You Know You Are Playing Pathfinder Too Much When...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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115. You run 3 games already and consider getting into a PbP.

116. You cut back on World of Warcraft and wonder what you've been doing for the past 4 years. (You also realize that by not playing WoW for two months, you can spend that money on a Combat Pad).

117. You make wishlists simply to keep track of what you're going to buy next (+1 geek cred if it's over 50 items long).

118. "Themed Snack Night" strangely coincides with your game night.

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Saturday: Playing in Mage The Ascensions session. Campaign is finally getting to a close after some four or five years.
Sunday: Playing in D&D 3.5 game with folks for which I GM Pathfinder some Sundays.
Monday: Playing Fading Suns with completely different group.
Tuesday: Going to pub with some of the folks of Monday group and some of their co-players.

Another session will be on Saturday and it will be Monastyr and Sunday with Earthdawn planned. Maybe I can get a one-shot Call Of Cthulhu/WoD session next Saturday with different folks just for a change but I suspect they won't have time again.

So, no, I don't play Pathfinder too much.

119) When you realize that you are starting to act like your character in real life.

120) When you GM a game and begin to think of your apartment as the dragon's lair.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Son of the Veterinarian wrote:

113. You have ever, in any way, been part of an attempt or discussion on creating a character from either Naruto or Bleach using Pathfinder rules.

Half guilty of this; sorta made a character from Fairy Tale <_<

Theos Imarion wrote:
114. While practicing martial arts you think about what your monk lvl. is.

I'm still a level 1 Monk with Mantis Style right now (learning Jade Forest Praying Mantis).

Son of the Veterinarian wrote:

113. You have ever, in any way, been part of an attempt or discussion on creating a character from either Naruto or Bleach using Pathfinder rules.

Thanx, SotV, now, by default, we're all playing Pathfinder too much. :)

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Theos Imarion wrote:
@Azten is hiding behind a pile of bards a reference to The Gamers: Dorkness Rising.

121) You know about The Gamers: Dorkness Rising. :)

Guilty of 118.

The Exchange

Theos Imarion wrote:
109. You start a message board for help with optimization.

122. When you don't have to start a message board to optimize a character, or even crack open a book for that matter

123. You are far too brave to grant mercy.
124. You are of the opinion that: Killing Equals Honor.

Silver Crusade

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Too... much... ????

The Exchange

125. You check this thread every day or so just to see if you have, indeed, been playing too much Pathfinder.

126. If you think your character could take on any Anime character and win.

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127. You see hitting points in this thread as signs of accomplishment, rather than that you've been playing too much.

128. You contemplate saving this thread as "geek cred test" to qualify players for future games.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

129. Using his and Greedo's stats you can prove that Han shoots first 73.243% of the time.

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Son of the Veterinarian wrote:

129. Using his and Greedo's stats you can prove that Han shoots first 73.243% of the time.

Wait, what?!

How does THAT indicate playing too much PATHFINDER?!

I would say that being able to a: figure out what their stats are and b:running the scenario through enough for a standard test model would probably do it.


That is a *lot* of die rolling

130. The Paizo catalog is your preferred bathroom reading material.

131. You lurk on the messageboards to see if your gaming group is truly "the worst in existence".

132. You know what the coffee argument is, when it is coming, and from whom. (It's not in the book, so it doesn't exist! Now drink your ale!)

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133 - You compile everything on this list so you can print it out as a potential new player survey.

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134 - You find yourself arguing with your friends and family over what alignment superheroes are.

135- you cant remember your new phone number after a mouth but you know what pg all your feats are on

darth_borehd wrote:

62. You've tried to quit a habit and muttered "failed my Will save" when you give in to it.

Just did that yesterday...

136 - watching a boxing match, you mutter "Roll Initiative" each time the gong rings.

137. When in a group for social skills you end up thinking about sense motive when others are wondering what other people think?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

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138. Your bills are all overdue, yet you wouldn't dream of risking your Charter Superscription.

139. You have more space in your house devoted to miniatures for your Pathfinder games than for food.

140. Every store you go into, no matter what it is, is searched for "things you can use in the game."

141. You call the Amazon Mawangi

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

142. You can argue passionately and logically on one side or the other of the debate regarding the question of guns in Golarion, referencing personal experiences, arguments by past commentators, and the opinions of the very creators of fantasy RPGs themselves, but if someone were to ask you about the effects of District of Columbia v. Heller on the Second Amendment it would draw, at best, a blank stare.

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143. You argue passionately that *insert favorite fictional character here* is a *insert level* *insert class* and only a completely idiot would say otherwise.

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144. Your son's alphabet "fridge magnets" live on the dryer, which compared to the fridge is safely away from where the infant might escape to. You get to the washing machine a few seconds too early to transfer clothes to the dryer. The final spin cycle is nearly done. What to do for a few seconds? Your house now has magnet letters that spell out "TOZ", "Cheapy" and "Ravingdork".

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

145. You own cats you've named after characters from a fantasy novel.

Son of the Veterinarian wrote:

145. You own cats you've named after characters from a fantasy novel.

Cat- (deceased) Leia

Cat- Pipin
Dog- Willow
Son- Tristan

Our daughter's name is Ember which my wife and I think is cool but we were very close to naming her Eowyn.

Not exaclty obscure references but we still love them.

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My son is named Zebadiah after a character in a Heinlein novel. :P

Gnomezrule wrote:
Son of the Veterinarian wrote:

145. You own cats you've named after characters from a fantasy novel.

Cat- (deceased) Leia

Cat- Pipin
Dog- Willow
Son- Tristan

Our daughter's name is Ember which my wife and I think is cool but we were very close to naming her Eowyn.

Not exaclty obscure references but we still love them.

146 when you did not realize that when you named your daughter after the 3.5 iconic monk. lol

Kyras Ausks wrote:
Gnomezrule wrote:
Son of the Veterinarian wrote:

145. You own cats you've named after characters from a fantasy novel.

Cat- (deceased) Leia

Cat- Pipin
Dog- Willow
Son- Tristan

Our daughter's name is Ember which my wife and I think is cool but we were very close to naming her Eowyn.

Not exaclty obscure references but we still love them.

146 when you did not realize that when you named your daughter after the 3.5 iconic monk. lol

You're right! This however was unintentional we did not pick Ember because of gaming. Our son Tristan has a middle name Phoenix so we wanted to keep somthing fire related.

147. Your characters and/or campaigns earn unflattering nicknames that are used among people not in your gaming group.

148. You state that when you're having a bad day, you're "rolling all 1's".

149. You ponder creating a picture thread with your new minis.

150. Your dice have cracks, but you refuse to replace them.

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151. You try to liken Dodgeball to Pathfinder, but in the end, still can't touch Touch AC.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
ruemere wrote:

41. You tend to discuss your violent machiavellan schemes in a middle of a crowded bus.

42. You tend to discuss magic and demon summoning and bloody sacrifices in a middle of a crowded bus.

Oh man, I'm so guilty of this. You can get some really funny looks this way.

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152 - You try to work out game rules for memes. I'm still juggling what level spell "Boot to the head" is.

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Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
152 - You try to work out game rules for memes. I'm still juggling what level spell "Boot to the head" is.

Make it an alternate class feature, replacing 'Hand of the Apprentice.'

Silver Crusade

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
152 - You try to work out game rules for memes. I'm still juggling what level spell "Boot to the head" is.

I don't know anything about monks, but the monk in our group is able to unarmed strike even with her hands full. I think the intent was that she's kicking and elbowing the enemy. We joke about her using "boot to the head" attacks.

153. When the paizo blog mentions Adam Diagle is a flumph preservatoinist you think he has alchemist levels with the preservationist archtype from ultimate magic.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Feeroper wrote:
ruemere wrote:

41. You tend to discuss your violent machiavellan schemes in a middle of a crowded bus.

42. You tend to discuss magic and demon summoning and bloody sacrifices in a middle of a crowded bus.

Oh man, I'm so guilty of this. You can get some really funny looks this way.

154. You have ever been told by a supervisor at work, "Stop talking about worshiping satan in the office."

Silver Crusade

Son of the Veterinarian wrote:
Feeroper wrote:
ruemere wrote:

41. You tend to discuss your violent machiavellan schemes in a middle of a crowded bus.

42. You tend to discuss magic and demon summoning and bloody sacrifices in a middle of a crowded bus.

Oh man, I'm so guilty of this. You can get some really funny looks this way.
154. You have ever been told by a supervisor at work, "Stop talking about worshiping satan in the office."

Not to be confused with "Stop talking about worshiping seitan in the office", which is on the "You know you're a vegetarian" list.

154. You have ever been told by a supervisor at work, "Stop talking about worshiping satan in the office."
Not to be confused with "Stop talking about worshiping seitan in the office", which is on the "You know you're a vegetarian" list.

155. You laughed at the reference of 154.

156. You realize you'd rather quit real life than roleplaying.
157. Would be saddened if your significant other left you, but would be devastated if you lost all your RPG materials (books, dice, binders, notebooks, etc.)
158. Spend more time reading roleplaying books, websites, or reference materials than all other activities in your daily life combined.
159. Learned archery in real life to test distance penalties.

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160. You learn complex math for the sake of designing dungeons and encounters, but couldn't manage to learn the same skills in school.

161. You've been reading The Art of War for tips on how to run villains.

deathbydoughnut wrote:
159. Learned archery in real life to test distance penalties.

I forgot about that!

162. Take the local community college "concealed handgun permit" class to learn how firearms work for GMing purposes. Just how much harder is it to aim with only one hand, or while walking, or when trying to draw quickly rather than from the ready position? How much does using a firearm besides the one you are most used to interfere with accuracy? Etc.

(Although, to be fair, this happened a few years before I had heard of Pathfinder. At the time I was attempting to design a science fiction RPG, which never happened. As an instructor at the community college I had to pay the class "fees" but not "tuition", so it was a sweet deal. And having a concealed handgun permit, even with no intent to own a gun, helps deter crime because some migrant criminals keep track of which counties have many or few permits.)

163. Wore a sword to your wedding.

164. The most expensive things in your home is your sword collection.

165. The shepherds in your churches christmas pagent are well armed and have numerous accessories dangling about them in Renoldsesque fashion.

166. You've spent more time on hand crafting dungeons than painting the ceiling in your home.

deathbydoughnut wrote:
156. You realize you'd rather quit real life than roleplaying.

What real life?

158. Spend more time reading roleplaying books, websites, or reference materials than all other activities in your daily life combined.

Damn, you were spying on me!

167. When you get progressively more disappointed the more of these you *don't* qualify for.

168. When your proudest accomplishment to-date is effectively seeding a growing Pathfinder cult in your highschool- freshman year.

169. When you're GMing two PF games, are part of three more, in addition to two active pbps and are part of three freeform (can't tackle the rules yet) roleplays run by your players, intend to join every PFS session you hear of and would rather have a tooth pulled than miss any of the aforementioned.

170. Collect Pathfinder books even if you mostly use the srd.

171. Your idea of a fun evening with your girlfriends is discussing what character builds we'd be and then maybe playing as them.

172. Any D&D reference makes you grin. And you will gladly explain at length given half a chance. No matter who you're talking to.

173. You best friend immediately associates your name with 'dragons and fancy fantasy stuff'.

174. When you're bored you browse the rules.

175. When you start to worry you are running out of scenarios that you will get credit for because you have played a large number of them. (Assumes you are doing PFS organized play...)

176. The most expensive anniversary gifts you've bought are swords.

177. You walk into a game store and gravitate towards people talking about Pathfinder...

178. ...Then you invite said people to your game night.

179. Your favorite webcomics center around roleplayers and/or D&D from the monsters' perspective.

180. You have had to explain what all your Pathfinder stuff is doing at work.

181. Whilst perusing your Bestiary 2 for future encounters, you restrain yourself from committing physical violence when someone walks by and calls it "porn".

Yucale wrote:
169. When you're GMing two PF games, are part of three more, in addition to two active pbps and are part of three freeform (can't tackle the rules yet) roleplays run by your players, intend to join every PFS session you hear of and would rather have a tooth pulled than miss any of the aforementioned.

I'm not worthy!!

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