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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I have a question about what the order is for an effect that reduces the save result by one degree and a class feature that increases the effect by one degree. Example: Ray of Enfeeblement say If you critically succeed on your attack roll, use the outcome for one degree of success worse than the result of its save. Juggernaut say when you roll a success of a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead. So does Ray of Enfeeblement reduce a success roll to failure and juggernaut not apply? Or does Juggernaut kick in on the success elevating it to a critical success and Ray of Enfeeblement bringing it back down to a regular success? Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm needing some more help with making some NPCs for an upcoming game. I'm looking at making a butler/advisor around level 7/8 which is more than one level above the printed advisor in the GMG. The GMG recommends that I just create a new NPC using the monster creation rules which is mostly fine until I get to the damage charts. I expect this butler/advisor to have had a little experience with combat as they are around 300+ years old but the listed advisor has damage stats around 4 levels lower than their actual level. Did I miss something in the NPC section that handles what they expected damage should be? Thanks for any assistance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() The Thievery trained skilled Disable Device has the following: Disable a Device
Your Thievery check result determines how much progress you make. Critical Success You disable the device, or you achieve two successes toward disabling a complex device. You leave no trace of your tampering, and you can rearm the device later, if that type of device can be rearmed.
I've seen only one trap/hazard have thieves' tools required and that was: Armageddon Orb
So are thieves' tools really useless except for this one specific trap/hazard, barring homemade traps/hazards? I'm curious since a player brought it up in a game that they didn't need to have them to disarm the trap we ran into. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So I looked at the GMG about building NPCs and would like to use the monster creation one instead of manually building them like a PC. However, when looking at the class road maps, some of the suggested ability modifiers indicate High and the High charts are way above what a PC could ever achieve. How do you usually handle building your class like NPCs using the monster creation rules? Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I have some characters that I'm converting from 1E. The characters are 10th level, I am building them from the ground up to closely resemble their current characters. I however have hit a stumbling block with the treasure that they are supposed to have around 10th level. The Table 10-10: Character Wealth does not look right to me. Are not 10th level characters supposed to have more that 6 items total? Or am I misreading the table and the items below them are cumulative? Very confused on this issue. Looking for some clarification on this issue. Thanks. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Ahlmzhad wrote:
This is incorrect. You lose the free boost from ancestry, the free boost from background, the 4 free boosts and the boost from your class. So you are looking at a total of 7 ability boosts lost by rolling your stats. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() RafaelBraga wrote:
+1 weapon in Pathfinder Classic is +1 to hit/damage. +1 weapon in Pathfinder Playtest is +1 to hit & +1 damage die.The playtest magic weapons are definitely the winners here. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Mark Seifter wrote:
So literal disarming will now be a thing? If so, the temples are going to be busy. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Yeah, looking at the scalykind and feather domains. I've looked at the Eldritch Heritage feats also, however worried that the campaign would mostly be over before any useful abilities could be gained. As for the modified dragon disciple, we are trying to stick mainly to the classes as written so I'm afraid thats mostly out. My main problem is I need to keep my spellcasting abilities as the party goes into these super dry spells of not being able to roll above a 4 for the majority of the game ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() We are not using the deities in Golarian, however it is okay to give examples to be built off of in that case. We have access to the Core, UM, UC(no guns), UM, APG, ARG and Ultimate Equipment. I'd prefer human but will look at any race combo to help me along. Once again thanks for the assist. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hello, I'm trying to make a cleric who's deity is a dragon. Now I would like to have this cleric imitate or become more dragon-like as they progress as a form of respect for his deity. So far I'm not having a lot of luck in this process. Does anyone have any ideas that could help me along? Thanks for the assist. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Ok,in our current campaign, my character a paladin/martial artist died saving the fighter/rogue who pulled 2 minotaurs back onto our group who were already fighting 2 minotaurs. So now I'm going to make a cleric of a gold dragon deity. I'm looking at the domains Travel & Scalykind. My character is going to be human and I want to figure out the closest way to emulate a dragon using a cleric. Specifically any feats that would be nice and prestige classes if any. Willing to get with the DM if the PCs aren't pathfinder specific. Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() One of my players in an upcoming game I will be running wants to play a barbarian titan mauler. The question I have is that he wants to use a normal bastard sword one-handed by using jotungrip. Looking at the equipment section it indicates that the bastard sword is one-handed on the table but requires EWP, however it can be used two-handed as a martial weapon. What I'm trying to find out that if he doesn't have EWP:bastard sword and uses jotungrip on the bastard sword is what penalty he should be taking? The -4 for nonproficient use as a one-hander or -2 for using a two-handed weapon in one hand per jotungrip. Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm sending my party into the Darklands to find a piece of a chaotic sword. I'm looking for the best class to add to a drow noble natural lycanthrope that fights in wolf form due to the influence of the chaotic shard embedded in him. I've given some thoughts to the barbarian(obviously), the fighter(using the savage archetype) or possible a druid. I'm aiming for the npc to be around 11th to 12th level at this point, I could be convinced to go a little higher if it helps improve his ability to terrorize. Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() The Armor Master gets armored defense at level 5 which gives DR 1/2/3 depending on the type of armor worn. How does mithril affect this if at all? I see that it says that mithril armor is considered one category lighter for encumbrance and other limitations. Example: A 7th level armor master is wearing a mithril breastplate. Does he receive a DR 1 or DR 2? Thanks for the help in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Is there any chance that we could get a paizo blog about Monster creation? I.E. showing examples of how the staff actually created monsters, as it seems that most of the tables in the back of the bestiary are red herrings. Also it would be nice to see a couple examples of monster advancement, using some of the monsters that say they have different varients by adding hit die and/or templates. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Ok, I'm trying to create a semi-demonic recon killer. What I did was take a base doppleganger and added 2 racial HD so that it would be able to use the change self(polymorph) instead of change self(alter self). I then added the fiendish template and lastly I added 5 levels of rogue to the monster. However, since I wanted the monster to have a little less than normal hit points to offset the fact that it's a surprise killer when it needs to be, ie reducing its Con from 12 to 10 when adding the ability adjustments for gaining class levels the monster falls horribly short of the suggested hit points for a CR 10 monster. Table 1-1 says a CR 10 monster should have around 130 hp, but my monster only ends up with about 55 hp which is way lower than it should be even with a minor downward adjust of its Con. Can someone help me and show me where I went wrong with the hp? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm working on building up my ultimate bad guy who is a dragon that has been in hiding for over 400 years because he had the forces of good gang up on him. Long story short, they thought they brought his reign of terror to an end, however they were wrong as it will turn out. Now I'm needing this dragon(aiming for wyrm or great wyrm stage) to be a little/extra powerful than a normal dragon of his current state. I have looked at both the fiendish and half-fiend template, neither one really seems to add anything that would make him any more dangerous than a standard dragon. Am I missing something that would make either one of those templates better for the dragon or should I look elsewhere as I really like the idea of some sort of fiendish connection to his powers. Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hello, I have a question about ability score changes for monsters. To be exact, I'm looking at giving Kobolds the heroic ability scores listed instead of the basic to represent a super-dragon infused kobold. However, I cannot find it spelled out either in the core rulebook or the bestiary about how that would affect the default CR of 1/4 for the kobolds. Now I think that it would represent a +1 step to the current CR making the new kobolds CR 1/3. Any help on this issue would be appreciated and if there is a page in one of those books even better. Thanks again for your help. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Thanks for the examples, however I have one additional question. Why is the snake's AC so low? According to Table 1-1 the average AC should be around 24, the shown AC from the examples are showing a 5-6 point lower difference than that. The HP for the snake is about right, kinda moving into the CR 11 range but that's more a function of the toughness feat. Table 2-1 is indicating that between CR 2 -> CR 10 that the AC Change should be equivalent to +10. So should I be taking any additional AC changes such as the ones from size changes and subtracting them from that table to make the numbers appear more in line? Once again thanks for the help, I'm slowly getting there :) ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Ok, my scenario is that I want to create a Huge Snake, Constrictor. Now listed under the entry for Snake, Constrictor is given that you can advance the snake to 14HD which makes it Huge and CR 10. The problem is when I go back to the advancement section and start doing the advancing the snake does truly strange things. I do the CR2 -> CR 10 table for AC Change and HP gain. The hp gain suggests that the snake should have 19 additional HD using the average hit point table to make that difference. Woah, that's 5 more than the listed amount in the entry. The HP difference was +110hp change and with the snake's adjusted CON of 20 (+5hp/HD) suddenly pushes the snake near CR 14 levels, not counting that the snake normally has the feat Toughness added to it. The AC Changes along with stat adjusts push his AC to 27ish which is CR 12 range. So if someone can please tell me what I'm doing wrong and if possible stat out the Huge Snake, Constrictor so that I can work it out in reverse that would be appreciated. I do love what Paizo has done for D&D. I just want to make sure that when I need to advance a creature that I will do it correctly. Thanks in advance. |