Welcome to new Western Michigan Venture-Captain

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

I wanted to take a minute to welcome aboard the new Venture-Captain assigned to western Michigan. I will let Daniel Luckett introduce himself, advise about a new website coming on board for his area, and any other information he wishes to share.

As for areas that fall within his region, these include Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Lansing for the time being, as well as any other areas he wishes to add to his region. Note that he has graciously offered to assist greater Detroit, Flint and Ann Arbor until we find a Venture-Captain for Detroit and/or Eastern Michigan.

Welcome to the team Daniel!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Congrats Dan! Woot!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Congrats, Dan, it's well deserved.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Mike you are introducing to many victims....ummm V-Cs today...

Congrats Dan.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

One more VC whose PC has died at my table.

* Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber



Congrats Dan! Hey a VC in my area!

Sczarni 5/5

Hope to meet you soon.


The Exchange 3/5

Holy Piddlespot!

Congrats Dan.

That's quite a region you have there. I'm excited for you.


Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you everyone! I am humbled by this opportunity to serve you all and help coordinate PFS events in Michigan. There are a few people I'd like to thank for encouraging me and helping me develop myself into the gamer I am today.

My local AP group, My local PFS group (All 40+ of you), Doug Miles, Bob Jonquet, and Thea Peters. I'd thank Kyle Baird, but he made my paladin kill himself, so I'm still sore at him (Not really. Thanks Kyle). These individuals have had the greatest direct influence on me in regards to PFS. I would never have sought out this role if not for them and their guidance.

Now, I'm not one to rest on my laurels. I already have a few ideas on where we'll start off. If you have ideas that I'm missing out on, I am always open to suggestions on ways to improve Michigan. So, here are my first ideas.

1) As Mike said I am in the beginning stages of bringing a website online to coordinate not just West Michigan, but the entire Michigan region as a whole. Some goals I have for this site are: A) One network to bring Michiganders together vs. being spread out across Meetup, yahoo, facebook, Warhorn, etc. B) A list of stores and places that have space and are friendly to PFS players. C) One regional calendar of events.

2) I plan to take a tour of Michigan soon to visit all the pockets of PFS gamers that I can at some point in the near future. I would very much like to meet you all if at all possible. If you are a local coordinator send me a PM or email as I would like to work with you to find a time for me to visit you and yours. If meeting me isn't enough of an incentive I'll bring the latest Exclusive!

3) I am of course going to look for potential VL's. One region that Mike and I discussed was of course the Greater Detroit area. If you are in Detroit, and are coordinating events there. I am very interested in meeting you. Detroit needs local leadership, and a VL would be a great way to begin stepping into that lynch pin position.

4) The second region I'd like to focus on is the Lansing area. As big as Lansing is, and with it's proximity to Michigan State it is ripe for expansion. It just needs a motivated and passionate lover of PFS to step into it and help it blossom.

Those are my first "big" thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you all, and once again. Thank you for this chance!

Silver Crusade 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Care Baird wrote:
One more VC whose PC has died at my table.

I wasn't a VC at the time. Doesn't count. You'll have to kill him again for credit.

*writes down in BOLD, DARK, UNDERLINED letters, "Do not let Kyle GM for you....EVER. If he says he needs another player for a legal table, listen to Admiral Ackbar..."*

Sovereign Court 5/5

Dan Luckett wrote:
Care Baird wrote:
One more VC whose PC has died at my table.

I wasn't a VC at the time. Doesn't count. You'll have to kill him again for credit.

*writes down in BOLD, DARK, UNDERLINED letters, "Do not let Kyle GM for you....EVER. If he says he needs another player for a legal table, listen to Admiral Ackbar..."*


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Daniel Luckett wrote:
1) As Mike said I am in the beginning stages of bringing a website online to coordinate not just West Michigan, but the entire Michigan region as a whole. Some goals I have for this site are: A) One network to bring Michiganders together vs. being spread out across Meetup, yahoo, facebook, Warhorn, etc. B) A list of stores and places that have space and are friendly to PFS players. C) One regional calendar of events.

Have you looked into Obsidian Portal?

I use it for all of that.

Here are 2 example sites.

Pathfinder Society San Antonio
Pathfinder Society Texas


Michael Brock wrote:

I wanted to take a minute to welcome aboard the new Venture-Captain assigned to western Michigan. I will let Daniel Luckett introduce himself, advise about a new website coming on board for his area, and any other information he wishes to share.

As for areas that fall within his region, these include Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Lansing for the time being, as well as any other areas he wishes to add to his region. Note that he has graciously offered to assist greater Detroit, Flint and Ann Arbor until we find a Venture-Captain for Detroit and/or Eastern Michigan.

Welcome to the team Daniel!

VERY cool Daniel! Good luck and we'll be gaming soon!

Dave A.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Welcome to the cult, um, fraternity, er um, just welcome!
the PurpleFluffyCatGnomeBunny says congratulations

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Congrats Dan!

I'll have to come up and game with you sometime, you're actually the closest VC to me.

Silver Crusade 5/5

VanceMadrox wrote:

Congrats Dan!

I'll have to come up and game with you sometime, you're actually the closest VC to me.

Really? I thought Rene Duquesnoy was. *Goes to look at a map because his Knowledge: Geography seems to have an inaccuracy*

Not that it truly matters, you're welcome to join us. If any of the three of us care who actually claims you, we'll figure it out. :P

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Congratulations, Dan!

Well, I guess the NW Indiana area is a kind of borderland. However, I think that we have a pretty good group and we are growing.

Silver Crusade 5/5

William Ronald wrote:

Congratulations, Dan!

Well, I guess the NW Indiana area is a kind of borderland. However, I think that we have a pretty good group and we are growing.

Do you have a Keep?

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

As far as I knew Rene's on the north end of Chicago which is about 2 hours away, Kalamazoo is only 1.5

The Exchange 5/5

I'm glad to see Michigan has a Venture Captain again. Dan has a lot of enthusiasm for Pathfinder Society. Best of luck! I'll repost this announcement locally so the southeastern Michigan players know there's a new sheriff in town...err, over there.

The Exchange

Also Dan, I'm in the Royal Oak/Detroit area and would be more than happy to host whatever you like on d20pfsrd.com. We could set up an entire section for it, just let me know if interested.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thanks Doug! Yea, I was actually putting it on my list of "to do's" to post on your guys feed. If you want to "beat me to the punch" feel free. Been trying to figure out web hosting this last weekend. Apparently hosting a website has changed since I was 15...

Yea, I met you at U-Con last November. I bumped into you coming down the stairs and we had a 30 second conversation. I'm not sure what I'd post or host on there yet. Though it's something we can explore.

The Exchange

Cool. Well just let me know. We've got essentially unlimited, free hosting with Google back-end reliability and speed. Storage space and site uptime should never be an issue. Any details we can work out offline. If you decide its something you want to look at just shoot me an email (jreyst@gmail.com.)

Sidenote, oh yeah, I remember you now :) And congrats!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:

Have you looked into Obsidian Portal?

I use it for all of that.

Here are 2 example sites.

Pathfinder Society San Antonio
Pathfinder Society Texas

The fact that my work has immediately banned these sites makes me not want to use them, where as PFSgeorgia.org I can go to without a problem.

Liberty's Edge

Wait a minute, what do you mean there is PFS in western Michigan....I've been going to the cons in Milwaukee, and Chicago the last few years. I did make it to U-Conn this last year across from the Detroit airport. Hmmm, I don't know.... go to an event I can drive home to every night, or take the wife and stay in a hotel, because it's 300 miles away....btw her and I both play, we live in Muskegon.


Silver Crusade 5/5

rclarke250 wrote:

Wait a minute, what do you mean there is PFS in western Michigan....I've been going to the cons in Milwaukee, and Chicago the last few years. I did make it to U-Conn this last year across from the Detroit airport. Hmmm, I don't know.... go to an event I can drive home to every night, or take the wife and stay in a hotel, because it's 300 miles away....btw her and I both play, we live in Muskegon.


You crack me up. You should go fill out that PFS census, even if there isn't an active group. I'm also trying to find game stores where we could run.

Silver Crusade 5/5

We have a website! It's very "basic" right now. I am so rusty when it comes to web hosting I'll be stumbling through this for a bit.

Michigan PFS


Daniel Luckett wrote:

We have a website! It's very "basic" right now. I am so rusty when it comes to web hosting I'll be stumbling through this for a bit.

Michigan PFS

"Basic" is an overstatement! Hey, no updates?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Update: I still don't know what I'm doing and seem to be floundering with it.

I installed wordpress and after 2 hours of fighting with it...accomplished nothing. That was last Friday. Going to dig into "how tos" again sometime this week. If anyone knows what they're doing...I could use help. Because I have no Craft: Interwebs skill.

If anyone wants to step up and be our webmaster I'll love you for a long time!

The Exchange

I mentioned previously I'd be happy to have you setup/manage a PFS Michigan section on d20pfsrd.com. We use Google Sites so you don't really need to know a lick of html to edit it. All you need is a Google ID to login and get something going. Just let me know!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Hmm...ok, based on this thing kicking my butt. Here is what I'm looking for in PFS Michigan's website.

Announcements Page

Forums (With VCs and VLs as moderators)

Place to sign up for games, which can be part of the forums. We want to avoid the every store/event issue of needing to sign up with Warhorn.

and lastly...thank you. Stubborness made me want to manage it myself. :P

The Exchange 2/5

I am actually looking to start a PFS near the Holland/muskegon area and could use some pointers to get started.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Hmm...the things I look for when starting organized play are in this order.

1) Do I have a public place to play, even if you consider your "home" public, unless it's a store or some such, it's not. A FLGS is where I'd start looking, if not available someplace that's open late, and offers food is nice. In Kalamazoo we play at a grocery store with a cafe that's open till 12am, because our FLGS decided it didn't need the "F" in it's acronym.

2) Do you have 3 solid people to give you the minimum for a table?

3) Talk to everyone, put up flyers, advertise where ever you can.

That's pretty much what I did. I know there are at least 2-3 players in that area of Michigan. If I can find their contact info, I'll forward them to your PM box.

The Exchange 2/5

that would be most excellent and I do have a FLGS in mind that may be willing to provide as a base of operations for us they already run friday night magic there so I know they are willing to stay open a little late.

Silver Crusade 5/5

What store?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Painlord has some good information here about coordinating pfs.

While Stephen White made up some cool flyer templates here

EDIT: Just checked, and this is my 1000 post. :D Hope its useful. ;)

Silver Crusade 5/5

Very useful, Mr. Clingenpeel. :P

The Exchange 2/5

the store is called Cobblestone Shops and hobbies it has been the FLGS here since i can remember, and that is some great stuff to help get the word out clingenpeel

The Exchange 3/5

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:

Painlord has some good information here about coordinating pfs.

While Stephen White made up some cool flyer templates here

EDIT: Just checked, and this is my 1000 post. :D Hope its useful. ;)

Sheee, Clingenpeel, of course it's useful, you mentioned one of my posts!

//stops channeling DragnMoon ;)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Daniel Luckett wrote:
William Ronald wrote:

Congratulations, Dan!

Well, I guess the NW Indiana area is a kind of borderland. However, I think that we have a pretty good group and we are growing.

Do you have a Keep?

Technically, we work out of Lightspeed Hobbies. We also have in Meyer's Castle in the area.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Gaming in Meyer's Castle would be awesome! I wonder what it would cost to host a convention there?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Daniel Luckett wrote:

Hmm...the things I look for when starting organized play are in this order.

1) Do I have a public place to play, even if you consider your "home" public, unless it's a store or some such, it's not. A FLGS is where I'd start looking, if not available someplace that's open late, and offers food is nice. In Kalamazoo we play at a grocery store with a cafe that's open till 12am, because our FLGS decided it didn't need the "F" in it's acronym.

2) Do you have 3 solid people to give you the minimum for a table?

3) Talk to everyone, put up flyers, advertise where ever you can.

That's pretty much what I did. I know there are at least 2-3 players in that area of Michigan. If I can find their contact info, I'll forward them to your PM box.

You should also include a Coordinating or Getting Started page, where you post this and similar advice, perhaps with a googlemaps plug-in that shows active PFS games in the area.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Tom Baumbach wrote:
Daniel Luckett wrote:

Hmm...the things I look for when starting organized play are in this order.

1) Do I have a public place to play, even if you consider your "home" public, unless it's a store or some such, it's not. A FLGS is where I'd start looking, if not available someplace that's open late, and offers food is nice. In Kalamazoo we play at a grocery store with a cafe that's open till 12am, because our FLGS decided it didn't need the "F" in it's acronym.

2) Do you have 3 solid people to give you the minimum for a table?

3) Talk to everyone, put up flyers, advertise where ever you can.

That's pretty much what I did. I know there are at least 2-3 players in that area of Michigan. If I can find their contact info, I'll forward them to your PM box.

You should also include a Coordinating or Getting Started page, where you post this and similar advice, perhaps with a googlemaps plug-in that shows active PFS games in the area.

It's on my "to do" list.

Silver Crusade 5/5

So, the smartest thing I've done IMO since I've gone down this website endeavor is to assign Michigan a Webmaster. The isolated, but PFS loving Eric Clingenpeel is using his far greater bonus to "Craft: Interwebs" skill. The website has already drastically changed for the better. Not fully functional, but for less than 24 hours, better.

The Exchange 3/5

Daniel Luckett wrote:
So, the smartest thing I've done IMO since I've gone down this website endeavor is to assign Michigan a Webmaster. The isolated, but PFS loving Eric Clingenpeel is using his far greater bonus to "Craft: Interwebs" skill. The website has already drastically changed for the better. Not fully functional, but for less than 24 hours, better.

So true. Nothing better than finding the right person to help with the job.

Way to be, Clingenpeel.

Similarly, we here at Bay Area Pathfinder Society have Euan who rocks our website.

We are both blessed.


Silver Crusade 5/5

I like that map plugin...can we do something like that Eric?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

I think I can get something like that going. One of the calendar extensions I looked at had a similar capability, but it was a commercial (pay) ext. so I went with an equally rated free one instead. But yeah, should be possible.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Eric has been working fastidiously at getting our website up. Well, he's successfully created "life". The Michiganpfs.org website is ALIVE!!!

Go check it out. It's functional for now. Further development and enhancements down the road, but it is a "level 1" website for now and it will level up. :)

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