Best class for a werewolf berserker


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm sending my party into the Darklands to find a piece of a chaotic sword. I'm looking for the best class to add to a drow noble natural lycanthrope that fights in wolf form due to the influence of the chaotic shard embedded in him. I've given some thoughts to the barbarian(obviously), the fighter(using the savage archetype) or possible a druid. I'm aiming for the npc to be around 11th to 12th level at this point, I could be convinced to go a little higher if it helps improve his ability to terrorize. Thanks in advance.

what do you think of a monk? those unarmed attacks just got scarey. Unless im missing something about the monk

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Saint Kargoth wrote:
I'm sending my party into the Darklands to find a piece of a chaotic sword. I'm looking for the best class to add to a drow noble natural lycanthrope that fights in wolf form due to the influence of the chaotic shard embedded in him. I've given some thoughts to the barbarian(obviously), the fighter(using the savage archetype) or possible a druid. I'm aiming for the npc to be around 11th to 12th level at this point, I could be convinced to go a little higher if it helps improve his ability to terrorize. Thanks in advance.

Monks won't work because they are innately lawful.

A beast or demon totem barbarian sounds like the natural (pun) choice, but other options might be an anti-paladin, or a black blade magus. Unlike the barbarian, those two make use of the drow noble's natural intellect and charisma.


Antipaladin would be a pretty sweet option, especially given their Aura. Though I believe lycanthropy imposes a Charisma penalty, so maybe relying on that isn't wise.

There's a natural weapon combat style for rangers you might want to look into. Giving this guy favored enemy bonuses against certain members of your party could be pretty fearsome. Wolves are pretty good at hunting people down, after all...

Silent Saturn wrote:

There's a natural weapon combat style for rangers you might want to look into. Giving this guy favored enemy bonuses against certain members of your party could be pretty fearsome. Wolves are pretty good at hunting people down, after all...

My suggestion would be ranger as well. Since they are in his territory, he could get decent use out of his favored terrain bonusses.

If it makes sense for the character, you could make him a beastmaster ranger, to have a group of mundane wolves following him (being low level, the wont pose as much of a threat as single animal companion, but they will add some minions to fill up the battlefield, set up flanks, and hunt the casters).
If he is in wolf form, they might even not realize that he is special, when the wolf pack arrives...

Wolfshifter from Wayfinder #5. Or #6, I forget. It sounds like just what you want.

Grand Lodge

I'm working a similar character. I decided Barbarian/Alchemist mix. The Alchemist will use the beast/rage archetypes to simulate claws and bestial power. The Barbarian will add fighterness and a "lesser" form of wolfshape.

In my case it's due to his research into lycanthropes and he's effectively contracted it through risky experimentation. He can contain it through heavy questionable potion use. His mutagen actually dials back the antidote and lets the wolf out.

Barbarian simulates him tapping the wolf attributes without a full on transformation.

I would use Barbarian or Anti-Paladin. Beast totem Barbarian for Pounce is the win.

Ah, it was Wayfinder #6.

The class is pretty well done.

Cheapy wrote:

Ah, it was Wayfinder #6.

The class is pretty well done.

I'll second Cheapy's suggestion - it's pretty much exactly what you're describing, and it's easy enough to use (it's really just a minor alteration to Barbarian)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks, I'll look into the ranger and that pathfinder #6. I'll keep the barbarian in mind too.

About that Wolf Shifter, can someone help me understand why their DR is weakened as they level up? Or am I misinterpreting something? Because at 2nd level they have DR/silver equal to half their level. At 11th, it becomes DR/silver and magic.

Doesn't that mean that more can bypass it now?

Edit: It is in Wayfinder 5 btw.

Silver AND Magic, not Silver OR Magic. While its only Silver weapons, they don't have to be magical, but once its silver and magic, someone needs magical silver weapon to bypass DR.

Ah thank you, it was bugging me.

Liberty's Edge

Go Barbarian with Beast Totem. It'll grant two claw attacks (for three natural attacks total), natural armor (a +4 bonus if he's 12th level), and pounce. That oughtta make the PCs scared of your werewolf (especially combined with a Furious Amulet of Mighty Fists).

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