aladorn's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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The Magehound wrote:

Hey guys, just thought I'd throw up a link to a spotify playlist I spent the last week putting together. It's a mix of shanty's and ballads, all of which use either only vocals or instruments that are period appropriate. I've also split it up into some other situation appropriate playlists as well (ie. one to play when they are on deck working, and one for the evenings when instruments were more likely to be used). I suppose I may as well link them too. Enjoy!

Spotify Playlist: Press Ganged (111 tracks)
Spotify Playlist: On Deck (66 tracks)
Spotify Playlist:Mealtime Entertainments (26 tracks)

These are awesome, thanks for putting those together!

A couple suggestions I've found so far:

PotC Megamix if you want to just set & play.

I can't take credit for this as someone else created this great pirate sound loop to play for a constant background ambiance: