Can you cast Time Stop in a Time Stop?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

The title of the thread says it all. Can you cast Time Stop while you're in Time Stop to give yourself more rounds?

Liberty's Edge

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I'm not sure, but I AM sure that with a few layers of this and something going wrong + some liberal borrowing from Inception, this is high level adventure module just begging to be written.

As it's such a cool idea, I'm inclined to say yes; however, because it's potentially an even COOLER idea with something going horribly wrong with the attempt, I'm certain the real answer is *sort of*.

Roll a d100

1-40 The wizard is permanently frozen in time, forever (they do not decay normally). To others, they seem to freeze still, and there are signs a great deal of magic is in play, but that using two time stops has ended their attachment to time. For them, all has truly stopped.

They can be brought out of this with two very powerful dispel magics.

41-80 It works! Outside of time stop, the wizard is cursed with slow until removed, no save.

81-100 It works with no ill effects.

Time Stop

There's nothing that says you can't. I'd be inclined to say yes, you can burn as many spell slots as you want giving yourself more time.

A god of time tells you to "stop that".

The Exchange

Strictly from a RAW sense, is it legal? If it is, I'm about to start a new thread with a combo that makes a 17th level wizard unbeatable.

Joseph Caubo wrote:
Strictly from a RAW sense

There is not such thing in this case.

Exactly. Wizard may win one combat, each day, with no challenge.

The idea of time stop is nto that you are stopping time, but you are moving so fast nobody can perceive your actions.
I look at it like stacking the same effect twice so the answer should be no.

Wouldn't the duration just reset?

If the spell really stopped time. I would say they overlap, but the despite the name, that is not what it does.

Then again I guess it could still overlap, but the durations should not just keep stacking.

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It's stacking a spell effect. It's not really different from having more than one Bull's Strength - you just reset the duration after each spell cast.

I am more interested in how to deal with the spells that are supposed to come into play at the end of Time Stop. You might say it comes into play when after the first Time Stop or at the end of the chained Time Stop.

No clue. Never even seen Time Stop cast in a game, tbh. Not a lot of experience with it.

Globetrotter wrote:
Wouldn't the duration just reset?

Close, they'd overlap. If you're affected by displacement, and cast it again, are you double displaced? No. You've just increased the duration of the effect.

So your first spell would give you 1d4+1 rounds, or an average of 3.5 rounds. After casting it again, you've spent a round casting it, reducing the original spell duration to 2.5 rounds, but your new spell of 3.5 rounds extends your spell effect by one round (although you already wasted that round casting the second spell).

I have seen it used. By saying the duration increases you are basically speeding yourself up to get more things done.
I think this is a good FAQ button for an official rule. I would not allow it to stack or overlap in a homegame though.

wraithstrike wrote:
I think this is a good FAQ button for an official rule. I would not allow it to stack or overlap in a homegame though.


Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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Joseph Caubo wrote:
Can you cast Time Stop while you're in Time Stop to give yourself more rounds?

Only if you're Xzibit.

PRD wrote:
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time.

I'm leaning towards yes, but that's just me.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

~Let's do the time stop again!~

...wait, I think I might have got that mixed up with something else.

I like to imagine that it would work the same as freezing a frozen enemy when you're playing as sub-zero in Mortal Kombat. It just gives everybody else in the vicinity the effects of time stop on you.
Granted, I also like to imagine that one day I'll have players tricky enough to lure an opponent into trying it. Like that'll ever happen...

Liberty's Edge

The spell overlap with the previously cast time stop.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Diego Rossi wrote:
The spell overlap with the previously cast time stop.

This. This is how it works. Just keep in mind that the spellcaster DOES NOT KNOW WHEN THE DURATION WILL END. That might make timing the next casting quite difficult.

Magic Chapter Excerpt:
Timed Durations: Many durations are measured in rounds, minutes, hours, or other increments. When the time is up, the magic goes away and the spell ends. If a spell's duration is variable, the duration is rolled secretly so the caster doesn't know how long the spell will last.

Joseph Caubo wrote:
The title of the thread says it all. Can you cast Time Stop while you're in Time Stop to give yourself more rounds?

Yes, you can cast time stop while time stopped, but to get the most bang for your buck, you need to cast it on the last round of your time stop, or ready an action to cast it when your time stop ends, otherwise you will waste more rounds than needed.

Ravingdork wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:
The spell overlap with the previously cast time stop.

This. This is how it works. Just keep in mind that the spellcaster DOES NOT KNOW WHEN THE DURATION WILL END. That might make timing the next casting quite difficult.

** spoiler omitted **

Timed Durations: Many durations are measured in rounds, minutes, hours, or other increments. When the time is up, the magic goes away and the spell ends. If a spell's duration is variable, the duration is rolled secretly so the caster doesn't know how long the spell will last.

Time stop is the greatest reason to have a greater metamagic rod of maximize there is. :P

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

The spell is very specific that you speed up for the duration, which lends itself to two intepretations:

(a) You speed up to incredible speed X. An additional casting *might* increase the duration depending on the duration rolls for the initial and subsequent casting. Best case you get 5 rounds both times, and cast the second on round 5, giving you 9 rounds total. Worst case, you get 2 rounds both times and cast it on round 2, giving you 3 rounds total. Thus, you get 3-9 rounds of actions.

(b) You speed up by an incredible factor X times your current speed. By this interpretation, a subsequent casting should be nested, since you'd be sped up by multiple factors. Thus, you get from 4-10 rounds of actions, not dependent on luck.

Practially speaking, I see the difference as minor. Either way, it's a lot of actions with strict limitations on those actions.

Neither interpretation is exactly game-breaking relative to the other, though I'm inclined to go with (a) because speeding up more and more with each time stop seems to make less sense, especially compared to most other spells, which do not stack (e.g. time stop comes across as an uber-powerful version of haste, and multiple hastes don't make you even faster).

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