nation_of_one |
I am a part of a 4 person gaming group. One DM leaves us with only 3 pc's. This means when running any kind of module we not only require significant boons from the DM we also need to optimize our characters well. This is a significant weakness of mine. I tend to build my characters around a story. So I pick feats and powers and classes that I feel make sense story wise, but are more often than not under powered.
The current game we are playing is a Pirate adventure recently released through Pathfinder. My first level is already locked as we have played a session already. I am a level 1 Barbarian. Stats are Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 12.
The concept I have in mind is a Barb/Rogue possibly Barb/Rogue/Fighter. The DM has hinted that while combat will be important it is not the central focus which is why I have Rogue in there to gain some decent skills. I have kind of a Conan type character in mind. Obviously he will not be exactly like Conan as to build Conan would take allot of nerfing of the rules. For my first level feats I have picked Combat Expertise and Improved Trip. My reasoning for this was to be able to utilize the sneak attack I will be gaining when I take Rogue. With only 3 pc's I don't anticipate the chance to flank coming up much. SO I need to use other tactics to cause my opponents to become flatfooted. Such as tripping and Feinting. Right now we have no equipment or weapons as we were drugged and forced into service on the ship. If we get back our exact equipment I have Studded Leather for armor and a Heavy Flail for a primary weapon.
So what I am asking is what kind of advice as far as level prog, feats, equipment and such would people here advise. I am looking for things that will help my ac as well and help me in combat as well as ideas to keep me well rounded for social and other interactions since combat is not going to be a primary focus of the game. Any help is appreciated.

Richard Leonhart |

I would not multiclass.
Straight barbarian is very powerful but has only a few noncombat ways to shine.
The rogue is nice, but if noone helps you flank, it's hard. The ninja has it easier as he can be invisible. Both have lots of skills so they are fun to play.
Vivisectionist is a solid choice, but again I wouldn't multiclass. I have my doubts however if you go for a slavery campaign as he needs a spellbook and materials to cast. They are a lot of fun and very versatile. Consider also the beastmorph archetype (together with vivisectionist). He would not fit the conan type pretty much any way you look at it (except perhaps the steroids the actor might have taken).
So my vote is for straight barbarian if you like the general barbarian type. A human with 12 int and taking his favorite class bonus in skills (or skill and hp with a new feat) can be a decent rogue, add some magic items if you need to be better.
As you ask for optimizing, you need to be more specific and perhaps tell us what class you've already taken. It's difficult to optimize the whole rogue aspect and the barbarian side while focusing on some general not-only-combat-aspect.

prototype00 |

Just some advice about your original suggestion, tripping does not cause enemies to become flatfooted, neither does it deny them their dex bonus, therefore you won't get sneak attack with it.
If you don't mind being a straight rogue, I feel that a scout/thug archetype build with sap adept/sap master and bludgeoner using a flail would be very effective (double sneak attack at lvl 5, can cause enemies to run away in fear when hit). Though if it isn't your thing, thats fine as well.

Turgan |

Could you still switch Dex and Strength? I recommend this for better attack and damage (even if combat is not that important in your campaign. Dex 14 is good enough.
For a dervish build dex is not good enough, for a strength build, try to get enhancers as soon as possible. Level-Ups into strength,
What weapon are you using? Take something two-handed (Greatsword, Falchion, Bardiche)
You have Int 14: That's up to 8 skills per level, not to shabby.
Do you get traits? Take some that give extra class-Skills.
Maybe urban barbarian archetype(to give it a little rogue-feel)
Stay barbarian, really. Very solid class. Cool rage powers, even for your campaign. Rogue cripples you character.

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Even thought Conan is a "Barbarian" he really fights more like a fighter (In the comics and movies).
The Barbarian Class draws the ideal more from the "raging viking" and other "raging ______" stereotypes
Conan seems to be a lot more... discipline? So maybe a Fighter/Rogue mix instead? (You could add a level of Barbarian for flavor?)

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I agree with the Ranger concept. If you want both combat and skills, that's the way to go. Water as a Favored Terrain would be the obvious choice. A Ranger can easily be a balanced ranged and melee fighter and has the skill points to be effective out of combat as well.
The Barbarian has its own charm, but I can't see it meshing well with Rogue. If you're set on a Barbarian, play it single classed and switch your Dex and Str scores to capitalize on the rage bonuses. The Sea Reaver archetype seems to fit perfectly.
If you like the Rogue, the Swashbuckler archetype fits well with a pirate campaign and allows you to take Combat Trick twice (two combat feats). Perhaps a level or two of fighter will give you the feel of a pirate and will add even more combat ability.
To reverse that, going Fighter is rarely a bad choice. The Corsair archetype is the natural choice as a pirate Fighter. A level or two in Rogue will give you a skill boost and an extra trick or two.

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If you want fighting and skills, take ranger.
I +1 this... Urban Ranger archetype is the best "rogue" character I have seen.
Urban Ranger
In a Pirate game your Favorite communities could be your port of calls. Also if your like me and always find Favorite enemy never works in your favor, take the Guide archetype.
If you do not want to deal with spells and want more physical stuff... tack on the Skirmisher archetype for Hunter tricks.

Big M |

Corsair is rather weak, I think (and swimming in full plate is a lame image, and not very Conan-ish).
I don't know if you're thinking of Conan of the films or of the books--I'll assume the former. I think a fighter-type ma be a better match. I know, you're thinking Conan was called a barbarian--not so sophisticated. But he was also cunning in the films. I don't recall him losing control in some battle rage.
The Lore Warden wears light armor and can do some nifty tricks. And if you're in a small group--who will take the weapon proficiencies for the siege weapons? Engineering can be helpful for that. Or mobile fighter may be where you want to go.
Guide + Skirmisher is an excellent choice too.

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Have a talk with your DM. See if he will let you remake your character. If not tell him you wold like to bring in a different character. With You still being first level. There is really no reason not to fix the character from the start.
None of the AP's are really about the combat. With that there are combats in all the AP's that are very deadly. So making a character that can handle them self in combat is a good idea. With that there are only 3 players so rogue is a pore choice. What are the other two player character classes? What are you using to for ability score? What areas are not coved by the other players? All of this will go along way in creating a character. That has a role to fill in the party. Building from a concept is good. Building from a concept that fills a party need is better. And made more so due to only haven 3 players.