Samnell |

Second, I think saying he used the comic to "promote bondage" is a little off the mark, although certainly however there were a lot of bondage themes apparent. OTOH, Wonder Woman was not the only comic that had some rather suggestive material in it. :) And I sincerely doubt William Moulton Marston was the only author who used his comic book as a means of venting and sharing his personal believes. He absolutely had a lot of very strong ideas he wanted to get out there, though.</wonder woman nerd>
I'm speaking specifically in the Frederick Wertham context, not general stuff like how Jewish creators probably had a bit more in mind when they had Captain America punch out Hitler than just a cool cover.

Drejk |

Time to vent.
Reading through the daily news I noticed post about the domestic partners regulations which are the hot topic now, here in Poland and a great political and legal failure for most of the parties and politicians, apparently the propositions issued together managed to offend all the orientations, all the possible configurations, including regular heterosexual pairs. What annoyed me the most were the few comments I read under the article saying that Poles are against adoption of children by homosexual pairs. The comments showed so much stupidity, superstition, ignorance and simple meanness...

Bob_Loblaw |

Treat GenCon as a birthday present to yourself. :D
As much as I would like to, I just can't afford to. The cost to fly out there is beyond my budget. The good news is that, if everything goes according to plan, next year I should be debt free and GenCon could be in the plans. This year, there's just no way. Besides, my best friend and her husband are coming back from being stationed in Germany for 2 years and I will finally get to see them again. That's the best birthday present I could ask for.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I think your plans sound wise, Bob. I hope GenCon can be in your future.
I always struggle w/ GenCon because I'd love to go at least once, it almost always happens near if not in direct conflict with my local religious community's annual gathering, which may not involve gaming usually (although sometimes I might grab a pickup game with the young adult group) but is fulfilling for other reasons. And this year I volunteered to by my local congregation's representative to it, so I definitely have to go!
Also, while it can be costly, it's cheaper than GenCon. ;)

Ringtail |

Come on man, GENCON is where the REAL money's at!
I'd love to attend, but none of my friends have both the money and motivation to go (plenty of them with one or the other, though), and given the choice of going alone and adding a nice bit the retirement fund...maybe next year.

lynora |

Ugh, no. There are some definite advantages to being older. (Not old, just older. I just turned 36 last weekend.) I only get carded like half the time now and people usually mistake me for being in my twenties instead of asking me if my parents are home. Yes, this actually happened. Stupid salesperson. Still happens on the phone sometimes, though I've learned to pitch my voice deliberately lower and that cuts down on it. Plus there's like 80% less angst than there was in my 20s. ;P
Though in all fairness, I was dealing with a lot of crap in my 20s. Parental illnesses, several deaths in the family, a mystery ailment that affected my memory severely and took 2-3 years (my sense of time is fuzzy there) to diagnose....yeah, that's a decade I'm glad to be done with. Although I did have my son when I was 26, so that's one good thing that happened in my 20s. :)

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I find that no matter how old I get, someone older than me will find some opportunity to talk down to me and say, "You'll understand someday when you're older."
Lynora, I'm 36 too, and I still get people asking me if "I'm still in school." I suppose I should be flattered but it gets tiresome.
I like being the age I am, although I do find myself dreading 40 sometimes... but who knows... as far as I can tell, despite irritating Boomers treating me like I'm 12, it keeps getting better. The body is wearing out but even then... I'm actually exercising more than I used to so I actually have more energy.

Freehold DM |

I find that no matter how old I get, someone older than me will find some opportunity to talk down to me and say, "You'll understand someday when you're older."
There's a really snappy comeback to that that involves words on a gravestone or something, but I can't remember it right now.

lynora |

I find that no matter how old I get, someone older than me will find some opportunity to talk down to me and say, "You'll understand someday when you're older."
Lynora, I'm 36 too, and I still get people asking me if "I'm still in school." I suppose I should be flattered but it gets tiresome.
I like being the age I am, although I do find myself dreading 40 sometimes... but who knows... as far as I can tell, despite irritating Boomers treating me like I'm 12, it keeps getting better. The body is wearing out but even then... I'm actually exercising more than I used to so I actually have more energy.
What is this body wearing out thing? ;)
Actually since I've had joint problems since I was a teen I really don't notice a lot of difference. Between that and menniere's , the symptoms of which started showing up in my mid-20s, I wasn't all that fit back then so I can't miss something I didn't have. I do find I'm a lot more willing to cop to physical frailty now though. Not as worried about hurting my pride.

lynora |

I'm in my early 30s, and I look like I just turned 30. Black don't crack, but the less than nubian parts of my ancestry are starting to show as I really can't shave on a daily basis and my skin is starting to show it. Maybe a cold cream or mask would help....
Jojoba oil. It mimics your skin's natural oils. Massage it into the skin on your face regularly. It should help without being too much.
My son and I both have eczema and an allergy to mineral oil, so I've learned a lot about moisturizers over the years.
Of course my face is an exception to that....still have way too much oil there and a real struggle with acne. So much for growing out of it. :/

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

DeathQuaker wrote:I find that no matter how old I get, someone older than me will find some opportunity to talk down to me and say, "You'll understand someday when you're older."
Lynora, I'm 36 too, and I still get people asking me if "I'm still in school." I suppose I should be flattered but it gets tiresome.
I like being the age I am, although I do find myself dreading 40 sometimes... but who knows... as far as I can tell, despite irritating Boomers treating me like I'm 12, it keeps getting better. The body is wearing out but even then... I'm actually exercising more than I used to so I actually have more energy.
What is this body wearing out thing? ;)
Actually since I've had joint problems since I was a teen I really don't notice a lot of difference. Between that and menniere's , the symptoms of which started showing up in my mid-20s, I wasn't all that fit back then so I can't miss something I didn't have. I do find I'm a lot more willing to cop to physical frailty now though. Not as worried about hurting my pride.
I don't have anything like those issues, but I got hit by a car near my 21st birthday... a year after I'd had a bad fall down stairs... so early 20s was dealing with a lot of lower back problems. If anything since I've had therapy and learned how to better take care of myself I am in less pain than I used to be. Or as you say, when I am in pain I handle it more responsibly.
I may take the advice on the jojoba too. Winter especially dries my skin out something awful. I use some lotions but that might help.

Freehold DM |

Thank you, Dame lynora-I shall try the jojoba. Also, my knees are in awful shape due to multiple dislocations and constant bike riding. I am also flatfooted, which may explain some of the problem I had with my knees and overall physical activity over the years. My wife is bowlegged slightly, and we fear for our children taking after us both.

Samnell |

Well, I know I wouldn't want to be a teenager again... but might sell off the fixer-upper soul I've got to be 26 again.
I would't mind having the years back. I spent them looking halfway middle-aged anyway so that part woulnd't be a big change. But my early and mid twenties include all of my least favorite memories. Really don't want to do that again.
But, you know, if I could go back in time and slip some stock tips to my younger self or something like that then absolutely I'd take a visit or twenty.

Freehold DM |

Cheeseweasel wrote:Well, I know I wouldn't want to be a teenager again... but might sell off the fixer-upper soul I've got to be 26 again.I would't mind having the years back. I spent them looking halfway middle-aged anyway so that part woulnd't be a big change. But my early and mid twenties include all of my least favorite memories. Really don't want to do that again.
But, you know, if I could go back in time and slip some stock tips to my younger self or something like that then absolutely I'd take a visit or twenty.
Although when I was in my teens I looked like a pre teen. Definition of a late bloomer.
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Personally I'd rather go back 30+ years. When you transition in your pre-teens early teens it is far, far better. The hormones have not started or just barely started and if you can block them you are in a far better state than if you wait to your mid 20's 40's 40 or what ever.
The hormonal effect of m2f is so harsh with the make hormones. The facial hair, the body hair, the deeper voice, the shaping of the head (Brow thickening, nose widening, jaw widening and thickening, the lips to not fill out, forehead to slope and far more on the face. The lack of breast development (smaller breasts at an older age)
Had I said something at the age of 11 when I first wanted to say something I MIGHT be in a better spot than I am now. BUT then again society was not as accepting, Dr's knew very very little, the surgeries were not as good (while Bieber was good, Bauers is far better). And then there was my family. At 11 I could not have handled the rejection I got when I came out at the age of 41. I could hardly handle the rejection then but had the tools to make handle it far better.
I am 49 now. BUT I am blessed to always have peoploe say they thought I was in my 30's I rack that up to the genetics on my fathers side as well as never doing drugs, No heavy drinking, taking care of my skin in a very rough climate (Northern Colorado) and trying to stay fit by hiking, biking, and just being outside but covering my head and face.
yes I'd rather be young again. BUT I love the experience and knowledge I have at 49

Cheeseweasel |
All excited local gallery wants to carry my stuff...
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
...measure, record, iron, price, hang.
Not so exciting now. More like exhausting.
But YAY! Tomorrow at nine in the morning I go hang it up in the gallery. Woot.
Tired Weasel is tired.

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Someone forgot the I
Intersexed - Born Both Genders/hermaphrodite
The Typical saying now is GLBTI/LGBTI and you hear it more GLBTQI/LGBTQI
Yup I'll take my teens if I could do it now and not 30+ years ago. Doing it now transitioning would be SO much easier than having tried it like I said 30+ years ago or even 20 years ago

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Queer /questioning.
Ah! The 'questioning' part makes sense.
My best guess was 'queer', but that made less sense to me, as I'd imagined that 'queer' would be covered by 'L' and 'G'. Or maybe just 'G'.
I'm here to try to understand. It can be slow going, sometimes. I can only ask for your patience.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Queer is very much not covered by "L" and "G". It's meant to be more of a unifying group term that doesn't discriminate or create a binary spectrum of sexuality. For example, I call myself queer and not a lesbian, even though I'm more or less the latter term in my preferences.
(Mostly I just hate labels. I personally don't identify as ANYTHING; I love who I love. But queer is the closest nondescript non-definitive term there is. So I use that if required.)
I also think queer covers the genderqueer spectrum, although I am not 100% sure about that.

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Queer is very much not covered by "L" and "G". It's meant to be more of a unifying group term that doesn't discriminate or create a binary spectrum of sexuality. For example, I call myself queer and not a lesbian, even though I'm more or less the latter term in my preferences.
(Mostly I just hate labels. I personally don't identify as ANYTHING; I love who I love. But queer is the closest nondescript non-definitive term there is. So I use that if required.)
I also think queer covers the genderqueer spectrum, although I am not 100% sure about that.
If you're not sure, what chance have I got? : )
Seriously, if 'Q' covers both 'L' and 'G', why bother with the 'L' and 'G'?
It could be just 'QBTI'.
If not, why not?

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Because a lot of people identify as "L" or "G". One of my gay friends HATES being called queer, for example, much like I hate being called a lesbian. :P
Strictly speaking Queer covers the entire spectrum. "The queer community" as far as I understand it would replace the entire awkward and ever-expanding acronym. That's kind of a big reason it was adopted, to create a more unified and inclusive umbrella word for everyone.

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Growing up is hard enough for straight people. I can't imagine what it's like for you guys, what with lack of role models when discovering your own sexuality, and facing a world which doesn't understand.
With all these difficulties, it makes it even harder for me to understand why you make up your own difficulties about which label you prefer and which labels offend.

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The gay community is a giant, multifaceted, many-generational beast filled with its paradoxes and idiocies. You would think that a group of people that have been disenfranchised their entire life would be more understanding on the whole... you'd be totally wrong. Just ask a bisexual person about the type of crap that they get, or the rampant transphobia, the hatred for "breeders" or people who don't fit into predetermined roles, or even worse things like misogyny, racism and other bigotry. Don't even get me started on the more radical political factions...
Anyway, honestly, provided you aren't being incredibly offensive (i.e. slurs) I don't think anyone would truly mind you using the "wrong" terminology. If someone has a preference or a problem they'll tell you.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Well said, all your posts, Alice.
And I too prefer to be called Queer than anything else, for similar reasons.
Never heard "I" worked in before, that's actually a new one for me. It's not used in the local community here. Will keep it in mind.
And yeah, just call people what they ask to be called, and if you slip up and it was an innocent mistake, then just cop to it, apologize, and correct yourself. People aren't going to treat you badly for it. (If they do, then there's a different issue going on that probably isn't your doing.)

Sissyl |

Ever expanding acronyms is the truth. They are even getting fashioned into words, like QUILTBAG, now. Taken to that extreme, I can't help thinking that it's a way to ignore the individual by giving rights or prospective rights depending on which particular groups someone belongs to. This does not sit well with me. I prefer to think of people as humans. That should be enough to respect someone's sexuality and right to have a sexuality.

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As a straight male I am, of course, 'L-curious' by default, so I have often asked various 'L' friends for insights.
One of my managers in the casino is of the 'L' persuasion, and I've spoken to her many times on the subject, although I try not to make all of our conversations about this subject for fear she'll get sick of the sight of me.
One day we were talking about work stuff and a very attractive, slim, well-dressed young blonde woman came to a roulette table in front of us. Instead of sitting down, she actually knelt on a stool while stretching to place her bets! Her perfect, pert behind waving on the air!
Having failed our saves versus this real life fascinate effect, our conversation evaporated. After a while (no idea how long!) I noticed that my manager had failed her save too!
Always curious, I wanted to hear if there were differences in our...er...perspectives. So I asked, 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'
'Yes!', she replied, not moving her eyes. 'Well...half of me's thinking what you're thinking....the other half is thinking ''Ooh, I like them boots''!'