Poll: Which of these Three Weapon-Types Should Dwarves Fight With?

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POLL: Which of these Three Weapon-Types Should Drawves Fight With?


11 people marked this as a favorite.

Hammers, chisels, and Pick Axes, because Dwarves are miners.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Battle Axes, for some odd reason.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Light Sabers. If they can fight with Axes in underground tunnels, why not light sabers??

3 people marked this as a favorite.

=================== END OF CHOICES ======================


I always pictures the halls of the dwarves as fairly roomy. These are not tunnel rats, scurrying around on hands and knees with a dagger in their teeth. Further, it takes just as much room to swing a hammer as it does an axe.

I also like a nice, broad, stabby short sword for a dwarf, for when quarters get close.

I must confess, I favorited battle axes in large part because you are so clearly biased against them. Are you conducting the poll out of curiosity, or to (metaphorically and ironically) grind an axe.

GoatToucher wrote:
I must confess, I favorited battle axes in large part because you are so clearly biased against them.

This is called Reverse Pyschology, right? Maybe I wanted you to vote for Battle Axes.

GoatToucher wrote:
... or to (metaphorically and ironically) grind an axe.

Haha. Nice one.

Sovereign Court

So light sabers make the list, but not chainsaws? What kind of poll is this???

Dwarfs, Lumberjacks of the Dark Places.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shotguns would be the obvious choice. Fill the tunnel ahead of you with buckshot. Who needs to aim?

Hammers, chisels, and pick axes, because Dwarves are miners

You forgot explosives and cave-ins as choices...

Interesting ideas..

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I pefer it when dwarves fight using spiked armour and a weighted beer stien.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

"And my axe!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

None of the above. I say longspears, bills, and halberds.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadowborn wrote:
Shotguns would be the obvious choice. Fill the tunnel ahead of you with buckshot. Who needs to aim?

Ah, chainsaws and Boomsticks ... Dwarfs ala Sam Raimi ...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Bec De Corbins and Bohemian Earspoons for me! My dwarves love the 1E polearm selection!

Edit-seriously though, I'm with you on this one. I usually arm my Dwarves with picks and hammers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
zylphryx wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Shotguns would be the obvious choice. Fill the tunnel ahead of you with buckshot. Who needs to aim?
Ah, chainsaws and Boomsticks ... Dwarfs ala Sam Raimi ...

I could live with changing the archetype for dwarves to Ash from Evil Dead. It would be a refreshing change from boozing Scots in horned helmets.

Shadowborn wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Shotguns would be the obvious choice. Fill the tunnel ahead of you with buckshot. Who needs to aim?
Ah, chainsaws and Boomsticks ... Dwarfs ala Sam Raimi ...
I could live with changing the archetype for dwarves to Ash from Evil Dead. It would be a refreshing change from boozing Scots in horned helmets.

The ironic thing... is that Bruce Campbell is of Scottish descent.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A dwarf only needs their fists and their heads! Their fists to weaken it up and their heads to finish it off!!

The Dwarves would throw their poop just like their monkey cousins.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Real Dwarves use Bread!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
None of the above. I say longspears, bills, and halberds.

My dwarves tend to be awesome phalanx type fighters.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Halberds, spears, stabbing short swords and a decent spiked shield.

I stand by my choice

Swords and Spears Yo! Just like everyone else.

But yeah, Hammers, axes, and picks. And crossbows, big crossbows.

Ok. I'm calling this Poll a win for:

"Hammers, chisels, and Pick Axes, because Dwarves are miners."


Nice work people.


No, I'm serious, I think my vote was the deciding one.

Back in the day of hill and mountain dwarves the few dwarves I played tended to follow the weapon's of their people.

Shalafi2412 wrote:
Back in the day of hill and mountain dwarves the few dwarves I played tended to follow the weapon's of their people.

Was this in MERPS ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmmm... so many alternatives.

Two-handed swords, awl pikes, longbows and scythes - because dwarves are so badass they make room to use the weapons if there isn't already.

Monofilament whips, meson cannons and personal shields - because that's what real dwarves SHOULD have!

Lightsabers and chainsaws, or, preferably, chainsaw lightsabers - because there isn't a weapon that isn't cooler when glowing and HUMMing, and dwarves are all about cool weapons.

Maximized, empowered fireballs - dwarves have been able to cast magic for two whole editions by now. There is no excuse.

Glaive-glaive-glaive-guisarme-voulge-glaive-fauchards - because that's the roots of our game, and dwarves have great respect for traditions.

Falcatas - because dwarves can read the weapon tables too.

Or, you know... picks and hammers, because they are miners?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:

Hmmm... so many alternatives.

Two-handed swords, awl pikes, longbows and scythes - because dwarves are so badass they make room to use the weapons if there isn't already.

Monofilament whips, meson cannons and personal shields - because that's what real dwarves SHOULD have!

Lightsabers and chainsaws, or, preferably, chainsaw lightsabers - because there isn't a weapon that isn't cooler when glowing and HUMMing, and dwarves are all about cool weapons.

Maximized, empowered fireballs - dwarves have been able to cast magic for two whole editions by now. There is no excuse.

Glaive-glaive-glaive-guisarme-voulge-glaive-fauchards - because that's the roots of our game, and dwarves have great respect for traditions.

Falcatas - because dwarves can read the weapon tables too.

Or, you know... picks and hammers, because they are miners?

Yes, picks. Dont laugh, the 2 handed pick from 3.5 was (d8/x4). A pick bagged me my first pc death as a dm (level 2 barbarian did 70 some odd damage to the 3rd level pc) The hammers are more for throwing, tho. Plus I think warhammers are damn cool looking.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Dwarven Battle Bread

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Dwarven Battle Bread

Not at all what I was expecting. I was thinking less baguette and more Ukrainian loaf or pumpernickel. Definitely pumpernickel, it has a metal in its name, and as we've established, dwarves are miners.

Dorf's fighting with battle axes is as dumb as making them use laser beam ray guns.


Liberty's Edge

Me and me brethren o' the sea are very displeased at th' lack of tridents, cutlasses, an' guns on this 'ere list.

Hazgarr the Dwarven Pirate wrote:
Me and me brethren o' the sea are very displeased at th' lack of tridents, cutlasses, an' guns on this 'ere list.


That's because Dorfs are miners, and don't understand such things.


Liberty's Edge

Not on Finiens we ain't! We leave th' minin' to th' kobolds. Dwarves own the ocean, lad, an' can live their 'ole lives without ever touchin' dry ground if'n they're lucky an' 'ave Poseidon's blessin'. Much less goin' underground wit' th' lizards.





And if you get that reference, awesome points to you.


This is pretty much why dorfs should be removed from all fantasy products.


Liberty's Edge

Yer jus' jealous o' me ship. Or me beard. Or me booty. Either way ye can' handle th' swag.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Think a minute lass! How are we going to run our forges if we don't have any fuel? Sure we use coke when bituminous coal or lignite is available, or use special magma forges when we can, but far too often we can't and we have to use charcoal. Then we send our dwarven lumberjacks into the caves, or on to the surface if need be, to get lumber from giant mushrooms or from trees. Of course everybody knows that the dreaded trees have it out for dwarves, so our lumberjacks get lots of fighting experience. Hence why we developed better axes for fighting. Of course we also use hammers and picks and the like, but battleaxes are an essential part of our arsenal. Also, I'd like to see you cleave goblin head from their shoulders with a hammer!

The Exchange

I wonder if A more traditional historical fairytale choice is in order - A Dwarf Crafts a Black Spear (Fire hardened wood) for a human warrior to slay a Giant Boar that is terrorizing a kingdom...

Why not Fire hardened Wood weapons? Fire hardened Daggers, A Fire hardened club in the style of a Pick (a big wooden club with a wooden pick head).

Scarab Sages

I've always loved the concept of dwarf monks, so Lightsabers was an obvious choice.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Axes, because you don't want to be dulling your good tools with Orcish blood and bone.

EDIT: And what good are Lightsabers for weapons? Those Jedi are supposed to be expert saber wielders and they're always dropping the damn things. From what I've seen, a lightsaber would make a better tool for mining than it does a weapon.

Liberty's Edge

Grand Magus wrote:


This is pretty much why dorfs should be removed from all fantasy products.


Ya hidin' some pointy ears 'neath that white hair, ain't ya witch?


The correct answer is: Hammers, chisels, and Pick Axes, because Dwarves are miners.


The Exchange

Grand Magus wrote:


The correct answer is: Hammers, chisels, and Pick Axes, because Dwarves are miners.


It would have to be Lightsabers because they upgraded to Quantum filament tunnel cutters.

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