Nekogami version 4.2 (no longer stepping on human toes)

Advanced Race Guide Playtest

Lantern Lodge


Ability Modifiers; +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity; a Nekogami is a strong agile warrior like her goddess ancestor

Type. Outsider (Native); Nekogami are the mostly human blooded descendants of a minor goddess.

Medium: Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space
of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet

Darkvision 60 ft: a nekogami can see in the dark up to 60 feet. This works like the dwarf ability of the same name

Fast Speed; a Nekogami has a base land speed of 40 feet.

Divine Will; a Nekogami, due to her Divine Nature Receives a +2 Racial bonus on will saving throws

Natural Armor; a Nekogami, due to her enhanced density receives a +1 natural armor bonus to her armor class

Languages: Common, 1 Regionally appropriate Human Language of Choice, Bonus Languages. A Nekogami may choose any language (Except secret languages such as druidic) as a bonus language


Native Outsider 2 (includes darkvision)
flexible modifiers 2
natural armor +1 2
dual minded 1
fast speed 1
linguist array 2

basic things

upped the language array and traded the bonus feat for natural armor.

So...where's the downside?

All I'm seeing is one of the most powerful races out there.

Lantern Lodge

Cheapy wrote:

So...where's the downside?

All I'm seeing is one of the most powerful races out there.

they are only a 10 RP race. the downside is that i didn't milk extra RP by exploiting non applicable flaws.

10RP is the standard and they are intended to be a proud warrior race.

Just because it's 10 RP doesn't mean it's balanced.

Lantern Lodge

they aren't really any more overpowered than dwarves are.

a lot of races are specialized towards a specific niche. these guys are just excellent offensive martials. such as barbarians and fighters.

it's not much different from an elf wizard, dwarven druid, or human sorcerer.

Silver Crusade

I seem to remember someone posting a ridiculous custom race for casters back in the playtest, totally broken and cheesing but that followed the rules nevertheless.

+2 Dex/Str, +2 to Will, fast speed, darkvision, +1 to natural armor... why would anyone take another race if building a fighter, especially when the +2 to will makes min-maxing easier ? (Except that our group would name any guy using this race "kitty" and "tigrou" before thrwing catnip on his face, of course.)

Maxximilius wrote:

I seem to remember someone posting a ridiculous custom race for casters back in the playtest, totally broken and cheesing but that followed the rules nevertheless.

+2 Dex/Str, +2 to Will, fast speed, darkvision, +1 to natural armor... why would anyone take another race if building a fighter, especially when the +2 to will makes min-maxing easier ? (Except that our group would name any guy using this race "kitty" and "tigrou" before thrwing catnip on his face, of course.)

a human barbarian may want the bonus feat and skill points as well as the human FC bonus. a human fighter may want the former two to round out thier build.

a dwarven fighter can get for the price of a feat, +4 on 80% of the saving throws they will ever make, and gets more HP per level.

a half elf fighter can also get the +2 to will and the +2 STR, they also have a better perception bonus nd multitalented

a half orc fighter can gain the strength and darkvision, and gains orc ferocity.

Silver Crusade

I'm not saying it's crazy best than other races, I'm saying it has no weaknesses and leaves a sour aftertaste by seeming to exist only for the purposes of min-maxers out there. It honestly feels like I'm watching a botched, unassumed Mary Sue race that you attempted to restrain at not being the cutest, most badass awesome race out there.

Remove the natural armor bonus and the darkvision and put a racial stat penalty (Con/Int/Cha since you are giving a bonus to Will); give low-light vision, bonus to acrobatics if you want a catfolk... or wait for the ARG which will include a catfolk base race as to draw inspiration from it.

the catfolk work more for housecats. i was thinking more along the lines of humanoids descended from a minor goddess who have an aesthetic devotion to a combination of a tiger's ferocity, the hunt, pleasure, and the fury of a feral warrior.

even though they are called nekogami, they don't have much to do with cats except that thier ancestor goddess governed the portfolio of Tigers, the Hunt, And pleasure. nekogami was just the surname of that goddess and kind of stuck. kind of like the herculeans are allegedly descended from hercules.

these guys resemble feral humans more than they do cats.

here is a reskinning of the nekogami to feel less mary sue ish.

Tigru Folclorice:

Tigru folclorice

Ability Modifiers; +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity; a Tigru folclorice is a strong agile warrior like the deity who created them

Type. Outsider (Native); Tigru folclorice are the creations of the iron lord

Medium: Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space
of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet

Darkvision 60 ft: a Tigru folclorice can see in the dark up to 60 feet. This works like the dwarf ability of the same name

Fast Speed; a Tigru folclorice has a base land speed of 40 feet.

Divine Will; a Tigru folclorice , due to thier Divine Nature Receives a +2 Racial bonus on will saving throws

Natural Armor; a Tigru folclorice , due to thier enhanced density receives a +1 natural armor bonus to her armor class

Languages: Common, 1 Regionally appropriate Human Language of Choice, Bonus Languages. A Tigru folclorice may choose any language (Except secret languages such as druidic) as a bonus language.

The Tigru folclorice are a race of planetouched humanoids created by Gorum in an attempt to produce the perfect warrior in golarion. A proud people who resemble humans on a cosmetic level, but bear some of the personality traits of a tiger. They are ferocious combatants and proud berserkers. Their priests venerate the iron lord. They have an ascetic devotion to conflict and most actively attempt to seek it. It’s not the progress of the war or the kill that pleases them. It’s the act of engaging in the violent activities themselves. Chasing their foes, ripping them to shreds. A Tigru folcorice loves the thrill of action and the feel of pumping testosterone and adrenaline. Regardless of gender. They are a species frequently dominated by the women, who are often the hunters and breadwinners, while the men often protect the families at home and also serve a more domestic role. A Tigru Folclorice lives as long as a dwarf and comes in the same size varieties as humans, with the exception that they are 4 times denser, thus weighing 4 times what a “human” of their size and build actually should. Their metabolism is also 4 times faster than that of a human, making it difficult for them to keep weight.

Silver Crusade

Except that the fluff yet does nothing against the feeling you get when you read a class that has no weaknesses and seems to be built purely and specifically to be awesome and flawless at a specific role, especially when you add the clause that the race is dominated by women. It just screams for it. The only thing it lacks is bonus feats, and I'm pretty sure that's only because the point-buy put a limitation on it.
Also, in my honest opinion, the name of the race still is awful. It reads exactly as Winnie the Pooh's Tigger french name, "Tigrou", and I can't read the original name nor this one without having flashback seizures from awful anime/cartoon.

Give them a penalty to Charisma to reflect their barbarian mentality, make it Low-light vision for the feline fluff, and basically you could even just copy paste the half-orc with some adjustments to get exactly the class you are describing in the fluff :

+2 to one physical ability score, -2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma: XXX are physically fit, but also a bit gruff and slow to learn new concepts.
Type: Outsider (Native).
Medium: XXX are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Fast Speed: XXX have a base speed of 40 feet.
Low-light vision: XXX can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision).
Bestial: The XXX blood of some XXX manifests in the form of particularly prominent XXX features, exacerbating their bestial appearances but improving their already keen senses. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Toothy: Some XXX vestigial tusks are massive and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage.
Languages: XXX begin play speaking Common. XXX with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Orc and Terran.

And even like this, it's still the most powerful race you could have for a minimaxed barbarian or fighter. Having to choose between bestial and Toothy would nerf it and put it slightly under the balance curve.

For the name, you could try it in a different language. For example, the Ancient Greek word for cat is aílouros. Perhaps the Ailouran would be a better name than the Tigru?

I feel that by playing this class, I'd be pidgeon-holed into a martial class. To me, that seems boring. Why would I want to play a priest or druid with this class? Those classes seems like they'd fit very well in this fluff-wise, but mechanically, it would be a very mediocre and boring choice. I feel like it's better to have a choice between a couple of different roles than so focus on the martial (or caster) aspect.

Natural armor, extra speed, a natural weapon I can add in addition to a sword attack, a bonus to Will... this is every fighter's dream come true. I almost always pick humans for the extra feat and even I would play these guys in a heartbeat. A tigru rogue would also be interesting since the two abilities would make TWF much easier than any of the other races.

I have to agree with the others, this race is more powerful than the others, 10 RP or not. The main reasons I'm seeing is the bonus to two physical stats (strength and dex) with NO downside. This alone makes it better than any of the base races by a longshot. Even your comparison to dwarf gives a penalty (charisma) and only one boost to a physical stat. If you make an alteration to that, we'd be looking at something more viable and on par with the rest.

Even then I'd highly consider losing the natural armor probably too.

Dark Archive

Go +2 Dex and Wis for a more balanced 10 RP?

How about also a bonus to Acrobatics instead of the +1 natural armour? We can't focus completely on super martial prowess for a race.

thanks to above suggestions, i renamed them Ailouren. and they were created by gorum in an attempt to create the perfect warrior species. i think they aren't too bad.

besides, there are plenty of ubercaster races out there.

dwarf druids

elf/tiefling wizards/witches

human/gnome sorcerers/oracles

aasimaar clerics

ifrit fire sorcerers

half orc alchemists

half elf summoners

we really don't have an ubermartial race yet.

Thing is, those races aren't just pidgeonholed into those roles nor are they as uber in those roles as these cat people are in their. A dwarf, for example, make great fighters, druids, and battle clerics generally. Hardy and wise, there's a lot of wiggle room there to play other classes (like monks). Elves can make great Wizards or Rangers, the classic choices for those races. But they can also be good witches and rogues and alchemists.

I look at this race and think "Why would I ever be a wizard? Or a witch? Or a sorcerer?" I think the only caster I could use is a bard and that's if I don't pump Charisma to a 16 by level one, which is still a viable option. This race would outdo every other one martially because there are no negatives. It gets a bonus in damage and it gets two bonuses to AC and the movement speed of a barbarian without any downside AND a bonus to a save that almost every martial class has as a bad one. It'd be foolish to not go martial. Hell, it'd be foolish to play any other race if you want to play a martial class, especially the rogue/ninja and monk. A paladin Ailuren would be unstoppable. No dominating him mentally plus a full movement in platemail. Twinking this race to outdo the others is easy and just not fun. The only reason I personally wouldn't play this race is out of principle because of just how good it is.

If they are a race bred for war by Gorum, I think, flavor wise, I would expect a -2 to charisma and/or wisdom. Gorum very much strikes me as a FIGHT FIGHT type of guy with little care for diplomacy and personality. I would expect that to carry over into any race of beings he created.

Dark Archive

Yeah, or only 30 ft. but with ability to move full speed in any armour.

I'll be glad when the ARG comes out and it fixes up a lot of the point costs for many of these abilities.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

these guys have a fairly wide variety of class options. and dumping a stat would just be a cheap excuse to artificially lower the RP cost for something that won't really apply. this race might seem to be martial only when you look at the attribute bonuses. but the other racials are tempting for other classes. a caster may want the speed bonus, the natural armor or even the will save bonus. and applying penalties would only further pidgeonhole them as martials.

i think people should look at more than just the attribute bonuses. penalties don't really balance a thing. the fact that penalties exist encourages further shoehorning. and you don't have to capitolize on both bonuses.

we have 2 races that offer a bonus to 2 mental stats, 2 races that gain +4 to a physical stat, a race that can get a +4 casting stat, a race that potentially can gain up to +4 on 80% of the saves you ever make, and a race that gets a bonus feat and bonus skill points as well as bonus spells known.

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But people never do.

Take all the endless whine about Aasimar as a prime example. They really aren't all that, yet they get decried as OP all the time.

Shifty wrote:

But people never do.

Take all the endless whine about Aasimar as a prime example. They really aren't all that, yet they get decried as OP all the time.

the Ailouren/Tigru Folclorice/Nekogami/Whatever you wish to call them aren't really all that either.

Dark Archive

If I looked at a race like that, I would never pick another for my fighter or barbarian. If a race is so good that there's no reason to choose another, it's too powerful.

And might need to look at Dual Minded again:

Prerequisites: Humanoid with two subtypes or race with the half-construct or half-undead subtype.

Do you have two subtypes?

Silver Crusade

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
these guys have a fairly wide variety of class options. and dumping a stat would just be a cheap excuse to artificially lower the RP cost for something that won't really apply. this race might seem to be martial only when you look at the attribute bonuses. but the other racials are tempting for other classes. a caster may want the speed bonus, the natural armor or even the will save bonus.

Dumping a stat here isn't an excuse to officially lower the RP, it's a way to give the race an actual kind of weakness, and to follow the roleplay itself you provided about the race. "Perfect" races built only to be awesome at a specific role are boring both mechanically and conceptually.

There is a reason Paizo did a playtest, the current way of calculating RP is not balanced and will face changes in the final version. I can't see any reason for a spellcaster to take this race ; as any spellcaster worth it's salt already knows that running faster and having a tougher hide isn't supposed to ever be useful if he does his job properly, not even accounting the natural high save bonus for them. If anything, this race may eventually interest wildhape druids, and even then, the natural armor wouldn't stack with their abilities.

Shifty wrote:

And might need to look at Dual Minded again:

Prerequisites: Humanoid with two subtypes or race with the half-construct or half-undead subtype.

Do you have two subtypes?

i think we can ignore that. i simply reflavored it as a means to get past it. you can treat it as a seperate identical ability.

Mergy wrote:
If I looked at a race like that, I would never pick another for my fighter or barbarian. If a race is so good that there's no reason to choose another, it's too powerful.

Full Blooded Orcs are relatively equal. they get +4 to strength, free diehard, Darkvision, and a bunch of minor penalties that don't really count as weaknesses.

They're also hated wherever they go in most settings and are killed on sight.

This race will never be balanced as long as it's just a wish-fulfillment.

Dark Archive

I think these cats need claws and a penalty to wisdom. A bonus to Acrobatics on exchange for the natural armour bonus would also help balance things.

Mergy wrote:
I think these cats need claws and a penalty to wisdom. A bonus to Acrobatics on exchange for the natural armour bonus would also help balance things.

they aren't really cats as much as savage barbarian humanoids. i will work on a nerfed write up.

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Mergy wrote:
If I looked at a race like that, I would never pick another for my fighter or barbarian. If a race is so good that there's no reason to choose another, it's too powerful.
Full Blooded Orcs are relatively equal. they get +4 to strength, free diehard, Darkvision, and a bunch of minor penalties that don't really count as weaknesses.

Full Blooded Orcs also have a worse form of pidgeonholing than the Ailuren.

Shifty, in case you didn't read, I mentioned more than just the two attribute bonuses. I actually don't have an issue with that. In fact, on their own, each ability here isn't bad. But together, they synergize incredibly well. Better than other races while still trying to pass off as balanced as one of the other core races.

I'm just focusing on the mechanic issues. I'm not even going to get into the background...

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
i think we can ignore that. i simply reflavored it as a means to get past it. you can treat it as a seperate identical ability.

Not sure I agree with you there :)

Two subtypes = more vulnerabilities than one. I figure it was part of the cost.

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Shifty wrote:

And might need to look at Dual Minded again:

Prerequisites: Humanoid with two subtypes or race with the half-construct or half-undead subtype.

Do you have two subtypes?

i think we can ignore that. i simply reflavored it as a means to get past it. you can treat it as a seperate identical ability.

Don't you think that the reason it has the listed cost is do to the cost of having the mulitple subtypes or the high cost of the half types?

Those prereqs are there for a reason that would be like making a feat called Wide swing giving it the exact same ability as Great Cleave but having it only have the prereq be Con 13

Silver Crusade

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Mergy wrote:
I think these cats need claws and a penalty to wisdom. A bonus to Acrobatics on exchange for the natural armour bonus would also help balance things.
they aren't really cats as much as savage barbarian humanoids. i will work on a nerfed write up.

Take half-orc, change "half-orc" with the name of your choice, ???, done : balanced savage barbarian humanoids. Or the lizarfolk/half-ogres from d20pfsrd.

Also, there is a reason orcs aren't a base race, but a monstruous race that may eventually find it's way on the table.

i guess i can write a nerfed writeup.


Ability Modifiers; +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity; an Ailouren is strong and agile yet feral and vicious

Type. Outsider (Native); Ailouren are the creations of the iron lord

Medium: Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet

Darkvision 60 ft: an Ailouren can see in the dark up to 60 feet. This works like the dwarf ability of the same name

Fast Speed; an Ailouren has a base land speed of 40 feet.

Languages: Common, 1 Regionally appropriate Human Language of Choice, Bonus Languages. An Ailouren may choose any language (Except secret languages such as druidic) as a bonus language.

i removed the will save bonus and the natural armor

Dark Archive

It's getting there. They're probably below the 10 point build now, so make it up with a bonus to Perception, Acrobatics, Climb, your choice. Do they have a tail? Give them a bonus to Acrobatics because they can balance with it.

Give them speak with animals once per day or something! :) Cool stuff that doesn't necessarily automatically make them the bestest barbarians.

Mergy wrote:

It's getting there. They're probably below the 10 point build now, so make it up with a bonus to Perception, Acrobatics, Climb, your choice. Do they have a tail? Give them a bonus to Acrobatics because they can balance with it.

Give them speak with animals once per day or something! :) Cool stuff that doesn't necessarily automatically make them the bestest barbarians.

what if were to nerf thier darkvision to lowlight vision and give them a bonus to perception and stealth? and make them Humanoid (Human)?

Dark Archive

That would be cool. It is certainly making them seem more cat-like. Remember it's not just about the most optimal race. People want fun cool stuff that they can pull out when things seem dire.

Example: Give them a 1/day jump. I'm not actually familiar with the ARG point buys so I don't know how much that would cost, but the ability to just get up somewhere, or clear a pit without even worrying about it would be so cool! :D


Ability Modifiers; +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity; an Ailouren is strong and agile yet feral and vicious

Type; Humanoid (Human); Ailouren are humans whom were blessed by the iron lord

Medium: Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space
of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet

Low Light Vision; this works like the elf ability of the same name

Fast Speed; an Ailouren has a base land speed of 40 feet.

Ailouren Skill Bonuses; An Ailouren has a +2 Racial Bonus to perception and Acrobatics Checks
Languages: Common, 1 Regionally appropriate Human Language of Choice, Bonus Languages. An Ailouren may choose any language (Except secret languages such as druidic) as a bonus language.

The Ailouren are a race of humans who were blessed by Gorum with the strength and ferocity of a tiger. They are a savage humanoid species proud of their bloodlust. They enjoy the thrill of pumping adrenaline and testosterone. And most will prolong otherwise easy fights to maintain the rush of battle. Among their small loosely placed tribal societies throughout Golarion, it is the women whom are the hunters and breadwinners, the men serve a more domestic role of raising and protecting the children. Due to their active lifestyles, they tend frequently to have lean, athletic builds and a diet consisting of mostly meat and grain.

Racial Alternate Favored Class Bonuses
Barbarian; +1 Rage Round per Day
Fighter; ¼ of a bonus combat feat
Druid; +2 hit points to your animal companion

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