The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Merry Christmas to everyone....who celebrates it and to those who do not I hope your Monday went well...

I am sad this X-Mas....I got into a fight with a my trans friend to the point that we are not friends anymore. I wish nothing but the best for this person and hope they get their life together but honestly it was a toxic one sided relationship with the person using me. Anytime I needed support or help....mysteriously he was not there....or highly critical of me.

I am sad because it just seems every time I let people in and trust them they walk right over me....and throw me away once they get everything they can.

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Oh, what a sad situation!

Here's a hug to get you through for a little while, until more hugs show up in the thread. **hug**

Even if a relationship is toxic, it's still a relationship and grieving for its loss is necessary.

Hope you learn to spot the jerks walking up the steps, and learn not to open the door when people have a 'jerk' aura.

Silver Crusade

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*hugs Selene*

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and veryone that wants or needs some*

* grabs Selene in a big soft fluffy bear hug *

Alas I know the feeling all too well, my friend. Personally I think it's because we generate a powerful aura of friendship, compassion, and caring and some people just can't stand it but they also know they can take advantage of it.

Grrrrr! That makes me an angry bear.

But on to other things...

Merry Holidays, everyone!

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Selene Spires wrote:

Merry Christmas to everyone....who celebrates it and to those who do not I hope your Monday went well...

I am sad this X-Mas....I got into a fight with a my trans friend to the point that we are not friends anymore. I wish nothing but the best for this person and hope they get their life together but honestly it was a toxic one sided relationship with the person using me. Anytime I needed support or help....mysteriously he was not there....or highly critical of me.

I am sad because it just seems every time I let people in and trust them they walk right over me....and throw me away once they get everything they can.

it can be damn hard to cut such people out of your life.

*Hugs Selene* You still have friends here that care, Selene. I'm sorry that I can't be there to support you. If you feel the need to vent, cry, or otherwise emote, my inbox is always open. I'll listen.

Silver Crusade

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I have tried Twizzlers for the first time. I now have a tummyache. Stupid not-liqourice >_<

Hope everyone else’s day is going good though ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

*Hugs Rysky* Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. What are you taking for it? *Accepts hugs, because I slept wrong and now have a sore muscle in my left-side mid-back.*

Silver Crusade

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I'm not-taking any more not-liquorice, that seems to be helping :3

Oof, sore muscles are the worst.

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Yeah. I take a deep breath and it feels like someone stuck a knife there. Glad to see that you're recovering. As of the 23rd, your package was in Georgia. So you should get it in a day or two.

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Erie County in Pennsylvania now has Fifty inches of snow. A state of emergency has been declared. Those who have family there should call.

Silver Crusade

John Napier 698 wrote:
Yeah. I take a deep breath and it feels like someone stuck a knife there. Glad to see that you're recovering. As of the 23rd, your package was in Georgia. So you should get it in a day or two.

Hope you get to feeling better buddy.

*offers more hugs*

And hehe thankies :3

*throws twizzlers at Freehold*

Send the snow over here instead.

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Rysky wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Yeah. I take a deep breath and it feels like someone stuck a knife there. Glad to see that you're recovering. As of the 23rd, your package was in Georgia. So you should get it in a day or two.

Hope you get to feeling better buddy.

*offers more hugs*

And hehe thankies :3

*throws twizzlers at Freehold*

Send the snow over here instead.

eats twizzlers, sends snow

Rysky wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Yeah. I take a deep breath and it feels like someone stuck a knife there. Glad to see that you're recovering. As of the 23rd, your package was in Georgia. So you should get it in a day or two.

Hope you get to feeling better buddy.

*offers more hugs*

And hehe thankies :3

*throws twizzlers at Freehold*

Send the snow over here instead.

Just got done with my shower for work. Made the water hot just for my back. I'll take an Aleeve before I go to work.

Pittsburgh had some really bad blizzards several years ago. Hope we don't get anything like that this year.


We'll see. Generally if Pittsburgh gets bad ones, we get...moderate ones. I think.

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I found this quiz while working on a puzzle in Microsoft Puzzle. I got 42 of 50 correct, and the quiz results gave me a Masters-equivalent score. Not bad for someone who only graduated from High School.

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I sincerely hope that everyone had a decent Christmas despite some of the problems several of you have dealt with. I hope that you all have a better year next year than you had this year, even if this year was the best you've ever had.

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Thanks, Bob. I hope that you have a better 2018 as well.

Erie weather report.

Where are the campfire elementals when we need them desperately??

We're at -6F here. Freehold, this your fault?

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Sorry, I was...inconvenienced for a few days!
*Cozying up the place for hugging, smiling, talking, gaming and all kinds of merrymaking*
*Hot and cold beverages at your leisure*

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* tosses a log onto the bonfire *

Dangit, it's cold here - been cold the past few days. First time it's been above 0 (though still single digits) since the 24th. Glad I got this natural fur coat.

* sends out hugs, handshakes, head nods, and high-fives to everyone *

And always remember - if you need anyone to talk to or just to vent I've got two shoulders to cry on and two ears for listening (and an inbox as well).

Stay safe and stay wonderful. I love you all.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Where are the campfire elementals when we need them desperately??

We're at -6F here. Freehold, this your fault?

moi? At fault? Unless there is a few feet of snow, then no.

Silver Crusade

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We got some flakes yesterday, so thank you for at least trying Freehold ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Managing Editor

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After a brief sojourn in the homeland, it's a pleasure to be enjoying Seattle's drizzly, low-40s (both high and low) weather. Also adding to my displeasure with the homeland, I recycled a book on Disney promoting the gay agenda that my sister's caregiver snuck into her book stash (fortunately, there was zero chance of my sister reading it anyway). I guess I should be glad said caregiver is perfectly friendly to me and my wife in person? But ugh.

On the other hand, I DO recommend Ann Leckie's new book Provenance, which has a ton of queer and genderqueer characters. (It's set in the same universe as the Imperial Radch trilogy, but stands alone fairly well.)

Silver Crusade

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Grrrr *stabby hands*

*offers hugs*

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warm enough to wear a dress today.

My mother called me a few minutes ago. She passed out in the living room, again. I'm beginning to worry that her problems might not be related to Diabetes, but may be neurological.

Scary stuff, John. Hopefully docs can help?

Sorry for my radio silence again, been on vacation and only really checking on my PbP.

Maybe. The office staff of her Primary Care laughs at her for keeping track of when she ends up on the floor. Maybe she needs another doctor. Her Blood sugars were fine today. I really don't know what's going on. I wish I did.

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On the subject of recommending books, I'll recommend the Theonite series. It's a cross of afrofuturism and superheroes, and is very diverse. The first book and side-story thing are free on the website, and a portion of money from the books is going to help with malaria through December. :D

Silver Crusade

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*hugs John*

Sound's interesting Captain :3

Well It's Friday, so I hope everyone has a great weakend ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

*Accepts hugs*

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So some good news...I am back on the that and other things like a Roku TV and a DVD/Blu-ray player...the rest of the money I earned and got as a gift for x-mass goes to feminine things.

My...friend I mention above texted me to apologize...we are getting together to talk...I am probably going to take the stance of...sure we can be friends just do not expect me to be there for you.

@John: I hope you mother is should definitely take her to a neurological tests.

Silver Crusade

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That’s great to hear Selene ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Best of luck, selene. Be careful.

The victim of the shooting near my garage didn't survive. He died Thursday.

Silver Crusade

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To those already in the new year, and to those with a few hours of this year left, I hope the new year is wonderful to all of you.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Scarab Sages

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Happy new Year!
Frohes neues Jahr!
2017, make sure you take all your bad vibes with you, when you leave!

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Happy New Year, Feytharn!

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Happy New Year, everyone.

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Happy New Years Everyone!

Since coming out this year this is the one place I have been the most myself. Thank you all for the support. You are all awesome(I am a little I only use awesome when I am drunk ;) ).

*hugs for everyone*

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...pokes in, wishes folks a healthy happy new year...

I've actually cut back quite a bit the past month or so, in part because ill, in part because it was taking too much of my time and money...

Silver Crusade

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happy New Year everyone, I hope you all have a good day.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Silver Crusade

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Year's off to a good start, it's 7 degrees right now and isn't gonna get past the 30s all week (thank you Freehold!).

Hope everyone has good, and warm and cozy, day ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

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Good morning all you wonderful people.

* grabs everyone who wants one in a big fluffy bear hug *

And a belated Merry New Year to you all.

(Had some equipment problems - my residential gateway/modem died a few days and AT&T was being a total REDACTED about replacing it - but now I'm back. Just my luck - gotta end the old year on a less than positive note so I can begin the new on a better note.)

Silver Crusade

*hugs teddy Fred*

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