Paizo Forum Pantheon

Off-Topic Discussions

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Just thinking it would be fun to create some sort of Paizo Pantheon to highlight notable posters. ;p

So just nominate any poster and what position should be and domains you think they should control.

Joana- Lesser Deity of the PbP Forums

Domains: Knowledge, Community.

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This is sooooo dangerous. ;)


I'm nominating TOZ as the Great and Mysterious Head of the Pantheon

Domains: Life, Death, Knowledge

Sometimes I wonder if he's really Odin

*Wonders what sort of 'smiting' others may experience...*

Refer to this and that . No duplicates allowed.

Well derp. I guess I shouldn't have expected this to be new with the length of times these forums have been around. (Though the last time anyone posted in any of them was shortly before I even got into Tabletop RPGs)

I guess I should just necro some threads then?

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This will either be awesome or something I wished I hid. Depends on what domains I get.

I nominate Gary Teter as lord of justice, order, and community cohesion, who refuses to allow this forum to degenerate into anarchy. His domains shall be Law, Community, and Protection.

I hereby suggest that nobody gets the Good or Evil domains. Nobody.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I hereby suggest that nobody gets the Good or Evil domains. Nobody.

Well alignment could get tricky because TOZ could be described as Lawful/Chaotic Evil/Good Neutral.

Yea, nobody gets alignments, either. That way lies threadlocking.

Sovereign Court

Treppa, Goddess of Adoration

Domains: Charm, Community, Love, Puffins

Her main temple is located here, lead by High Priest Studpuffin.

sorry Treppa, I couldn't resist.

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Leafar, God of the Lost
Domains: law, travel, protection
Clery: His clerics seek out those who are lost in life and give them a purpose in life. His temples are in remote areas. He demands absolute devotion from his followers.

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Leafar the Lost, who already is a God.

*Wonders if they can reject these god's reality and substitute their own...*

Kelsey, you could be the Goddess of Creation and Freedom (Chaos :p)

I will also nominate Mister Fishy the God of Sarcasm and the Sea

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Huh, weird. My Lord and Master ninja'ed me by a minute yesterday, and I didn't even realize it 'til now.

Well, he is omnipresent and omniscient.

zylphryx wrote:

Treppa, Goddess of Adoration

Domains: Charm, Community, Love, Puffins

Her main temple is located here, lead by High Priest Studpuffin.

sorry Treppa, I couldn't resist.

LOL - I didn't notice this before 'cause I hid the thread, never expecting to be on it. You get to be an altar boy for this. ;)

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Yea, nobody gets alignments, either. That way lies threadlocking.

Haha. I doubt I would have been awarded the obvious one anyway.

Sovereign Court

Treppa wrote:
zylphryx wrote:

Treppa, Goddess of Adoration

Domains: Charm, Community, Love, Puffins

Her main temple is located here, lead by High Priest Studpuffin.

sorry Treppa, I couldn't resist.

LOL - I didn't notice this before 'cause I hid the thread, never expecting to be on it. You get to be an altar boy for this. ;)


<scurries off to find appropriate altar boy attire>

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Scott Betts, Defender of Wizards

Domains: Defense, Resolve, Oceans

I'm almost afraid to see what sort of portfolio I'd get, given my posts.

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Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:

Huh, weird. My Lord and Master ninja'ed me by a minute yesterday, and I didn't even realize it 'til now.

Well, he is omnipresent and omniscient.

I know all, my Acolyte. Prepare yourself for the End on 12/21/2012...

Didn't we do this already a couple of years ago?

Um Heathanson.. lord of warwolves and insanity.

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Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:
Leafar the Lost, who already is a God.

that refer must be really good.

This should be good...

...and I think Mikaze deserves a spot as the goddess of racial tolerance or something of that sort.

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AM BARBARIAN, lord of mounted combat, sandwiches, and keeping those evil casties at bay.

Domains: Air, War, Protection, Glory, Liberation, Strength, and Travel

Favored Weapon: Lance

Dark Archive

James Jacobs: dino god of knowledge, answers and elves (for Merisiel)
Jason B: dragon/bull god of rules writing? hmmmm

Ion Raven wrote:
Kelsey, you could be the Goddess of Creation and Freedom (Chaos :p)

No paladins? NO PALADINS? :D

What be my favored weapon?

TheAntiElite wrote:
I'm almost afraid to see what sort of portfolio I'd get, given my posts.


Silver Crusade

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What be my favored weapon?

Nocticula, Succubus Queen and Lady of Lust,

favors the handcrossbow, but that's a bust,
For Kelsey, a blunt weapon is a must.

For her posts are known for passion, not grace,
Therefore, I would suggest the light mace.
(And verily, I hope this does not cause Kelsey a grimace.)

Liberty's Edge

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Doodlebug Anklebiter, recently-ascended demigod of rebellion, trickery, and goblins. Noble Servant of Leafar the Loved and His Hand in the Eternal Revolution.
Domains: Chaos, Trickery, War.

Ajaxis wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What be my favored weapon?

Nocticula, Succubus Queen and Lady of Lust,

favors the handcrossbow, but that's a bust,
For Kelsey, a blunt weapon is a must.

For her posts are known for passion, not grace,
Therefore, I would suggest the light mace.
(And verily, I hope this does not cause Kelsey a grimace.)

Why light?

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
No paladins? NO PALADINS? :D

>:3 It's probably for the best, you'd prolly have arguments with you Pallies and then question why they don't like you. Jk

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What be my favored weapon?


I'm juggling between a whip and a crossbow.


Silver Crusade

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

Why light?

Because while there is a difference between what a deity uses and a favorite weapon, I assumed a succubus would have a weapon in one hand and being using natural attacks with the other. Plus, a succubus is not a physically powerful demon (STR 13), so my image is of a light mace.

And I was also considering a whip, but decided against it as too cliche.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

The exotic weapon, the Whip Bow (or Bow Whip). This magnificent contraption rolls up a whip in spindle and when it's released the whip crackles 10 feet forward causing 2d8 non lethal damage. It takes a full minute to reload unless the wielder is proficient with the Bow Whip in which case the reload time is reduced to a standard action.

Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.

"One of these things is not like the others; one of these things just doesn't belong."

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Ringtail wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.
"One of these things is not like the others; one of these things just doesn't belong."

Paladins belong EVERYWHERE.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

We already have this. It's called FAWTL.

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Ringtail wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.
"One of these things is not like the others; one of these things just doesn't belong."
Paladins belong EVERYWHERE.

Who said I was refering to paladins?

Silver Crusade

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.

My mistake.

In that case a broadsword I would suggest,
For a sword for broads would be the best
(I jest, I jest!)
To attack evil in its filthy nest,
And smite thine enemies to their final rest.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.

Doesn't that strike you as needlessly complicated?

Chris Nehren wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Wait. Succubus? I'm a Tiefling Paladin/Magus/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple.
Doesn't that strike you as needlessly complicated?

Yes, but I couldn't choose between a Paladin and a Gish. For a Gish, Dragon Disciple is great. Easy qualification and useful melee abilities.

I think you failed a Knowledge: Webcomics check, Kelsey.

Chris Nehren wrote:
I think you failed a Knowledge: Webcomics check, Kelsey.

No, I read OOTS, and I did recognize the reference. I just felt like giving a serious answer.

Silver Crusade

No Yellowdingo as a god of creation, madness, and vegemite?



Serious answer? We don't accept those things in these parts. <kicks Kelsey out of thread>
Now that I have your attention I vote for......., well myself.
Domains:Balance, Logic, and Good Taste

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