kyrt-ryder |
kyrt-ryder wrote:Does the new cohort book have anything that would be helpful along these lines?Shalafi2412 wrote:IIRC there is a feat that allows you to use a smaller or larger mount early on.You're thinking of the Mighty Steed feat, it's actually a feat for the mount rather than the rider and it enables the creature to serve as a mount for a creature of its own size category.
If you wanted to work the granting of that feat to the Dragon Rider's Dragon Cohort as part of level 1, you could pretty comfortably scale down the entry point to the PRC to something more like level 6-
EDIT: I'd make that 7th level minimum. It would be kind of weird to grant a cohort to a PC of a level too low to take Leadership.
Not a clue. I'd just run it the way the Bestiary says run Monsters as PCs, alongside with the rules for the Leadership Feat [ignoring Leadership Score because it's not really relevant in this case.]
Take the Dragon's CR, and use that as its 'level' for purpose of being a Cohort, with a -3 adjustment from the class ability. Which... in hindsight... is a pretty beefy boost. I might recommend reducing that to -2. Whatever the case, after the adjustment, the Dragon's Level has to be 2 less than his master's.
Since the game doesn't really have HD advancement rules for monsters, I'd probably suggest leveling the Dragon as a cohort until it reaches a CR equal to the next age category, at which point the Player could choose to perform some sort of ritual with his dragon to exchange those levels for advancement to the next age category [or choose not to. I certainly wouldn't recommend aging a dragon past the Large size.]

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I have seen the archetype you linked Zavas and I like it. I am playing that right now in a PbP game.
THe problem would come I think with the different Knights of Solamnia.
Which version, DLCS or Legends of the Twins?
Yeah, the Knights are tricky... In one person's conversion, Lancefinder, they made them cavaliers and just made Knights of the Crown the order of the Lion, knights of the Sword the order of the Star, and knights of the Rose the order of the Sword. Granted, that was for a War of the Lance campaign, but it's a good base.
Either, actually.
In fact, the new scaling magic items concept from Unchained may be a good basis for the Staff now that I think about it. (The powers depend on user's strength bit comes to mind.) Granted, I'd need to familiarize myself with the specifics on how that works, first.

Gambit |

Looking at the different options for the wizards and cavaliers and other classes, in a DL world are the PRCs even necessary?
I really like the Knight prestige classes from Knightly Order of Ansalon, but I wouldnt necessarily take them on every single Knight character I played. I would probably take Sword Knight (clerist) on a clerical focused Knight, and theres a good chance I would take the Rose Knight on top of the Cavalier class, but I most likely wouldnt with a Paladin.
The way I see it is that the PrC isnt needed to achieve the heights in the organizations, but its another option for those who are members of said groups to utilize if they so desire.
Basically a Fighter 20 could be Lord of the Crown as easily as a Fighter 10/Crown Knight 10, as long as he has roleplayed it properly.

Gambit |

I'm starting up a new in person Dragonlance campaign for a group of DL newbies, this should be fun. I'm going to be running a Kingmaker-esque campaign set in Kharolis, where the party will eventually be involved with a big war against the goblinoids, ogres, and thanois of the south, culminating (hopefully) with them uniting the region and one of them being elevated to king/queen of the new united nation.
So far the players have created the following characters:
Human (Unchained) Rogue - More scout than anything considered a thief, has ties to the Legion.
Human (Unchained) Summoner - For her we are calling her summoner powers a variant on primal sorcery, basically she is a "sorcerer" who is highly focused on the summoning realm of primal sorcery.
Tinker Gnome Mystic (Oracle) - A member of the Guild of Ambient Magical and Healing Sciences.
4th player has yet to finalize their character yet, probably going with a warrior type of some sort though, possibly a barbarian.
Should be fun. :)

PathlessBeth |
Just today, WotC released the 3.5 Dragonlance Campaign Setting book as a PDF for the first time.
So, that's a decent chunk of the work done for ya in an available format....

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Just today, WotC released the 3.5 Dragonlance Campaign Setting book as a PDF for the first time.
So, that's a decent chunk of the work done for ya in an available format....
Thanks for this, just bought it!

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |

There is good stuff in that book but later Margaret Weis Productions updated and improved on the book. For example, Towers of High Sorcery and the Age of Mortals campaign got rid of the need for wizards to specalize in 3.5 terms while Knightly Orders of Ansalon fixes the Knights of Solamnia and the Legion of Steel PRCs.

Gambit |

There is good stuff in that book but later Margaret Weis Productions updated and improved on the book. For example, Towers of High Sorcery and the Age of Mortals campaign got rid of the need for wizards to specalize in 3.5 terms while Knightly Orders of Ansalon fixes the Knights of Solamnia and the Legion of Steel PRCs.
Indeed Shalafi, the later Margaret Weis Publishing books are in fact better than the DLCS and Age of Mortals books.
Knightly Orders of Ansalon, Towers of High Sorcery, Holy Orders of the Stars, Races of Ansalon, Dragons of Krynn, War of the Lance, and Legends of the Twins are all just plain masterpieces.

Gambit |

So we met tonight and finalized characters, we have:
Human Rogue: The 5th and youngest child of an Ergothian noble, she has bucked somewhat against the traditional Ergothian gender roles and has left her homeland to adventure and explore. Still trained in the courtly traditions and demure femininity of her upbringing, she is adept as both diplomat and scout.
Human Summoner: Born the day Chaos is defeated, this young woman has a seemingly natural connection with the ambient magic that infused the world upon his demise, being highly drawn specifically to the summoning realm of primal sorcery. This especially took the shape of her being born as a "twin", with her "brother" in fact being her eidolon. In actuality he is an Azata, a celestial being that has "grown up" with her since birth and acts as her guardian and protector.
Tinker Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon): A member of the Alchemical and Medicinal Sciences Guild, this little gnomes Life Quest is to discover and create an alchemical mixture potent enough to resurrect the dead. (The player was originally going to play a Mystic, but upon learning about the Chirurgeon archetype decided to switch to Alchemist.)
Minotaur Barbarian: A Kazelati, this minotaur was taken and forced to fight in the gladiatorial arenas of the Minotaur Imperium for many years, until after losing a match and presumed dead, was rescued by an unknown benefactor and taken to the mainland.
I'm actually really excited about this party and campaign now. We are using my Age of Dragons timeline, which has been begging for me to actually utilize for a while. It looks like the Rogue will likely end up as Queen of the new nation, but we'll see how it actually plays out. :D

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Actually, Dragonlance does have technology, but it is not what you would think. Gnomes, in Krynn (the world of Dragonlance) are tinkerers. They build things. But, they, as a race, are cursed by Chaos that their inventions never work as they should. Often explosive and dangerous, it is almost like a form of magic.
Dragonlance bears the bulk of the blame for the modern image of gnomes... which has even crept into Warcraft.

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I think these Oracle Curses could add to the overall story for someone wanting to use Oracles as the Mystics without causing the Flavor of the game to dindle
Oracle Curses For Dragonlance
1-Covetous (LOD)
2-God-Meddled (PPC:HOG)
3-Legalistic (BOF)
4-Powerless Prophecy (ISMC)
5-Shattered Psyche (AP: Iron Gods BK 4)
I think the 4th one would work the best for those wanting to play a Goldmoon Style of character.
Currently I am playing in a campaign as a Human Alchemist(Chirugeon) level 12. We also have a Half-Giant Knight, WoodElf Shaman, and High Elf Swashbuckler (Although he is Lawful Evil)
My character is considered knowledgeable in magic and healing. But because his vocation, well let's just say it's been an entertaining uphill bit of Role play :3