Moon Base!

Off-Topic Discussions

Neil deGrasse Tyson offers some insight in this > youtube bit <.

Discounting the predicted "Escape From New York" style government
he would bring, I would vote for Newt if I could fly to a moon base.

... to build the missile silos.


I was talking to this dude studying molecular biology;
his research is on new, clean energy systems. He has
a theory about the supply of Earth's natural resources
and how they control human attempts to successfully
land on new planets with more resources to plunder..
I mean resources to utilize.

His thought is we (humans) only have one shot to do this right.
One chance, and if we go too long without trying, and grind down
our natural resources too much, we will no longer be able to put
together a powerful enough system to move us into the stars.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We don't talk about sekrit moon base!!!!!!!!!

Sekrit moon base is filled with moon gnomes.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Sekrit moon base is filled with moon gnomes.

And we want our world back!!!

Sovereign Court

high G wrote:

I was talking to this dude studying molecular biology;

his research is on new, clean energy systems. He has
a theory about the supply of Earth's natural resources
and how they control human attempts to successfully
land on new planets with more resources to plunder..
I mean resources to utilize.

His thought is we (humans) only have one shot to do this right.
One chance, and if we go too long without trying, and grind down
our natural resources too much, we will no longer be able to put
together a powerful enough system to move us into the stars.

Well the first step is not to get us out to the stars, it's to get us out into our neighborhood (i.e. - our solar system). In that respect, while there is validity to the natural resources on planet being finite, I don't believe we are in for a "one shot and that's it" scenario. At least not now or in the near future.

Additionally, all current energy sources (save possibly nuclear) are one of the most limiting factors on where we can send crewed exploration. All that fuel takes up space and is not renewable. In order to escape the solar system and truly get into the stars either a new, highly efficient energy source (i.e. - a source where a little volume goes a loooong way) needs to be found or some form of renewable energy needs to be discovered.

and thanks for the initial link, btw. Dr. Tyson is one of my favorite speakers on the subject of space; he really sparks that sense of wonder in the listener like Dr. Sagan did back in the day. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Priapus wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Sekrit moon base is filled with moon gnomes.
And we want our world back!!!

Solomon Grundy want moon base too!

Moon formation

Interesting article about the hunt for NEOs. And we are not talking about Neo, but NEOs.

I miss newt.


Electric Wizard wrote:
I miss newt.

If you liked Newt, you shoulda put a ring on it. Wha-oh-oh-oh-oh-ooh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh... {dances (badly)}

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16


The Exchange

He talks about the fear of the Russians owning Space is why America went to the Moon - and when their economy fell in - America went Meh! and walked back to the Cave.

How about this? The many trillions of carats in Diamonds that Russia has in a crater could finance its Space Empire. All Russia would need to do is privatize its space program and give that company all its diamonds and in return that company would have to pay Russia back with half of the Helium 3 it produces through mining on the moon.

Right now you are thinking: Meh?

Well that Russian Space Corporation could then use all its fifty percent of its Helium three reserves to finance the assembly of a huge drone fleet capable of mining the Rings of Saturn and the Asteroid belt and dumping ice in the Martian Atmosphere. It could make Mars Colony a Client State.

Russia with its half of the Helium Three could use it to Power itself and its ambitions on earth. the very long run...isn't dumping bazzillions of tons of water into Mars a waste? Since there's no magnetosphere and such low gravity any thing humans do over time the nature of the place will just waste it back out into space ay way.

Surely throwing bazzilions of what ever is needed at Venus would be a better way to go? Also the fact that there is far less chance for anything to be surviving under the Venusian surface than the Martian one?

Moon base?

Does it come with a "laser"?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
yellowdingo wrote:

He talks about the fear of the Russians owning Space is why America went to the Moon - and when their economy fell in - America went Meh! and walked back to the Cave.

It happened a lot sooner. Interest in the Moon shots fell sharply after the success of Apollo 11, declined even steeper during 12 and had fallen to the bottom soon after. In fact Apollo 13 had no planned live coverage in flight, because the interest for the moonflight was pratically nil until the oxygen tank exploded and it looked like we were going to have our first in space fatalities.

You have to kick these guys off the moon first.

Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer [HD] .

Very funny movie.

The Exchange

, wrote: the very long run...isn't dumping bazzillions of tons of water into Mars a waste? Since there's no magnetosphere and such low gravity any thing humans do over time the nature of the place will just waste it back out into space ay way.

Surely throwing bazzilions of what ever is needed at Venus would be a better way to go? Also the fact that there is far less chance for anything to be surviving under the Venusian surface than the Martian one?

One black hole in the atmosphere of venus eats the sulfur and carbon and burns protons with the oxygen at the edge of the firestorm turning atmosphere into water.

Then you must close it...

(O_o) questions and answers there....

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

You have to kick these guys off the moon first.

Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer [HD] .

Very funny movie.

~LAUGHTER~ I have to see this one!

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

You have to kick these guys off the moon first.

Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer [HD] .

Very funny movie.

Freakin' moon-nazis!

The Exchange

, wrote:

(O_o) questions and answers there....

Mmmm...someone who thinks i'm messing with him. Tasty.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
yellowdingo wrote:
, wrote:

(O_o) questions and answers there....

Mmmm...someone who thinks i'm messing with him. Tasty.

The Exchange

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
, wrote:

(O_o) questions and answers there....

Mmmm...someone who thinks i'm messing with him. Tasty.

Guy burns beard? That's emotionally disturbing on so many anti beard levels.

Sovereign Court

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
, wrote:

(O_o) questions and answers there....

Mmmm...someone who thinks i'm messing with him. Tasty.


I ... I ... I just don't have the words ...

You know how you don't like that one toy you have. You never play with it. But as soon as another kid wants it and starts playing with it, you all of sudden want it and start crying over it?

Well that's happening with the moon now.

Moon War !

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