baron arem heshvaun |
NOBLE HOUSE -- Stuff Set said.
Full of sexy!
Although no where as complex as what I would imagine a Drow Noble House game would be, my favorite board games similar to these were Diplomacy, the original Axis & Allies, and my all time fave:
The Succession Wars by FASA. Sixteen hour catered marathon games? Yes please!
I would guess a Drow Noble House game (or a Riddleport gangland war or a Cheliax pre rise of House Thrune game) would be part The Succession Wars, part James Cavell's Noble House Game, part Shogun, with a triple dash of Diplomacy.
Edit: I love that in The Succession Wars Rulebook AND on the box it says AFTER setup, play time is 4 - 6 Hours (!) that is a lie. A quick game will run 10 hours, we really had a few of our games catered.
kevin_video |
NOBLE HOUSE -- There are many noble houses both great and small within the ancient drow vault-city of Tezzarathane, but yours is definitely one of the lesser. This will be the generation where that changes. You play a band of young drow nobles, inheritors of a legacy of evil and vengeance.The PCs would all be drow -- a race diversied and given more options via the trait system. This would be an adventure path that spans centuries as it charts the life of a band of drow noble siblings fighting to secure their dominance in drow society.
Any interest?
Very little on my part. This is again the same as the dwarf campaign and why my group wouldn't do it. "PCs would all be drow" just as "PCs would all be dwarves". My group likes being different races too much. The rarer and more obscure, the better for their own individuality. With one exception. If they were drow, they'd all wanna play half-drow half-shadow dragons, or nothing. Maybe I could convince them of the actual drow nobles, but not the lesser drow.
I'm all for an underground campaign, but maybe something with a little more variety in the races department. Maybe an opportunity to be less evil too. In the Way of the Wicked only two of the six are evil. The others are neutral or lawful neutral because they aren't comfortable being the bad guy. One of the two is evil only because assassins have to be evil in order to be one.
I liked golem101's idea of how to implement other races into it though.
Antimony |
'kay. I am not, by and large, a 3PP fan. In my experience, I either loathe them, or love them, and the latter category tends to be limited to offerings by specific groups.
Way of the Wicked has put you guys firmly into that latter category. Probably at the top of it, IMO. I say that because it means I am more inclined to be interested in what you put out than some other group might put out. If I give you a "4" for my interest level, it might be a "1" if someone else was publishing the product.
That said:
Vikings: I am meh on Vikings, especially with Skull and Shackles in process now, and as a player of 7th Sea (Vestenmannavnjar FTW!). Still, I think you would rock the idea, so I will call it a 6 out of 10.
Guildmaster: You guys do "evil" well, so this would be awesome. 9 out of 10.
Great Game: This could be cool. It would be even more cool if you incorporated some sort of amnesia mechanic: you don't level up by learning new skills, you remember old skills you forgot you had. As the game goes on, each character learns more about his/her past (through backstory published in each installment, for each of 6-12 different possible characters), maybe with some flexibility, so that no two characters starting at the same base story will end up looking the same. How about a mechanic that lets a character in trouble spontaneously perform a feat or an attack or cast a spell too powerful for him/her, at the cost of being "locked" into the next AP's worth of level-ups? (A fighter who spontaneously casts a magic missile spell has to take levels of Sorcerer for the next AP installment.) 8 out of 10.
Faery Tale: I already have ideas for how it might be used in my games. 9 out of 10.
Tyrant: Yes, please. 10 out of 10.
Dammerhall: Dwarves. Meh. 3 out of 10.
Noble House: I would have a hard time fitting it into my games, but you would tear this up, and I would enjoy reading it even if I never used it. 9 out of 10.
Coltaine |
An interesting idea.
NOBLE HOUSE -- There are many noble houses both great and small within the ancient drow vault-city of Tezzarathane, but yours is definitely one of the lesser. This will be the generation where that changes. You play a band of young drow nobles, inheritors of a legacy of evil and vengeance.
At once both an urban campaign and a game of underground exploration, you begin as young drow earning your place in the cutthroat world of the dark elves. Rise to power, conquer the uncharted depths of the earth, raid the surface and become masters of Tezzarathane. Loyal to no one but yourself, your House and its dark demon-gods, are you ruthless enough to become lords and ladies of the realms below?
The PCs would all be drow -- a race diversied and given more options via the trait system. This would be an adventure path that spans centuries as it charts the life of a band of drow noble siblings fighting to secure their dominance in drow society.
It would have a kingmaker-esque aspect -- the Noble House itself would be a character. This adventure path would feature major interaction (via both combat and RP) with the aboleth. And of course at least one drow civil war is inevitable. Very sandbox, there would be literally no limits to what wickedness your house could undertake.
In order to allow for interparty cooperation, your house requires a blood oath to not harm those of your kin. There would be a minor competive element -- only one of you can be Matriarch/Patriarch at a time after all. But each of you would have a say in how the Noble House is controlled (one of you is the master of assassins, one is the master of the household guard, etc.).
Another thing -- drow are demon worshippers. Rather than specify which demon lord (or lady) you worship, there would be a simple subsystem for specifying what makes your favorite otherworldly abomination unique. This is your houses' Patron and though we would provide a few samples, ultimately it will be up to the PCs...
I believe variants of this idea already exist in 3.5 e
Peanuts |
NOBLE HOUSE -- There are many noble houses both great and small within the ancient drow vault-city of Tezzarathane, but yours is definitely one of the lesser. This will be the generation where that changes. You play a band of young drow nobles, inheritors of a legacy of evil and vengeance.
Hmm, I'm interested in this, but not too sure about it being a Drow game... Still with all the other cool stuff to play around with in the game it is definitely relevant to my interests.
Turin the Mad |
Dark_Mistress wrote:Variety is the spice of life, that and threesomes. :)Unless you're involving Gingrich amongst the three. Then it's all wrong.
*bores a hole in his own forehead with a power drill, lets the sunlight in the hole to burn out the Shan, then pours in the bleach*
kevin... that was just .. not ... right ... *twitch*
DrowVampyre |
An interesting idea.
NOBLE HOUSE -- There are many noble houses both great and small within the ancient drow vault-city of Tezzarathane, but yours is definitely one of the lesser. This will be the generation where that changes. You play a band of young drow nobles, inheritors of a legacy of evil and vengeance.
At once both an urban campaign and a game of underground exploration, you begin as young drow earning your place in the cutthroat world of the dark elves. Rise to power, conquer the uncharted depths of the earth, raid the surface and become masters of Tezzarathane. Loyal to no one but yourself, your House and its dark demon-gods, are you ruthless enough to become lords and ladies of the realms below?
The PCs would all be drow -- a race diversied and given more options via the trait system. This would be an adventure path that spans centuries as it charts the life of a band of drow noble siblings fighting to secure their dominance in drow society.
It would have a kingmaker-esque aspect -- the Noble House itself would be a character. This adventure path would feature major interaction (via both combat and RP) with the aboleth. And of course at least one drow civil war is inevitable. Very sandbox, there would be literally no limits to what wickedness your house could undertake.
In order to allow for interparty cooperation, your house requires a blood oath to not harm those of your kin. There would be a minor competive element -- only one of you can be Matriarch/Patriarch at a time after all. But each of you would have a say in how the Noble House is controlled (one of you is the master of assassins, one is the master of the household guard, etc.).
Another thing -- drow are demon worshippers. Rather than specify which demon lord (or lady) you worship, there would be a simple subsystem for specifying what makes your favorite otherworldly abomination unique. This is your houses' Patron and though we would provide a few samples, ultimately it will be up to the PCs...
This...would be amazing. <_<
kevin_video |
kevin_video wrote:Dark_Mistress wrote:Variety is the spice of life, that and threesomes. :)Unless you're involving Gingrich amongst the three. Then it's all wrong.*bores a hole in his own forehead with a power drill, lets the sunlight in the hole to burn out the Shan, then pours in the bleach*
kevin... that was just .. not ... right ... *twitch*
Hey, it's not like he doesn't talk about it on a regular basis when he's in front of the camera.
I'm still voting for a dragon campaign. Not necessarily one that has you playing as one, but more fighting them.
kevin_video |
A playing-as-dragons campaign sounds good to though. I imagine there'd be large in-game breaks between the books to give your age category a chance to go up. And there'd have to be tons of loot to fill out four hoards. :)
There's a 3rd Party book that has rules that'll allow you to play half-dragons, or quarter dragons. It's not too bad. Could always go that route too.
darth_borehd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I want adventures that don't take themselves so darn seriously. I'm tired of the dark and plodding Lord of the Rings knock-offs.
Best modules Paizo has ever published was the Harrowing by Crystal Frasier and We Be Goblins by Richard Pett. Can we get more adventures like those?
How about something more like The Princess Bride or Discworld? Labyrinth? Army of Darkness? Big Trouble In Little China?
Fire Mountain Games |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Wow! Thanks for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated and I am glad you are enjoying "Way of the Wicked" so much.
And on to business...
TYRANT pt. 2
I have been receiving numerous questions concerning Tyrant, so I think I’ll take a moment to write a little more about my thoughts about this potential AP and see what sort of responses we get.
After the fall of Darius and the rise of the House of Thrax, King Tyresius did in five years what centuries of more virtuous kings had failed to do – he unified all of Talingarde under one banner. From the once Savage North to the bay of Cambria all was his. Obey his command, support his rule, bow to his will -- he treated you well. Oppose him and know his hellborn wrath. He was not just a king. He was a Tyrant.
It is now a century later after the rise of Thrax. Queen Tyresia called the Golden sits upon the throne of a Talingarde mightier than any kingdom before ever to bear that name. Her ships ply the world bringing forth the glory of Asmodeus and returning full of treasure, tribute and slaves. After the death of Tyresius, House Thrax was afflicted with degenerate hedonists, weaklings and mad men. At last the House of Thrax has renewed itself and put upon the throne of Talingarde a worthy successor to Tyresius.
Queen Tyresia is no longer content to rule her father’s holdings. Her eyes turn west towards a wild isle rumored to be the homeland of the savage Iraen who once troubled the Caer Bryr. There is another rumor about this place – it is said that somewhere hidden within this isle lies the greatest deposits of mithral known in this world. Perhaps its is only legend. But perhaps not.
The queen’s dreams turn to empire. Fueled by the wealth of this savage land, she will conquer and colonize the nations of the mainland. She has granted the title of duke to four untested young nobles full of promise who are sent to the island to establish their own dominions, conquer this land and develop its wealth. You are one of these fledgling lords (or their retinue). Will you prove yourself another weak and unworthy degenerate of the Thrax line or will you find within yourself the blood of the Tyrant?
The campaign has four major elements – exploration, kingdom building, intrigue and war.
Exploration – the island is a dangerous place full of wonders and wild lands. It is not only the above lands that must be explored. This land boasts a massive sprawling underground realm beneath it filled with strange beasts never seen in the sunlight. This campaign makes no assumptions about who you will ally with. Every culture you meet can be destroyed, enslaved or allied with.
Kingdom Building – We would probably use a version of Jon Brazer’s fine Kingdom Building book though adapted for the particulars of this campaign.
Intrigue – As the Duke and his retinue, you will be required to attend royal councils in the capitol – Margerian. You are one of twelve dukes (thirteen if you count the queen) who sit upon the council. At first, you are one of the lesser four – the new appointments seen by most of the more established dukes as illegitimate jokes. But in time you can earn their respect and become an important power player within the kingdom.
You can earn favor with these factions by performing various actions, lose it by performing others. These councils can either be handled as detailed, elaborate roleplaying encounters or quickly resolved with a few dice rolls. The choice is yours. One important thing to know – without the support of the Council, you cannot lawfully go to war against another duke. Unlawful war means the royal legions will be dispatched to put things back aright.
You are not dealing with friendly, congenial men and women upon the Council. Almost every one of the Dukes and Duchesses are wicked, ruthless Asmodean nobles set on pursuing their own interests and agendas. Can you gain their favor and forge the alliances necessary to crush your rivals?
War – more than any other AP ever published, this will be an adventure path about war. Peace will be rarity in your domain. Wars, either large or small, will be a crucial part of this campaign. Such as you are not destined for peaceful times. Your empire will be forged in the crucible of war.
You will be Tyrant!
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
DragoDorn |
Wow! Thanks for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated and I am glad you are enjoying "Way of the Wicked" so much.
And on to business...
TYRANT pt. 2
I have been receiving numerous questions concerning Tyrant, so I think I’ll take a moment to write a little more about my thoughts about this potential AP and see what sort of responses we get.
After the fall of Darius and the rise of the House of Thrax, King Tyresius did in five years what centuries of more virtuous kings had failed to do – he unified all of Talingarde under one banner. From the once Savage North to the bay of Cambria all was his. Obey his command, support his rule, bow to his will -- he treated you well. Oppose him and know his hellborn wrath. He was not just a king. He was a Tyrant.
It is now a century later after the rise of Thrax. Queen Tyresia called the Golden sits upon the throne of a Talingarde mightier than any kingdom before ever to bear that name. Her ships ply the world bringing forth the glory of Asmodeus and returning full of treasure, tribute and slaves. After the death of Tyresius, House Thrax was afflicted with degenerate hedonists, weaklings and mad men. At last the House of Thrax has renewed itself and put upon the throne of Talingarde a worthy successor to Tyresius.
Queen Tyresia is no longer content to rule her father’s holdings. Her eyes turn west towards a wild isle rumored to be the homeland of the savage Iraen who once troubled the Caer Bryr. There is another rumor about this place – it is said that somewhere hidden within this isle lies the greatest deposits of mithral known in this world. Perhaps its is only legend. But perhaps not.
The queen’s dreams turn to empire. Fueled by the wealth of this savage land, she will conquer and colonize the nations of the mainland. She has granted the title of duke to four untested young nobles full of promise who are sent to the island to establish their own dominions, conquer this land and develop its wealth. You are one...
This would be even better if there was a way to incorporate a family relationship via traits, a feat, or a magical heirloom with your character from Way of the Wicked.
Fire Mountain Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This would be even better if there was a way to incorporate a family relationship via traits, a feat, or a magical heirloom with your character from Way of the Wicked.
This, sir, is a monstrously good idea. Traits that link you to previous PCs (optional of course) are an idea that simply pleads to be implemented.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
OmegaZ |
Tyrant sounds like a fantastic adventure! Here's the rub: its basically the WotW version of Kingmaker. There's nothing wrong with that at all, in fact there's a lot right about it, but if I had the choice between running/playing Kingmaker and a Kingmaker clone, I know I'd go with the Paizo product.
I'd rather see something that hasn't been done by Paizo yet, or at least something similar but with significant changes. Of course the tricky part is finding something new/newish to do without being so niche that most people aren't interested (i.e. all dwarf AP). Allowing niche options, like the all-wizard variant of WotW or the all-dwarf option of Dammerhall, for these AP's is a great idea. Requiring players to stick with certain races/classes turns a lot of people off.
mage4fun |
There are a lot of interesting ideas floating around here. I like the one about the drow houses and succession, but let’s get real, if an AP with the drow are involved, let´s go all the way and have the final confrontation in which the drow rise to slay their misconceived tree hugging cousins and lay claim the we, the drow, are the superior race!
Another thing I would like to see in an AP would be something in which the group needs to go thru the different layers of hell to either 1) reclaim an artifact, 2) reclaim the soul of someone who recently died, 3) maybe just go after the smug smoking son of a balor whom you really hate and just want to slay.
Another thing might be as someone mentioned before, an AP that culminates with a dragon, but not just any dragon. . . a dracolich. The AP can be a trail in which all manner of undead are working together at the power of a mysterious master (dracolich and maybe a powerful necromancer). They have overrun a small village and maybe taken over a small town. Worried about this plague that has befallen the living the intrepid adventures go forth to slay the zombies and ghouls, not knowing the full danger behind the walking dead.
Those would be some of the ideas that I would like to see in an AP.
Eric Hinkle |
An interesting idea.
NOBLE HOUSE -- There are many noble houses both great and small within the ancient drow vault-city of Tezzarathane, but yours is definitely one of the lesser. This will be the generation where that changes. You play a band of young drow nobles, inheritors of a legacy of evil and vengeance.
At once both an urban campaign and a game of underground exploration, you begin as young drow earning your place in the cutthroat world of the dark elves. Rise to power, conquer the uncharted depths of the earth, raid the surface and become masters of Tezzarathane. Loyal to no one but yourself, your House and its dark demon-gods, are you ruthless enough to become lords and ladies of the realms below?
The PCs would all be drow -- a race diversied and given more options via the trait system. This would be an adventure path that spans centuries as it charts the life of a band of drow noble siblings fighting to secure their dominance in drow society.
It would have a kingmaker-esque aspect -- the Noble House itself would be a character. This adventure path would feature major interaction (via both combat and RP) with the aboleth. And of course at least one drow civil war is inevitable. Very sandbox, there would be literally no limits to what wickedness your house could undertake.
In order to allow for interparty cooperation, your house requires a blood oath to not harm those of your kin. There would be a minor competive element -- only one of you can be Matriarch/Patriarch at a time after all. But each of you would have a say in how the Noble House is controlled (one of you is the master of assassins, one is the master of the household guard, etc.).
Another thing -- drow are demon worshippers. Rather than specify which demon lord (or lady) you worship, there would be a simple subsystem for specifying what makes your favorite otherworldly abomination unique. This is your houses' Patron and though we would provide a few samples, ultimately it will be up to the PCs...
This sounds like it would make for an amazing adventure path.
And please add in another 'This is awesome!' vote for the Tyrant idea too; it'd be interesting to see what became of the kingdom of Talingarde the PCs brought under their iron fist in Way of the Wicked.
Icyshadow |
1) Something with a strong emphasis on the planes and plane shifting. Something reminiscent of Planescape and Sigil. I think the planes create an opportunity to create some really alien and interesting environments and creatures.
2) Something around a sunken city or empire beneath the waves. Lots of Atlantian flavor and maybe an aquatic PC race or two.
3) Egyptian/Arabian theme. I know Paizo has an egyptian themed AP, but I love ancient middle east flavored themes. I'm an old Al Qaddin fan and would love to see an AP set in this kind of environment.
4) Post Apocalyptic - A fantasy realm in a very dystopian time period where some kind of apocalypse has really taken everything back to the stone age. Dark Sun/Conanish type setting.
I approve of all four of these.
Though I'd say the first two interest me the most.
kevin_video |
Another thing I would like to see in an AP would be something in which the group needs to go thru the different layers of hell to either 1) reclaim an artifact, 2) reclaim the soul of someone who recently died, 3) maybe just go after the smug smoking son of a balor whom you really hate and just want to slay.
Another thing might be as someone mentioned before, an AP that culminates with a dragon, but not just any dragon. . . a dracolich. The AP can be a trail in which all manner of undead are working together at the power of a mysterious master (dracolich and maybe a powerful necromancer). They have overrun a small village and maybe taken over a small town. Worried about this plague that has befallen the living the intrepid adventures go forth to slay the zombies and ghouls, not knowing the full danger behind the walking dead.
I'm up for these as well. Technically the first one has been done, but not since 2nd Edition (although a guy here on the forums is updating it for Pathfinder). It's called "A Paladin in Hell". However, it's only a single module from levels 15-20. A whole AP based around such a premise would be kind of cool.
For the second, it wouldn't even have to be a dracolich. Maybe a dragon vampire that's discovered a way to make items that'll make other vampires immune to the sun's rays. The PCs have to figure out the how and why behind the daytime vampire attacks.
mage4fun |
mage4fun wrote:Another thing I would like to see in an AP would be something in which the group needs to go thru the different layers of hell to either 1) reclaim an artifact, 2) reclaim the soul of someone who recently died, 3) maybe just go after the smug smoking son of a balor whom you really hate and just want to slay.
Another thing might be as someone mentioned before, an AP that culminates with a dragon, but not just any dragon. . . a dracolich. The AP can be a trail in which all manner of undead are working together at the power of a mysterious master (dracolich and maybe a powerful necromancer). They have overrun a small village and maybe taken over a small town. Worried about this plague that has befallen the living the intrepid adventures go forth to slay the zombies and ghouls, not knowing the full danger behind the walking dead.
I'm up for these as well. Technically the first one has been done, but not since 2nd Edition (although a guy here on the forums is updating it for Pathfinder). It's called "A Paladin in Hell". However, it's only a single module from levels 15-20. A whole AP based around such a premise would be kind of cool.
For the second, it wouldn't even have to be a dracolich. Maybe a dragon vampire that's discovered a way to make items that'll make other vampires immune to the sun's rays. The PCs have to figure out the how and why behind the daytime vampire attacks.
Oh my god! I remember the Paladin in Hell, that is going way back a bit :-) With this I was also thinking about Elminster in Hell and how a couple of the sisters (of the seven sisters), went to hell to bring him back.
With the undead, I would just like to see an AP in which a vareity of the undead (and some with templates if possible) start to beat on the living.
The Last Baron |
Both the Drow and Dwarf campaign ideas sound interesting. But after hearing some more details on Tyrant, I am completely sold. That would just about be my dream campaign. Maybe somewhere down the road, we'll see the Way Of the Wicked/Tyrant saga expanded into a trilogy. But I would expect you do a couple different AP's after Tyrant first. Either way I think fan response to WOTW has been quite good and will also be very good for Tyrant, so it could end up happening. There's certainly a lot of different directions that third AP could go after the PC's found their kingdom and break away from Talingarde.
Sergi.Planas |
With the expanded information I've only one thing to say, Tyrant for the win. Ok, maybe with Noble House as a close second. Let me elaborate.
As have been said, Tyrant has a couple of potential problems. One, being seen as too similar to Kingmaker, but a lot of things that you said, at least in my eyes, make it quite different (especially the intrigue element and the clash with other cultures and the way you relate to them). Then it's the fact that doing a sort of sequel to WotW has the problem of linking FMG to evil APs, albeit that's not necessarily bad in my book it might hurt a bit, but it could be solved by pulling a different themed AP as the third one, which is a shame since I would also love to see the Noble Houses AP. Another problem that I think it might have is the fact that the amount of subsystems needed to run it (kingdom building, war, intrigue maybe), might reduce the chances of expanding material in other areas, especially more thoroughly explained cultures which is one of the seeling points of it for me. Please, put in there some prehistorical society.
One of the things that have been said agains Noble Houses is the fact that the party would have to be all drows. Well, someone already input the chance to play other races (sorry I don't remember who it was), which could also satisfy the people talking about a monstrous races AP.
Regarding Dammerhall, I have to honestly say that it doesn't appeal to me a bit, never been much of a fan of dwarves.
Also, in order to do something more 'heroic' I found the ideas of an AP centered around the continous fighting of undead interesting, but runs the risk of being too similar to Carrion Crown. Maybe linking it to the 'Apocalypse is coming' AP ideas.
kevin_video |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Got a couple of new ones that were suggested and brought to my attention about what people wouldn't mind seeing.
1) Hero's Portal or Hero's Pool
The characters belong to a world of heroes. In the center of town is a magical portal that takes heroes of all kinds of areas throughout the multiverse where beings of their caliber would be needed. The pool/portal is intelligent and won't send characters of a certain level to areas that are too strong for them, but also not places where they'd completely dominate and might even be considered gods. Great for a plane shifting campaign.
2) Fighting for Freedom
This can either be a slave or gladiator type of AP. A tyrant runs the country. He's made the declaration that he's bored and wants to see some kind of grisly sport. His advisers, who are just as evil as he is, suggest that he suddenly increase taxes to a point that only the rich can afford them. He agrees. He then sends his guard to raid the areas of those who can't pay and bring them in as slaves, or make the deal that if their child can survive the coliseum that their debt will be resolved. The guards might even come across people from a rebellion. Either way the characters are prisoners and have to fight to survive. Possibly even form a rebellion inside and escape and take down the tyrant and his men. An AP that's very much like Conan, Gladiator, or Spartacus.
3) The Tarrasque Will Awaken
After multiple decades of it sleeping sounding, various oracles around the material plane have all come to the same divination. The tarrasque will soon awaken. Various factions will do what they can to ensure that it doesn't wake up while others will do the exact opposite. The PCs must person a series of actions that'll stop other groups from allowing the great beast to arise all the while gathering weapons and allies to help build up the countryside. Their most important mission will be to find the legendary weapons that were used to take down the tarrasque the last time. If all else fails, maybe with everything they find and the people they gather, they might even be able to take the beast down themselves. Hopefully it'll be permanent this time.
4) Castlevania
There's no other way to put this. A group of undead hunters who enter an everchanging dungeon in hopes of taking down a legendary undead creature that resides within it, and wishes to corrupt the entire land.
5) Twins?
It's often debated as to what's stronger: nature or nurture. Each of the PCs are unrelated, but they all have one thing in common. They each have a twin. However, none of them know about this. They just know that they feel a kinship with each other, and that they feel as if something is missing. A psychic has foreseen that the twins have a very special birthright, however, he doesn't know which ones have it. He went to the village and stole all of the other babies after sensing their not so hidden potential and raised them up to be the greatest villains the country's ever seen. It's up to the PCs, who've also been trained in their own right, to stop these evil people. However, the truth about who they're fighting might be a bit of a shock to them when they find out. How do they fight themself?
6) Schooled
Not necessarily Harry Potter style, but the PCs start off in school using the Level 0 rules from Super Genius Games: Apprentice-Level Characters. They have to get through training and eventually graduate. During the course of their school careers the PCs learn that the school they go to actually accepts and sells contracts for jobs that they give to the students for real-life experience. The better the job, the higher their grades and the sooner they'll progress to the next level of education. Different jobs can also mean money to pay off their tuition and book debts. Can the PCs survive the harsh curriculum that the dean gives them and live long enough to graduate? Can they survive school bullies and rival groups who want the prestige of being the elite of the school?
7) Land of the Lost
A major earthquake causes a rift to open up in the earth and unfortunately the PCs happen to fall through. Eventually they wake up in a cave. Unsure how they're still alive after such a great fall, they see that they've been tended to by someone with some sort of first aid ability, and are in a poorly lit cave. Looking around they are greeted by a couple of cave people. Both parties are startled, but eventually try to work out some form of communication. When the PCs finally leave the cave they see what can only be described as an ancient world filled with jungle and dinosaurs. Looking up they can see the large gap in the ceiling. It looks to be a million miles away from them. Can the PCs somehow survive in this prehistoric land filled with creatures that haven't existed in a million years? And even if they do manage to survive, can they somehow make it home?
8) Holy Crusade Through Hell
Enough is enough. First the vile beast tried to corrupt the land with his incessant manipulation and deals with twisted wishes, but now he's gone to far. A Balor Lord has somehow found a way to stop the souls of the righteous from going to their final resting place after paying a lifetime of flawless service to their gods of good and/or law, and have been trapping them in hell for his own personal amusement. The PCs must roam the countryside shaking down informants and try to find the entrance to Hell itself. From there they must proceed through each layer of the Abyss to find the Balor Lord, take him down if at all possible, and rescue the innocent souls.
9) Waking Up With Amnesia
The party wakes up in a church after hearing the sound of an angry cleric clearing his throat. He is rather unamused at the fact that they were sleeping during such an important sermon. They are wearing regular travelers clothing and all have some weird kind of tattoo, but don't seem to recall entering the building or sitting down. When they finally leave, the cleric gives them their gear from the storage room (not that they would have known it was theirs other than it feeling familiar), and warns them to be careful as the town's gotten rougher as of late. Outside the party witnesses only pure anarchy. There's nothing else to describe it. Magic doesn't always work, divine spells aren't being accepted, people can't seem to die no matter how grievous their wounds are, the undead are rising from the grave and terrorizing everyone, buildings are being burned down, and the law can't seem to be able to do anything. However, the party seems to have none of the problems that everyone else is facing. They just don't remember anything. Can the PCs stop what's happening to the world before it implodes on itself and hopefully get their memories back in the process?
EnWorld's HolyMan |
I'm late to the discussion but I have always wanted to run/play in a New World type game.
New World PC's are part of an expedition to a new continent. They start at a newly built fort and can go exploring from there.
Types of encounters/challenges - Natives (if PF this could mean anything from catfolk to nagaji), dwindling supplies, rampaging beasts, other expeditions, ruins, storms, and so on.
Liking the little I have read so far on this board btw.
Happy Gaming All,
OmegaZ |
Got a couple of new ones that were suggested and brought to my attention about what people wouldn't mind seeing.
Fighting for Freedom and The Tarrasque Will Awaken sound fantastic, Land of the Lost sounds like it could be interesting (don't fall in the fissure, go exploring voluntarily though), Castlevania could good, Holy Crusade Through Hell sounds great, Waking Up with Amnesia sounds dubious, and I'd need to hear more about the others.
DragoDorn |
Got a couple of new ones that were suggested and brought to my attention about what people wouldn't mind seeing.
1) Hero's Portal or Hero's Pool
The characters belong to a world of heroes. In the center of town is a magical portal that takes heroes of all kinds of areas throughout the multiverse where beings of their caliber would be needed. The pool/portal is intelligent and won't send characters of a certain level to areas that are too strong for them, but also not places where they'd completely dominate and might even be considered gods. Great for a plane shifting campaign.2) Fighting for Freedom
This can either be a slave or gladiator type of AP. A tyrant runs the country. He's made the declaration that he's bored and wants to see some kind of grisly sport. His advisers, who are just as evil as he is, suggest that he suddenly increase taxes to a point that only the rich can afford them. He agrees. He then sends his guard to raid the areas of those who can't pay and bring them in as slaves, or make the deal that if their child can survive the coliseum that their debt will be resolved. The guards might even come across people from a rebellion. Either way the characters are prisoners and have to fight to survive. Possibly even form a rebellion inside and escape and take down the tyrant and his men. An AP that's very much like Conan, Gladiator, or Spartacus.3) The Tarrasque Will Awaken
After multiple decades of it sleeping sounding, various oracles around the material plane have all come to the same divination. The tarrasque will soon awaken. Various factions will do what they can to ensure that it doesn't wake up while others will do the exact opposite. The PCs must person a series of actions that'll stop other groups from allowing the great beast to arise all the while gathering weapons and allies to help build up the countryside. Their most important mission will be to find the legendary weapons that were used to take down the tarrasque the last time. If all else fails, maybe with everything they...
Hero's pool sounds interesting. I was actually thinking of something along those lines myself, except using it as a means to structure a CE campaign.
Fighting for Freedom set in a post WotW Talingarde could be an awesome Good campaign.
Schooled would be an interesting start to an AP, but I can't see sticking with it for the entire AP.
Holy crusade, if done right, could be fun. Unfortunately for adventurers, the abyss isn't very friendly to low to any level characters. Hell would be more fitting with its structured 9 levels. Still, this seems more in line for an epic level campaign.
The rest I've seen done or wouldn't care for.If you have ever fought the Tarrasque you would know how futile such an outing would be. This thread still needs more dragon ideas.
Werecorpse |
My thoughts on the Tyrant concept are
1. I prefer my characters to start as struggling against the dominant force, not working for it.
2. Evil Asmodeus worshipers again? Nah
If this were the future of Talingarde I would rather play a member of the island tribe fighting against the new empire. In fact if the next ap did involve Talingarde I would want to be playing the good or at least neutral guys trying to stop phase two of Asmodueus' plan ( whatever that is) , not the incumbent powers that be trying to implement it.
Douglas Muir 406 |
Well, here's my $0.02. The next AP should be The Quest to Overthrow The Dark Lord.
A generation or two back, the Dark Lord arose to conquer half the continent. He has massive armies of orcs, hideous undead servants, demons and fiends and oh, you name it. Bit by bit he's picking off the rest of the world. He's immortal or something, so he's in no hurry. The forces of good are divided and demoralized anyway.
PCs start as low level nobodies trying to cross from one side of their home county to the other without being eaten by goblins or falling prey to the Wild Wold. By the second module, they're crossing the Wild to deliver a magical dingus to the Council in Elf Land. By the final one, they're throwing down with the CR 25 Dark Lord himself in a final battle for the fate of the world.
It's been done before, you say? Not so much, actually. Not so much. The problem is, the few publishers with the chops to do something like this have all been building their modules in pre-established worlds. So, taking down Iuz or whoever is a major world-changing event, of the sort that doesn't make such a great Adventure Path. The closest I can think of offhand is the Savage Tide AP, which ended with the PCs taking down Demogorgon. Remember that? Sure you do. Opinions varied about Savage Tide, but one thing everyone agreed on: facing off against the Big D was awesome with awesome sauce.
Not only would this be something new and intriguing, it would -- if done well -- sell like hotcakes. There's basically zero competition. It's not an AP concept that Paizo can do. The closest they can come is taking down a Runelord, and that's really not the same thing at all. -- Although! if you're following the RotRL hardcover threads? You'll see that people are already getting sweaty palms over fighting the revamped-for-PF Karzoug, even though Special K is just one of seven Runelords. This could be significantly better than that.
(And *why* are people so excited about Karzoug? Well, there's another thread on the General AP discussion board that's something like, aren't you tired of fighting the organ grinder's monkey? That is, ending a six-module AP fighting, basically, a jumped-up sub-boss? And the overwhelming answer seems to be /yes/. They don't want their final battle to be with Adivion Adrissant, an obnoxious jackhole who has fallen under the sway of the Whispering Tyrant. No, they want to take down the big guy himself. And so far, the boss fight with Special K is the closest Paizo has been able to come to that.)
In terms of what it would contain... man, what couldn't it contain. Wilderness adventures, dungeon crawls. Set-piece battles against a bajillion orcs led by an undead magus. Urban adventure -- save the Mayor of Townsville from the Dark Lord's coup plotters. (Or maybe the Mayor is in the pay of evil, and you need to spend half a module organizing a revolution against him.) Political intrigue -- one member of the Council of Good is really a mole for the Dark Lord! But who?
It would bear a certain family resemblance to WoTW, which is actually good IMO. But it would be very much its own thing, which is also good -- you don't want to get pigeonholed as The Evil Adventure Guy. Or at least, not yet. Do the Tyrant thing for AP #3 or #4.
Where this gets tricky for you, Gary, is that it would basically involve writing a brick fantasy novel. You'd need to work out the backstory, politics and history and whatnot, for at least a whole continent. Servants of the Dark Lord, and how they're organized. The Council of Good, and why they can't get it together. It would just go on and on. Huge, huge amount of work there.
But it could be awesome. And if done well, it would sell like crazy. And afterwards, people would be talking about it for a long, long time.
Or so ISTM.
Doug M.
Grollub |
I for one, will probably buy ANY adventure path you put out next. I am really enjoying the Way of the Wicked Path so far, and can't wait for its last 3 episodes to come out.
As for whats been suggested... the Guildmaster idea really seems appealing to me.
But, as I've said it wouldn't really matter what it was.. I think you've guys have done a great job on WotW and look forward to anything you put out in the future )
kevin_video |
Fighting for Freedom and The Tarrasque Will Awaken sound fantastic, Land of the Lost sounds like it could be interesting (don't fall in the fissure, go exploring voluntarily though), Castlevania could good, Holy Crusade Through Hell sounds great, Waking Up with Amnesia sounds dubious, and I'd need to hear more about the others.
Anything in particular you want expanded?
Hero's pool sounds interesting. I was actually thinking of something along those lines myself, except using it as a means to structure a CE campaign.
Fighting for Freedom set in a post WotW Talingarde could be an awesome Good campaign.
Schooled would be an interesting start to an AP, but I can't see sticking with it for the entire AP.
Holy crusade, if done right, could be fun. Unfortunately for adventurers, the abyss isn't very friendly to low to any level characters. Hell would be more fitting with its structured 9 levels. Still, this seems more in line for an epic level campaign.
The rest I've seen done or wouldn't care for. If you have ever fought the Tarrasque you would know how futile such an outing would be. This thread still needs more dragon ideas.
Well the thing about Holy Crusade is it'd probably take you a few levels just to be able to find the entrance to Hell itself. If you've ever read the Fiendish Codex I from WotC, it stipulates what each layer of the Abyss is for CR. Layer I has a max of CR 7 for encounters, and even that can be avoided. If you were to take on each lord then yes you'd be in trouble. It'd be tough, but doable.
I agree that there needs to be more dragon suggestions. I've listed a couple. Even undead ones. My group desperately wants more dragons. Our joke is that Dungeons & Dragons is probably the only game where there's no adventures that actually support the name.
kevin_video |
Yes, dragons!! There needs to be more of them. And a big bad that is a dragon as well.
Wouldn't even have to be something like Tiamat either, although that'd be cool too. Could be a normal dragon, or maybe it's like "How To Train Your Dragon" where all the other dragons are doing a bunch of evil because of a big, BIG bad dragon that dominates them all. Could be the return of the Colossal+ creature. Maybe even give it two heads. Make it a dragon version of Demogorgon.
Xzaral |
I actually outlined an AP awhile ago with a dragon as the main focus, but it'll never go beyond that. I want to try out the idea at least(either a home game, or a PBP) but just don't know if I'd have the time to devote to it to do it right. Plus when it comes to mechanics, sometimes my balancing isn't very good. So if someone else writes one up, there's a pretty good chance I'd be buying it up pretty quick (hint, hint).
kevin_video |
I actually outlined an AP awhile ago with a dragon as the main focus, but it'll never go beyond that. I want to try out the idea at least(either a home game, or a PBP) but just don't know if I'd have the time to devote to it to do it right. Plus when it comes to mechanics, sometimes my balancing isn't very good. So if someone else writes one up, there's a pretty good chance I'd be buying it up pretty quick (hint, hint).
I actually belonged to a group that unfortunately I had to give up due to time management and my eventual surgery that took me out for two months. It was a campaign world where all the true dragons banded together and decided to keep all the secrets of the arcane and divine magics to themselves. Anyone who knew about it, were killed or had their minds wiped. It was made as a low-tier campaign. No classes other than from the Tier 5 and 6 categories were allowed. This made for a very difficult game. Dragons were everywhere, and magic items were practically unheard of at this point, and you were only allowed to be a fighter, knight, monk, ninja, healer, samurai, or NPC class. We were all given a link to the list to help choose. I was a human knight. It was kind of fun.
Set |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Could be a normal dragon, or maybe it's like "How To Train Your Dragon" where all the other dragons are doing a bunch of evil because of a big, BIG bad dragon that dominates them all. Could be the return of the Colossal+ creature. Maybe even give it two heads. Make it a dragon version of Demogorgon.
Might as well give it three heads and pretend that it's inspired by Dahak, the three headed dragon spirit of death, when everyone *really* knows that it's inspired by King Ghidorah!
Fire Mountain Games |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks for the kind words and the encouragement. I am glad you are enjoying "Way of the Wicked". Anyways, down to business...
Dragonslayer – This kingdom was once peaceful, green and good, and then world went mad. In the night they came on leathery wings – dragons – scores of the beasts! Villages burn, death reigns and the attacks continue without relent.
The streets are full of rumors. The small dragons that swarm and attack village after village are merely servants, children really, controlled by great dragon lords – wyrms of terrible age and power. What do they want? Why do they hunt the realms of men? And can anything be done to stop them?
The king is desperate. He is willing to make anyone who can stop this scourge a rich beyond the dreams of avarice. He even promises the hand of his daughter and the title of prince to anyone can defeat these beasts. Will his promises be enough for someone to take up the suicidal mantle of dragonslayer?
The dragon adventure path. You will slay more dragons than every other campaign you’ve ever played put together. But this is not a mere hack and slash. There is a mystery to be solved and an ancient conspiracy to be uncovered. These attacks are not happening without reason. To discover the truth of these raids will take wit as well as weapons and wizardry.
And the campaign isn’t over until you get to fight this guy.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
kevin_video |
The king is desperate. He is willing to make anyone who can stop this scourge a rich beyond the dreams of avarice. He even promises the hand of his daughter and the title of prince to anyone can defeat these beasts. Will his promises be enough for someone to take up the suicidal mantle of dragonslayer?
The dragon adventure path. You will slay more dragons than every other campaign you’ve ever played put together. But this is not a mere hack and slash. There is a mystery to be solved and an ancient conspiracy to be uncovered. These attacks are not happening without reason. To discover the truth of these raids will take wit as well as weapons and wizardry.
And the campaign isn’t over until you get to fight this guy.
Oh, there's interest. Just a couple of things though.
1) You've got an entire party and one daughter. Might want to have it that he'll give the HANDS of his DAUGHTERS and maybe even a SON or two to those who vanquish the beasts. My group comprises of both men and women players. Don't exactly want the players to turn on each other so they can get the hand of the fair maiden. Of course the cruel joke of that happening would be I'd just make her a butterface. That'd learn 'em.
2) "You will slay more dragons than every other campaign you’ve ever played put together." Believe me, that's not hard. Even if you were to take every module in existence and put them together, your AP would likely still outweigh that with dragons to slay. I've been playing since 2nd Ed first came out and I can easily count the number of dragons we've faced off against in my entire career with both hands.
3) And a colossal red dragon? No, no. Maybe as the appetizer before the true big bad. Like Set and I said. If we're doing this, you need to go balls to the wall deep and have something with more than one head. Like this guy. No one's afraid of a hydra. It's only got one head. It's when it's got multiple heads that everyone starts to panic around the table.
I have to admit that I am kind of intrigued with the whole premise of this being an AP. Thinking about it more and more it sounds like it'll be quite the tall order to do something of this caliber, and give it a plausible story that spans over 20 levels.
Alzrius |
I'd put the Dragonslayer AP down as a "maybe" for me. Simply put, I don't think there are enough different types of monsters that fall under the dragon creature type to really make this worthwhile - obviously the foes here can't all be dragons, but at the same time I worry that not enough would make them something akin to guest stars in their own AP.
Though it would be nice if we had some in-game reason why they kept stealing virgin princesses. ;p
mage4fun |
Thanks for the kind words and the encouragement. I am glad you are enjoying "Way of the Wicked". Anyways, down to business...
Dragonslayer – This kingdom was once peaceful, green and good, and then world went mad. In the night they came on leathery wings – dragons – scores of the beasts! Villages burn, death reigns and the attacks continue without relent.
The streets are full of rumors. The small dragons that swarm and attack village after village are merely servants, children really, controlled by great dragon lords – wyrms of terrible age and power. What do they want? Why do they hunt the realms of men? And can anything be done to stop them?
The king is desperate. He is willing to make anyone who can stop this scourge a rich beyond the dreams of avarice. He even promises the hand of his daughter and the title of prince to anyone can defeat these beasts. Will his promises be enough for someone to take up the suicidal mantle of dragonslayer?
The dragon adventure path. You will slay more dragons than every other campaign you’ve ever played put together. But this is not a mere hack and slash. There is a mystery to be solved and an ancient conspiracy to be uncovered. These attacks are not happening without reason. To discover the truth of these raids will take wit as well as weapons and wizardry.
And the campaign isn’t over until you get to fight this guy.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
I like this very much, but one thing I would do (just to keep the players guessing) is not so much that the dragons are out to take down the sentients, but rather a war of dragon kind and the PCs are caught in the middle. There could be a cult of dragons (people) that are actively helping one side of the dragons.
Maybe a group of dragons have stated that they being the greatest creature of the planet, it is time that everyone else realized this and that they should reign supreme over all creatures. Another group may not want to change the "status quo" of their existance and stand ready to stop the first group. Just to make it more difficult, the color of the dragon should not make it a deciding factor into which group they belong. You could just as easily have a gold dragon that believes it is their right to rule, just as you could have a white or blue dragon oppose this view.
Just a couple of coppers into the well.