To murder a fellow player character.


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It's a boat, right? Manacle his ankle to a 200lb weight and pitch it overboard.

Grand Lodge

Gives him time to struggle. The post murder plan is a little hazy though. I figured I would just wing it, but now I have a little bit more time to plan it.

Frame the Devils, I think it would be the most plausible and most beneficial scenario.

Grand Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Gives him time to struggle. The post murder plan is a little hazy though. I figured I would just wing it, but now I have a little bit more time to plan it.

murderify him while the ship en route somewhere, toss his body overboard for the sharks.

do all the NPCs know about his vow of truth and believe he adheres to it? if they don't know about it or aren't convinced, steal some of their valuables and hide them in turtle boy's bed the day before the murder. convince them to find their missing items, casting more NPC doubt on the legitimacy of the turtle's poverty/truth claims.

as for the scapegoat... launch an exhaustive search for clues (which you've planted) that implicate the captain (who conveniently has no memory of any of it). since he's now clearly possessed by devils, you make him walk the plank and kill him if he resists. badda bing, badda boom, you now have your own pirate ship.

Grand Lodge

Just to note, I have no desire to murder any other character. Just the turtle.

Grand Lodge

another thought...

knock him out, tie him up and toss him overboard. convince everyone that he was plotting a mutiny, so the captain must have done it. gain access to captain's log and make a notation that supports your claim.

optional: mutiny in turtle boy's honor... get pirate ship.

Grand Lodge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Just to note, I have no desire to murder any other character. Just the turtle.

any other character or any other player character?

if you frame someone for murder, it's not likely to end well for them. it would be a bit fishy if you were acting shocked and apalled that turtle boy died but nobody else cared enough to investigate or demand justice if/when the "real" killer was discovered.

Grand Lodge

Without the loudmouth turtle, the others will submit easily enough. I like the idea of someone else being captain, but truly being in charge. If I throw the turtle overboard, he will be dead first. NPCs are better for frame up.

Grand Lodge

Tels wrote:
Frame the Devils, I think it would be the most plausible and most beneficial scenario.

depending on the watch-duty scenario, knock him out, drag him to the side of the deck, coup de grace, toss him overboard.

your story:

you woke up or were on watch and heard turtle boy talking to the devils, who are angry that he passed along some of your intentional misinformation. you get up to investigate because they're out of sight just in time to hear his throat sliced and his body splash into the water. by the time you reach the part of the ship where the sounds were coming from, the devils have fled. wake everyone up and share the bad news.

Ooh, if you want to totally frame it on the devils, get some Devil blood from one of the battles earlier in the day and leave it behind at the scene of the fight. If you have a bag of holding, possibly stow an entire corpse!

Also, claw yourself to make it look as if you were attacked by more than just the turtle.

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Honestly, blackbloodtroll, I think you are over thinking it at this point. Think of this issue from the perspecitve of an outside observer NPC. In the post murder what would that NPC say if questioned about what happened to the turtle? Probably something like, "Dunno. I was sleepin. *yawn*" Right? Just make your response that and only if asked.

The other players already know and are likely going to go out of their way to make their characters oblivious to what actually happened so as to not be liable. The NPCs are likely pretty stupid and if your setup is done correctly then they shouldn't even notice until after the fact. The only recourse you would have to fear is from anyone who knows what you did and that should be exactly... no one.

Just stick a heavy pick in his skull and toss him overboard. The fact that there is blood in his room where he is sleeping leading to side of the boat where he was obviously tossed over doesn't implicate you. Just make sure no one sees you do it and make sure you have an alibi. Your alibi need not be better than anyone elses: sleeping.

I also think an audio recording is in order here. You have got the attention of the board and we demand mob justice! This is possibly more important than the actual resolution of the issue. If you manage to get video evidence of him crying I'll also chip in with a PDF. >:)

your a lizard , eat the turtle grab him and take out some bites eventually it will be dead and all thats left of him will reside in a chamber pot .
If someone asks pessimistically say " i dunno maybe i ate him" other characters will know that you had bad blood with the turtle in the past but the claim would be so wild that they would look some where else .

Make yourself a lovely new breastplate from the shell.

The party: "Oh My God! Tortle boy's been killed and thrown overboard!"

Lizard: "What? No wai!"

The party: "Is that a new turtle shell breastplate you're wearing?"

Lizard: "Oh, what this? Yeah it's nice isn't it"

The party: "Did you..."

Lizard: "Uh, no..."

The party: "Ok, phew! This soup is nice though"

Lizard: ":)"

Grand Lodge

You're probably right Lune. I am likely over thinking it. Even if there was a sniff of suspicion from the NPCs or other characters, they're likely to just want to not be involved, or be too scared to say anything. After some thought, I realized I am the biggest and strongest amongst the crew. So, I guess that helps.

Whatever you do decide, you clearly have to link him to this thread after you give him the hatchet.

1. Why would they suspect you? Its a ship full of pirates. This kind of thing is fairly common especially regarding traitors. (I realize the PCs aren't actual pirates, but the crew is, right?)

2. Even if they did suspect you would they even care? It sounds like the PCs wouldn't as their players don't. Honestly, the tortle seemed like a liability that they would be happy to be gone with.

3. If you pull off a murder where no one knows you did it then the whole situation strikes me as a "don't look the gift horse in the mouth" type situation. Don't question a good thing. Know what I mean?

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It seems to me like you are trying to play a "Captain Blood" type of character. You also mentioned that you are the biggest and strongest. Since your goal is to make sure that your race becomes the ultimate ones in the entire world, why are you accepting the monks insults? As well, all he does by giving away loot and discuss your plans with NPC's are hurting you and your race in trying to obtain that goal.

Challenge him to a duel the next time he does something like it. Tell him you will meet him in an hours time somewhere on the boats deck. Man to man, no throwing weapons, poisons, or any such things. Just blades, feet, hands and wits. If you win, he is to cease all such behavior. If he wins, well then it is clear that the gods wish for you to have more issues.
Leaving the area, using disallowed weapons, or falling unconscious from wounds is considered grounds to have lost.

Before the challenge takes place you have spoken with the other characters who are in on it. Pool some resources (money), and bribe part of the crew to listen in. Once they hear where the duel is taking place, they go there and scrub the entire place with soap...slippery, slippery, soap.

During this time you will off course have made sure to secure a form of "grippers" for your shoes. (If the other player is not aware that you have such things, agree with the GM that you do fake rolls, so it looks like your character is rolling to maintain balance as well) Now it is very likely that he will not have any DEX bonus for the majority of the fight. Any time he does make the save, you make sure to fight extremely defensively. Any time he fails the save, you attack.

Once he is down, you can choose; either coup de grace, or simply "fall" on top of him...and sort him out permanently using the dagger you had hid waiting for this opportunity.

Needless to say you should make sure that you use any buff you can, any advantage, any action you can get away. You are lawful evil, you play by the rules, but tweak them to your advantage. If you can get a +1 to hit for higher grounds, do it. If you can get a +1 to hit due to being able to avoid having the sun in your eyes, do it. Oh, and dont forget to read up on exactly what a monks abilities are, as well as what advantage you have over a character that has been denied his DEX-bonus.

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Being denied your dex bonus does not make you helpless. Neither does being prone. You are not subject to a coup de grace in these circumstances.

IMO, the best option to CDG him is in his sleep. No dual necessary. Garaunteed win.

Lune wrote:

Being denied your dex bonus does not make you helpless. Neither does being prone. You are not subject to a coup de grace in these circumstances.

IMO, the best option to CDG him is in his sleep. No dual necessary. Garaunteed win.

By "Once he is down" I mean when he has less than zero HP left. My apologies, I should have been clearer.

I seem to recall Long John Silver getting a guy drunk and shoving him overboard during a storm. That'd work.

Grand Lodge

Lune wrote:

Honestly, blackbloodtroll, I think you are over thinking it at this point. Think of this issue from the perspecitve of an outside observer NPC. In the post murder what would that NPC say if questioned about what happened to the turtle? Probably something like, "Dunno. I was sleepin. *yawn*" Right? Just make your response that and only if asked.

The other players already know and are likely going to go out of their way to make their characters oblivious to what actually happened so as to not be liable. The NPCs are likely pretty stupid and if your setup is done correctly then they shouldn't even notice until after the fact. The only recourse you would have to fear is from anyone who knows what you did and that should be exactly... no one.

Just stick a heavy pick in his skull and toss him overboard. The fact that there is blood in his room where he is sleeping leading to side of the boat where he was obviously tossed over doesn't implicate you. Just make sure no one sees you do it and make sure you have an alibi. Your alibi need not be better than anyone elses: sleeping.

I also think an audio recording is in order here. You have got the attention of the board and we demand mob justice! This is possibly more important than the actual resolution of the issue. If you manage to get video evidence of him crying I'll also chip in with a PDF. >:)

the players may be glad to be rid of him, but depending on how their characters feel about it there's still likely to be an investigation.

if it's likely all the characters on the ship will just accept a murder aboard ship as one of those "stuff happens" things, nothing to worry about. chances are they're not going to want to have a murderer on the loose that could threaten their lives, so having a scapegoat is a good idea just in case. plus it would be pretty unbelievable for a member of the party (even the annoying member everyone hates) to be murdered in his sleep and the rest of the party being perfectly fine with just leaving it as one of life's unexplained mysteries.

i'd consider this being as prepared as possible rather than overthinking it.

Grand Lodge

I was thinking of leaving the body, and inscribing a symbol of Asmodeus next to the body in the victim's blood. Putting a holy symbol of Asmodeus on the person of a NPC would set himup nicely. The other option of cleaning the scene and dumping the body overboard would deny the existence of a murder, and simply imply an accident.

Killing his character doesn't solve the problem.


He can make a new character. Even more annoying. Based on a half orc Carrot Top prop comic bard. That's just off the top of my head, no real concentrating. Sure this guy could come up with worse.

So, unless killing his character makes him leave entirely or see the light of day and realize you're 100% in the right here, which I'm starting to feel like 9 days of this Sicilian thing of a thread kinda makes me doubt, after much thought I predict that this whole thing is going to backfire on you like a bad I Love Lucy episode.

At this point, you have to figure out how to kill the character without the player knowing that you did it. Because you allready told the other players that you are going to do it, you've totally pissed away plausible deniability.

Hell.....are you sure they're not plotting with him to kill your character right now? I mean, I don't know.
But if turtle boy didn't annoy ME, but he annoyed YOU, and you were going to kill him over that,....hell, I'd help him kill your character.
I'd also be wondering who you were going to kill next. We might as well all stick it to you, dude. That'd be my take on the whole deal.

Don't listen to that Beej67 either.
He's like the kid who says "baddest man hit my hand!" to try and get the two kids who are scared to fight eachother to go to swinging.
He just wants to see some chaos, man.

Grand Lodge

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I have no plans to kill another character. As I stated, I play with the guy in a Star Wars Saga game, and his character is anything but annoying. He seems to get stuck on a concept, and refuses to alter, no matter what. I will let him know I did the deed after the fact. Hopefully this will entice him to produce a more likable character.

Just as long as they know that.

rhino43grr: The players are in control of how their characters feel about it. And since the player seem to be not only fine with it but actively encouraging it I can't see how there could be any backlash from them. And whether or not there is an investigation or not is dependant upon how the DM feels about it. Since the DM seems equally encouraging I somehow doubt there would be an investigation from the NPCs either. Honestly, and investigation of a murder aboard a pirate ship seems unlikely to begin with.

I think not only does it seem HIGHLY likely that the rest of the party would not only be fine with the tortle getting murdered in the night but also that the party would actually be happy at this unexpected turn of events.

Also, I don't think Spanky read the thread.

Spanky: I believe it would be highly likely that the player would either leave the game entirely after his character is killed or that there would be a serious discussion about how simply "playing your character how they would actually act" can still be detrimental to other's fun in the game. It would be pretty hard for him to argue that it isn't at that point if his character was just killed because someone else was simply "playing his character how they would actually act".

Besides that, BBT previously stated that he didn't think if the guy made a new character it would be as annoying as this. So either way, problem solved.

Also, to be specific it is no longer a simple matter of annoyance. Its a matter of the character treasonously giving away the plans of their party to the bad guys. Simply because he has to tell the truth. That is enough to get any pirate keel hauled.

And honestly, I'm not seeing a good reason to conceal the fact that you were the one who murderered his character to the player. In fact, I think it would be valuable to share that fact with him. I believe it would encourage some constructive dialog.

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I grow weary of your failure at the task set before you!

When is this audio recording going to hit my desk?

Grand Lodge

The delays come from the DM, to which I have no control over. Also, I have not promised a recording, but will do what I can to get one. You will be privately message should it become available.

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This is what I like to hear! May the dice rolls be ever with you!

lol, I could easily see that audio recording going viral.

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I am checking this thread everyday. Another strange thing is that I normally advise against PvP violence, but when I read BBT's post I was all for it.
The guy is so annoying it reaches through the internet. The gaming world will be a better place when BBT does the deed. :)

Of course maybe I am living vicariously thought BBT since there have been PC's I wanted to kill another PC when I was a player. :)

Liberty's Edge

I thought someone should point out that a Vow of Truth does not mean that he always has to tell NPCs everything. For a monk with such a vow, remaining silent is always an option. Per the rules, "If presented with circumstances where telling the truth would bring harm to another, the monk remains silent." And if he's trying to play the "this is in line with my character" you could point out that he's actually going directly against that portion of the "vow of truth" description when he gives away your plans.

If he doesn't like that, you can also make him take a Vow of Silence. Gets him some extra ki *and* shuts him up.

It was pointed out. The annoying player decided to read it how he wanted to be read, and said that by not speaking he was lying.

Lune wrote:

rhino43grr: The players are in control of how their characters feel about it. And since the player seem to be not only fine with it but actively encouraging it I can't see how there could be any backlash from them. And whether or not there is an investigation or not is dependant upon how the DM feels about it. Since the DM seems equally encouraging I somehow doubt there would be an investigation from the NPCs either. Honestly, and investigation of a murder aboard a pirate ship seems unlikely to begin with.

I think not only does it seem HIGHLY likely that the rest of the party would not only be fine with the tortle getting murdered in the night but also that the party would actually be happy at this unexpected turn of events.

Also, I don't think Spanky read the thread.

Spanky: I believe it would be highly likely that the player would either leave the game entirely after his character is killed or that there would be a serious discussion about how simply "playing your character how they would actually act" can still be detrimental to other's fun in the game. It would be pretty hard for him to argue that it isn't at that point if his character was just killed because someone else was simply "playing his character how they would actually act".

Besides that, BBT previously stated that he didn't think if the guy made a new character it would be as annoying as this. So either way, problem solved.

Also, to be specific it is no longer a simple matter of annoyance. Its a matter of the character treasonously giving away the plans of their party to the bad guys. Simply because he has to tell the truth. That is enough to get any pirate keel hauled.

And honestly, I'm not seeing a good reason to conceal the fact that you were the one who murderered his character to the player. In fact, I think it would be valuable to share that fact with him. I believe it would encourage some constructive dialog.

Right on; hope you're right.

I just have a bad feeling about the whole thing. I see a massive clusterf!#@ coming around the corner for this guy's whole scenario.

Have fun, and good luck, bbt.

I have only taken part in killing a fellow character once, and that was due to him sadistically killing the party pet pet. I did as my character would, and was supported by the other players, in killing this character, we as a group pretty much lost a friend, because the player could not handle the fact that his character was not a good idea.

Do I regret it? not really, He showed us (as a group of friends, not just players) that he was unwilling to control his actions, even if it meant others would have to pay.

As for an actual answer, dont just kill him without having a really good reason in game, in the right now. Otherwise you personally look like the bad guy because you plotted and planed on how to cause harm to the person, not the character. I would say talking is your best chance of handling it like adults.

wraithstrike: I thought the same thing. ha! Does it make me more of a geek or less of a geek to live vicariously through BBT?

Spanky: Of course I'm right. I'm always right (except for when I'm wrong). I don't see a CF coming. I think he is already in a CF. And since I don't see his current situation getting much worse its only downhill from here.

I think there is a little nerdrage in all of us. :)

Oh, also wanted to say I have also never recommended killing a party member and generally am starkly opposed to inter party conflict. However, when interparty conflict is brought to the party in the way it happened here then the killing of a party member may be in order if for no other reason than defense of the party.

You kill da tortle yet?

Yes, update please. Preferably with audio/video.

Kill him.

Then describe some completely humilitating way that you dispose of his characters body, such as cooking him into turtle spoup and feeding him unknowlingly to the party, or maybe a group of street urchins.

I cannot stand players who make deliberately annoying characters, but when they start interfereing with the adventure by active sabotage (such as telling the NPCs your plans and pissing off friendly people who now won't help you), then they've crossed a line and it's time for your character to solve the problem the way he would as if this was real life for him.

If the player gets hot about it, give him your reasons for your actions and stick to your guns. If he can't deal, then it's his problem. Hopefully the party has your back, but as I have discovered, there are just some people that are not worth playing with.

Grand Lodge

Sorry, not the time or inclanation to read 242 posts on this subject. Ultimately, this is a simple matter to resolve...
It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the DM/GM to ensure that all of the players are having an enjoyable experience...You are obviously not having said experience. If you are the only player with the problem, then you are the one who needs to leave, or change to a more suitable character.
If you are not the only player who is suffering from this distraction from rational gaming, then you AND the other players should address the situation in-game, or before game, AND with the DM/GM present to straighten him out. If the DM/GM does not have the force of personality to CONTROL his/her game then YOU need to look elsewhere. I have run D&D through 3 editions and 30 plus years and NEVER EVER tolerated a disruptive player. A group of 7 quickly turns to a solo night with a new game book if the DM/GM does not control the game.

SOLVE THE PROBLEM! Do not turn the other cheek if you are this unhappy enough to write out your frustrations....Scroll: 0 level orison: GROW A BACKBONE!

Silver Crusade

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Raike Blackthorne wrote:

Sorry, not the time or inclanation to read 242 posts on this subject. Ultimately, this is a simple matter to resolve...

Seems Raike Blackthorne thinks, incorrectly, that he has an opinion worth listening to even though he apparently does not have the time to read or pay any attention whatsoever to what's been said so far on the thread.

So, yes, it's a simple matter to resolve-- poster Blackthorne shouldn't comment at all if he's not going to pay any attention to what's already been discussed so far over the last couple'a hundred posts.

BBT I will be bumping this on Saturday. :)

Raike Blackthorne wrote:

Sorry, not the time or inclanation to read 242 posts on this subject. Ultimately, this is a simple matter to resolve...

It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the DM/GM to ensure that all of the players are having an enjoyable experience...You are obviously not having said experience. If you are the only player with the problem, then you are the one who needs to leave, or change to a more suitable character.
If you are not the only player who is suffering from this distraction from rational gaming, then you AND the other players should address the situation in-game, or before game, AND with the DM/GM present to straighten him out. If the DM/GM does not have the force of personality to CONTROL his/her game then YOU need to look elsewhere. I have run D&D through 3 editions and 30 plus years and NEVER EVER tolerated a disruptive player. A group of 7 quickly turns to a solo night with a new game book if the DM/GM does not control the game.

SOLVE THE PROBLEM! Do not turn the other cheek if you are this unhappy enough to write out your frustrations....Scroll: 0 level orison: GROW A BACKBONE!

The GM and all the other players have given the go-ahead to kill the tortle. The guy's character is going to die, and hopefully he'll learn a lesson.

Have you thought about poison? Use Dex poison in everyone's food, but use Con poison in his. That way he is the only one who mysteriously dies, and you seem above suspicion.

Depending on your class you can also feeble mind him, and walk him to the ocean from the ship deck.

OR........Simply start lying to his character, in every way possible. Exclude his character from every portion of the battle plan.

When he goes to tell the enemies the truth, he will be telling them inadvertent lies. Who knows, perhaps the DM will rule that he has broken his oath.

Perhaps you could be proactive and rob the NPCs that he gives a share of the loot to. When you rob the NPCs give them a trinket so that you can say they bought it.

Have him read some exploding runes scrolls. You can do this by placing a scroll on the door and putting on it instructions that say, "Do Not Read"

If his character has a high perception score, you could be on watch on a shift opposite his, and make noise or sounds so that he never gets another full night's sleep. Letting the next monster you run into kill him.

Perhaps catch him in the blast of an area effect spell or a bomb. Slip the DM a sheet of paper that says "I am throwing the bomb at the bad guy near the turtle in the hopes that the turtle is hit in the blast radius."

Grand Lodge

March 14 is the next game. I would prefer opinions not be riddled with put-downs. I will do what I can to have audio/video, but that is unlikely. The plan has been set, and discussed with the DM how it will go down.

Hmm, if I didn't live in Alaska, I could probably mail you my camera before then. Sometimes it sucks living in one of the most beautiful places one Earth.. oh who am I kidding? It's awesome here!

Seriously, if audio/video were possible, I'd love hear/watch it, but I know it's unlikely. I just want to read your accounts of the murder.

If he cries, and if I give you $75, will you bottle some of his tears for me?

Today is the day.

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