of isekai as 'another world' or 'reincarnation' stories. Some shows would not qualify if reincarnation was required, like Escaflowne and Fushigi Yuugi.

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Liked escaflowne, Fushigi Yuugi was one of the first examples of the fanbase killing something for me.

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So, roll for some possible SAN loss? ;)

Some madlad madlass went and did it- the Saban Moon pilot has now resurfaced for all to see...

Saban Moon the Pilot Version

PS. Who found Saban Moon and How it was discovered...

Silver Crusade

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:

So, roll for some possible SAN loss? ;)

Some madlad madlass went and did it- the Saban Moon pilot has now resurfaced for all to see...

Saban Moon the Pilot Version

PS. Who found Saban Moon and How it was discovered...

My eyes! Oh, dear gods.... my eyes! And I thought TMNT: The Next Mutation was bad.... It's freaking Shakespeare compared to that visual and auditory hellscape I bore witness to.

I'm willing to bet that even the live-action Ranma 1/2 movie is better than that drek.

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Let's not insult Ranma here.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:


Let's not insult Ranma here.

No insult. Just saying that the live action Ranma 1/2 movie is better than the Sailor Moon pilot.

But I suppose we can take this up a notch.

The live action Dragon Ball movie (it doesn't matter which one at this point, because both were pretty awful) is better than that Sailor Moon pilot.

Silver Crusade

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11 more episodes of Bastard have dropped on Netflix.

Also, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has dropped as well. Studio Trigger has gone above and beyond with this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blayde MacRonan wrote:

11 more episodes of Bastard have dropped on Netflix.

Also, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners has dropped as well. Studio Trigger has gone above and beyond with this one.


wow....end of Season 4 of Overlord gives up a pure evil Disney Princess Renner. Damn that was one heck of a scene

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh yes. Can't wait to watch it tonight.

Since I'm watching Overlord in English, I shall wait very impatiently to see this. I suspected she might go that way though.

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