Thematic Music for Skull & Shackles? (possible spoilers)

Skull & Shackles

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I am looking for some music for a few of the exploration areas and encounters. Does anyone have some good ideas?

Our last campaign (non-Golarion) made use of a lot of typical adventure music: soundtracks from Pirates of the Caribbean, Conan, Braveheart, etc.

Part 1 ideas below:


The first keelhauling - no idea
The 'rope race' at the beginning - no idea! (maybe the last act of William Tell Ov?)
The 'bilge' sentence (where the PC gets ambushed by 2 pirates) - Wagner - Die Walküre prelude (
The boarding party scene: Holst - The Planets, Mars. I'll probably start it in the 2nd or third 'chase' round before the boarding actions. (
On the island if the players sleep and/or encounter a swarm - no idea
Grendylow Queen - no idea
Mutiny showdown - no idea

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I recommend the Monkey Island Soundtracks, for all your piratey music needs.

Soundtrack from "Atlantis: The Lost Empire", and maybe "Treasure Planet".

Rogues Gallery.

Nox Arcana has a Pirate/ghost ship soundtrack called "Phantoms of the High Seas".

Also, look into Midnight Syndicate's Official Dungeons and Dragons album. It has some very good music (City of Sails is very appropriate theme song for this kind of campaign.)

The Exchange

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Soundtrack from master and commander might be useful. I used it to good effect in Savage Tide.

baronbloodbath wrote:

Nox Arcana has a Pirate/ghost ship soundtrack called "Phantoms of the High Seas".

Also, look into Midnight Syndicate's Official Dungeons and Dragons album. It has some very good music (City of Sails is very appropriate theme song for this kind of campaign.)

Thanks! I forgot about Midnight Syndicate... some of their CDs are lying around here somewhere...

Heather Alexander's "Yo Ho"


Sovereign Court

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I love me some Stan Rodgers.

The Bluenose

Barrett's Privateers

The Mary Ellen Carter

Not all are historically appropriate for some folks, depending on the period that you set your adventure in, but the nautical references are wonderful. Plus he's a local legend :)

anything by Alestorm

Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote:
Soundtrack from master and commander might be useful. I used it to good effect in Savage Tide.

What he said. It's a fantastic soundtrack to boot (and a kick-ass movie to get in gaming mood).

Liberty's Edge

Guy Humual wrote:

I love me some Stan Rodgers.

The Bluenose

Barrett's Privateers

The Mary Ellen Carter

Not all are historically appropriate for some folks, depending on the period that you set your adventure in, but the nautical references are wonderful. Plus he's a local legend :)

You have not been out *drinking* unless you've been to a bar in the Maritimes for some pints and Salty Tunes. The next morning, your hand is sore and red from slapping it on the table to the rythym of the music! Good times!!.

A gusty rendition of Barrett's Privateers is, in almost every bar for the past 35 years +, the highlight of the evening.

"...and the main track carried off both me legs! G*+ d#$n them all..."

Sovereign Court

Steel_Wind wrote:
Guy Humual wrote:

I love me some Stan Rodgers.

The Bluenose

Barrett's Privateers

The Mary Ellen Carter

Not all are historically appropriate for some folks, depending on the period that you set your adventure in, but the nautical references are wonderful. Plus he's a local legend :)

You have not been out *drinking* unless you've been to a bar in the Maritimes for some pints and Salty Tunes. The next morning, your hand is sore and red from slapping it on the table to the rythym of the music! Good times!!.

A gusty rendition of Barrett's Privateers is, in almost every bar for the past 35 years +, the highlight of the evening.

"...and the main track carried off both me legs! G%~ d$*n them all..."

Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs :P

Absolutely Steel_Wind, that's what I love about the Maritimes

Sovereign Court

I would also like to add some Great Big Sea to this mix:

Captain Kidd

Ise The B'y

The old Black Rum

Lukey's boat


Most of these are traditional folk songs and the sort of thing ship crews might sing while working to take the tedium away from the day.

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The Pirate Movie, a mostly forgettable eighties adaptation of The Pirates of Penzance, managed to give us this awesome pirate song.

The Exchange

Just before the first game start I am going to play Hoist the Colors off of a pirates of the carribean soundtrack. I hope it will set the mood for the ap.

warpi9 wrote:
Just before the first game start I am going to play Hoist the Colors off of a pirates of the carribean soundtrack. I hope it will set the mood for the ap.

That is exactly what I'm planning to do, too. Such a great piece of music to set the proper mood.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I keep listening to Cartographer by E.S. Posthumus. Both the vocal tracks and the instrumental remixes. Lots of campaign moments there from sailing ships to exploring islands.

I would wager that the soundtrack to Cutthroat Island would also have several tracks to pull from.

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Anything from Erdenstern's Into the blue album.

Mortagon wrote:
Anything from Erdenstern's Into the blue album.

Wow... I'm a fan.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, I'm building my playlist... all the ideas have been great.

Highly recommend any of the albums from the Storm Weather Shanty Choir. There's several sea shanty groups out there, but this one is by far the most fun.

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I'll second Master & Commander, as well as Cutthroat Island. Oh, and Harry Gregson-Williams did a beautiful siren theme for that Sinbad movie - it might suit the grindylow cavern very nicely. Rachmaninoff's Isle of the Dead might work for a growing storm...and maybe have another listen through the rest of Planets?

Hrm, some Zoe Keating maybe? Potentially some Rachel Portman - the Chocolat soundtrack waxes a bit stormy on occasion. Ah, and listen through some Firefly/Serenity tracks (two different composers, there).


Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Not quite table music during the game, but a greatly thematic song: "The Mariner's Revenge Song" (Possibly NSFW:Mild language and violence; ignore the video)

Spanish Girls.

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Hey guys, just thought I'd throw up a link to a spotify playlist I spent the last week putting together. It's a mix of shanty's and ballads, all of which use either only vocals or instruments that are period appropriate. I've also split it up into some other situation appropriate playlists as well (ie. one to play when they are on deck working, and one for the evenings when instruments were more likely to be used). I suppose I may as well link them too. Enjoy!

Spotify Playlist: Press Ganged (111 tracks)
Spotify Playlist: On Deck (66 tracks)
Spotify Playlist:Mealtime Entertainments (26 tracks)

Shadow Lodge

All good ideas. The group I'm running with tends to be... slightly silly as well, so I've added in the odd song or two from (the favourite film of one of the players) Muppet Treasure Island;
for Bonewrack Isle and afterwards, I'll be playing music from Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure.
It's got a few tracks of hectic, crazy music for boss fights; the one at the end of the flooded tunnels might go well with Not my Shoes!
Also, what better theme for a conceited, pretentious pirate than Banson's Aria?

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The Magehound wrote:

Hey guys, just thought I'd throw up a link to a spotify playlist I spent the last week putting together. It's a mix of shanty's and ballads, all of which use either only vocals or instruments that are period appropriate. I've also split it up into some other situation appropriate playlists as well (ie. one to play when they are on deck working, and one for the evenings when instruments were more likely to be used). I suppose I may as well link them too. Enjoy!

Spotify Playlist: Press Ganged (111 tracks)
Spotify Playlist: On Deck (66 tracks)
Spotify Playlist:Mealtime Entertainments (26 tracks)

These are awesome, thanks for putting those together!

A couple suggestions I've found so far:

PotC Megamix if you want to just set & play.

I can't take credit for this as someone else created this great pirate sound loop to play for a constant background ambiance:

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Magehound wrote:

Hey guys, just thought I'd throw up a link to a spotify playlist I spent the last week putting together. It's a mix of shanty's and ballads, all of which use either only vocals or instruments that are period appropriate. I've also split it up into some other situation appropriate playlists as well (ie. one to play when they are on deck working, and one for the evenings when instruments were more likely to be used). I suppose I may as well link them too. Enjoy!

Spotify Playlist: Press Ganged (111 tracks)
Spotify Playlist: On Deck (66 tracks)
Spotify Playlist:Mealtime Entertainments (26 tracks)

I'm Subscribed! Thanks so much for putting this together- it will get lots of use during our SS campaign.

Grand Lodge

Some sea shanties for atmosphere while working aboard the Wormwood, ex-Man's Promise, or other PC ship:

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag soundtrack 35 sea shanties.

Some tavern songs for atmosphere at the Formidably Maid, Riptide Alehouse, Mermaid's Bucket, Cup and Rudder, or other pirate or seaman drinking establishment:

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag soundtrack 20 tavern songs.

Edward's drunken rambling from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag deleted scene for atmosphere at the Formidably Maid etc.

Incidental music for the Skull & Shackles adventure path:

Black Sails
original soundtrack composed by Bear McCreary. The Hurdy Gurdy makes a very unique sound for the title theme.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag soundtrack incidental music.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag--Freedom Cry soundtrack.

Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington unreleased soundtrack

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation soundtrack.

mege wrote:

I am looking for some music for a few of the exploration areas and encounters. Does anyone have some good ideas?

Our last campaign (non-Golarion) made use of a lot of typical adventure music: soundtracks from Pirates of the Caribbean, Conan, Braveheart, etc.

Part 1 ideas below:
** spoiler omitted **

We used the Apocalypse theme from BSG as our opening sequence for the entire Rise of the Runelords campaign, but its too good a piece of music not to recommend for just about anything. Give it maybe two minutes so that it really starts rolling, and ry to listen to it on a system with decent sound. Chills, man.

BSG Apocalypse theme

There's also a live version of it as well, and all of the soundtracks together will give you a ton of similarly themed music to resource...

Grand Lodge

Fifteen men

Grand Lodge

Cutthroat Island motion picture soundtrack composed by John Debney.

There are lots of great options for music. However I think theme song for the time on the Wormwood should be Flogging Mollies "Its been the Worst Day Since Yesterday" really captures the oppressive nature of Wormwood life.

Grand Lodge

High Chelish opera in The Price of Infamy:

Krzysztof Penderecki The Devils of Loudon (1969)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Assassins Creed IV and the soundtrack of Black Sails for mine in July

I've introduced the fife and drum song "shimmy she wobble"as the Hurricane King's unofficial theme song.

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I thought the Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag soundtrack fit this campaign well. I went through and assigned songs from the soundtrack to particular events in the story. I pasted it below in case anyone wants to borrow it.

Adventure Part Story Arc Song Notes

Wormwood 1 Campaign Opens Buccanneers
Wormwood 1 Life Aboard Wormwood A Pirates Life
Wormwood 1 Jape's Keelhaul Fair thee Well
Wormwood 1 Salvage Operation Side-Trek Meet the Sage
Wormwood 2 Attack Man's Promise Men of War
Wormwood 3 Bonewrack Isle The Bucaneers
Wormwood 3 Mutiny Take What is Ours
Fever Sea 1 Squibbing A Merry Life and a Short One
Fever Sea 2 Piracy/Overall Ship Combat Main Theme (This is also overall ship combat music for the campaign)
Fever Sea 2 Navigation Life at Sea
(This is general shipboard planning music throughout the campaign)
Fever Sea 2 Encounter Dominator Ship of Legend
Fever Sea 3 Tidewater Rock I'll Be With You
Fever Sea 3 Isabella Locke Lay Aboard Lads
Fever Sea 3 Mancatcher Cove Queen Anne's Revenge
Fever Sea 3 Sahuagin Tribe Confrontation
Tempest Rising 1 Present at Port Peril Portobelo
(This is also general Port Peril music)
Tempest Rising 2 Investigate Spy Ring Modernity
Tempest Rising 2 Hell Harbor In the Midst
(This is also general Hell Harbor music)
Temepst Rising 2 Calistra Temple La Havana
(This is also general Quent music)
Tempest Rising 2 Temple of the Hidden Name Tampa Bay (This is also general Beachcomber music)
Tempest Rising 2 Apothecary Moderntiy
Tempest Rising 3 Regatta Batten Down the Hatches
Island of Empty Eye 1 Prize like no other Into the Jungle
Island of Empty Eye 2 Chelish Fort Marked for Death
Island of Empty Eyes 3 Ruins of Ghol Gan The Spanish Empire
Island of Empty Eyes 4 Feast Saba Island
Price of Infamy 1 Pirate Council Vote The British Empire
Price of Infamy 2 Islands of the Damned the Fortunes of Edward Kenway
Price of Infamy 3 The Black Tower The Ends of the Earth
Price of Infamy 4 Harrigan Fleet Battle On the Horizon
Price of Infamy 4 Harrigan's Fort Order of the Assasins
Hells Heart 1 Building to Chelish Armada Fight Last Goodbyes
Hells Heart 1 Chelish Armada In this world or the one below
Hells Heart 2 Fort Hazard Under the Black Flag
Hells Heart 3 Lucrehold Pyrates Beware
Plunder and Peril Lilywhite Tampa Bay

Any Poignant Moments Throughout The High Seas
Any Bloodcove Prizes Plunder and Adventure
(General Bloodcove music)
Any Ilizimagorti/Scuttlecove Palenque
(General Ilizimagorti music)
Any Senghor Stealing a Brig
(General Senghor music)
Any Ollo Secrets of the Maya
(General Ollo music)
Any Slipcove Saint Pierre
(General Slipcove music)

Music not placed/Saved for Side Treks
Stealing a Brig
Santa Lucia

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