[Maps Of Golarion.com] Google Map of the Inner Sea

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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A week ago I showed off a proof of concept of a Google Map of the Inner Sea.
I've since "started over and done it right", and it is now available for public perusal.


Maps of Golarion offers an unofficial interactive Google Map of the Inner Sea, with clickable markers, info windows with a blurb about the location, and additional links to the Pathfinder Wiki or matching products on paizo.com. It currently has about 60 locations defined based on the hardcoded values in the Community Use Inner Sea map. The first data milestone will be to fully mark out all those hardcoded values. After that, I'll be adding any and all other locations that have been mentioned (which will take a loOoOong time), as well as Adventure Path and Module "journeys". There are pie-in-the-sky plans for future functionality like on/off filters and custom user-uploaded locations for your own campaign setting.

It also works and was tested on an iPad, for game table use.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

This is awesome!

Mark Moreland wrote:
This is awesome!

x 1000

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Morbus Iff...this is Ex-Cel-Lent! I can only image the programming difficulty this can be. Meaning, on a personal level, I no longer have the patience to do something like this.

If this is another "proof of concept": as someone who studied product design for a few years, you may have created a "niche" product. It's one thing having/purchasing the Map Folios, where the purchaser may decide to physically mark their map, it's another thing having a "digital, interactive and upgradable" "E-Map Folio". (May I have a small credit for naming as such???) ;p

ATTENTION PAIZO: The potential for this looks promising. (Not intended as a professional insight.) Either as something Paizo can keep as a Community Use project, as a Purchasable product: E-Map Folio (see above request) or something...(I know what I want to say, but in terms of a product description I lack the words to explain it correctly) ;p.

Otherwise how about giving Morbus Iff your blessing on this project...at the very least.

Either way Great Stuff Morbus Iff!

That'll be two cents please,


Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Very cool and deserves a bookmark!

sweet ;)

Grand Lodge

Well done!

You rock!

Verreh nice!

*jaw dropped.*

Is it possible to make an offline copy? A lot of games I go to don't have internet access, and I'd really like to have this on hand.

Liberty's Edge

That's an excellent concept.

Marthian wrote:
Is it possible to make an offline copy? A lot of games I go to don't have internet access, and I'd really like to have this on hand.

My guess is No, but I'll add it to my TODO to take a look.

This map is gorgeous! Thanks, morbus iff!

I just saved the page on my Samsung Galaxy and it works perfectly even offline.

Great work!

Rune wrote:
I just saved the page on my Samsung Galaxy and it works perfectly even offline.

That's great to hear. Note that I'll likely be doing weekly updates (every Monday, probably) with more locations and features. I'll note them all under Updates (on the site) and in this thread so you'll know when you should update your local cache. ;)

That's awesome! I'll be getting a ton of use out of this :)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Awesomeness abounds!

I know it wouldn't be CU if this was implemented, but the ability to click on or zoom into a city, say Korvosa or Katapesh, and see the City Map would be INCREDIBLY useful.
Also, stitching together the Inner Sea with the maps from the Jade Regent Folio and putting a removable overlays for the Darklands and ancient civilizations would make this just about perfect! ^_^

SirGeshko wrote:

Awesomeness abounds!

I know it wouldn't be CU if this was implemented, but the ability to click on or zoom into a city, say Korvosa or Katapesh, and see the City Map would be INCREDIBLY useful.
Also, stitching together the Inner Sea with the maps from the Jade Regent Folio and putting a removable overlays for the Darklands and ancient civilizations would make this just about perfect! ^_^

Yeah, that's against the CU, but I'll be:

  • Adding product links for what books to find city or site maps in.
  • Overlays and journey paths are planned, but for the future.
  • If they release other continent maps, they'd become additional pages (not all stitched together).

Exceptional work. Thanks.

looks awesome....

oh and is there anyway legitly to add the names of notable npcs??

Steelfiredragon wrote:
oh and is there anyway legitly to add the names of notable npcs??

As in, where they live and so forth?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Also, with normal Google Maps you can draw lines and calculate distances etc. Is that possible with this?

jreyst wrote:
Also, with normal Google Maps you can draw lines and calculate distances etc. Is that possible with this?

Draw lines and regions, yes, but only I can (that is, only the map coder can) - there's currently no interface for end-users to do it (i.e., this is Google Maps, not Google My Maps, which is a non-shared layer on top of Google Maps). It's on my wish list of features, but I'd have to build it from scratch). For the future, I'm envisioning lines to represent adventure paths (the journey a PC takes from Part 1 to Part 6, etc.), as well as regions to indicate politicalness or what have you. And, further out than that, the ability for end-users to map their own campaigns and characters.

Calculating distances, I'm cautious of. Google will currently calculate distances based on our Earth and not Golarion, so I'd have to do some conversion math (which I suck at) to map Earth's lat/long to Paizo's handy measurement bar in the lower right, remembering that Earth is curved and the Inner Sea map isn't. Et cetera. I'd love to have it, but that one might be outside my "hatezzz math" jurisdiction.

Did some poking around just now. Allowing users to add their own points is possible. Lines and polygons are a different and more complicated story. But, let's roll with "just points" for a second. There are two ways it could be done:

  • The user adds a point and it is added to the "core" map such that everyone sees it upon first load. This would allow the community to fill out the map when I'm sleeping, and would likely make it finished a lot faster. Though I'm not infallible, errors might creep in and quality might go down.

  • Users get their own version of the core map with their own user-specific map. Mostly ideal for campaign-related things, but note that all markers would go into a single user-specific bucket - if you had multiple campaigns, they'd be all mixed together. Solvable, of course, but just another layer on top of everything.

Both I could code, but which I wasn't planning to for awhile.

Morbus Iff wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
oh and is there anyway legitly to add the names of notable npcs??
As in, where they live and so forth?


Liberty's Edge

Morbus, Thanks for doing this, looks great!


This is fantastic! Great work man!

-- david

You know what would be real cool? If you could zoom in on the map and see a detailed map of every nation (like the ones in the World Guide) and even maps of the single cities (for those that have one, like Magnimar, Absalom, Westcrown etc.)

Riccardo Battilani wrote:
You know what would be real cool? If you could zoom in on the map and see a detailed map of every nation (like the ones in the World Guide) and even maps of the single cities (for those that have one, like Magnimar, Absalom, Westcrown etc.)

That would be really cool. It would also break the CU, and I'd be issued a cease and desist ;)

Yeah unfortunately I know that. :(


It would be cool if the locations from the finer maps could be added to the CU map, at least in a layer on the Google maps version. It would be especially useful in trying to figure out distances between border towns without having to reference two different sub-maps.

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
It would be cool if the locations from the finer maps could be added to the CU map, at least in a layer on the Google maps version. It would be especially useful in trying to figure out distances between border towns without having to reference two different sub-maps.

That's the eventual plan, yes. I'm working on adding all the hardcoded CU locations first, then I'll be going through and adding locations that are not on the CU map but have been detailed elsewhere. I won't be adding any other maps, of course, just markers.

Silver Crusade

This is shockingly useful, and the flawless iPad support makes this a goto at our table.

Thank you!

Grand Lodge

Nice work!

Is there a way to turn on/off the points of each color?

Would it break the CU terms to add links to topics in the Pathfinder Wiki or PRD from each point?

Don Walker wrote:

Is there a way to turn on/off the points of each color?

Would it break the CU terms to add links to topics in the Pathfinder Wiki or PRD from each point?

Turning off markers based on type is coming in a future update.

As for links to the wiki, that should already be happening for you. If you click any particular point (on the map itself, or in the sidebar), you should be seeing an info window, as well as a link to the Pathfinder Wiki and, occasionally, a link to a Paizo product specific to that area or region. If it's not, please let me know what browser/OS you're using so I can take a look.

/me waves to his nearest VC, from Concord, New Hampshire.

yup just bookmarked that


Liberty's Edge

Yeah, that's pretty much made of win.

You, sir, are awesome. :)

That's very cool and highly useful. And... faster than the PDF. I just hope Paizo turns a blind eye to this as I'm pretty sure we're looking at copyrighted material.

Grand Lodge

Anguish wrote:
That's very cool and highly useful. And... faster than the PDF. I just hope Paizo turns a blind eye to this as I'm pretty sure we're looking at copyrighted material.

The map of the Inner Sea is in the CU pacakage

The Exchange

I love the map. Keep up the good work!

Monday update: 33 more points added, for a total of 94.

This is a double extra large helping of awesome with a super-sized order of OMFG! on the side.


@Morbus Iff,

Do you have any plans on making a CSS overrides for iPhones (webkit specifically)? Or a http://m.mapsofgolarion.com version that has the Regions, Terrain, Cities in a single multi-level select dropdown at the absolutely positioned div at the bottom of the page's viewport?

I think the way around the copyright issues is that the maps must be fan created. If someone has a map maker and then recreated the maps without using the original artwork I think that would be ok with Pazio? But I'm no lawyer.

Also consider adding a checkbox next to each cateogry to turn on/off Regions/Cites/etc...

Hey Morbus Iff,

I recently bought the Book of the River Nations from Jon Brazer Enterprises (A "supplement" for the Kingmaker series). The APs and other books in the Community Use approved List (not the JBE book) currently use a hex grid for mapping purposes.

Is there a way you could "code in" a layer(s) tab for hex grids? I know it'll be a pain because you'll have to (or not ;p) put to scale the grid.

Currently you've made the "zoom in" function of the Map of Golarion a "three step zoom". However, if (that's is a big if by the way) you plan on making the map zoom in more, do you think you can scale the hex grid as well? Breezing through the Inner Sea World Guide book the smallest scale seems to be a 100 mile scale.

Again this is just a suggestion due to the enormity of this project that you're graciously tackling alone.

And it is for that reason I shall tip my hat to thee in gratitude of your efforts.

Witholding muh two cents,


EDIT: Great Stuff! Excellent Work! Huzaaaaah!

Morbus Iff and I use the same technique to create Google maps. The technique is to take an image and break it into "tiles" that are loaded dynamically by Javascript in the client. Each time you go down a level you have more and more tiles.

Level 0 (Minimum zoom) = 1 tile
Level 1 = 4 tiles
Level 2 = 16 tiles
Level 3 = 64 titles
Level 4 = 256 tiles

The problem is that if you don't start with a hi-res image in the first tile once you get pass the 3rd or 4th level of zoom the pictures get too grainy.

What Morbus Iff and I have asked for is a community use policy for the higher rez images.

Any image can be "compiled" to use the map. I have a version that has each region in its own Google Map (e.g. Sargava, etc...), that starts off with a more detailed image.

However, we can't publically use them because its a violation of copyright (its like if we took a copy of the cover art and used it for our own).

We are looking into reproducing the maps using a program like Campaign Cartographer so we don't violate the copyrights.

We believe if we create our own rendition of the Golarion map this would be like "fan art" and thus fine for us to publically.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we please consider getting some more maps added to the CUP for this kind of thing?

It's as good a recruitment tool for Golarion campaigns as the PRD is for the rules.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool! Thank you for sharing.

There is a community project to create custom Campaign Cartographer maps of Golarion.

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