Let's Talk About Anime


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Greylurker wrote:

Ok UQ Holder was fun

It's a sequel to Negima, so naturally it starts with Fanservice. But after we get past Eva remembering the Good old days we move forward 80 years into the future. A sleepy little town where School teacher Yukihime exists as the Last Boss for anyone wanting to leave town and go to the capital (by order of the Village Leader). In the distance we can see the Space Needle that many a young boy dreams of reaching the top of.

Our Hero; Tota Konoe (familiar family name for Negima fans). After his parents died two years ago he has been adopted and raised by Yukihime. He has visions of a Red headed man (sometime appearing as a young boy with glasses) wearing robes and carrying a staff, telling him that He is waiting at the top of the Space Needle.

Also Magic was revealled to the world 10 years ago. There are even Apps for non-mages to use it (costing 100,000 yen for 1 slot, so not something any school kid can get)

It's a good start to the series. Things go crazy, lots of blood some cool action and a dark revelation about Tota's background come fast and furious. Now our young hero and his guardian are on their way to the Capital.

A young Boy's Adventure has begun.

I'm in.

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So new season of RWBY is out, looks like its going to be pretty brutal if the first two episodes are anything to go by.

Spoiler for Ep 2:
I wonder if they plan on doing anything else with Seianna Kahn, Lot of build up, and a really cool character design, only to be killed off in a 2min long scene.

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atheral wrote:

So new season of RWBY is out, looks like its going to be pretty brutal if the first two episodes are anything to go by.

** spoiler omitted **

it dose rather seem like a waste. Hopefully she lives somehow cause she really looked cool.

Meanwhile over at DB Super
Next week we get a NEW Fusion character.

The secret weapon of Universe 6 - Kefura (at least that is the name I'm hearing)

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While there is always a lot of attention on the new season of shows, Crunchyroll has been expanding their collection of older stuff fairly impressivly. In particular the newest annoucements; Yu Yu Hakusho, and Ouran High School Host Club

Very nice additions and well worth checking out if you've never seen them

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Tickets for Heaven's Feel tomorrow night! :D

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tickets for Heaven's Feel tomorrow night! :D

sweet.... I gotta wait till January till they show it in my town

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Ikay you guys.




I hope to get his autograph, I will keep it next to tominos autograph.


Shadow Lodge

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Rider Still Best Servant.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm watching Sailor Moon Crystal right now. I've heard this described as the "true to the manga" version, but there are still some changes made, if I'm remembering the manga correctly.

Shadow Lodge

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Also, holy s$&~ True Assassin.

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Greylurker wrote:

While there is always a lot of attention on the new season of shows, Crunchyroll has been expanding their collection of older stuff fairly impressivly. In particular the newest annoucements; Yu Yu Hakusho, and Ouran High School Host Club

Very nice additions and well worth checking out if you've never seen them

I think that's part of the partnership deal they cut with Funimation. Crunchyroll gets to stream subtitled versions of stuff Funimation has the rights too, in exchange some titles get passed on for dubbing. Not sure how the corporate suits at Sony will handle things going forward, though. So far, I think the deal has been win/win for everyone involved. Both sides are getting more shows to stream for their fans to watch.

Just watched through Blood C. It was better and worse than I had expected. Parts of it were impressively well done. Other things came out of left field. The gore was delicious. The monsters were amazing.

Blender Bunnies

have you seen the movie follow up as well?

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Watching some macross frontier on day off!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need to make time for the NekoPara OVA...

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I need to make time for the NekoPara OVA...

where can I see this nekopara?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Rejoice! For it is on Steam!

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...it was released on my birthday...

Shadow Lodge

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It's like they knew...

Greylurker wrote:

Blender Bunnies

have you seen the movie follow up as well?

No, not yet. I will, though.

Blender bunnies were awesome, but the spider was truly frightening.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm currently watching Seven Mortal Sins. Long-story short: this is another anime that suffers from having the T&A censored, because certainly the story and characters alone aren't enough to keep things interesting.

I honestly hope that, as new series come out, the more ecchi ones get licensed by Funimation and then streamed on Crunchyroll, rather than picked up by Crunchyroll directly; the former company has a much better track record than the latter with eschewing the censored versions.

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Thank you for giving freehold a new series.

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Companion series "the Seven Heavenly Virtues" starts next month

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You have done well.


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goes to YouTube to get a preview

forgets it is on funimation and therefore dubbed


sobs openly, forces self to watch

the cheesecake helps but only so much

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Interviews With Monster Girls is just as good in anime as in manga. :) And the NekoPara OVA was perfect.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Interviews With Monster Girls is just as good in anime as in manga. :) And the NekoPara OVA was perfect.

i prefer monster musume, but thats just me....

Shadow Lodge

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Why not both? I mean, look at Sakie-Sensei!

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have to say of the upcoming stuff "Killing Bites" seems to have the highest promise of blood and sexy

Personally though I'm looking forward to Overlord Season 2 and Grandcrest Senki

Sword and Sorcery always high on my list

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I also prefer Monster Musume but I am puzzled why this one never got a second season.

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Lots of series don't. It's usually a matter of what they think will help boost sales, and a "new" franchise is often better for that.

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A lot of times an Anime is more about boosting sales of the manga and related merchandise (and there is a lot of Mon-Musu Merch), so I guess a 2nd season depends on how much of a sales boost the series gave.

At least that is how it's been done for years, I gather the streaming services are starting to change the playing field, particularly Amazon and Netflix. All of a sudden studios have a new source of funding that is more interested in the actual shows than they are in the merchandising. It's actually causing quite a shift I hear

Speaking of which Netflix, January 5th = Devilman; Crybaby

I'm just glad we're starting to have merchandise now - particularly the original novels. It was a little awkward to keep starting seasons knowing that I would never get to see the resolution of many of the fun-sounding plots. XD;

Rednal wrote:
I'm just glad we're starting to have merchandise now - particularly the original novels. It was a little awkward to keep starting seasons knowing that I would never get to see the resolution of many of the fun-sounding plots. XD;

that reminds me, did you hear about this Otaku Coin thing. It's an Anime Cryptocurrancy that plans to start up sometime next year.

Watch stuff - Get Coins
Spend Coins on Merch from vendors

edit: hunting down link to story

here it is

Yup - I saw the article about it on ANN. I think it's interesting. Rewards systems are already pretty big in Japan, apparently - stuff like store-exclusive merchandise you can get with points and so on. It doesn't surprise me at all that they might look into a special currency to put towards merchandise. I mean, they're already doing that sort of thing, really, and the fact that it can probably be traded in set amounts for specific items will probably help to regulate the value. XD It'll be quite interesting to see how it goes, and I hope it ends up benefiting all sides.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rednal wrote:
I'm just glad we're starting to have merchandise now - particularly the original novels. It was a little awkward to keep starting seasons knowing that I would never get to see the resolution of many of the fun-sounding plots. XD;

Actually, the fan community has been translating light novels for a lot of series for some time. If there's a particular series you like, there's a good chance that it's already being quietly translated into English somewhere on the Internet.

I'm aware of that, but not every series is translated by fans. XD


Admittedly, not every series is officially published, either, so it's all kind of a grab bag in the end. o_O Still, things are definitely better than they were (and I'm particularly happy about Psycome's official release).

ok...... this one looks delightfully messed up

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I am more interested in the new Cutey Honey series next year.

Also the Persona 5 anime as well.


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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My freaking GOD Seven Mortal Sins episode five was bad!

I've seen plenty of bad anime, but more often than not that's because I dislike some aesthetic or stylistic choice(s) that have been made. But here, it was plainly obvious that the actual direction and production were lacking, resulting in an episode that was frenetic to the point of flirting with incoherence. It's no coincidence that this takes place after a review/clip-show only four episodes in, apparently because the staff needed the extra week to try and polish this particular turd into something worth airing - they clearly needed more time.

I've seen some reviews saying that this show has no idea what it wants to be, and between the hideously-censored T&A, the ham-fisted music videos, the terrible characterizations, and a storyline that somehow manages to be both simplistic and plodding at the same time I can believe it. The whole thing is such a let-down it's atrocious...


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Alzrius wrote:

My freaking GOD Seven Mortal Sins episode five was bad!

I've seen plenty of bad anime, but more often than not that's because I dislike some aesthetic or stylistic choice(s) that have been made. But here, it was plainly obvious that the actual direction and production were lacking, resulting in an episode that was frenetic to the point of flirting with incoherence. It's no coincidence that this takes place after a review/clip-show only four episodes in, apparently because the staff needed the extra week to try and polish this particular turd into something worth airing - they clearly needed more time.

I've seen some reviews saying that this show has no idea what it wants to be, and between the hideously-censored T&A, the ham-fisted music videos, the terrible characterizations, and the plodding storyline I can believe it. The whole thing is such a let-down it's atrocious...


amazing. Every word you said was wrong.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
amazing. Every word you said was wrong.

As amusing as that TLJ quote is, I can assure you I'm not. There's absolutely no defending that particular episode, and at this point there's not much use in standing up for the series as a whole.

I know you like ecchi content; I do too. But that's self-evidently not enough to save this particular show - even if they got rid of the censoring this would be a hard save.

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Well, looks like Amazon's double paywall idea was not working out for them

Anime Strike is no more and the anime is being folded into the regular Prime service.

I might actually sign up for it now (depending on what is available to Canada)

Oh man, Devilman Crybaby is some funny stuff. Only seen 2 episodes so far but wow that's nuts.

Crazy Ryo takes his buddy to a Drug fueled orgy and overnight crybaby Akira becomes sexy bad boy.

and I love at this stage of the story the other Demons have no clue what's happened. They are like "Oh hey it's Amon, hows it hanging buddy"<splat Insta-muderdered> "Dude?! what are you doing"

Greylurker wrote:

Oh man, Devilman Crybaby is some funny stuff. Only seen 2 episodes so far but wow that's nuts.

Crazy Ryo takes his buddy to a Drug fueled orgy and overnight crybaby Akira becomes sexy bad boy.

and I love at this stage of the story the other Demons have no clue what's happened. They are like "Oh hey it's Amon, hows it hanging buddy"<splat Insta-muderdered> "Dude?! what are you doing"

sounds like a sequel.

Freehold DM wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

Oh man, Devilman Crybaby is some funny stuff. Only seen 2 episodes so far but wow that's nuts.

Crazy Ryo takes his buddy to a Drug fueled orgy and overnight crybaby Akira becomes sexy bad boy.

and I love at this stage of the story the other Demons have no clue what's happened. They are like "Oh hey it's Amon, hows it hanging buddy"<splat Insta-muderdered> "Dude?! what are you doing"

sounds like a sequel.

more of a reboot. The whole thing with the party when Akira originally gets possessed plays out pretty much how I remembered it from the old OVAs

Animation style is more modern and they made Pre-Devil Akira a real scrawnly little guy that everyone made fun of at school. Also dip a little into Ryo and Akira as kids. Only 10 episodes but I'm curious to see how much of the story they tell

Crunchyroll just added Good Luck Girl to their catalog. If you haven't seen it before it's a big pile of crazy fun and well worth watching.

Silver Crusade

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I've enjoyed the second season of Overlord so far, the second episode wasn't quite what I expected.

Discovered that there was a sequel to Basilisk that picks up 10 years after the original. That's been... somewhat interesting, to say the least.

I've been enjoying the shine that Vegeta's been getting on Dragon Ball Super. I just hope Gohan isn't the next to drop out....

Just finished rewatching all of Yu Yu Hakusho on VRV, to prepare myself for the special coming in October.

Boy, I tell you... the things that I expected to happen in RWBY, these last couple of episodes threw all of it out the window. Not sure that I approve of all of it, but I can't wait for episode 14, the season finale.

I'm going to start watching Juni Taisen: Zodiac War because it only has 12 episodes and the titles for each are awesome.

And FMA: Brotherhood has returned to Netflix... with all the episodes available for viewing.

Zodiac War has got one of the craziest Necromancers you will ever see

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